About sbrk() and malloc() - c

I've read the linux manual about sbrk() thoroughly:
sbrk() changes the location of the program break, which defines the end
of the process's data segment (i.e., the program break is the first
location after the end of the uninitialized data segment).
And I do know that user space memory's organization is like the following:
The problem is:
When I call sbrk(1), why does it say I am increasing the size of heap? As the manual says, I am changing the end position of "data segment & bss". So, what increases should be the size of data segment & bss, right?

The data and bss segments are a fixed size. The space allocated to the process after the end of those segments is therefore not a part of those segments; it is merely contiguous with them. And that space is called the heap space and is used for dynamic memory allocation.
If you want to regard it as 'extending the data/bss segment', that's fine too. It won't make any difference to the behaviour of the program, or the space that's allocated, or anything.
The manual page on Mac OS X indicates you really shouldn't be using them very much:
The brk and sbrk functions are historical curiosities left over from earlier days before the advent of virtual memory management. The brk() function sets the break or lowest address of a process's data segment (uninitialized data) to addr (immediately above bss). Data addressing is restricted between addr and the lowest stack pointer to the stack segment. Memory is allocated by brk in page size pieces; if addr is not evenly divisible by the system page size, it is increased to the next page boundary.
The current value of the program break is reliably returned by sbrk(0) (see also end(3)). The getrlimit(2) system call may be used to determine the maximum permissible size of the data segment; it will not be possible to set the break beyond the rlim_max value returned from a call to getrlimit, e.g. etext + rlp->rlim_max (see end(3) for the definition of etext).
It is mildly exasperating that I can't find a manual page for end(3), despite the pointers to look at it. Even this (slightly old) manual page for sbrk() does not have a link for it.

Notice that today sbrk(2) is rarely used. Most malloc implementations are using mmap(2) -at least for large allocations- to acquire a memory segment (and munmap to release it). Quite often, free simply marks a memory zone to be reusable by some future malloc (and does not release any memory to the Linux kernel).
(so practically, the heap of a modern linux process is made of several segments, so is more subtle than your picture; and multi-threaded processes have one stack per thread)
Use proc(5), notably /proc/self/maps and /proc/$pid/maps, to understand the virtual address space of some process. Try first to understand the output of cat /proc/self/maps (showing the address space of that cat command) and of cat /proc/$$/maps (showing the address space of your shell). Try also to look at the maps pseudo-file for your web browser (e.g. cat /proc/$(pidof firefox)/maps or cat /proc/$(pidof iceweasel)/maps etc...); I have more than a thousand lines (so process segments) in it.
Use strace(1) to understand the system calls done by a given command or process.
Take advantage that on Linux most (and probably all) C standard library implementations are free software, so you can study their source code. The source code of musl-libc is quite easy to read.
Read also about ELF, ASLR, dynamic linking & ld-linux(8), and the Advanced Linux Programming book then syscalls(2)


About memory allocation, does C malloc/calloc depends on Linux mmap/malloc or the opposite?

As far as I know, C has the following functions, e.g: malloc, calloc, realloc, to allocate memory. And the linux kernel also has the following functions, e.g: malloc, mmap, kmalloc, vmalloc... to allocate memory.
I want to know which is the lowest function.
If you say, "Linux kernel is the lowest function, your C program must allocate memory with Linux kernel", then how does the Linux kernel allocate it's own memory?
Or if you say, "Linux kernel is the lowest function.", then when I write a C program and run in the Linux system, to allocate memory, I should through the system call.
Hope to have an answer.
I want to know which is the lowest function.
The user-level malloc function calls brk or malloc (depending on the library used and depending on the Linux version).
... how does the Linux kernel allocate it's own memory?
On a system without MMU this is easy:
Let's say we have system with 8 MB RAM and we know that the address of the RAM is 0x20000000 to 0x20800000.
The kernel contains an array that contains information about which pages are in use. Let's say the size of a "page" is 0x1000 (this is the page size in x86 systems with MMU).
In old Linux versions the array was named mem_map. Each element in the array corresponds to one memory "page". It is zero if the page is free.
When the system is started, the kernel itself initializes this array (writes the initial values in the array).
If the kernel needs one page of memory, it searches for an element in the array whose value is 0. Let's say mem_map[0x123] is 0. The kernel now sets mem_map[0x123]=1;. mem_map[0x123] corresponds to the address 0x20123000, so the kernel "allocated" some memory at address 0x20123000.
If the kernel wants to "free" some memory at address 0x20234000, it simply sets mem_map[0x234]=0;.
On a system with MMU, it is a bit more complicated but the principle is the same.
On the linux OS, the C functions malloc, calloc, realloc used by user mode programs are implemented in the C library and handle pages of memory mapped in the process address space using the mmap system call. mmap associates pages of virtual memory with addresses in the process address space. When the process then accesses these addresses, actual RAM is mapped by the kernel to this virtual space. Not every call to malloc maps memory pages, only those for which not enough space was already requested from the system.
In the kernel space, a similar process takes place but the caller can require that the RAM be mapped immediately.

How to know the full size of memory allocated for a single program in C?

To check the program total memory allocated at end of a program, Since i used free() function for deallocating an array .
There is no standard way to know that, and the notion of "full size of memory" is not well defined (and its "allocation" could happen outside and independently of malloc, e.g. on Linux by direct calls to mmap(2) etc...)
In practice (assuming your code is running in a process on some common operating system on a desktop or laptop), think instead in terms of virtual address space.
Read Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (freely downloadable).
On Linux (but this is Linux specific) you could use /proc/ (see proc(5) for details) to query the kernel about the virtual address space and the status of some process. For a process of pid 1234, see /proc/1234/maps and /proc/1234/status etc.
You could (and probably should) use valgrind to hunt memory leaks.
With GNU glibc, you also have mallinfo(3) & malloc_stats(3) (but they are non-standard) etc...
Be aware that malloc and free uses lower-level system calls such as mmap(2) & munmap (or the older sbrk(2), etc...) to change the virtual address space, but that free usually don't release memory to the kernel with munmap but prefers to keep and mark the freed memory zone for future usage by malloc.
You could use other implementations of malloc if you really wanted to (or even provide your own one). But you generally should not.

process allocated memory blocks from kernel

i need to have reliable measurement of allocated memory in a linux process. I've been looking into mallinfo but i've read that it is deprecated. What is the state of the art alternative for this sort of statistics?
basically i'm interested in at least two numbers:
number (and size) of allocated memory blocks/pages from the kernel by any malloc or whatever implementation uses the C library of choice
(optional but still important) number of allocated memory by userspace code (via malloc, new, etc.) minus the deallocated memory by it (via free, delete, etc.)
one possibility i have is to override malloc calls with LD_PRELOAD, but it might introduce an unwanted overhead at runtime, also it might not interact properly with other libraries i'm using that also rely on LD_PRELOAD aop-ness.
another possibility i've read is with rusage.
To be clear, this is NOT for debugging purposes, the memory usage is intrinsic feature of the application (similar to Mathematica or Matlab that display the amount of memory used, only that more precise at the block-level)
For this purpose - a "memory usage" introspection feature within an application - the most appropriate interface is malloc_hook(3). These are GNU extensions that allow you to hook every malloc(), realloc() and free() call, maintaining your statistics.
To see how much memory is mapped by your application from the kernel's point of view, you can read and collate the information in the /proc/self/smaps pseudofile. This also lets you see how much of each allocation is resident, swapped, shared/private, clean/dirty etc.
/proc/PID/status contains a few useful pieces of information (try running cat /proc/$$/status for example).
VmPeak is the largest your process's virtual memory space ever became during its execution. This includes all pages mapped into your process, including executable pages, mmap'ed files, stack, and heap.
VmSize is the current size of your process's virtual memory space.
VmRSS is the Resident Set Size of your process; i.e., how much of it is taking up physical RAM right now. (A typical process will have lots of stuff mapped that it never uses, like most of the C library. If no processes need a page, eventually it will be evicted and become non-resident. RSS measures the pages that remain resident and are mapped into your process.)
VmHWM is the High Water Mark of VmRSS; i.e. the highest that number has been during the lifetime of the process.
VmData is the size of your process's "data" segment; i.e., roughly its heap usage. Note that small blocks on which you have done malloc and then free will still be in use from the kernel's point of view; large blocks will actually be returned to the kernel when freed. (If memory serves, "large" means greater than 128k for current glibc.) This is probably the closest to what you are looking for.
These measurements are probably better than trying to track malloc and free, since they indicate what is "really going on" from a system-wide point of view. Just because you have called free() on some memory, that does not mean it has been returned to the system for other processes to use.

What is program break? Where does it start from,0x00?

int brk(void *end_data_segment);
void *sbrk(intptr_t increment);
Calling sbrk() with an increment of
can be used to find the current location of the program break.
What is program break? Where does it start from,0x00?
A process has several segments of memory:
Code (text) segment, which contains the code to be executed.
Data segment, which contains data the compiler knows about (globals and statics).
Stack segment, which contains (drumroll...) the stack.
(Of course, nowadays it's much more complex. There is a rodata segment, a uninitialized data segment, mappings allocated via mmap, a vdso, ...)
One traditional way a program can request more memory in a Unix-like OS is to increment the size of the data segment, and use a memory allocator (i.e. malloc() implementation) to manage the resulting space. This is done via the brk() system call, which changes the point where the data segment "breaks"/ends.
A program break is end of the process's data segment. AKA...
the program break is the first
location after the end of the
uninitialized data segment
As to where it starts from, it's system dependent but probably not 0x00.
These days, sbrk(2) (and brk) are nearly obsolete system calls (and you can nearly forget about them and ignore the old notion of break; focus on understanding mmap(2)). Notice that the sbrk(2) man page says in its NOTES :
Avoid using brk() and sbrk(): the malloc(3) memory allocation package
is the portable and comfortable way of allocating memory.
(emphasis mine)
Most implementations of malloc(3) (notably the one in musl-libc) are rather using mmap(2) to require memory - and increase their virtual address space - from the kernel (look at that virtual address space wikipage, it has a nice picture). Some malloc-s use sbrk for small allocations, mmap for large ones.
Use strace(1) to find out the system calls (listed in syscalls(2)) done by some given process or command. BTW you'll then find that bash and ls (and probably many other programs) don't make a single call to sbrk.
Explore the virtual address space of some process by using proc(5). Try cat /proc/$$/maps and cat /proc/self/maps and even cat /proc/$$/smaps and read a bit to understand the output.
Be aware of ASLR & vdso(7).
And sbrk is not very thread friendly.
(my answer focuses on Linux)
You are saying that sbrk() is an obsolute system call and that we should use malloc(), but malloc(), according to her documentation, when allocating less memory than 128 KiB (32 pages) uses it. So we shouldn´t use sbrk() directly, but malloc() use it, if allocation is bigger than 128 KiB then malloc() uses mmap() that allocates private pages to the userspace.
Finally its a good idea to understand sbrk(), at least for understanding the "Program Break" concept.
Based on the following widely used diagram:
program break, which is also known as brk in many articles, points to the address of heap segment's end.
When you call malloc, it changes the address of program break.

Is there a function to set a process stack/heap memory allocation?

I know this is an OS function. But is there a way of increasing your overall stack or heap size through C? sbrk() is used to change the size of data segment right? Does this imply both stack and heap?
You mentioned sbrk(), so I'm going to assume you mean Unix/Linux. sbrk() will change the size of the data segment, but usually the stack is in a different memory space than the data segment, to keep people from overwriting the stack and doing evil things. Typically you'll set your stack size before you start the program running by using ulimit from your shell.
Note: sbrk() is deprecated in favor of malloc().
The Open Unix specification defines (and Linux implements) the getrlimit() and setrlimit() functions, which also allow you to play with system limits.
Virtual memory OSes (when using a CPU with MMU) automatically grow the data/stack segment when needed, up to a maximum. On POSIX systems the maximums can be configured using setrlimit(), as W. Craig Trader said. POSIX defines RLIMIT_DATA, RLIMIT_STACK and RLIMIT_AS for the limits.
malloc() internally uses brk() to grow/shrink the data segment, or mmap()/munmap(), to request/release memory mappings. The stack is grown when the CPU tries to access memory below the allocated stack.
On systems with no MMU (e.g. uClinux), the executable file format usually has a field for the stack size (take a look at the BFLT file format, for instance).
