Ng-class not working in Popup template Ionic. What am I doing wrong? - angularjs

I've been tinkering around a bit with AngularJS and the Ionic framework. Now I would like to display 12 buttons inside a popup. I have this all working, but I would like the buttons to switch appearance when they got pressed.
<p>Fill in catergory name</p>
<input type="text" placeholder="Rent">
<br />
<br />
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-25"><button class="button button-outline" id="button12in" ng-class="button12 ? 'button12in' : 'button12inpress'" ng-click="button12 = !button12">
As you can see I've been trying with button 12.
$scope.button12 = false;
#button12in {background-color: #51FF00;}
#button12inpress{border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-width: 4px;background-color: #51FF00;}
So the idea is that clicking on the button will change the state of $scope.button12. The result of this would be that via the ng-class the button will change style! but for some reason, this is not possible. It picks up the changed state of button12 but the ng-class isn't working in all kinds of syntax I've tried

I think it should be
ng-class="{'class': trueOrFalse}"
To apply different classes when different expressions evaluate to true:
<div ng-class="{class1 : expression1, class2 : expression2}">
Hello World!
To apply multiple classes when an expression holds true:
<!-- notice expression1 used twice -->
<div ng-class="{class1 : expression1, class2 : expression1}">
Hello World!
or quite simply:
<div ng-class="{'class1 class2' : expression1}">
Hello World!
Notice the single quotes surrounding css classes.
or check this Adding multiple class using ng-class

Don't use your flag directly on $scope , but rather try setting the flag on an object on $scope
Use $scope.flagContainer.button12 instead of $scope.button12
$scope.flagContainer = {
button12 : false
Now change it view accordingly


Set condition to style expression

I read about ngClass in angularjs docs looked at different issues, but i still dont understand how to solve my simple problem with angular...
I have a simple button in html
<div class="form-group">
<button ng-click="displayMessage();">Change color</button>
By click on this button, function displayMessage analyze input-field (i didnt show it here) and returns one message from three, it depends from condition.
$scope.message = firstMessage;
$scope.message = secondMessage;
$scope.message = thirdMessage;
This message is expression. And validates with "if" in my app.js
<div class="form-group message">
And my problem is to change style of my message depending what message now is showing.
For example if it validates with firstMessage - this message should be green.
If it secondMessage - yellow...
And so on.
As i understand i need to manipulate with ng-class, but i could imagine how it works without good example
Store message and class associated with it in an object and use it in your html
$scope.message = {
"message" : "firstMessage",
"class" : "red"
<div ng-class="message.class" class="form-group message">
in CSS
.red {
//whatever styling you want
Please have a look at plunker

AngularJS : How do i override directive's style in my view?

I am calling error-stuff directive in my view as below and i am trying to override the directive's padding 15px to 0px in my view which is not working. So my div1's value and div2's values are not in a straight line since div2 takes more padding in my view.
Oops !!! Its look like something going wrong !!! Please try again later ...
<div id="div1" class="row">
<div class="pull-left">
<span>Error :</span>
<div id="div2" style="padding:0px; vertical-align:top">
The html template on the error-stuff directive as below
<div class="error-class">
<span>Oops !!! Its look like something going wrong !!! Please try again later
... </span>
in my app.css
So how do i make div1 and div2 content in straight line by overriding the directives padding:15px to padding:0px?
Assuming error-stuff is used somewhere else and you can't change the global css, in this case you can use a targeted override by specifying the parent in css
#div2 .error-class {
padding: 0;

Angular: a part of view does not update

I have a directive template with the following code
<div class="colorpicker">
<div>Chosen color</div>
<div class="color_swatch" style="background-color: {{ngModel}}"> </div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div>Standard colors</div>
<div class="color_squares">
<div ng-repeat="color in colorList">{{color.trim() == ngModel.trim()}} //does not update
<div class="color_swatch" style="background-color: {{ color }};"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
In the directive, I update the ngmodel using the below code to the color that was clicked - the div next to "chosen color" is updated with the selected color.
But, the expression "{{color.trim() == ngModel.trim()}}" always amounts to false.
{{color.trim() == ngModel.trim()}}
I have debugged the code and the values are exactly the same.
What I am missing?
This is probably because your variable is precisely named 'ngModel' see that article for more explanation :
To resume this article : never use raw fields use always a dot. So in your scope change
And in your html change ngModel by data.ngModel.
When using dot you may have some undefined error, this is because you have to initialize the object :
Of course you can jsut rename your variable, but you may still have a problem with others directives.
I solved this by removing curly braces around color and using ng-style
<div class="color_swatch" id="colorpicker_selected_color" ng-style="{'background-color': selectedColor}" > </div>

How to disable content based on checkbox in AngularJS/Bootstrap3

I am creating a form where the user can configure a recurring event, so there are a large number of controls. At the top is a checkbox to enable/disable the schedule.
How can I disable, but not hide, the entire section based on the checkbox? If it is checked, the user should be able to make modifications to the schedule. If it is not checked, no changes should be allowed.
I'm fairly certain I can use the ng-disabled directive on each control, but I'd like to set some attribute/class on the entire container, rather than on each individual control.
I am using Bootstrap 3, so if there is a class that would provide this functionality, that would be an acceptable solution as well.
Here is the relevant section of the HTML:
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="status" title="Enable/Disable Schedule" /> <b>Schedule the task to run:</b>
<div class="row"> <!-- need a way to disable this row based on the checkbox -->
<span>Every <input type="number" ng-model="interval" />
<select ng-model="frequency"
ng-options="freq as for freq in frequencies"></select>
On these days:
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-checkbox">
<button type="button"
ng-repeat="day in days">{{}}</button>
I have tried:
<div class="row" ng-disabled="!status">
It didn't work, and based on the docs, it doesn't look like it is even supposed to, as its intended use is for disabling form controls. I also tried without the !, just to validate that it wouldn't work either.
OK, I found a technique that works for my purposes...
<div class="row" ng-class="{disabled: !status}"> <!-- added ng-class here -->
.disabled {
z-index: 1000;
background-color: lightgrey;
opacity: 0.6;
pointer-events: none;
This prevents clicks on the page and gives a nice visual indication of the section being "disabled".
It does not prevent me from tabbing through the controls, but it works OK for my purposes.

Using a Conditional Statement in AngularUI's Collapse Directive

Can I place a conditional statement into the collapse directive for AngularUI?
I have the following setup, which has 3 radio-style buttons:
<div class="controls controls-row">
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-radio">
<button type="button" class="btn" ng-model="radioPurpose" btn-radio="'meeting'">Meeting</button>
<button type="button" class="btn" ng-model="radioPurpose" btn-radio="'tour'">Tour</button>
<button type="button" class="btn" ng-model="radioPurpose" btn-radio="'other'">Other...</button>
<div class="controls controls-row">
<textarea class="span6" placeholder="Why are you here?" ng-model="textPurpose" collapse="{{ radioPurpose == 'other' }}"></textarea>
I would like textarea to show/hide according to the value of the radioPurpose buttons. I know the statement is evaluating to true at the appropriate time, but the directive always shows the textarea.
Copied answer from comment:
I haven't used AngularUI, but I'm guessing collapse expects an expression. Remove the curly braces: collapse="radioPurpose == 'other'"
Collapse is actually not the best way of doing a simple show/hide. A collapsed item has its height set to 0, rather than being set to display: none; it might not always have the effect you're expecting. I would suggest instead using ng-show or ng-hide.
I saw that you solved it, and so did I and can share my JSFiddle; Toggle Collapse with Radiobuttons.
However, I see what S McCrohan mean, since I got a problem in my app. The collapse for the table did not work fully in my app first, since it collapsed but left the top row visible. It seems to require that you separate the divs, i.e. a div with collapse and a div with span# class, like following...:
<div collapse="chartCollapsed">
<div class="span12 well well-small">
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;"></div>
<div collapse="tableCollapsed">
<div class="span12">
