Is this database structure designed efficiently? - database

I need to setup a DB where users can create categories within categories and inside the categories are multiple objects with multiple different stats
hierarchy example:
Cartoon > category
Simpsons > category (within the cartoon category)
Homer > object
Homer object stats > stupidity: 117
Homer object stats > color: yellow
I cant just make a table like:
|character| Stupidy | color |
|Homer | 111 |yellow |
because i need the users to be able to take away and add different object stats on their own (like add a stat of weight and remove color stats) for each object the stat types will be different plus with thousands of categories i don't want thousands of tables being generated by the users for the different objects.
My DB setup is in the google spreadsheet below which I feel works but I'm not the best with DB setups so I'm checking if there are some improvements.
I need to be able to display tables from the data displaying all item values that have a relationships with certain categories and/ or objects e.g. all simpsons characters weights or just homers weight.

Here is your database design:
There may be many categories and each category may have many sub categories
Each sub category may have many objects and
Each object may have many keys and values


In MongoDB/React what is the best practice for filtering data?

I came here today with a theoretical question. (hint: it will be long and tough, but to fully understand the problem I think I have to write every important detail. If you read it to the end huge thanks for you, you're not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed)
Story time: I'm currently building an online shop from 0. It has the same principles as an ebay: users can create advertisment for their used products. The problem is that I want to create a filtering feautre.
What is my MongoDB data structure?
My page has products with different attributes, by this I mean that the products have varying categories and values. To imagine here is an example
Product A:
Product B:
To be more complex each user can define maximum 3 more extra category and value for each product. So for example User1 adds 2 new category and the final product will be:
Product A:
Number of seats:4
Fuel type: Gasoline
Because of the above mentioned when a user adds a new product there will be two type of categories: the static ones which are predefined by me(Category,Type,Color -> in car's case) and the dynamic ones which the user adds (Number of seats, Fuel Type or anything else).
Overall: My final data structure in mongoDB is not static, since there are some added categories. Because of this I have a Product collection and each document looks like the above mentioned example
How are the items shown?
I have a main page. When I populate it I make a call with $skip and a $limit attribute set to 8, so for the first time I only query 8 products. If a user clicks on a Load More button it will load another 8 product and so on.
FINALLY: My actual question ...
So at this point I guess you understand everything related to the business logic so it's time for my question: if I want to filter these dynamic products, but i don't know what is the best practice for it?
My idea:
First create a mongoDB collection named Categories. Each main category will be a document in it and we will store static and dynamic categories and values
userdefiend:[{number of seats:[2,4,5,6]},{fuel type:[Gasoline,Air,Diesel]}]
We load the the values in the main page if a user clicks a specific value ex:BMW we set a limit to 8 and go through on our Product collection and get the 8 items which has a Type:BMW. If he selects another option ex: color:Red we loop again through the collection but now with two criteria: Type:BMW and color:Red.
Idea2: Create a Category collection again with this structure
BMW:[prodA, prodC,prodD]
...values:products which contains
categoryName:Number of seats
4:[prodA, prodD],
If a user selects from Type category the BMW we load the products from the BMW fields [prodA,prodC,prodD]. If the user selects Number of seat category with a value 4 we load the [prodA, prodD] and on the webpage we use a filter with our actual products so it remains only [prodA,prodD]. And from our actual list we use findById for the specific products.
I think that these are not the best options from any perspective, but I am really confused.
What do you guys think how should I structure my categories/products to have an efficent read/write/update complexity?
Anyways thank you for reading this and if you made it until here I'm curious about your idea. Have a nice day
The filtering functionality
To don't have any confusion this is my filtering idea: When a user selects a main category for example Car or Electronics I want to show only the relevant filtering categories and options. Filtering categories in Car's case are Type and Color.
I want these filtering options to have pre-poupulated options. By this I mean, that if a filtering category is Type, and there are 2 Products which has Type:BMW and Type:Ferrari I want to show these values as options for filtering. And I don't want to hardcode these options, for example I hardcoded Type:Laborghini and I have no products with type Laborghini.
By the end if a user clicks to a Type:BMW I will filter all of my products based on that criteria.
My filtering side menu will look like this:
Type: BMW,Ferrari (these values exists in my database)
And for user-added categories I will build a searchbar, if a user selects a userdefiened category I want to add to the filtering categories so the overall look would look like this:
Type: BMW,Ferrari (these values exists in my database)
Number of seats:4,6,7 (number of seats category is added by user, 4,6,7 are the existing values to this category)
You could structure Your data like having a generic Products collection. Having both
Product A:
Product B:
rows. Whenever you show the filter component, you can select the available categories by using an Aggregate (
This would generate search boxes like "Creator", "Category", "Type", "Color", "Producer".
The data itself would be as generic as possible.
When the user wants to add a new product, it starts out from a template, like "Car" or "Electronics". The Templates collection gives him the initial values, which should be included. So it would be like:
{Car: [{type:[BMW,Mustang,Ferrari]},{color:[red,green,blue]}],
Electronics: ... }
Selecting a Car would generate the "type" and "color" input boxes. Saving the form would insert the new row into Products.

Get value of unknown keys

This is my firebase database structure in the image :
I'll explain the structure aswell,
I have a forum, which people can post trades in.
Every post has some random user key as you can see in the picture.
Also every post has a list of items which the user wants to sell or buy ('have' or 'want', in the image).
the number of items in each trade can change from 1 to 10.
I want to fetch all of the forum posts of the users that are selling ( or buying ) with some item id.
For example : Get forum posts of users selling items with 'Id' of 'Some Item Name'
How do I do this? I can't seem to get reference to each item in the inventory
since you can't do multiple orderByChild.
If you think it's impossible with this DB structure, Please offer me an alternative.
I want to know whether I'm wasting my time with firebase and this is impossible to do :(
Please note that I have a lot of data in my DB so I can't just filter the posts on the client side.
Either you can change your database structure OR You can create a different node which can contain the metadata of all the "have" OR "want" items with the itemID, userID and "have" or "want" node child number(in this case it should be 0-9, as there are 10 items in each type). So whenever you are saving/deleting you data from "have" or "want" section you have to do the same operation in the other new metadata table also.
You can run your query on this node to get the desired item and then with the help of result data you get those particular items directly by creating a reference at runtime as you are having userId, have or want type, itemId.
your metadata should be something like.
|-type : "have" or "want"
|-userId : "randonId of user".( shown in picture)
|-Id: "Breakout Type-S"
|-childOnNode: 0, (0-9)
|-type : "have" or "want"
|-userId : "randonId of user".( shown in picture)
|-Id: "Breakout"
|-childOnNode: 0, (0-9)

Many to Many Database Relationship Design - to enable Word Clouds

I'm relatively new to database design and struggling to introduce a many-to-many relationship in a SSAS Tabular model.
I have some 'WordGroup' performance data in one table, like so;
WordGroup | IndexedVolume
Dining | 1,000
Sports | 2,000
Movies | 1,600
... and so on
Then I have 'Words' contained within these 'WordGroups' sitting in another category table, like so;
WordGroup | Word
Dining | Restaurant
Dining | Food
Dining | Dinner
Sports | Football
Sports | Basketball
... and so on
I can't see Performance data (IndexedVolume) by 'Word' detail - only by the 'WordGroup' that it is contained within. For example above, I can't look at 'Football' IndexedVolume on it's own, I can only choose the 'Sports' WordGroup that contains Football.
However, when analysing by 'WordGroup' I would still like users to understand what 'Words' are included (ideally in a Word Cloud Visualisation). Therefore, I wanted to develop a relationship between these two tables, so when someone chooses a Word Group (or multiple) we can return the Words that are contained within the Word Group(s) - i.e. below.
User selects Dining WordGroup
<<<Word Cloud or Flat Table would show Words below>>>
I looked at Concatenate / Strings etc, but was deterred as the detail here is much more complex and each WordGroup may contain 10+ Words, with translations.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
If analizing by WordGroup is an obligatory requirement, you sholud use these tables:
The many-to-many aplies beacuse your words may be conected to one or more groups, e.g. tree is conected to enviroment, forest, etc.
and obviously one word_group is conected to many words.
To see performance data by Word use :
select w.idword ,, sum(wg.index_volume)
from word w
left join word_group_has_word wgw
on w.idword=wgw.word_id
left join word_group wg
on wg.idword_group=wgw.word_group_id
group by w.idword
So you will see the sum of all the index volume of all the group_words conected to the words. ANd if you wanna see the words conected to the word groups use:
select distinct w.idword ,
from word w
left join word_group_has_word wgw
on w.idword=wgw.word_id
where wgw.word_group_id in [listWordGroupsId]

Database design for voting

I am implementing a voting feature to allow users to vote for their favourite images. They are able to vote for only 3 images. Nothing more or less. Therefore, I am using checkboxes to do validation for it. I need to store these votes in my database.
Here is what i have so far :
|voteID | name| emailAddress| ICNo |imageID
(where imageID is a foreign key to the Images table)
I'm still learning about database systems and I feel like this isn't a good database design considering some of the fields like email address and IC Number have to be repeated.
For example,
|voteID | name| emailAddress | ICNo | imageID
1 BG G822A28A 10
2 BG G822A28A 11
3 BG G822A28A 12
4 MO G111283Z 10
You have three "things" in your system - images, people, and votes.
An image can have multiple votes (from different people), and a person can have multiple votes (for different images).
One way to represent this in a diagram is as follows:
So you store information about a person in one place (the Person table), about Images in one place (the Images table), and Votes in one place. The "chicken feet" relationships between them show that one person can have many votes, and one image can have many votes. ("Many" meaning "more than one").

Way to make collection in a form like a choice with Symfony2

I'm trying to make a form for a House entity in which the user can add many shops arond the house and foreach the distance between the house and the shop.
So the database looks like this:
So it looks like a many to many but it isn't (because of the distance).
I want to add to the house form all the shops and foreach shop:
[Checkbox] [ShopName] [distanceTextBox]
Then the house_rel_shop contains only selected shop, but ALL the shops are listed in the form.
To make sense with the database structure, the symfony form type should be "collection" (because it is a one to many relation), but i can figure out the way to do this.
Any idea / clue of how to do this ?
