BootStrap Version Compatibily with Angular Bootstrap - angularjs

Which BootStrap local CSS version is compatible to use with AngularJS tpls 0.14.3 version?

I am using version 3.3.5 with no issues. I've been testing with 3.3.6 and have found no problems so far.


tether-shepherd not compatible with angular version 1.7.0

Earlier I was using angular version 1.5 and angular sanitize version 1.5. But now I have updated my dependency from version 1.5 to 1.7 for both angular and angular sanitize and in the updated version Shepard cards are not working.
So anybody have any idea if there is any compatibility issue between tether-shepherd 1.8.1 and angular 1.7.
Not working means Shepard card not coming up on page when it is supposed to be.
Thanks in advance...

can i build apps with ionic using angular version 1

I want to know that can i use ionic with angular version 1 to builds App.
If yes than which version of ionic will matter in that case, means which version of ionic have to use with angular version 1.
Can i use the latest ionic version with angular version 1.I searched out but did not find any detail answer
Ionic V1 docs supports angular version1. You need to install the Ionic version 2.2.1 and you can use the ionic framework docs v1 in your application with angular 1.
npm install -g ionic#2.2.1
use this command to install ionic.
I hope this will help you.

Fuse WithinPixels Library Versions

this is the library which I want to use in my project. But, before buying it i want to know the library version on which it is based upon. I wanted to know which version on angular.material library it is using so that it doesn't conflicts with the one that I'm using in my current project. I'm using v0.11.4 of Angular Material Can somebody tell me which version are they using.
Version 1.4.0 (2016-05-25) - Updated to Angular 1.5.5 and Angular Material 1.0.9
Version 1.3.0 (2016-02-25) - Updated to Angular 1.5.0 and Angular Material 1.0.5

Does AngularUI Bootstrap come with the css included?

Sorry if this is obvious but their site lists Bootstrap css as a dependency, I have installed the angular bootstrap package with bower and used it to build a page, but it does not look as intended, it looks similar to what happens when regular bootstrap fails to load.
I can see in the package bower installed some .less files but they seem too few to cover most of the widgets angular ui bootstrap boasts, so my question is does the bootstrap css come with the angular ui bootstrap module (from bower) or must it be installed separately ?
I think the doc is clear enough :
This repository contains a set of native AngularJS directives based on
Bootstrap's markup and CSS. As a result no dependency on jQuery or
Bootstrap's JavaScript is required. The only required dependencies
AngularJS (minimal version 1.0.8)
Bootstrap CSS (tested with version 3.0.3). This version of the library (0.10.0) works only with Bootstrap CSS in version 3.x. 0.8.0
is the last version of this library that supports Bootstrap CSS in
version 2.3.x.
cf :
Angular-ui-bootstrap contains mainly JS directives and templates to angularjsify it.
Note that their is also a angular-bootstrap bower package that contains html2js-ready templates.

Upgrade ng-boilerplate to use angular ui bootstrap 3

I am using AngularJS v1.2.0-rc.3 with a project using ng-boilerplate. I want to use Bootstrap 3 so I've changed the bower file to use the branch for version 3, but now grunt fails when running the karma tests. I've isolated the problem to module dependencies on ui.bootstrap but I can't figure out what's wrong. Any ideas?
You'll probably need to fork it for now and change the dependency on ui.bootstrap to use their BS3 branch found here:
It turns out that I had to build the angular-ui-bootstrap package with grunt and change build.config.js vendor_files to use vendor/angular-ui-bootstrap/dist/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.6.0-SNAPSHOT.min.js
If you're relatively new to ng-boilerplate and want to get jump started with angular support for boostrap3 this fork might be helpful.
It uses the lastest versions of the boilerplate vendor libraries and most recent versions of the grunt tasks.
See the Quick Start for modified instructions on building angular-bootstrap. You have to build it because the current angular bootstrap branch does not include the tpls files (templates).
I ran into the same issue and already had written a lot in bootstrap 2.3.2. Instead of starting all over with someone else's git repo, you could just update several files:
build.config.js add in the vendor/bootstrap/js/.js where the file is the javascript that you are planning to use.
less/main.less which imports the bootstrap less. You could use specific less files from bootstrap or do an import of everything with:
#import '../../vendor/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less';
