ReactJS - Accessing Methods of Children (without using refs) - reactjs

I am trying to access the methods of a children in the parent Component.
First I wanted to use refs instead of this.props.children, but refs are only accessable when using them IN my component.
When using this, it seems not to be possible:
<Child ref="testChild" />
In my Parent Component I am not able to access this.refs.testChild - because of this I have to access this component with this.props.children.
However: When accessing them with this.props.children I am not able to call methods of the child.
// Child.jsx
customMethod() {},
render() {... some stuff ...}
// Parent.jsx
callChildrenMethods() {>{
console.log(child.props); // Props Object
console.log(child.customMethod); // Undefined
render() {return(<div>{this.props.children}</div>)}
As you can see: The customMethod is undefined. Is there any simple way to access the methods ? The better way would be to access the children with refs but this is not possible in my case.

this.props.children is opaque, you should iterate using React.Children API. Anyways, here's a fiddle which uses some hackery to invoke the child methods -
Basically you need to access the type object of the child which points to the wrapped component instance.
var child = React.Children.only(this.props.children),
childType = child.type,
childProto = child.type.prototype,
childName = childProto.constructor.displayName,
childMethod = childProto.someMethod;

You should let the child know through props:
var Child = React.createClass({
render: function() {
if(this.props.shouldRunChildrensMethod) {
return (...);
var Parent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
shouldRunChildrensMethod: false
callChildrenMethods: function() {
shouldRunChildrensMethod: true
render: function() {
return (
<Child shouldRunChildrensMethod={this.state.shouldRunChildrensMethod} />
You can also view 2 way binding:
Though this communication will be individually 1 by 1 with each child to parent.


Is it possible to pass the Parent instance to a Child compontent into props attributes?

I am passing the whole Parent instance to the Child in the props like this:
var Parent = React.createClass({
render() {
return <Child parent={this} />;
doAThing() {
console.log("Doing A Thing!");
var Child = React.createClass({
render() {
return <button onClick={this.onClick}>Do A Thing...</button>
onClick() {
let parent = this.props.parent
It works fine, i just wonder if is good practice or if i should avoid it.
This is not a good practice because a child shouldn't be aware of parent's implementation, according to the principle of least privilege. When a child is supposed to do something, it should be provided with a callback:
<Child onClick={() => this.doAThing()} />;
And it can use a prop directly:
<button onClick={this.props.onClick}>

ReactJS: Parent child partial update

I'm having a bit of a trouble getting my head around how i would communicate between my parent and child components in my specific use case.
I have a child component that renders some points using an external lib.
What I'm currently doing is implementing componentDidMount/Update and use the external lib to render the points in this.props.points (which is an array provided by the parent component).
Rendering the points involves looping through them and call something like ExternalLib.addPoint(point).
What i would like to do, instead of looping through all the points everytime this.props.points changes, is making the parent component add (or remove) individual points to the child component.
Is it React friendly to call something like this.refs.myChild.addPoint(point) in the parent component?
Are there other techniques to achieve something like this?
Here's some code (
const ExternalLib = {
addPoint: function(el, point) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.innerHTML = point;
class Child extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
renderPoints() {
const el = this.refs.points;
el.innerHTML = '';
this.props.points.forEach(function(point) {
ExternalLib.addPoint(el, point);
render() {
return (
<ul ref="points"></ul>
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
points: []
addPoint() {
const points = this.state.points.slice();
points.push((new Date()).getTime());
points: points
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.addPoint.bind(this)}>Add Point</button>
<Child points={this.state.points} />
<Parent />,
This is simplified because in this example I could generate the markup directly making use of map and leveraging React's partial DOM update - the external lib does some extra stuff that's not in this question's scope.
If you want to interfere with React rendering process, you can code shouldcomponentupdate.
In your children, if you make shouldcomponentupdate return false and call ExternalLib.addPoint(point), it should do the job:
//comparePoints() is a function able to find if a new point is present in the list, comparing existing used points with new one
var newPoint = comparePoints(this.props.points, nextProps.points)
//forbide re-render
return false;
//enable other update
return true;

Access parent context when using this.props.children in React

Given the following, is it possible to access the parent context rather than the containers from a child (non-react component) element?
The example logs container, ideally it would log parent. I would like for Parent to be self contained, not to have it's state managed by its container.
var Container = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
context: 'container'
render: function () {
return (
<a href="#" onClick={function () {console.log(this.state.context);}.bind(this)}>click me</a>
var Parent= React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
context: 'parent'
render: function () {
return (
If there is another pattern for handling this, please share as well.
Note: To be clear, I understand how the this keyword works and why the above example works as it does. The example is simply meant to illustrate the problem.
You can import some React helpers for that:
var React = require('react')
var children =, child => {
return React.cloneElement(child, {
context: this.state.context
render() {
return <div>{ children }</div>
Then your child component will have this.props.context which will be the string 'parent', but this must be a React component, as this needs to refer to the component using the parent prop
var YourComponent = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<a href="#" onClick={() => console.log(this.props.context)}>
click me
var Parent = require('./Parent')
var YourComponent = require('./YourComponent')
render() {
return <Parent><YourComponent /></Parent>
I do not know about the first part of your question, but since you commented about dynamically creating components, here's how I do it:
You can set a state variable in the constructor of the class and its parent:
if (typeof this.state == 'undefined') {
this.state = {
componentsToRender: <div></div>
Then in the parent component, in the componentDidMount() function:
var componentsToRender = [];
if ([conditional]) {
// some logic so you know which component to render
componentsToRender.push(<customChildComponentToRender key={} />);
else {
componentsToRender.push(<otherComponentToRender key={} />);
componentsToRender: <div>{componentsToRender}</div>
Make sure to put a key (lines 4 and 7 of the second code block) or React will scream at you.
In response to your initial question, I would watch this video from the ReactJS Conference 2015 to get more of the heart behind a container. After hearing what the guys at Facebook say (who have radical views on containers!), you might want to rethink the design to make your container more of a data layer.
I would check out THIS article from the react website. I think it might give you some intuition on solving your problem.
As a general rule of thumb, I try and only use this.state to handle internal UI state of a specific component. Everything else is passed via props. If you're needing the full context of a component, I would either pass it as a prop or checkout something like flux or redux which will help you manage state between components.

Accessing methods on children

I Have a component that receives children and renders those children
component = React.createClass({
...some JSX
...some JSX
At some point I need to loop around the children and call a method that they expose. However, children are not object instances, but rather React representations.
In essence I want to do something like this:
var children = this.props.children
React.Children.forEach(children, function(child) {
What's the best way of achieving this?
There is one way that I came across on IRC and it involved cloning the children then accessing them by ref. Though it seems kind of convoluted.
// in JSX
newChildren =, function(child) {
return React.CloneElement(child, {ref: child.ref})
Then do
childRefs = {
return child.ref
var self = this;
Though, this feels like I'm working against React.
In generel you should always try to use to outside-in approach and think of data as immutable.
Providing all children with a shouldValidate flag as a prop and then make all children implement the componentWillReceiveProps function to do the validation, would be the preferred way as I see it.
Components should in my opinion never expose functions/properties to be called from outside as this goes against the idea of React.
An jsx example:
render: function() {
return => {
return <Child shouldValidate={this.state.submitting}/>
onSubmit: function() {
submitting: true
componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps) => {
if (this.props.shouldValidate) {

React context doesn't transfer when using a component as prop

I'm using react-bootstrap's ModalTrigger to show a field-heavy modal (based on react-bootstrap's Modal), which means sending it a bunch of props:
<ModalTrigger modal={<MyModal field1={value1} field2={value2} (more fields...)/>}>
Click here to open
The parent component that creates the trigger has the fields/values passed in via props, and the parent component of that component has it passed as props as well, by the top-level component that actually holds the data. Both are basically pipes, which is a classic childContext scenario, except that it doesn't work. Here's a simplified version of what I've tried:
var MyModal = React.createClass({
contextTypes : {foo : React.PropTypes.string},
render : function() {
return (
<Modal {...this.props} title="MyTitle">
<div className="modal-body">
The context is {}
var Content = React.createClass({
childContextTypes : {foo: React.PropTypes.string},
getChildContext : function() {return {foo : "bar"}},
render : function() {
return (
<ModalTrigger modal={<MyModal/>}>
<span>Show modal</span>
The modal pops up with "The context is", without showing the actual context.
I believe this is happening because the prop sent to ModalTrigger is already rendered/mounted somehow, but I'm not sure why. To the best of my understanding, the owner of MyModal is the Content component, which means that the context should be ok, but this is not the case.
Some more information: I already tried passing {...this.props} and context={this.context} to MyModal with no success. Also, maybe relevant, ModalTrigger uses cloneElement to make sure the modal's onRequestHide prop points to the trigger's hide function.
So what am I missing here? :/
React.cloneElement will change the owner of the element when the ref prop is overriden, which means context will not be passed from the previous owner. However, this does not seem to be the case with ModalTrigger.
Note that the owner-based approach won't work altogether in React 0.14, since context will be passed from parent to child and not from owner to ownee anymore. ModalTrigger renders its modal node prop in another branch of the DOM (See OverlayMixin). Thus, your Modal component is not a child nor a descendant of your Content component and won't be passed child context from Content.
As for solving your problem, you can always create a component whose sole purpose is to pass context to its children.
var PassContext = React.createClass({
childContextTypes: {
foo: React.PropTypes.string
getChildContext: function() {
return this.props.context;
render: function() {
return <MyModal />;
To use it:
<ModalTrigger modal={<PassContext context={this.getChildContext()}/>}>
As Matt Smith hinted, it turns out that react-bootstrap already includes a very similar approach to forwarding context via ModalTrigger.withContext. This allows you to create a ModalTrigger component class which will forward its context to its modal node prop, no matter its position in the VDOM tree.
// MyModalTrigger.js
module.exports = ModalTrigger.withContext({
foo: React.PropTypes.String
There is a much better way of passing context on to your "portal" type components which render their children into a different container outside the React tree.
Using "renderSubtreeIntoContainer" rather than "render" will pass the context into the subtree as well.
It can be used like so:
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import {
unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer as renderSubtreeIntoContainer,
} from 'react-dom';
export default class extends React.Component {
static displayName = 'ReactPortal';
static propTypes = {
isRendered: PropTypes.bool,
children: PropTypes.node,
portalContainer: PropTypes.node
static defaultProps = {
isRendered: true
state = {
mountNode: null
componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.isRendered) {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.isRendered && !this.props.isRendered ||
(prevProps.portalContainer !== this.props.portalContainer &&
prevProps.isRendered)) {
if (this.props.isRendered) {
componentWillUnmount() {
_getMountNode = () => {
if (!this.state.mountNode) {
const portalContainer = this.props.portalContainer || document.body;
const mountNode = document.createElement('div');
return mountNode;
return this.state.mountNode;
_renderPortal = () => {
const mountNode = this._getMountNode();
_unrenderPortal = () => {
if (this.state.mountNode) {
mountNode: null
render() {
return null;
This is an example of a portal I use in my production app Casalova that render context properly into their children.
Note: this API is undocumented and is likely to change in the future. For now, though, it's the right way to render context into portal components.
