Creating directive AngularJS without $scope - angularjs

I´m learning AngularJS. Now I´m trying the directives. I created a directive but I can´t make it work. I can do it with $scope, but I want to know HOW to do it without it.
The code:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="controls">
<div the-name></div>
<script src="angular.js"></script>
var modu = angular.module("myApp", []);
modu.controller("controls", [function() {
var self = this;
self.user = {
name : "Pedro",
lastname: "Delgado"
modu.directive("theName", [function() {
return {
template: 'Name: {{}}'
An the RESULT is:
And I want:
Name: Pedro
Anyone can help me?
Thanks a lot!

It's called controller-as syntax. You need to create an alias to controller in the template:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="controls as ctrl">
<div the-name></div>
and then in directive template use {{}}.
But ideally, you isolate the scope of the directive, because you don't want it to know about its surroundings and what controllerAs alias is used.
This version of your directive will be much more reusable:
modu.directive("theName", [function() {
return {
scope: {
user: '='
template: 'Name: {{}}'
and usage is:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="controls as ctrl">
<div the-name user="ctrl.user"></div>
So in this case, directive (and template) doesn't know anything about environment it's used (about controller prefix, etc), it only cares that proper user object was passed in it. This is the point of isolated scope.


Angular 1.5 - Component() Method

I'm trying to get the component method working which is new for Angular 1.5. So far I acheived the following see my jsFiddle JSFIDDLE. For some reason I can not get the templateUrl working so that I can see the html template with the defined scope. Any help would be great.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = "Tony Danza";
app.component("myBox", {
bindings: {},
controller: function($element) {
var myBox = this; = 'World Of warcraft';
controllerAs: 'myBox',
templateUrl: "/template",
transclude: true
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="/template">
<div style='width:40%;border:2px solid black;background-color:yellow'>
Your Favourite game is: {{}}
Hi {{name}}
<div my-box>
</div my-box>
</div><!--end app-->
Angular components must be elements. Use <my-box> instead of <div my-box>.
The documentation on Components doesn't make this immediately clear, but it is documented.
when you want a directive that is triggered by an attribute or CSS class, rather than an element
The directive/component comparison table also explains that restrict is unavailable for components and they are always elements.

Angularjs directive, call same directive from within itself

I am building generic angularjs directive to support editing of json object. I have json data and also admin data to have details about original data. Following code details which I am using to build my generic directive.
Please refer Plunker for running code.
Directive Code:
app.directive("objecteditor", [function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "ObjectEditor.html",
replace: true,
scope: {
object: '=',
objectAdmin: '='
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
//Method to initialize
scope.init = function () {
//Call init() to initialze the loading.
Directive Template:
<h4 data-ng-bind-template="{{objectAdmin.displayName}}"></h4>
<div data-ng-repeat="column in objectAdmin.objectDefinition">
<div data-ng-switch="column.type">
<div data-ng-switch-when="string">
<label class="label-plain" data-ng-bind-template="{{column.displayName}}"></label>
<input type="text" data-ng-model="object[][]" placeholder="{{displayName}}" title="{{displayName}}" name="textBox{{name}}" required />
<!--Call same object for child type as object. But how??? If i call <object> directive here then goes into infinite cycle -->
<div data-ng-switch-when="object">
Controller Code:
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller('ApplicationController', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
//Method to initialize
$scope.init = function() {
//Set json data strucutre for editing
$scope.objectAdmin ={"name":"bankinfo","displayName":"Bank Info","type":"object","objectDefinition":[{"name":"name","displayName":"Bank Name","type":"string"},{"name":"mainPhone","displayName":"Main Phone","type":"string"},{"name":"contact","displayName":"Contact","type":"object","objectDefinition":[{"name":"name","displayName":"Name","type":"string"},{"name":"title","displayName":"Title","type":"string"}]}]};
$scope.object={"bankinfo":{"name":"Chase Bank - Newburgh","mainPhone":"1 (845) 333-3333","contact":{"name":"Donna Shuler","title":"Commercial Accounts Mgr."}}};
//Call init() to initialze the loading.
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app='myApp'>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
<script src="ObjectEditor.js"></script>
<body data-ng-controller="ApplicationController">
<h2>How to call same directive within itself?</h2>
<!--Use object editor directive to edit the object details -->
<objecteditor data-object="object" data-object-admin="objectAdmin"></objecteditor>
I want to make my directive generic so that same type of object editing can be supported by single directive.
When I tried to call same directive within itself then it fall into infinite loop (which is expected).
How can I achieve this functionality in directive?
Please help.
I was going through the recursive directive and came across following post which was helpful to implement my requirement. Following is code to implement this.
Object Editor Directive Template:
<objecttree data-object="object" data-object-admin="objectAdmin" data-folder-guid="folderGuid" data-hide-header="'true'"></objecttree>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="objectTree">
<div class="clear-left">
<h4 data-ng-if="!hideHeader" data-ng-bind-template="{{objectAdmin.displayName}}"></h4>
<div data-ng-repeat="column in objectAdmin.objectDefinition">
<div data-ng-switch="column.type">
<imageeditor data-ng-switch-when="image" data-image="object[]" data-folder-guid="folderGuid" data-column="column"></imageeditor>
<formcheckbox data-ng-switch-when="boolean" data-input-value="object[]" data-editable="column.editable" data-name="" data-display-name="column.displayName" data-formName="'resourceAddEditFormName'"></formcheckbox>
<addresseditor data-ng-switch-when="address" data-address="object[]" data-column="column" data-collection-admin="objectAdmin"></addresseditor>
<formtextbox data-ng-switch-when="string" data-ng-if="!column.isDropdown" data-input-value="object[]" data-editable="column.editable" data-name="" data-display-name="column.displayName" data-formName="'resourceAddEditFormName'"></formtextbox>
<dropdownbox data-ng-switch-when="string" data-ng-if="column.isDropdown" class="admin-textbox" data-selected-id-list="object[]" data-dropdown="column" data-multiple="column.dropdownTypeMultiple"></dropdownbox>
<div data-ng-switch-when="object">
<objecttree data-object="object[]" data-object-admin="column" data-folder-guid="folderGuid" data-hide-header="'true'"></objecttree>
<div data-ng-switch-when="array">
<arrayobjecttree data-objects="object[]" data-objects-admin="column" data-folder-guid="folderGuid" data-hide-header="'true'"></arrayobjecttree>
Object Tree:
app.directive("objecttree", ['$compile', '$templateCache', function ($compile, $templateCache) {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
object: '=',
objectAdmin: '=',
folderGuid: '=',
hideHeader: '='
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
This is Shankar. You can use the below solution for recursive directive.
Please confirm me whether this resolves your issue.If not, you can let me know.
As I'm not able to paste my entire code here, you can find the solution in my Github repository:(i.e. gmssankar/myRepository/Recursive Directive)
The code can be found in the following link too in plunker:
I'm not able to attach the complete code here as it restricts the number of lines. The logic is: Inside Directive template display bank name, main phone,contact name and contact title from the passed object. Then check if the passed object, has object definition (i.e child nodes). If yes, then extract each child using ng-repeat , and pass to same directive. Issue gets resolved here. From Github or plnkr , you can access the complete code.

AngularJs directive to access the parent scope

I want to show the password fields based upon the condition. Also I want to validate the password fields if it is shown. For this I have to create a directive. But the directive creates new scope for the template and does not access the parent scope to validate the password fields. How could I achieve this?
You can send it through the DOM.
Send the data from the controller's scope and send that as an attribute to the directive you are creating.
angular.module('App', [])
.controller('Controller', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$ = ....;
.directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
scope: { info = '=info' },
template: '<div ng-repeat="i in info"> Name: {{}} Password: {{i.password}}</div>',
link: ...
<body ng-app="App">
<div ng-controller="Controller">
<my-directive info="data"></my-directive>

AngularJS: How do I access ng-model values injected from custom directive template?

I ran into a problem with AngularJS concerning directives and ng-model.
Assume the following example:
Within my HTML file:
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in data">
<directive-item data="item"/>
<span>This is some input: {{ myinput }} </span>
My app.js looks like this (stripped for readability):
app.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$ = [
{ value: 'something' }
app.directive('directiveItem', function($compile) {
var template = '<div>'
+ '<label for="myinput">{{ data.value }}</label>'
+ '<input type="text" ng-model="myinput" />'
+ '</div>';
var linker = function(scope, element, attrs) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: linker,
scope: {
data: '='
Maybe you can see my problem.
Everything works fine, except the display of {{ myinput }} outside of my directive.
It works perfect, if I display it within the injected template, but not outside of it. I did a LOT of google-research, but didn't find anything to help me out.
To clear some things out in front: $ contains multiple objects with different data sets in my real application. So please look at this only as a quick example.
Also I do inject some more templates from my directive depending on a given $ The given code is only a rough example of what I have. As mentioned, everything else works without flaws.
Anyone here got an idea?
#Zeeshan did come up with a good way. Not yet 100% what I am looking for, but it pushes my thinking in another direction.
If anyone has the perfect solution, I am free for ideas! Thanks!
Angular Best Practice: Use the scope option to create isolate scopes when making components that you want to reuse throughout your app. I have tried a few cases to build understanding, with object (reference | alias behavior), with plain string. Following snippet simulates:
(function(angular) {
'use strict';
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$ = [{ value: 'something' }];
$ = {value:'barInitValueAsObject'};
$scope.tar = 'tarInitValueAsNonObject';
.directive('oneItem', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
foo: '=',
template: '<div><label for="bar">{{ foo }} : </label> <input type="text" ng-model="bar.value" /></div>'
+ '<div><label for="bar">{{ foo }}</label> : <input type="text" ng-model="tar" /></div>'
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Example - example-example15-production</title>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in data">
<one-item foo="item.value" bar="bar" tar="tar"></one-item>
<span>This is bar # Parent : {{ bar.value }} </span>
<span>This is tar # Parent : {{ tar }} </span>
Plnkr here
Happy Helping!
You can use another two-way binding in the directive's isolate scope. You already are passing in the data variable, so just add another variable to the scope that will bind with your myInput. Since this is a two-way binding, updating the value in one way will update the value elsewhere too. You'll probably just want to let the directive (and its HTML input) handle the input.
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: linker,
scope: {
data: '=',
myInput: '='
Finally, your scopes are not lining up properly because of your ng-repeat. It's not clear whether you want your display within the ng-repeat or not, so I just put the display also within the ng-repeat. In your controller's HTML:
<div ng-repeat="item in data">
<directive-item data="item" my-input="myInput"></directive-item>
<span>This is some input: {{ myinput }} </span>
Check out this plunker.

ng-click attribute on angularjs directive

I think it should be easy to use the well known angular attributes on a directive out of the box.
For example if the name of my directive is myDirective I would like to use it this way:
<div ng-controller="myController">
<my-directive ng-click="doSomething()"><my-directive>
instead of needing to define a custom click attribute (onClick) as in the example below
<div ng-controller="myController">
<my-directive on-click="doSomething()"><my-directive>
It seems that ng-click can work, but then you need to specify ng-controller on the directive tag too which I don't want. I want to define the controller on a surrounding div
Is it possible to use ng-click on a directive together with a controller defined on a parent html element?
Here is updated code. Maybe is this what you were looking for.
<div data-ng-app="myApp">
<div data-ng-controller="MyController">
<my-directive data-ng-click="myFirstFunction('Hallo')"></my-directive>
<my-directive data-ng-click="mySecondFunction('Hi')"></my-directive>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.directive('myDirective', function(){
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
scope: {
eventHandler: '&ngClick'
template: '<div id="holder"><button data-ng-click="eventHandler()">Call own function</button></div>'
app.controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.myFirstFunction = function(msg) {
alert(msg + '!!! first function call!');
$scope.mySecondFunction = function(msg) {
alert(msg + '!!! second function call!');
Check solution that I made in jsFiddler is that what you were looking for?
