Microsoft C Run Time function implementation - now and before - c

I am trying to write some portable code and I've been thinking how did Microsoft implement old C runtime routines like gmtime or fopen, etc which were returning a pointer, opposite to todays gmtime_s or fopen_s which requires object to passed and are returning some errno status code (I guess).
One way would be to create static (better than global) object inside such routines and return pointer to it, but if one object is currently using this static pointer and another object invokes that routine, first object would get changed buffer - which is not good.
Furthermore, I doubt that such routines uses dynamic memory because that would lead to memory leaks.
As with other Microsoft stuff, implementation is not opened so that I can take a peak. Any suggestions?

Well, first, such globals and statics cannot be used anyway because of thread-safety.
The use of dynamic memory, or arrays, or arrays of handles, or other such combos DO leak resources if the programmer misuses them. On non-trivial OS, such resources are linked to the process and are released upon process termination, so it is a serious problem for the app, but not for the OS.

Regarding gmtime, you are correct; it could have operated upon a variable that has static storage duration (which is the same storage duration as variables declared "globally", btw... There is no "global" in C). Historically speaking, you should probably assume this is the case, because C doesn't require that there be any support for multithreading. If you're referring to an era where there was decent support for multithreading, it's probable that gmtime might return something that has thread specific storage duration, instead, as the MSDN documentation for gmtime says gmtime and other similar functions "... all use one common tm structure per thread for the conversion."
However, fopen is a function that creates resources, and as a result it's reasonable to expect that every return value will be unique (unless it's an erroneous return value).
Indeed, fopen does constitute dynamic management; you are expected to call fclose to close the FILE once you're done with it... If you forget to close a file every now and then, there is no need to panic, as the C standard requires that the program close all FILEs that are still open upon program termination. This implies that the program keeps track of all of your FILEs behind the scenes.
However, it would obviously be a bad practice to repeatedly leak file descriptors, over and over again, constantly, for a long period of time.

I'm not sure about the Visual Studio specifics, but these function libraries are typically implemented as opaque type. Which is why they return a pointer and why you can't know the contents of the FILE struct.
Meaning there will either be a static memory pool or a call to malloc inside the function. There are no guarantees of the C library functions are re-entrant.
Calling fopen without having a corresponding fclose might indeed create a memory leak: at any rate you have a "resource leak". Therefore, make sure that you always call fclose.
As for the implementation details: you can't have the Visual Studio source code, but you could download


How can I detect the main executable's function definitions from a dynamic library - particularly malloc

So libgcc will use the application's malloc and free, if it has defined one, in order to satisfy the application's need to call free() after certain library calls, eg realpath.
Within my dynamic library, I really don't want to use that application malloc/free, because I don't trust it generally - I'm happy to use libgcc's implementation of malloc, which is what most applications use, so I declared my own malloc() function that calls libgcc's implementation via dlsym().
All was going well until... I want to call realpath (and perhaps others)! As a simple fix, I need a way to do the equivalent of dlsym() but on the main executable (which I don't own) to get the application's implementation of free, if any. Does such a thing exist?
I know it must, because the dynamic linker "does the right thing", but is it accessible to mere mortal programmers, and how?
In the particular case of realpath, I know I can provide a buffer, but that comes with its own unknown dangers about buffer size. For some other calls I can't do that.
I can also go down the winding path of symbol renaming with objcopy, but I'd prefer not to, if possible.
I do take your point on malloc being possibly defined by another dynamic library, and I would want to use that version, while the application still uses its compiled in version (I have seen that it does continue to use it, even if tcmalloc is preloaded, for example.
I guess that extends the question to ask if any library has defined malloc, and if the application has defined malloc, I want to cherry-pick which version of malloc/free I use in each place in my code to match the behaviour of libgcc when necessary, and not when not, so I want to be able to get a reference to them both.
In the short term I have resolved my current issue by replacing realpath() in my code with a version that pre-defines the buffer using my malloc, before calling the libgcc implementation, but I feel this is very much a band-aide.
The interposing malloc can come from anywhere, not just the executable. It could be a shared object referenced by a DT_NEEDED entry in the dynamic section of another object, or a library injected into the process image using LD_PRELOAD.
In general, many libraries have functions which allocate something which then has to be deallocated using free. Software ported to Windows will not do this (because DLLs have separate heaps there), but otherwise, it is not uncommon. There is not just realpath, there is also strdup, asprintf, and probably I bunch of other functions I do not remember.
In your case, you should just call free on such pointers, and use a different name for your own memory deallocation functions. Once malloc has been interposed, it is not possible to safely use the original libc allocator because it has not been properly initialized. For example, if you call the glibc malloc function in a process which uses a different, interposed malloc, then malloc will not be thread-safe: the initialization is not thread-safe because the implementation knows that pthread_create will call malloc before creating the first new thread, thereby initializing malloc while the process is single-threaded. Which is why there is no synchronization in the initialization code.
(libgcc does not provide malloc, by the way. It comes from libc/glibc.)

Where can I find the list of non-reentrant functions provided in gnu libc?

I am now porting an single-threaded library to support multi-threads, and I need the whole list of functions that use local static or global variables.
Any information is appreciated.
Check the manual page for each function you use ... the non-thread-safe ones will be identified as such, and the manual page will mention a thread safe version when there is one (e.g., readdir_r). You could extract the list by running a script over the man pages.
Edit: Although my answer has been accepted, I fear that it is inaccurate and possibly dangerous. For example, while strerror_r mentions that it is a thread safe version of strerror, strerror itself says nothing about thread safety ... what it says instead is "the string might be overwritten", which merely implies that it isn't thread-safe. So you need to search for at least "might be overwritten" as well as "thread", but there's no guarantee that even that will be complete.
Its always a good idea to know if a particular function is reentrant or not, but you must also consider the situation when you may call several reentrant functions from a shared piece of code from multiple threads, which could also lead to problems when using shared data.
So, if you have any data shared between threads, the data must be "protected" irregardless of the fact that the functions being called are reentrant.
Consider the following function:
void yourFunc(CommonObject *o)
/* This function is NOT thread safe */
If this function is not mutex protected, you will get undesired behavior in a multithreaded application, irregardless of the fact that func1 and func2 are reentrant.

C Shared library: static variable initialization + global variable visibility among processes

I want to modifiy an existing shared library so that it uses different memory management routines depending on the application using the shared library.
(For now) there will be two families of memory management routines:
The standard malloc, calloc etc functions
specialized versions of malloc, calloc etc
I have come up with a potential way of solving this problem (with the help of some people here on SO). There are still a few grey areas and I would like some feedback on my proposal so far.
This is how I intend to implement the modification:
Replace existing calls to malloc/calloc etc with my_malloc/my_calloc etc. These new functions will invoke correctly assigned function pointers instead of calling hard coded function names.
Provide a mechanism for the shared library to initialize the function pointers used by my_malloc etc to point to the standard C memory mgmt routines - this allows me to provide backward compatability to applications which depend on this shared library - so they don't have to be modified as well. In C++, I could have done this by using static variable initialization (for example) - I'm not sure if the same 'pattern' can be used in C.
Introduce a new idempotent function initAPI(type) function which is called (at startup) by the application that need to use different mem mgmt routines in the shared libray. The initAPI() function assigns the memory mgmt func ptrs to the appropriate functions.
Clearly, it would be preferable if I could restrict who could call initAPI() or when it was called - for example, the function should NOT be called after API calls have been made to the library - as this will change the memory mgmt routines. So I would like to restrict where it is called and by whom. This is an access problem which can be solved by making the method private in C++, I am not sure how to do this in C.
The problems in 2 and 3 above can be trivially resolved in C++, however I am constrained to using C, so I would like to solve these issues in C.
Finally, assuming that the function pointers can be correctly set during initialisation as described above - I have a second question, regarding the visibility of global variables in a shared library, accross different processes using the shared library. The function pointers will be implemented as global variables (I'm not too concerned about thread safety FOR NOW - although I envisage wrapping access with mutex locking at some point)* and each application using the shared library should not interfere with the memory management routines used for another application using the shared library.
I suspect that it is code (not data) that is shared between processes using a shlib - however, I would like that confirmed - preferably, with a link that backs up that assertion.
*Note: if I am naively downplaying threading issues that may occur in the future as a result of the 'architecture' I described above, someone please alert me!..
BTW, I am building the library on Linux (Ubuntu)
Since I'm not entirely sure what the question being asked is, I will try to provide information that may be of use.
You've indicated c and linux, it is probably safe to assume you are also using the GNU toolchain.
GCC provides a constructor function attribute that causes a function to be called automatically before execution enters main(). You could use this to better control when your library initialization routine, initAPI() is called.
void __attribute__ ((constructor)) initAPI(void);
In the case of library initialization, constructor routines are executed before dlopen() returns if the library is loaded at runtime or before main() is started if the library is loaded at load time.
The GNU linker has a --wrap <symbol> option which allows you to provide wrappers for system functions.
If you link with --wrap malloc, references to malloc() will redirect to __wrap_malloc() (which you implement), and references to __real_malloc() will redirect to the original malloc() (so you can call it from within your wrapper implementation).
Instead of using the --wrap malloc option to provide a reference to the original malloc() you could also dynamically load a pointer to the original malloc() using dlsym(). You cannot directly call the original malloc() from the wrapper because it will be interpreted as a recursive call to the wrapper itself.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
void * malloc(size_t size) {
static void * (*func)(size_t) = NULL;
void * ret;
if (!func) {
/* get reference to original (libc provided) malloc */
func = (void *(*)(size_t)) dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
/* code to execute before calling malloc */
/* call original malloc */
ret = func(size);
/* code to execute after calling malloc */
return ret;
I suggest reading Jay Conrod's blog post entitled Tutorial: Function Interposition in Linux for additional information on replacing calls to functions in dynamic libraries with calls to your own wrapper functions.
-1 for the lack of concrete questions. The text is long, could have been written more succintly, and it does not contain a single question-mark.
Now to address your problems:
Static data (what you call "global variables") of a shared library is per-process. Your global variables in one process will not interfere with global variables in another process. No need for mutexes.
In C, you cannot restrict[1] who can call a function. It can be called by anybody who knows its name or has a pointer to it. You can code initAPI() such that it visibly aborts the program (crashes it) if it is not the first library function called. You are library writer, you set the rules of the game, and you have NO obligation towards coders who do not respect the rules.
[1] You can declare the function with static, meaning it can be called by name only by the code within the same translation unit; it can still be called through a pointer by anybody who manages to obtain a pointer to it. Such functions are not "exported" from libraries, so this is not applicable to your scenario.
Achieving this:
(For now) there will be two families of memory management routines:
The standard malloc, calloc etc functions
specialized versions of malloc, calloc etc
with dynamic libraries on Linux is trivial, and does not require the complicated scheme you have concocted (nor the LD_PRELOAD or dlopen suggested by #ugoren).
When you want to provide specialized versions of malloc and friends, simply link these routines into your main executable. Voila: your existing shared library will pick them up from there, no modifications required.
You could also build specialized malloc into e.g., and put that library on the link line before libc, to achieve the same result.
The dynamic loader will use the first malloc it can see, and searches the list starting from the a.out, and proceeding to search other libraries in the same order they were listed on link command line.
On further reflection, I don't think what you propose will work.
Yes, it will work (I use that functionality every day, by linking tcmalloc into my main executable).
When your shared library (the one providing an API) calls malloc "behind the scenes", which (of possibly several) malloc implementations does it get? The first one that is visible to the dynamic linker. If you link a malloc implementation into a.out, that will be the one.
It's easy enough for you to require that your initialization function is:
called from the main thread
that the client may call it exactly once
and that the client may provide the optional function pointers by parameter
If different applications run in separate processes, it's quite simple to do using dynamic libraries.
The library can simply call malloc() and free(), and applications that want to override it could load another library, with alternative implementations for these libraries.
This can be done with the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.
Or, if your library is loaded with dlopen(), just load the malloc library first.
This is basically what tools such as valgrind, which replace malloc, do.

Learning C coming from managed OO languages

I am fairly comfortable coding in languages like Java and C#, but I need to use C for a project (because of low level OS API calls) and I am having some difficulty dealing with pointers and memory management (as seen here)
Right now I am basically typing up code and feeding it to the compiler to see if it works. That just doesn't feel right for me. Can anyone point me to good resources for me to understand pointers and memory management, coming from managed languages?
k&r -
nuff said
One of the good resources you found already, SO.
Of course you are compiling with all warnings on, don't you?
Learning by doing largely depends on the quality of your compiler and the warnings / errors he feeds you. The best in that respect that I found in the linux / POSIX world is clang. Nicely traces the origin of errors and tells you about missing header files quite well.
Some tips:
By default varibles are stored in the stack.
Varibles are passed into functions by Value
Stick to the same process for allocating and freeing memory. eg allocate and free in the same the function
C's equivalent of
Integer i = new Integer();
int *p;
Memory Allocation(malloc) can fail, so check the pointer for null before you use it.
OS functions can fail and this can be detected by the return values.
Learn to use gdb to step through your code and print variable values (compile with -g to enable debugging symbols).
Use valgrind to check for memory leaks and other related problems (like heap corruption).
The C language doesn't do anything you don't explicitly tell it to do.
There are no destructors automatically called for you, which is both good and bad (since bugs in destructors can be a pain).
A simple way to get somewhat automatic destructor behavior is to use scoping to construct and destruct things. This can get ugly since nested scopes move things further and further to the right.
if (var = malloc(SIZE)) { // try to keep this line
free(var); // and this line close and with easy to comprehend code between them
} else {
return; // try to limit the number of return statements so that you can ensure resources
// are freed for all code paths
Trying to make your code look like this as much as possible will help, though it's not always possible.
Making a set of macros or inline functions that initialize your objects is a good idea. Also make another set of functions that allocate your objects' memory and pass that to your initializer functions. This allows for both local and dynamically allocated objects to easily be initialized. Similar operations for destructor-like functions is also a good idea.
Using OO techniques is good practice in many instances, and doing so in C just requires a little bit more typing (but allows for more control). Putters, getters, and other helper functions can help keep objects in consistent states and decrease the changes you have to make when you find an error, if you can keep the interface the same.
You should also look into the perror function and the errno "variabl".
Usually you will want to avoid using anything like exceptions in C. I generally try to avoid them in C++ as well, and only use them for really bad errors -- ones that aren't supposed to happen. One of the main reasons for avoiding them is that there are no destructor calls magically made in C, so non-local GOTOs will often leak (or otherwise screw up) some type of resource. That being said, there are things in C which provide a similar functionality.
The main exception like mechanism in C are the setjmp and longjmp functions. setjmp is called from one location in code and passed a (opaque) variable (jmp_buf) which can later be passed to longjmp. When a call to longjmp is made it doesn't actually return to the caller, but returns as the previously called setjmp with that jmp_buf. setjmp will return a value specified by the call to longjmp. Regular calls to setjmp return 0.
Other exception like functionality is more platform specific, but includes signals (which have their own gotchas).
Other things to look into are:
The assert macro, which can be used to cause program exit when the parameter (a logical test of some sort) fails. Calls to assert go away when you #define NDEBUG before you #include <assert.h>, so after testing you can easily remove the assertions. This is really good for testing for NULL pointers before dereferencing them, as well as several other conditions. If a condition fails assert attempts to print the source file name and line number of the failed test.
The abort function causes the program to exit with failure without doing all of the clean up that calling exit does. This may be done with a signal on some platforms. assert calls abort.

Is malloc thread-safe?

Is the malloc() function re-entrant?
Question: "is malloc reentrant"?
Answer: no, it is not. Here is one definition of what makes a routine reentrant.
None of the common versions of malloc allow you to re-enter it (e.g. from a signal handler). Note that a reentrant routine may not use locks, and almost all malloc versions in existence do use locks (which makes them thread-safe), or global/static variables (which makes them thread-unsafe and non-reentrant).
All the answers so far answer "is malloc thread-safe?", which is an entirely different question. To that question the answer is it depends on your runtime library, and possibly on the compiler flags you use. On any modern UNIX, you'll get a thread-safe malloc by default. On Windows, use /MT, /MTd, /MD or /MDd flags to get thread-safe runtime library.
I read somewhere that if you compile with -pthread, malloc becomes thread safe. I´m pretty sure its implementation dependant though, since malloc is ANSI C and threads are not.
If we are talking gcc:
Compile and link with -pthread and
malloc() will be thread-safe, on x86
and AMD64.
Another opinion, more insightful
{malloc, calloc, realloc, free,
posix_memalign} of glibc-2.2+ are
thread safe
This is quite old question and I want to bring freshness according current state of things.
Yes, currently malloc() is thread-safe.
From the GNU C Library Reference Manual of glibc-2.20 [released 2014-09-07]:
void * malloc (size_t size)
Preliminary: MT-Safe | ...
... POSIX Safety Concepts:
... MT-Safe or Thread-Safe functions are safe to call in the presence
of other threads. MT, in MT-Safe, stands for Multi Thread.
Being MT-Safe does not imply a function is atomic, nor that it uses
any of the memory synchronization mechanisms POSIX exposes to users.
It is even possible that calling MT-Safe functions in sequence does
not yield an MT-Safe combination. For example, having a thread call
two MT-Safe functions one right after the other does not guarantee
behavior equivalent to atomic execution of a combination of both
functions, since concurrent calls in other threads may interfere in a
destructive way.
Whole-program optimizations that could inline functions across library
interfaces may expose unsafe reordering, and so performing inlining
across the GNU C Library interface is not recommended. The documented
MT-Safety status is not guaranteed underwhole-program optimization.
However, functions defined in user-visible headers are designed to be
safe for inlining.
Yes, under POSIX.1-2008 malloc is thread-safe.
2.9.1 Thread-Safety
All functions defined by this volume of POSIX.1-2008 shall be thread-safe, except that the following functions1 need not be thread-safe.
[ a list of functions that does not contain malloc ]
Here is an excerpt from malloc.c of glibc :
Thread-safety: thread-safe unless NO_THREADS is defined
assuming NO_THREADS is not defined by default, malloc is thread safe at least on linux.
If you are working with GLIBC, the answer is: Yes, BUT.
Specifically, yes, BUT, please, please be aware that while malloc and free are thread-safe, the debugging functions are not.
Specifically, the extremely useful mtrace(), mcheck(), and mprobe() functions are not thread-safe. In one of the shortest, straightest answers you will ever see from a GNU project, this is explained here:
You will need to consider alternate techniques, such as ElectricFence, valgrind, dmalloc, etc.
So, if you mean, "are the malloc() and free() functions threadsafe", the answer is yes. But if you mean, "is the entire malloc/free suite threadsafe", the answer is NO.
Short answer: yes, as of C11, which is the first version of the C standard that includes the concept of threads, malloc and friends are required to be thread-safe. Many operating systems that included both threads and a C runtime made this guarantee long before the C standard did, but I'm not prepared to swear to all. However, malloc and friends are not and never have been required to be reentrant.
That means, it is safe to call malloc and free from multiple threads simultaneously and not worry about locking, as long as you aren't breaking any of the other rules of memory allocation (e.g. call free once and only once on each pointer returned by malloc). But it is not safe to call these functions from a signal handler that might have interrupted a call to malloc or free in the thread handling the signal. Sometimes, using functionality beyond ISO C, you can guarantee that the thread handling the signal did not interrupt a call to malloc or free, e.g. with sigprocmask and sigpause, but try not to do that unless you have no other option, because it's hard to get perfectly right.
Long answer with citations: The C standard added a concept of threads in the 2011 revision (link is to document N1570, which is the closest approximation to the official text of the 2011 standard that is publicly available at no charge). In that revision, section 7.1.4 paragraph 5 states:
Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the detailed descriptions that follow, library functions shall prevent data races as follows: A library function shall not directly or indirectly access objects accessible by threads other than the current thread unless the objects are accessed directly or indirectly via the function's arguments. A library function shall not directly or indirectly modify objects accessible by threads other than the current thread unless the objects are accessed directly or indirectly via the function's non-const arguments. Implementations may share their own internal objects between threads if the objects are not visible to users and are protected against data races.
[footnote: This means, for example, that an implementation is not permitted to use a static object for internal purposes without synchronization because it could cause a data race even in programs that do not explicitly share objects between threads. Similarly, an implementation of memcpy is not permitted to copy bytes beyond the specified length of the destination object and then restore the original values because it could cause a data race if the program shared those bytes between threads.]
As I understand it, this is a long-winded way of saying that the library functions defined by the C standard are required to be thread-safe (in the usual sense: you can call them from multiple threads simultaneously, without doing any locking yourself, as long as they don't end up clashing on the data passed as arguments) unless the documentation for a specific function specifically says it isn't.
Then, 7.22.3p2 confirms that malloc, calloc, realloc, aligned_alloc, and free in particular are thread-safe:
For purposes of determining the existence of a data race, memory allocation functions behave as though they accessed only memory locations accessible through their arguments and not other static duration storage. These functions may, however, visibly modify the storage that they allocate or deallocate. A call to free or realloc that deallocates a region p of memory synchronizes with any allocation call that allocates all or part of the region p. This synchronization occurs after any access of p by the deallocating function, and before any such access by the allocating function.
Contrast what it says about strtok, which is not and never has been thread-safe, in
The strtok function is not required to avoid data races with other calls to the strtok function.
[footnote: The strtok_s function can be used instead to avoid data races.]
(comment on the footnote: don't use strtok_s, use strsep.)
Older versions of the C standard said nothing whatsoever about thread safety. However, they did say something about reentrancy, because signals have always been part of the C standard. And this is what they said, going back to the original 1989 ANSI C standard (this document has nigh-identical wording to, but very different section numbering from, the ISO C standard that came out the following year):
If [a] signal occurs other than as the result of calling the abort
or raise function, the behavior is undefined if the signal handler
calls any function in the standard library other than the signal
function itself or refers to any object with static storage duration
other than by assigning a value to a static storage duration variable
of type volatile sig_atomic_t . Furthermore, if such a call to the
signal function results in a SIG_ERR return, the value of errno is
Which is a long-winded way of saying that C library functions are not required to be reentrant as a general rule. Very similar wording still appears in C11,
If [a] signal occurs other than as the result of calling the abort or raise function, the behavior is undefined if the signal handler refers to any object with static or thread storage duration that is not a lock-free atomic object other than by assigning a value to an object declared as volatile sig_atomic_t, or the signal handler calls any function in the standard library other than the abort function, the _Exit function, the quick_exit function, or the signal function with the first argument equal to the signal number corresponding to the signal that caused the invocation of the handler. Furthermore, if such a call to the signal function results in a SIG_ERR return, the value of errno is indeterminate.
[footnote: If any signal is generated by an asynchronous signal handler, the behavior is undefined.]
POSIX requires a much longer, but still short compared to the overall size of the C library, list of functions to be safely callable from an "asynchronous signal handler", and also defines in more detail the circumstances under which a signal might "occur other than as the result of calling the abort or raise function." If you're doing anything nontrivial with signals, you are probably writing code intended to be run on an OS with the Unix nature (as opposed to Windows, MVS, or something embedded that probably doesn't have a complete hosted implementation of C in the first place), and you should familiarize yourself with the POSIX requirements for them, as well as the ISO C requirements.
I suggest reading
§31.1 Thread Safety (and Reentrancy Revisited)
of the book The Linux Programming Interface, it explains the difference between thread safety and reentrancy, as well as malloc.
A function is said to be thread-safe if it can safely be invoked by
multiple threads at the same time; put conversely, if a function is
not thread-safe, then we can’t call it from one thread while it is
being executed in another thread.
This function illustrates the typical reason that a function is not
thread-safe: it employs global or static variables that are shared by all threads.
Although the use of critical sections to implement thread safety is a significant
improvement over the use of per-function mutexes, it is still somewhat inefficient
because there is a cost to locking and unlocking a mutex. A reentrant function
achieves thread safety without the use of mutexes. It does this by avoiding the use
of global and static variables.
However, not all functions can
be made reentrant. The usual reasons are the following:
By their nature, some functions must access global data structures. The functions in the malloc library provide a good example. These functions maintain a
global linked list of free blocks on the heap. The functions of the malloc library
are made thread-safe through the use of mutexes.
Definitely worth a read.
And to answer your question, malloc is thread safe but not reentrant.
It depends on which implementation of the C runtime library you're using. If you're using MSVC for example then there's a compiler option which lets you specify which version of the library you want to build with (i.e. a run-time library that supports multi-threading by being tread-safe, or not).
No, it is not thread-safe. There may actually be a malloc_lock() and malloc_unlock() function available in your C library. I know that these exist for the Newlib library. I had to use this to implement a mutex for my processor, which is multi-threaded in hardware.
malloc and free are not reentrant, because they use a static data structure which records what memory blocks are free. As a result, no library functions that allocate or free memory are reentrant.
No, it is not.
Web archive link (original has gone dead)
