use existing spring, spring security, JPA backend in mobile application - mobile

I have one project (Web) in which I am using
HTML,JSTL,JS .., JAVA, spring MVC, spring security, JPA and mySQL
Everything is working fine in this project.
Now my client is asking to create a mobile application (Android and IOS) for this project.
My question is:
What approach I should choose to use the same back end in my mobile application with minimal changes.
I do not want to write all the stuff again for back end.
Can some one share any example as well. (may be a small demo or so).

Its better you take advantage of web services here. RESTful webservices come with many handy features to address this issue saving us from re-writing the whole code for mobile applications.
We work for an eCommerce client, our mobile apps access the back end through apis which is primarily written in Oracle ATG Commerce. By this approach back end is completely decoupled from front end and this facilitates the view technology (web or mobile) to be independent. Our APIs are hosted on cloud container APIGEE. Soon, we are planning to dump the old jsp views in favor of Mustache templates to support responsive websites(unique view across all the devices).
Refer this page Restful API for Mobility Solutions. It might give you a peripheral idea.


Where do I keep the application logic in an offline-first web app?

I'm trying to build an offline first web application using couchdb and pouchdb as the backend/frontend databases, AngularJS as the frontend framework and expressjs/nodejs as the backend server. The problem is that what I'm used to is the backend-MVC mindset of building web apps, and not to SPAs, offline-first design, or having only json apis on the application server.
The problem I see with the design I'm considering is that I don't see any role of the nodejs server except serving static files. The frontend would get data from the pouchdb database which would sync with the couchdb database backend. I need an offline-first application capable of working locally when there's no connectivity and syncing when connectivity is available, so this is important.
But where do I implement the important bits of application logic that I need in the backend, like form input validation or user access control? I found some ways to embed logic in couchdb databases (like using filters as shown here) but somehow writing application logic in the database doesn't feel right.
What part of the big picture am I missing here?

About AngularJS performance with large application specifically an ERP application

Our team want to choose a technical architecture for our future ERP web application. We have fixed the choice for the back-end layer, actually we'll use Spring Data JPA/Hibernate and CXF web service to develop the service layer.
Right now we're a little confused about the font-end framework to use so as to develop the client layer. Can anyone give me his viewpoint about AngularsJS framework, is it possible use it to develop all the front-end layer including soap and rest web service calls? Will it fit with our ERP application? I mean from a performance standpoint? because there is a lot of data that will be saved in the client side? Working with Javascript in the client layer? Doesn't it slow down the treatment inside the application?
Hey we are developing a hybrid application for data logistics which is connected through webservices and a Database with the ERP System.
We are using angularJs / Ionic Framework / Cordova
For saving data on the ClientSide we decided to use Localstorage / our own setter/getter Service and WebSql since we are doing offline Functionality too.
Our app is growing big and we have no Performance issues what so ever currently we have about 80 different views.
Hope this helps you

What is the best backend for a jquery mobile web app?

i want to know what is the best backend (database) for a jquery mobile web app and if you have any tutorials and tips that i could use? What is the best database to support a jquery mobile web app?
Backends for mobile apps is a completely different concept altogether when it comes to the context of market. There's a new revolution of mBaaS providers - mobile Backend as a Service. Instead of having your own backend, writing your own web services and exposing them to your app, I would suggest trying a mBaaS, unless the situation is demanding to go by the traditional ways.

GAS UI Builder for GAE

to all
as we all know, Appscript tipicaly for Google Spreadsheet now have a UI builder, though you can compose UI with the script itself the builder is a big factor. now
GAS application is hosted in google drive and can be either share or publish as Webapp. which is great but this type of app is very limited to storing your data in a spreadsheet well, designing a good DB spreadsheet would be enough for small application but is NOT scalable for SME to Enterprise apps.
now having google app engine which have a very good and scalable platform for a webapp.
is there anyway to port the UI library capability and use it for app engine application. having GAS UI as a javascript base (client side) it could be integrated with any serverside language in GAE.
do any one have any example on this or is it now posible?
the way I see it this might be the future for GAE having a GAS as a client side library would be great?
Well, I think you should be looking the other way round. All of Apps Script's UI widgets are borrowed from GWT in GAE. In fact, the Apps Script documentation, at places suggests that we should lookup GWT documentation when this is found inadequate.
Coming to the point of the UI bilder, I'm no GAE expert, but since you get a GWT toolkit for Eclipse, you should be able to use any of Eclipse's UI creating tools ( I may be wrong here).
GWT is compiled to javascript. It doesn't care what the backend is. You can use json to communicate to your python AE instance just fine I would think. I do GWT on java AE so don't have an example of my own but here is an example of using python on AE to use App Scripts

Is it ok to have GWT for the admin and to choose another java framework for the website?

My project has a website (frontend) and an admin (backend).
I would like to do the whole project (front/back-end) with GWT, but I have some reason to have my website running without javascript.
These reasons are :
portability on mobile phone.
a best practice recommend to have a website running without js.
So I can t do the website with GWT...and I also need a MVC, internationalization...and other stuff existing in a classical web framework. I will develop my application on google app engine.
Does it make sense to use 2 frameworks (GWT for the admin and Spring MVC for the website) ?
Thanks you,
It is not uncommon to use different tools and frameworks for internal admin tools and external websites. In many places I have worked admin tools have been desktop based because they are quicker to develop.
so, if it works for you, go for it!
