Why I created a duplicate thread
I created this thread after reading Longest increasing subsequence with K exceptions allowed. I realised that the person who was asking the question hadn't really understood the problem, because he was referring to a link which solves the "Longest Increasing sub-array with one change allowed" problem. So the answers he got were actually irrelevant to LIS problem.
Description of the problem
Suppose that an array A is given with length N.
Find the longest increasing sub-sequence with K exceptions allowed.
N=9 , K=1
Answer: 7
Longest increasing subsequence is : 3,4,5,8(or 6),1(exception),3,7 -> total=7
N=11 , K=2
answer: 8
What I have done so far...
If K=1 then only one exception is allowed. If the known algorithm for computing the Longest Increasing Subsequence in O(NlogN) is used (click here to see this algorithm), then we can compute the LIS starting from A[0] to A[N-1] for each element of array A. We save the results in a new array L with size N. Looking into example n.1 the L array would be:
Using the reverse logic, we compute array R, each element of which contains the current Longest Decreasing Sequence from N-1 to 0.
The LIS with one exception is just sol=max(sol,L[i]+R[i+1]),
where sol is initialized as sol=L[N-1].
So we compute LIS from 0 until an index i (exception), then stop and start a new LIS until N-1.
Sol = 7
-> step by step explanation:
init: sol = L[N]= 5
i=0 : sol = max(sol,1+4) = 5
i=1 : sol = max(sol,2+4) = 6
i=2 : sol = max(sol,2+3) = 6
i=3 : sol = max(sol,3+3) = 6
i=4 : sol = max(sol,4+3) = 7
i=4 : sol = max(sol,4+3) = 7
i=4 : sol = max(sol,4+2) = 7
i=5 : sol = max(sol,4+1) = 7
Complexity :
O( NlogN + NlogN + N ) = O(NlogN)
because arrays R, L need NlogN time to compute and we also need Θ(N) in order to find sol.
Code for k=1 problem
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> ends;
int index_search(int value, int asc) {
int l = -1;
int r = ends.size() - 1;
while (r - l > 1) {
int m = (r + l) / 2;
if (asc && ends[m] >= value)
r = m;
else if (asc && ends[m] < value)
l = m;
else if (!asc && ends[m] <= value)
r = m;
l = m;
return r;
int main(void) {
int n, *S, *A, *B, i, length, idx, max;
S = new int[n];
L = new int[n];
R = new int[n];
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
length = 1;
L[0] = length;
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
if (S[i] < ends[0]) {
ends[0] = S[i];
else if (S[i] > ends[length-1]) {
else {
idx = index_search(S[i],1);
ends[idx] = S[i];
L[i] = length;
length = 1;
R[n-1] = length;
for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--) {
if (S[i] > ends[0]) {
ends[0] = S[i];
else if (S[i] < ends[length-1]) {
else {
idx = index_search(S[i],0);
ends[idx] = S[i];
R[i] = length;
max = A[n-1];
for (i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
max = std::max(max,(L[i]+R[i+1]));
return 0;
Generalization to K exceptions
I have provided an algorithm for K=1. I have no clue how to change the above algorithm to work for K exceptions. I would be glad if someone could help me.
This answer is modified from my answer to a similar question at Computer Science Stackexchange.
The LIS problem with at most k exceptions admits a O(n log² n) algorithm using Lagrangian relaxation. When k is larger than log n this improves asymptotically on the O(nk log n) DP, which we will also briefly explain.
Let DP[a][b] denote the length of the longest increasing subsequence with at most b exceptions (positions where the previous integer is larger than the next one) ending at element b a. This DP is not involved in the algorithm, but defining it makes proving the algorithm easier.
For convenience we will assume that all elements are distinct and that the last element in the array is its maximum. Note that this does not limit us, as we can just add m / 2n to the mth appearance of every number, and append infinity to the array and subtract one from the answer. Let V be the permutation for which 1 <= V[i] <= n is the value of the ith element.
To solve the problem in O(nk log n), we maintain the invariant that DP[a][b] has been calculated for b < j. Loop j from 0 to k, at the jth iteration calculating DP[a][j] for all a. To do this, loop i from 1 to n. We maintain the maximum of DP[x][j-1] over x < i and a prefix maximum data structure that at index i will have DP[x][j] at position V[x] for x < i, and 0 at every other position.
We have DP[i][j] = 1 + max(DP[i'][j], DP[x][j-1]) where we go over i', x < i, V[i'] < V[i]. The prefix maximum of DP[x][j-1] gives us the maximum of terms of the second type, and querying the prefix maximum data structure for prefix [0, V[i]] gives us the maximum of terms of the first type. Then update the prefix maximum and prefix maximum data structure.
Here is a C++ implementation of the algorithm. Note that this implementation does not assume that the last element of the array is its maximum, or that the array contains no duplicates.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// Fenwick tree for prefix maximum queries
class Fenwick {
vector<int> val;
Fenwick(int n) : val(n+1, 0) {}
// Sets value at position i to maximum of its current value and
void inc(int i, int v) {
for (++i; i < val.size(); i += i & -i) val[i] = max(val[i], v);
// Calculates prefix maximum up to index i
int get(int i) {
int res = 0;
for (++i; i > 0; i -= i & -i) res = max(res, val[i]);
return res;
// Binary searches index of v from sorted vector
int bins(const vector<int>& vec, int v) {
int low = 0;
int high = (int)vec.size() - 1;
while(low != high) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (vec[mid] < v) low = mid + 1;
else high = mid;
return low;
// Compresses the range of values to [0, m), and returns m
int compress(vector<int>& vec) {
vector<int> ord = vec;
sort(ord.begin(), ord.end());
ord.erase(unique(ord.begin(), ord.end()), ord.end());
for (int& v : vec) v = bins(ord, v);
return ord.size();
// Returns length of longest strictly increasing subsequence with at most k exceptions
int lisExc(int k, vector<int> vec) {
int n = vec.size();
int m = compress(vec);
vector<int> dp(n, 0);
for (int j = 0;; ++j) {
Fenwick fenw(m+1); // longest subsequence with at most j exceptions ending at this value
int max_exc = 0; // longest subsequence with at most j-1 exceptions ending before this
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int off = 1 + max(max_exc, fenw.get(vec[i]));
max_exc = max(max_exc, dp[i]);
dp[i] = off;[i]+1, off);
if (j == k) return fenw.get(m);
int main() {
int n, k;
cin >> n >> k;
vector<int> vec(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin >> vec[i];
int res = lisExc(k, vec);
cout << res << '\n';
Now we will return to the O(n log² n) algorithm. Select some integer 0 <= r <= n. Define DP'[a][r] = max(DP[a][b] - rb), where the maximum is taken over b, MAXB[a][r] as the maximum b such that DP'[a][r] = DP[a][b] - rb, and MINB[a][r] similarly as the minimum such b. We will show that DP[a][k] = DP'[a][r] + rk if and only if MINB[a][r] <= k <= MAXB[a][r]. Further, we will show that for any k exists an r for which this inequality holds.
Note that MINB[a][r] >= MINB[a][r'] and MAXB[a][r] >= MAXB[a][r'] if r < r', hence if we assume the two claimed results, we can do binary search for the r, trying O(log n) values. Hence we achieve complexity O(n log² n) if we can calculate DP', MINB and MAXB in O(n log n) time.
To do this, we will need a segment tree that stores tuples P[i] = (v_i, low_i, high_i), and supports the following operations:
Given a range [a, b], find the maximum value in that range (maximum v_i, a <= i <= b), and the minimum low and maximum high paired with that value in the range.
Set the value of the tuple P[i]
This is easy to implement with complexity O(log n) time per operation assuming some familiarity with segment trees. You can refer to the implementation of the algorithm below for details.
We will now show how to compute DP', MINB and MAXB in O(n log n). Fix r. Build the segment tree initially containing n+1 null values (-INF, INF, -INF). We maintain that P[V[j]] = (DP'[j], MINB[j], MAXB[j]) for j less than the current position i. Set DP'[0] = 0, MINB[0] = 0 and MAXB[0] to 0 if r > 0, otherwise to INF and P[0] = (DP'[0], MINB[0], MAXB[0]).
Loop i from 1 to n. There are two types of subsequences ending at i: those where the previous element is greater than V[i], and those where it is less than V[i]. To account for the second kind, query the segment tree in the range [0, V[i]]. Let the result be (v_1, low_1, high_1). Set off1 = (v_1 + 1, low_1, high_1). For the first kind, query the segment tree in the range [V[i], n]. Let the result be (v_2, low_2, high_2). Set off2 = (v_2 + 1 - r, low_2 + 1, high_2 + 1), where we incur the penalty of r for creating an exception.
Then we combine off1 and off2 into off. If off1.v > off2.v set off = off1, and if off2.v > off1.v set off = off2. Otherwise, set off = (off1.v, min(off1.low, off2.low), max(off1.high, off2.high)). Then set DP'[i] = off.v, MINB[i] = off.low, MAXB[i] = off.high and P[i] = off.
Since we make two segment tree queries at every i, this takes O(n log n) time in total. It is easy to prove by induction that we compute the correct values DP', MINB and MAXB.
So in short, the algorithm is:
Preprocess, modifying values so that they form a permutation, and the last value is the largest value.
Binary search for the correct r, with initial bounds 0 <= r <= n
Initialise the segment tree with null values, set DP'[0], MINB[0] and MAXB[0].
Loop from i = 1 to n, at step i
Querying ranges [0, V[i]] and [V[i], n] of the segment tree,
calculating DP'[i], MINB[i] and MAXB[i] based on those queries, and
setting the value at position V[i] in the segment tree to the tuple (DP'[i], MINB[i], MAXB[i]).
If MINB[n][r] <= k <= MAXB[n][r], return DP'[n][r] + kr - 1.
Otherwise, if MAXB[n][r] < k, the correct r is less than the current r. If MINB[n][r] > k, the correct r is greater than the current r. Update the bounds on r and return to step 1.
Here is a C++ implementation for this algorithm. It also finds the optimal subsequence.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
const int INF = 2 * (int)1e9;
pair<ll, pair<int, int>> combine(pair<ll, pair<int, int>> le, pair<ll, pair<int, int>> ri) {
if (le.first < ri.first) swap(le, ri);
if (ri.first == le.first) {
le.second.first = min(le.second.first, ri.second.first);
le.second.second = max(le.second.second, ri.second.second);
return le;
// Specialised range maximum segment tree
class SegTree {
vector<pair<ll, pair<int, int>>> seg;
int h = 1;
pair<ll, pair<int, int>> recGet(int a, int b, int i, int le, int ri) const {
if (ri <= a || b <= le) return {-INF, {INF, -INF}};
else if (a <= le && ri <= b) return seg[i];
else return combine(recGet(a, b, 2*i, le, (le+ri)/2), recGet(a, b, 2*i+1, (le+ri)/2, ri));
SegTree(int n) {
while(h < n) h *= 2;
seg.resize(2*h, {-INF, {INF, -INF}});
void set(int i, pair<ll, pair<int, int>> off) {
seg[i+h] = combine(seg[i+h], off);
for (i += h; i > 1; i /= 2) seg[i/2] = combine(seg[i], seg[i^1]);
pair<ll, pair<int, int>> get(int a, int b) const {
return recGet(a, b+1, 1, 0, h);
// Binary searches index of v from sorted vector
int bins(const vector<int>& vec, int v) {
int low = 0;
int high = (int)vec.size() - 1;
while(low != high) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (vec[mid] < v) low = mid + 1;
else high = mid;
return low;
// Finds longest strictly increasing subsequence with at most k exceptions in O(n log^2 n)
vector<int> lisExc(int k, vector<int> vec) {
// Compress values
vector<int> ord = vec;
sort(ord.begin(), ord.end());
ord.erase(unique(ord.begin(), ord.end()), ord.end());
for (auto& v : vec) v = bins(ord, v) + 1;
// Binary search lambda
int n = vec.size();
int m = ord.size() + 1;
int lambda_0 = 0;
int lambda_1 = n;
while(true) {
int lambda = (lambda_0 + lambda_1) / 2;
SegTree seg(m);
if (lambda > 0) seg.set(0, {0, {0, 0}});
else seg.set(0, {0, {0, INF}});
// Calculate DP
vector<pair<ll, pair<int, int>>> dp(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
auto off0 = seg.get(0, vec[i]-1); // previous < this
off0.first += 1;
auto off1 = seg.get(vec[i], m-1); // previous >= this
off1.first += 1 - lambda;
off1.second.first += 1;
off1.second.second += 1;
dp[i] = combine(off0, off1);
seg.set(vec[i], dp[i]);
// Is min_b <= k <= max_b?
auto off = seg.get(0, m-1);
if (off.second.second < k) {
lambda_1 = lambda - 1;
} else if (off.second.first > k) {
lambda_0 = lambda + 1;
} else {
// Construct solution
ll r = off.first + 1;
int v = m;
int b = k;
vector<int> res;
for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (vec[i] < v) {
if (r == dp[i].first + 1 && dp[i].second.first <= b && b <= dp[i].second.second) {
r -= 1;
v = vec[i];
} else {
if (r == dp[i].first + 1 - lambda && dp[i].second.first <= b-1 && b-1 <= dp[i].second.second) {
r -= 1 - lambda;
v = vec[i];
reverse(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
int main() {
int n, k;
cin >> n >> k;
vector<int> vec(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin >> vec[i];
vector<int> ans = lisExc(k, vec);
for (auto i : ans) cout << i+1 << ' ';
cout << '\n';
We will now prove the two claims. We wish to prove that
DP'[a][r] = DP[a][b] - rb if and only if MINB[a][r] <= b <= MAXB[a][r]
For all a, k there exists an integer r, 0 <= r <= n, such that MINB[a][r] <= k <= MAXB[a][r]
Both of these follow from the concavity of the problem. Concavity means that DP[a][k+2] - DP[a][k+1] <= DP[a][k+1] - DP[a][k] for all a, k. This is intuitive: the more exceptions we are allowed to make, the less allowing one more helps us.
Fix a and r. Set f(b) = DP[a][b] - rb, and d(b) = f(b+1) - f(b). We have d(k+1) <= d(k) from the concavity of the problem. Assume x < y and f(x) = f(y) >= f(i) for all i. Hence d(x) <= 0, thus d(i) <= 0 for i in [x, y). But f(y) = f(x) + d(x) + d(x + 1) + ... + d(y - 1), hence d(i) = 0 for i in [x, y). Hence f(y) = f(x) = f(i) for i in [x, y]. This proves the first claim.
To prove the second, set r = DP[a][k+1] - DP[a][k] and define f, d as previously. Then d(k) = 0, hence d(i) >= 0 for i < k and d(i) <= 0 for i > k, hence f(k) is maximal as desired.
Proving concavity is more difficult. For a proof, see my answer at cs.stackexchange.
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to write a Haskell program that calculates multiples. Basically, when given two integers a and b, I want to find how many integers 1 ≤ bi ≤ b are multiple of any integer 2 ≤ ai ≤ a. For example, if a = 3 and b = 30, I want to know how many integers in the range of 1-30 are a multiple of 2 or 3; there are 20 such integers: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30.
I have a C program that does this. I'm trying to get this translated into Haskell, but part of the difficulty is getting around the loops that I've used since Haskell doesn't use loops. I appreciate any and all help in translating this!
My C program for reference (sorry if formatting is off):
#define PRIME_RANGE 130
#define PRIME_CNT 32
#define UPPER_LIMIT (1000000000000000ull) //10^15
typedef struct
char primeFactorFlag;
long long multiple;
unsigned char primeFlag[PRIME_RANGE + 1];
int primes[PRIME_CNT];
int primeCnt = 0;
int maxPrimeStart[PRIME_CNT];
multipleInfo baseMultiples[MAX_BASE_MULTIPLES_COUNT];
multipleInfo mergedMultiples[MAX_BASE_MULTIPLES_COUNT];
int baseMultiplesCount, mergedMultiplesCount;
void findOddMultiples(int a, long long b, long long *count);
void generateBaseMultiples(void);
void mergeLists(multipleInfo listSource[], int countS, multipleInfo
listDest[], int *countD);
void sieve(void);
int main(void)
int i, j, a, n, startInd, endInd;
long long b, multiples;
//Generate primes
primes[primeCnt] = PRIME_RANGE + 1;
baseMultiples[baseMultiplesCount].multiple = UPPER_LIMIT + 1;
//Input and Output
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scanf("%d%lld", &a, &b);
//If b <= a, all are multiple except 1
if(b <= a)
//Add all even multiples
multiples = b / 2;
//Add all odd multiples
findOddMultiples(a, b, &multiples);-
printf("%lld\n", multiples);
return 0;
void findOddMultiples(int a, long long b, long long *count)
int i, k;
long long currentNum;
for(k = 1; k < primeCnt && primes[k] <= a; k++)
for(i = maxPrimeStart[k]; i < maxPrimeStart[k + 1] &&
baseMultiples[i].multiple <= b; i++)
currentNum = b/baseMultiples[i].multiple;
currentNum = (currentNum + 1) >> 1; // remove even multiples
if(baseMultiples[i].primeFactorFlag) //odd number of factors
(*count) += currentNum;
(*count) -= currentNum;
void addTheMultiple(long long value, int primeFactorFlag)
baseMultiples[baseMultiplesCount].multiple = value;
baseMultiples[baseMultiplesCount].primeFactorFlag = primeFactorFlag;
void generateBaseMultiples(void)
int i, j, t, prevCount;
long long curValue;
addTheMultiple(3, 1);
mergedMultiples[0] = baseMultiples[0];
mergedMultiplesCount = 1;
maxPrimeStart[1] = 0;
prevCount = mergedMultiplesCount;
for(i = 2; i < primeCnt; i++)
maxPrimeStart[i] = baseMultiplesCount;
addTheMultiple(primes[i], 1);
for(j = 0; j < prevCount; j++)
curValue = mergedMultiples[j].multiple * primes[i];
if(curValue > UPPER_LIMIT)
addTheMultiple(curValue, 1 - mergedMultiples[j].primeFactorFlag);
if(i < primeCnt - 1)
mergeLists(&baseMultiples[prevCount], baseMultiplesCount - prevCount, mergedMultiples, &mergedMultiplesCount);
prevCount = mergedMultiplesCount;
maxPrimeStart[primeCnt] = baseMultiplesCount;
void mergeLists(multipleInfo listSource[], int countS, multipleInfo listDest[], int *countD)
int limit = countS + *countD;
int i1, i2, j, k;
//Copy one list in unused safe memory
for(j = limit - 1, k = *countD - 1; k >= 0; j--, k--)
listDest[j] = listDest[k];
//Merge the lists
for(i1 = 0, i2 = countS, k = 0; i1 < countS && i2 < limit; k++)
if(listSource[i1].multiple <= listDest[i2].multiple)
listDest[k] = listSource[i1++];
listDest[k] = listDest[i2++];
while(i1 < countS)
listDest[k++] = listSource[i1++];
while(i2 < limit)
listDest[k++] = listDest[i2++];
*countD = k;
void sieve(void)
int i, j, root = sqrt(PRIME_RANGE);
primes[primeCnt++] = 2;
for(i = 3; i <= PRIME_RANGE; i+= 2)
primes[primeCnt++] = i;
if(root >= i)
for(j = i * i; j <= PRIME_RANGE; j += i << 1)
primeFlag[j] = 1;
First, unless I'm grossly misunderstanding, the number of multiples you have there is wrong. The number of multiples of 2 between 1 and 30 is 15, and the number of multiples of 3 between 1 and 30 is 10, so there should be 25 numbers there.
EDIT: I did misunderstand; you want unique multiples.
To get unique multiples, you can use Data.Set, which has the invariant that the elements of the Set are unique and ordered ascendingly.
If you know you aren't going to exceed x = maxBound :: Int, you can get even better speedups using Data.IntSet. I've also included some test cases and annotated with comments what they run at on my machine.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
module Main (main) where
import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
main :: IO ()
main = do
test 3 30 -- 0.12 ms
test 131 132 -- 0.14 ms
test 500 300000 -- 117.63 ms
test :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
test !a !b = do
start <- getCPUTime
print (numMultiples a b)
end <- getCPUTime
print $ "Needed " ++ show ((fromIntegral (end - start)) / 10^9) ++ " ms.\n"
numMultiples :: Int -> Int -> Int
numMultiples !a !b = IntSet.size (foldMap go [2..a])
go :: Int -> IntSet
go !x = IntSet.fromAscList [x, x+x .. b]
I'm not really into understanding your C, so I implemented a solution afresh using the algorithm discussed here. The N in the linked algorithm is the product of the primes up to a in your problem description.
So first we'll need a list of primes. There's a standardish trick for getting a list of primes that is at once very idiomatic and relatively efficient:
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2:filter isPrime [3..]
-- Doesn't work right for n<2, but we never call it there, so who cares?
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime n = go primes n where
go (p:ps) n | p*p>n = True
| otherwise = n `rem` p /= 0 && go ps n
Next up: we want a way to iterate over the positive square-free divisors of N. This can be achieved by iterating over the subsets of the primes less than a. There's a standard idiomatic way to get a powerset, namely:
-- import Control.Monad
-- powerSet :: [a] -> [[a]]
-- powerSet = filterM (const [False, True])
That would be a fine component to use, but since at the end of the day we only care about the product of each powerset element and the value of the Mobius function of that product, we would end up duplicating a lot of multiplications and counting problems. It's cheaper to compute those two things directly while producing the powerset. So:
-- Given the prime factorization of a square-free number, produce a list of
-- its divisors d together with mu(d).
divisorsWithMu :: Num a => [a] -> [(a, a)]
divisorsWithMu [] = [(1, 1)]
divisorsWithMu (p:ps) = rec ++ [(p*d, -mu) | (d, mu) <- rec] where
rec = divisorsWithMu ps
With that in hand, we can just iterate and do a little arithmetic.
f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
f a b = b - sum
[ mu * (b `div` d)
| (d, mu) <- divisorsWithMu (takeWhile (<=a) primes)
And that's all the code. Crunched 137 lines of C down to 15 lines of Haskell -- not bad! Try it out in ghci:
> f 3 30
As an additional optimization, one could consider modifying divisorsWithMu to short-circuit when its divisor is bigger than b, as we know such terms will not contribute to the final sum. This makes a noticeable difference for large a, as without it there are exponentially many elements in the powerset. Here's how that modification looks:
-- Given an upper bound and the prime factorization of a square-free number,
-- produce a list of its divisors d that are no larger than the upper bound
-- together with mu(d).
divisorsWithMuUnder :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> [a] -> [(a, a)]
divisorsWithMuUnder n [] = [(1, 1)]
divisorsWithMuUnder n (p:ps) = rec ++ [(p*d, -mu) | (d, mu) <- rec, p*d<=n]
where rec = divisorsWithMuUnder n ps
f' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
f' a b = b - sum
[ mu * (b `div` d)
| (d, mu) <- divisorsWithMuUnder b (takeWhile (<=a) primes)
Not much more complicated; the only really interesting difference is that there's now a condition in the list comprehension. Here's an example of f' finishing quickly for inputs that would take infeasibly long with f:
> f' 100 100000
With data-ordlist package mentioned by Daniel Wagner in the comments, it is just
f a b = length $ unionAll [ [p,p+p..b] | p <- takeWhile (<= a) primes]
That is all. Some timings, for non-compiled code run inside GHCi:
~> f 100 (10^5)
(0.05 secs, 48855072 bytes)
~> f 131 (3*10^6)
(0.55 secs, 1493586480 bytes)
~> f 131 132
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
~> f 500 300000
(0.11 secs, 192704760 bytes)
Compiling will surely make the memory consumption a non-issue, by converting the length to a counting loop.
You'll have to use recursion in place of loops.
In (most) procedural or object-orientated languages, you should hardly ever (never?) be using recursion. It is horribly inefficient, as a new stack frame must be created each time the recursive function is called.
However, in a functional language, like Haskell, the compiler is often able to optimize the recursion away into a loop, which makes it much faster then its procedural counterparts.
I've converted your sieve function into a set of recursive functions in C. I'll leave it to you to convert it into Haskell:
int main(void) {
int root = sqrt(PRIME_RANGE);
primes[primeCnt++] = 2;
sieve(3, PRIME_RANGE, root);
void sieve(int i, int end, int root) {
if(i > end) {
if(!primeFlag[i]) {
primes[primeCnt++] = i;
if(root >= i) {
markMultiples(i * i, PRIME_RANGE, i);
i += 2;
sieve(i, end, root);
void markMultiples(int j, int end, int prime) {
if(j > end) {
primeFlag[j] = 1;
j += i << 1;
markMultiples(j, end, prime);
The point of recursion is that the same function is called repeatedly, until a condition is met. The results of one recursive call are passed onto the next call, until the condition is met.
Also, why are you bit-fiddling instead of just multiplying or dividing by 2? Any half-decent compiler these days can convert most multiplications and divisions by 2 into a bit-shift.
I want to write a function that takes an array of letters as an argument and a number of those letters to select.
Say you provide an array of 8 letters and want to select 3 letters from that. Then you should get:
8! / ((8 - 3)! * 3!) = 56
Arrays (or words) in return consisting of 3 letters each.
Art of Computer Programming Volume 4: Fascicle 3 has a ton of these that might fit your particular situation better than how I describe.
Gray Codes
An issue that you will come across is of course memory and pretty quickly, you'll have problems by 20 elements in your set -- 20C3 = 1140. And if you want to iterate over the set it's best to use a modified gray code algorithm so you aren't holding all of them in memory. These generate the next combination from the previous and avoid repetitions. There are many of these for different uses. Do we want to maximize the differences between successive combinations? minimize? et cetera.
Some of the original papers describing gray codes:
Some Hamilton Paths and a Minimal Change Algorithm
Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm
Here are some other papers covering the topic:
An Efficient Implementation of the Eades, Hickey, Read Adjacent Interchange Combination Generation Algorithm (PDF, with code in Pascal)
Combination Generators
Survey of Combinatorial Gray Codes (PostScript)
An Algorithm for Gray Codes
Chase's Twiddle (algorithm)
Phillip J Chase, `Algorithm 382: Combinations of M out of N Objects' (1970)
The algorithm in C...
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (Buckles Algorithm 515)
You can also reference a combination by its index (in lexicographical order). Realizing that the index should be some amount of change from right to left based on the index we can construct something that should recover a combination.
So, we have a set {1,2,3,4,5,6}... and we want three elements. Let's say {1,2,3} we can say that the difference between the elements is one and in order and minimal. {1,2,4} has one change and is lexicographically number 2. So the number of 'changes' in the last place accounts for one change in the lexicographical ordering. The second place, with one change {1,3,4} has one change but accounts for more change since it's in the second place (proportional to the number of elements in the original set).
The method I've described is a deconstruction, as it seems, from set to the index, we need to do the reverse – which is much trickier. This is how Buckles solves the problem. I wrote some C to compute them, with minor changes – I used the index of the sets rather than a number range to represent the set, so we are always working from 0...n.
Since combinations are unordered, {1,3,2} = {1,2,3} --we order them to be lexicographical.
This method has an implicit 0 to start the set for the first difference.
Index of Combinations in Lexicographical Order (McCaffrey)
There is another way:, its concept is easier to grasp and program but it's without the optimizations of Buckles. Fortunately, it also does not produce duplicate combinations:
The set that maximizes , where .
For an example: 27 = C(6,4) + C(5,3) + C(2,2) + C(1,1). So, the 27th lexicographical combination of four things is: {1,2,5,6}, those are the indexes of whatever set you want to look at. Example below (OCaml), requires choose function, left to reader:
(* this will find the [x] combination of a [set] list when taking [k] elements *)
let combination_maccaffery set k x =
(* maximize function -- maximize a that is aCb *)
(* return largest c where c < i and choose(c,i) <= z *)
let rec maximize a b x =
if (choose a b ) <= x then a else maximize (a-1) b x
let rec iterate n x i = match i with
| 0 -> []
| i ->
let max = maximize n i x in
max :: iterate n (x - (choose max i)) (i-1)
if x < 0 then failwith "errors" else
let idxs = iterate (List.length set) x k in (List.nth set) (List.sort (-) idxs)
A small and simple combinations iterator
The following two algorithms are provided for didactic purposes. They implement an iterator and (a more general) folder overall combinations.
They are as fast as possible, having the complexity O(nCk). The memory consumption is bound by k.
We will start with the iterator, which will call a user provided function for each combination
let iter_combs n k f =
let rec iter v s j =
if j = k then f v
else for i = s to n - 1 do iter (i::v) (i+1) (j+1) done in
iter [] 0 0
A more general version will call the user provided function along with the state variable, starting from the initial state. Since we need to pass the state between different states we won't use the for-loop, but instead, use recursion,
let fold_combs n k f x =
let rec loop i s c x =
if i < n then
loop (i+1) s c ##
let c = i::c and s = s + 1 and i = i + 1 in
if s < k then loop i s c x else f c x
else x in
loop 0 0 [] x
In C#:
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] {e}).Concat(c)));
var result = Combinations(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, 3);
Short java solution:
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Combination {
public static void main(String[] args){
String[] arr = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};
combinations2(arr, 3, 0, new String[3]);
static void combinations2(String[] arr, int len, int startPosition, String[] result){
if (len == 0){
for (int i = startPosition; i <= arr.length-len; i++){
result[result.length - len] = arr[i];
combinations2(arr, len-1, i+1, result);
Result will be
[A, B, C]
[A, B, D]
[A, B, E]
[A, B, F]
[A, C, D]
[A, C, E]
[A, C, F]
[A, D, E]
[A, D, F]
[A, E, F]
[B, C, D]
[B, C, E]
[B, C, F]
[B, D, E]
[B, D, F]
[B, E, F]
[C, D, E]
[C, D, F]
[C, E, F]
[D, E, F]
May I present my recursive Python solution to this problem?
def choose_iter(elements, length):
for i in xrange(len(elements)):
if length == 1:
yield (elements[i],)
for next in choose_iter(elements[i+1:], length-1):
yield (elements[i],) + next
def choose(l, k):
return list(choose_iter(l, k))
Example usage:
>>> len(list(choose_iter("abcdefgh",3)))
I like it for its simplicity.
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Written in code this look something like that
void print_combinations(const char *string)
int i, j, k;
int len = strlen(string);
for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++)
for (k = j + 1; k < len; k++)
printf("%c%c%c\n", string[i], string[j], string[k]);
The following recursive algorithm picks all of the k-element combinations from an ordered set:
choose the first element i of your combination
combine i with each of the combinations of k-1 elements chosen recursively from the set of elements larger than i.
Iterate the above for each i in the set.
It is essential that you pick the rest of the elements as larger than i, to avoid repetition. This way [3,5] will be picked only once, as [3] combined with [5], instead of twice (the condition eliminates [5] + [3]). Without this condition you get variations instead of combinations.
Short example in Python:
def comb(sofar, rest, n):
if n == 0:
print sofar
for i in range(len(rest)):
comb(sofar + rest[i], rest[i+1:], n-1)
>>> comb("", "abcde", 3)
For explanation, the recursive method is described with the following example:
Example: A B C D E
All combinations of 3 would be:
A with all combinations of 2 from the rest (B C D E)
B with all combinations of 2 from the rest (C D E)
C with all combinations of 2 from the rest (D E)
I found this thread useful and thought I would add a Javascript solution that you can pop into Firebug. Depending on your JS engine, it could take a little time if the starting string is large.
function string_recurse(active, rest) {
if (rest.length == 0) {
} else {
string_recurse(active + rest.charAt(0), rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse(active, rest.substring(1, rest.length));
string_recurse("", "abc");
The output should be as follows:
In C++ the following routine will produce all combinations of length distance(first,k) between the range [first,last):
#include <algorithm>
template <typename Iterator>
bool next_combination(const Iterator first, Iterator k, const Iterator last)
/* Credits: Mark Nelson */
if ((first == last) || (first == k) || (last == k))
return false;
Iterator i1 = first;
Iterator i2 = last;
if (last == i1)
return false;
i1 = last;
i1 = k;
while (first != i1)
if (*--i1 < *i2)
Iterator j = k;
while (!(*i1 < *j)) ++j;
i2 = k;
while (last != j)
return true;
return false;
It can be used like this:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::string s = "12345";
std::size_t comb_size = 3;
std::cout << std::string(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size) << std::endl;
} while (next_combination(s.begin(), s.begin() + comb_size, s.end()));
return 0;
This will print the following:
static IEnumerable<string> Combinations(List<string> characters, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < characters.Count; i++)
// only want 1 character, just return this one
if (length == 1)
yield return characters[i];
// want more than one character, return this one plus all combinations one shorter
// only use characters after the current one for the rest of the combinations
foreach (string next in Combinations(characters.GetRange(i + 1, characters.Count - (i + 1)), length - 1))
yield return characters[i] + next;
Simple recursive algorithm in Haskell
import Data.List
combinations 0 lst = [[]]
combinations n lst = do
(x:xs) <- tails lst
rest <- combinations (n-1) xs
return $ x : rest
We first define the special case, i.e. selecting zero elements. It produces a single result, which is an empty list (i.e. a list that contains an empty list).
For n > 0, x goes through every element of the list and xs is every element after x.
rest picks n - 1 elements from xs using a recursive call to combinations. The final result of the function is a list where each element is x : rest (i.e. a list which has x as head and rest as tail) for every different value of x and rest.
> combinations 3 "abcde"
And of course, since Haskell is lazy, the list is gradually generated as needed, so you can partially evaluate exponentially large combinations.
> let c = combinations 8 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
> take 10 c
And here comes granddaddy COBOL, the much maligned language.
Let's assume an array of 34 elements of 8 bytes each (purely arbitrary selection.) The idea is to enumerate all possible 4-element combinations and load them into an array.
We use 4 indices, one each for each position in the group of 4
The array is processed like this:
idx1 = 1
idx2 = 2
idx3 = 3
idx4 = 4
We vary idx4 from 4 to the end. For each idx4 we get a unique combination
of groups of four. When idx4 comes to the end of the array, we increment idx3 by 1 and set idx4 to idx3+1. Then we run idx4 to the end again. We proceed in this manner, augmenting idx3,idx2, and idx1 respectively until the position of idx1 is less than 4 from the end of the array. That finishes the algorithm.
1 --- pos.1
2 --- pos 2
3 --- pos 3
4 --- pos 4
First iterations:
A COBOL example:
05 IDX1 PIC 99.
05 IDX2 PIC 99.
05 IDX3 PIC 99.
05 IDX4 PIC 99.
05 OUT_IDX PIC 9(9).
* Stop the search when IDX1 is on the third last array element:
Another C# version with lazy generation of the combination indices. This version maintains a single array of indices to define a mapping between the list of all values and the values for the current combination, i.e. constantly uses O(k) additional space during the entire runtime. The code generates individual combinations, including the first one, in O(k) time.
public static IEnumerable<T[]> Combinations<T>(this T[] values, int k)
if (k < 0 || values.Length < k)
yield break; // invalid parameters, no combinations possible
// generate the initial combination indices
var combIndices = new int[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combIndices[i] = i;
while (true)
// return next combination
var combination = new T[k];
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
combination[i] = values[combIndices[i]];
yield return combination;
// find first index to update
var indexToUpdate = k - 1;
while (indexToUpdate >= 0 && combIndices[indexToUpdate] >= values.Length - k + indexToUpdate)
if (indexToUpdate < 0)
yield break; // done
// update combination indices
for (var combIndex = combIndices[indexToUpdate] + 1; indexToUpdate < k; indexToUpdate++, combIndex++)
combIndices[indexToUpdate] = combIndex;
Test code:
foreach (var combination in new[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}.Combinations(3))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", combination));
a b c
a b d
a b e
a c d
a c e
a d e
b c d
b c e
b d e
c d e
Here is an elegant, generic implementation in Scala, as described on 99 Scala Problems.
object P26 {
def flatMapSublists[A,B](ls: List[A])(f: (List[A]) => List[B]): List[B] =
ls match {
case Nil => Nil
case sublist#(_ :: tail) => f(sublist) ::: flatMapSublists(tail)(f)
def combinations[A](n: Int, ls: List[A]): List[List[A]] =
if (n == 0) List(Nil)
else flatMapSublists(ls) { sl =>
combinations(n - 1, sl.tail) map {sl.head :: _}
If you can use SQL syntax - say, if you're using LINQ to access fields of an structure or array, or directly accessing a database that has a table called "Alphabet" with just one char field "Letter", you can adapt following code:
SELECT A.Letter, B.Letter, C.Letter
FROM Alphabet AS A, Alphabet AS B, Alphabet AS C
WHERE A.Letter<>B.Letter AND A.Letter<>C.Letter AND B.Letter<>C.Letter
AND A.Letter<B.Letter AND B.Letter<C.Letter
This will return all combinations of 3 letters, notwithstanding how many letters you have in table "Alphabet" (it can be 3, 8, 10, 27, etc.).
If what you want is all permutations, rather than combinations (i.e. you want "ACB" and "ABC" to count as different, rather than appear just once) just delete the last line (the AND one) and it's done.
Post-Edit: After re-reading the question, I realise what's needed is the general algorithm, not just a specific one for the case of selecting 3 items. Adam Hughes' answer is the complete one, unfortunately I cannot vote it up (yet). This answer's simple but works only for when you want exactly 3 items.
I had a permutation algorithm I used for project euler, in python:
def missing(miss,src):
"Returns the list of items in src not present in miss"
return [i for i in src if i not in miss]
def permutation_gen(n,l):
"Generates all the permutations of n items of the l list"
for i in l:
if n<=1: yield [i]
r = [i]
for j in permutation_gen(n-1,missing([i],l)): yield r+j
you should have all combination you need without repetition, do you need it?
It is a generator, so you use it in something like this:
for comb in permutation_gen(3,list("ABCDEFGH")):
print comb
There is an implementation for JavaScript. It has functions to get k-combinations and all combinations of an array of any objects. Examples:
k_combinations([1,2,3], 2)
-> [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]
-> [[1],[2],[3],[1,2],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]
Lets say your array of letters looks like this: "ABCDEFGH". You have three indices (i, j, k) indicating which letters you are going to use for the current word, You start with:
^ ^ ^
i j k
First you vary k, so the next step looks like that:
^ ^ ^
i j k
If you reached the end you go on and vary j and then k again.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
Once you j reached G you start also to vary i.
^ ^ ^
i j k
^ ^ ^
i j k
function initializePointers($cnt) {
$pointers = [];
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
$pointers[] = $i;
return $pointers;
function incrementPointers(&$pointers, &$arrLength) {
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$currentPointerIndex = count($pointers) - $i - 1;
$currentPointer = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex];
if($currentPointer < $arrLength - $i - 1) {
for($j=1; ($currentPointerIndex+$j)<count($pointers); $j++) {
$pointers[$currentPointerIndex+$j] = $pointers[$currentPointerIndex]+$j;
return true;
return false;
function getDataByPointers(&$arr, &$pointers) {
$data = [];
for($i=0; $i<count($pointers); $i++) {
$data[] = $arr[$pointers[$i]];
return $data;
function getCombinations($arr, $cnt)
$len = count($arr);
$result = [];
$pointers = initializePointers($cnt);
do {
$result[] = getDataByPointers($arr, $pointers);
} while(incrementPointers($pointers, count($arr)));
return $result;
$result = getCombinations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3);
Based on, but more abstract, for any size of pointers.
Here you have a lazy evaluated version of that algorithm coded in C#:
static bool nextCombination(int[] num, int n, int k)
bool finished, changed;
changed = finished = false;
if (k > 0)
for (int i = k - 1; !finished && !changed; i--)
if (num[i] < (n - 1) - (k - 1) + i)
if (i < k - 1)
for (int j = i + 1; j < k; j++)
num[j] = num[j - 1] + 1;
changed = true;
finished = (i == 0);
return changed;
static IEnumerable Combinations<T>(IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
T[] elem = elements.ToArray();
int size = elem.Length;
if (k <= size)
int[] numbers = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
numbers[i] = i;
yield return numbers.Select(n => elem[n]);
while (nextCombination(numbers, size, k));
And test part:
static void Main(string[] args)
int k = 3;
var t = new[] { "dog", "cat", "mouse", "zebra"};
foreach (IEnumerable<string> i in Combinations(t, k))
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", i));
Hope this help you!
Another version, that forces all the first k to appear firstly, then all the first k+1 combinations, then all the first k+2 etc.. It means that if you have sorted array, the most important on the top, it would take them and expand gradually to the next ones - only when it is must do so.
private static bool NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(int[] num, int n, int k)
if (k > 1 && NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(num, num[k - 1], k - 1))
return true;
if (num[k - 1] + 1 == n)
return false;
++num[k - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i)
num[i] = i;
return true;
For instance, if you run the first method ("nextCombination") on k=3, n=5 you'll get:
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 2 3
0 2 4
0 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
But if you'll run
int[] nums = new int[k];
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
nums[i] = i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", nums));
while (NextCombinationFirstsAlwaysFirst(nums, n, k));
You'll get this (I added empty lines for clarity):
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 3
1 2 3
0 1 4
0 2 4
1 2 4
0 3 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
It's adding "4" only when must to, and also after "4" was added it adds "3" again only when it must to (after doing 01, 02, 12).
Array.prototype.combs = function(num) {
var str = this,
length = str.length,
of = Math.pow(2, length) - 1,
out, combinations = [];
while(of) {
out = [];
for(var i = 0, y; i < length; i++) {
y = (1 << i);
if(y & of && (y !== of))
if (out.length >= num) {
return combinations;
Clojure version:
(defn comb [k l]
(if (= 1 k) (map vector l)
(apply concat
#(map (fn [x] (conj x %2))
(comb (dec k) (drop (inc %1) l)))
Count from 1 to 2^n.
Convert each digit to its binary representation.
Translate each 'on' bit to elements of your set, based on position.
In C#:
void Main()
var set = new [] {"A", "B", "C", "D" }; //, "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
var kElement = 2;
for(var i = 1; i < Math.Pow(2, set.Length); i++) {
var result = Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(set.Length, '0');
var cnt = Regex.Matches(Regex.Escape(result), "1").Count;
if (cnt == kElement) {
for(int j = 0; j < set.Length; j++)
if ( Char.GetNumericValue(result[j]) == 1)
Why does it work?
There is a bijection between the subsets of an n-element set and n-bit sequences.
That means we can figure out how many subsets there are by counting sequences.
e.g., the four element set below can be represented by {0,1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} X {0, 1} (or 2^4) different sequences.
So - all we have to do is count from 1 to 2^n to find all the combinations. (We ignore the empty set.) Next, translate the digits to their binary representation. Then substitute elements of your set for 'on' bits.
If you want only k element results, only print when k bits are 'on'.
(If you want all subsets instead of k length subsets, remove the cnt/kElement part.)
(For proof, see MIT free courseware Mathematics for Computer Science, Lehman et al, section 11.2.2. )
short python code, yielding index positions
def yield_combos(n,k):
# n is set size, k is combo size
i = 0
a = [0]*k
while i > -1:
for j in range(i+1, k):
a[j] = a[j-1]+1
yield a
while a[i] == i + n - k:
i -= 1
a[i] += 1
All said and and done here comes the O'caml code for that.
Algorithm is evident from the code..
let combi n lst =
let rec comb l c =
if( List.length c = n) then [c] else
match l with
[] -> []
| (h::t) -> (combi t (h::c))#(combi t c)
combi lst []
Here is a method which gives you all combinations of specified size from a random length string. Similar to quinmars' solution, but works for varied input and k.
The code can be changed to wrap around, ie 'dab' from input 'abcd' w k=3.
public void run(String data, int howMany){
choose(data, howMany, new StringBuffer(), 0);
//n choose k
private void choose(String data, int k, StringBuffer result, int startIndex){
if (result.length()==k){
for (int i=startIndex; i<data.length(); i++){
choose(data,k,result, i+1);
Output for "abcde":
abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde
Short javascript version (ES 5)
let combine = (list, n) =>
n == 0 ?
[[]] :
list.flatMap((e, i) =>
list.slice(i + 1),
n - 1
).map(c => [e].concat(c))
let res = combine([1,2,3,4], 3);
res.forEach(e => console.log(e.join()));
Another python recusive solution.
def combination_indicies(n, k, j = 0, stack = []):
if len(stack) == k:
yield list(stack)
for i in range(j, n):
for x in combination_indicies(n, k, i + 1, stack):
yield x
list(combination_indicies(5, 3))
[[0, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 3],
[0, 1, 4],
[0, 2, 3],
[0, 2, 4],
[0, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 4],
[1, 3, 4],
[2, 3, 4]]
I created a solution in SQL Server 2005 for this, and posted it on my website:
Here is an example to show usage:
SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_GetMChooseNCombos('ABCD', 2, '')
(6 row(s) affected)
Here is my proposition in C++
I tried to impose as little restriction on the iterator type as i could so this solution assumes just forward iterator, and it can be a const_iterator. This should work with any standard container. In cases where arguments don't make sense it throws std::invalid_argumnent
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename Fci> // Fci - forward const iterator
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> >
enumerate_combinations(Fci begin, Fci end, unsigned int combination_size)
if(begin == end && combination_size > 0u)
throw std::invalid_argument("empty set and positive combination size!");
std::vector<std::vector<Fci> > result; // empty set of combinations
if(combination_size == 0u) return result; // there is exactly one combination of
// size 0 - emty set
std::vector<Fci> current_combination;
current_combination.reserve(combination_size + 1u); // I reserve one aditional slot
// in my vector to store
// the end sentinel there.
// The code is cleaner thanks to that
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < combination_size && begin != end; ++i, ++begin)
current_combination.push_back(begin); // Construction of the first combination
// Since I assume the itarators support only incrementing, I have to iterate over
// the set to get its size, which is expensive. Here I had to itrate anyway to
// produce the first cobination, so I use the loop to also check the size.
if(current_combination.size() < combination_size)
throw std::invalid_argument("combination size > set size!");
result.push_back(current_combination); // Store the first combination in the results set
current_combination.push_back(end); // Here I add mentioned earlier sentinel to
// simplyfy rest of the code. If I did it
// earlier, previous statement would get ugly.
unsigned int i = combination_size;
Fci tmp; // Thanks to the sentinel I can find first
do // iterator to change, simply by scaning
{ // from right to left and looking for the
tmp = current_combination[--i]; // first "bubble". The fact, that it's
++tmp; // a forward iterator makes it ugly but I
} // can't help it.
while(i > 0u && tmp == current_combination[i + 1u]);
// Here is probably my most obfuscated expression.
// Loop above looks for a "bubble". If there is no "bubble", that means, that
// current_combination is the last combination, Expression in the if statement
// below evaluates to true and the function exits returning result.
// If the "bubble" is found however, the ststement below has a sideeffect of
// incrementing the first iterator to the left of the "bubble".
if(++current_combination[i] == current_combination[i + 1u])
return result;
// Rest of the code sets posiotons of the rest of the iterstors
// (if there are any), that are to the right of the incremented one,
// to form next combination
while(++i < combination_size)
current_combination[i] = current_combination[i - 1u];
// Below is the ugly side of using the sentinel. Well it had to haave some
// disadvantage. Try without it.
current_combination.end() - 1));
Here is a code I recently wrote in Java, which calculates and returns all the combination of "num" elements from "outOf" elements.
// author: Sourabh Bhat (
public class Testing
public static void main(String[] args)
// Test case num = 5, outOf = 8.
int num = 5;
int outOf = 8;
int[][] combinations = getCombinations(num, outOf);
for (int i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < combinations[i].length; j++)
System.out.print(combinations[i][j] + " ");
private static int[][] getCombinations(int num, int outOf)
int possibilities = get_nCr(outOf, num);
int[][] combinations = new int[possibilities][num];
int arrayPointer = 0;
int[] counter = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
counter[i] = i;
breakLoop: while (true)
// Initializing part
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i] = counter[i - 1] + 1;
// Testing part
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (counter[i] < outOf)
} else
break breakLoop;
// Innermost part
combinations[arrayPointer] = counter.clone();
// Incrementing part
counter[num - 1]++;
for (int i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--)
if (counter[i] >= outOf - (num - 1 - i))
counter[i - 1]++;
return combinations;
private static int get_nCr(int n, int r)
if(r > n)
throw new ArithmeticException("r is greater then n");
long numerator = 1;
long denominator = 1;
for (int i = n; i >= r + 1; i--)
numerator *= i;
for (int i = 2; i <= n - r; i++)
denominator *= i;
return (int) (numerator / denominator);
I am given a set of elements from, say, 10 to 21 (always sequential),
I generate arrays of the same size, where size is determined runtime.
Example of 3 generated arrays (arrays # is dynamic as well as # of elements in all arrays, where some elements can be 0s - not used):
A1 = [10, 11, 12, 13]
A2 = [14, 15, 16, 17]
A3 = [18, 19, 20, 21]
these generated arrays will be given to different processes to to do some computations on the elements. My aim is to balance the load for every process that will get an array. What I mean is:
With given example, there are
A1 = 46
A2 = 62
A3 = 78
potential iterations over elements given for each thread.
I want to rearrange initial arrays to give equal amount of work for each process, so for example:
A1 = [21, 11, 12, 13] = 57
A2 = [14, 15, 16, 17] = 62
A3 = [18, 19, 20, 10] = 67
(Not an equal distribution, but more fair than initial). Distributions can be different, as long as they approach some optimal distribution and are better than the worst (initial) case of 1st and last arrays. As I see it, different distributions can be achieved using different indexing [where the split of arrays is made {can be uneven}]
This works fine for given example, but there may be weird cases..
So, I see this as a reflection problem (due to the lack of knowledge of proper definition), where arrays should be seen with a diagonal through them, like:
And then an obvious substitution can be done..
I tried to implement like:
if(rest == 0)
payload_size = (upper-lower)/(processes-1);
payload_size = (upper-lower)/(processes-1) + 1;
//printf("payload size: %d\n", payload_size);
long payload[payload_size];
int m = 0;
int k = payload_size/2;
int added = 0; //track what been added so far (to skip over already added elements)
int added2 = 0; // same as 'added'
int p = 0;
for (i = lower; i <= upper; i=i+payload_size){
for(j = i; j<(i+payload_size); j++){
if(j <= upper){
if((j-i) > k){
if(added2 > j){
added = j;
payload[(j-i)] = j;
printf("1 adding data: %d at location: %d\n", payload[(j-i)], (j-i));
if(added < upper - (m+1)){
payload[(j-i)] = upper - (p*payload_size) - (m++);
added2 = payload[(j-i)];
printf("2 adding data: %d at location: %d\n", payload[(j-i)], (j-i));
payload[(j-i)] = j;
printf("2.5 adding data: %d at location: %d\n", payload[(j-i)], (j-i));
}else{ payload[(j-i)] = '\0'; }
//printf("send to proc: %d\n", ((i)/payload_size)%(processes-1)+1);
..but failed horribly.
You definitely can see the problem in the implementation, because it is poorly scalable, not complete, messy, badly written and so on, and on, and on, ...
So, I need help either with the implementation or with an idea of a better approach to do what I want to achieve, given the description.
P.S. I need the solution to be as 'in-liney' as possible (avoid loop nesting) - that is why I am using bunch of flags and global indexes.
Surely this can be done with extra loops and unnecessary iterations. I invite people that can and appreciate t̲h̲e̲ ̲a̲r̲t̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲i̲n̲d̲e̲x̲i̲n̲g̲ when it comes to arrays.
I am sure there is a solution somewhere out there, but I just cannot make an appropriate Google query to find it.
Hint? I thought of using index % size_of_my_data to achieve this task..
P.S. Application: described here
Here is an O(n) solution I wrote using deque (double-ended queue, a deque is not necessary and a simple array can be used, but a deque makes the code clean because of popRight and popLeft). The code is Python, not pseudocode, but it should be pretty to understand (because it's Python).:
def balancingSumProblem(seqStart = None, seqStop = None, numberOfArrays = None):
from random import randint
from collections import deque
seq = deque(xrange(seqStart or randint(1, 10),
seqStop and seqStop + 1 or randint(11,30)))
arrays = [[] for _ in xrange(numberOfArrays or randint(1,6))]
print "# of elements: {}".format(len(seq))
print "# of arrays: {}".format(len(arrays))
averageNumElements = float(len(seq)) / len(arrays)
print "average number of elements per array: {}".format(averageNumElements)
oddIteration = True
while seq:
for array in arrays:
if len(array) < averageNumElements and oddIteration:
array.append(seq.pop()) # pop() is like popright()
elif len(array) < averageNumElements:
oddIteration = not oddIteration
except IndexError:
print arrays
print [sum(array) for array in arrays]
balancingSumProblem(10,21,3) # Given Example
print "\n---------\n"
balancingSumProblem() # Randomized Test
Basically, from iteration to iteration, it alternates between grabbing large elements and distributing them evenly in the arrays and grabbing small elements and distributing them evenly in the arrays. It goes from out to in (though you could go from in to out) and tries to use what should be the average number of elements per array to balance it out further.
It's not 100 percent accurate with all tests but it does a good job with most randomized tests. You can try running the code here:
With a simple sequence to assign, you can just iteratively add the min and max elements to each list in turn. There are some termination details to fix up, but that's the general idea. Applied to your example the output would look like:
john-schultzs-macbook-pro:~ jschultz$ ./a.out
10 21 13 18 = 62
11 20 14 17 = 62
12 19 15 16 = 62
A simple reflection assignment like this will be optimal when num_procs evenly divides num_elems. It will be sub-optimal, but still decent, when it doesn't:
#include <stdio.h>
int compute_dist(int lower, int upper, int num_procs)
if (lower > upper || num_procs <= 0)
return -1;
int num_elems = upper - lower + 1;
int num_elems_per_proc_floor = num_elems / num_procs;
int num_elems_per_proc_ceil = num_elems_per_proc_floor + (num_elems % num_procs != 0);
int procs[num_procs][num_elems_per_proc_ceil];
int i, j, sum;
// assign pairs of (lower, upper) to each process until we can't anymore
for (i = 0; i + 2 <= num_elems_per_proc_floor; i += 2)
for (j = 0; j < num_procs; ++j)
procs[j][i] = lower++;
procs[j][i+1] = upper--;
// handle left overs similarly to the above
// NOTE: actually you could use just this loop alone if you set i = 0 here, but the above loop is more understandable
for (; i < num_elems_per_proc_ceil; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < num_procs; ++j)
if (lower <= upper)
procs[j][i] = ((0 == i % 2) ? lower++ : upper--);
procs[j][i] = 0;
// print assignment results
for (j = 0; j < num_procs; ++j)
for (i = 0, sum = 0; i < num_elems_per_proc_ceil; ++i)
printf("%d ", procs[j][i]);
sum += procs[j][i];
printf(" = %d\n", sum);
return 0;
int main()
compute_dist(10, 21, 3);
return 0;
I have used this implementation, which I mentioned in this report (Implementation works for cases I've used for testing (1-15K) (1-30K) and (1-100K) datasets. I am not saying that it will be valid for all the cases):
int aFunction(long lower, long upper, int payload_size, int processes)
long result, i, j;
MPI_Status status;
long payload[payload_size];
int m = 0;
int k = (payload_size/2)+(payload_size%2)+1;
int lastAdded1 = 0;
int lastAdded2 = 0;
int p = 0;
int substituted = 0;
int allowUpdate = 1;
int s;
int times = 1;
int times2 = 0;
for (i = lower; i <= upper; i=i+payload_size){
for(j = i; j<(i+payload_size); j++){
if(j <= upper){
if(k != 0){
if((j-i) >= k){
payload[(j-i)] = j- (m);
lastAdded2 = payload[(j-i)];
payload[(j-i)] = upper - (p*payload_size) - (m++) + (p*payload_size);
lastAdded1 = payload[(j-i)];
allowUpdate = 0;
int n;
int from = lastAdded1 > lastAdded2 ? lastAdded2 : lastAdded1;
from = from + 1;
int to = lastAdded1 > lastAdded2 ? lastAdded1 : lastAdded2;
int tempFrom = (to-from)/payload_size + ((to-from)%payload_size>0 ? 1 : 0);
for(s = 0; s < tempFrom; s++){
int restIndex = -1;
for(n = from; n < from+payload_size; n++){
restIndex = restIndex + 1;
payload[restIndex] = '\0';
if(n < to && n >= from){
payload[restIndex] = n;
payload[restIndex] = '\0';
from = from + payload_size;
return 0;
}else{ payload[(j-i)] = '\0'; }
allowUpdate = 1;
return 0;
I am trying to solve an online judge problem:
The problem in short:
If we are given an integer L and a set of N integers s1,s2,s3..sN, we have to find how many numbers there are from 0 to L-1 which are not divisible by any of the 'si's.
For example, if we are given, L = 20 and S = {3,2,5} then there are 6 numbers from 0 to 19 which are not divisible by 3,2 or 5.
L <= 1000000000 and N <= 20.
I used the Inclusion-Exclusion principle to solve this problem:
/*Let 'T' be the number of integers that are divisible by any of the 'si's in the
given range*/
for i in range 1 to N
for all subsets A of length i
if i is odd then:
T += 1 + (L-1)/lcm(all the elements of A)
T -= 1 + (L-1)/lcm(all the elements of A)
return T
Here is my code to solve this problem
#include <stdio.h>
int N;
long long int L;
int C[30];
typedef struct{int i, key;}subset_e;
subset_e A[30];
int k;
int gcd(a,b){
int t;
while(b != 0){
t = a%b;
a = b;
b = t;
return a;
long long int lcm(int a, int b){
return (a*b)/gcd(a,b);
long long int getlcm(int n){
if(n == 1){
return A[0].key;
int i;
long long int rlcm = lcm(A[0].key,A[1].key);
for(i = 2;i < n; i++){
rlcm = lcm(rlcm,A[i].key);
return rlcm;
int next_subset(int n){
if(k == n-1 && A[k].i == N-1){
if(k == 0){
return 0;
while(k < n-1 && A[k].i == A[k+1].i-1){
if(k <= 0){
return 0;
A[k].key = C[A[k].i+1];
return 1;
int main(){
int i,j,add;
long long int sum = 0,g,temp;
for(i = 0;i < N; i++){
for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){
add = i%2;
for(j = 0;j < i; j++){
A[j].key = C[j];
A[j].i = j;
temp = getlcm(i);
g = 1 + (L-1)/temp;
sum += g;
} else {
sum -= g;
k = i-1;
temp = getlcm(i);
g = 1 + (L-1)/temp;
sum += g;
} else {
sum -= g;
return 0;
The next_subset(n) generates the next subset of size n in the array A, if there is no subset it returns 0 otherwise it returns 1. It is based on the algorithm described by the accepted answer in this stackoverflow question.
The lcm(a,b) function returns the lcm of a and b.
The get_lcm(n) function returns the lcm of all the elements in A.
It uses the property : LCM(a,b,c) = LCM(LCM(a,b),c)
When I submit the problem on the judge it gives my a 'Time Limit Exceeded'. If we solve this using brute force we get only 50% of the marks.
As there can be upto 2^20 subsets my algorithm might be slow, hence I need a better algorithm to solve this problem.
After editing my code and changing the function to the Euclidean algorithm, I am getting a wrong answer, but my code runs within the time limit. It gives me a correct answer to the example test but not to any other test cases; here is a link to ideone where I ran my code, the first output is correct but the second is not.
Is my approach to this problem correct? If it is then I have made a mistake in my code, and I'll find it; otherwise can anyone please explain what is wrong?
You could also try changing your lcm function to use the Euclidean algorithm.
int gcd(int a, int b) {
int t;
while (b != 0) {
t = b;
b = a % t;
a = t;
return a;
int lcm(int a, int b) {
return (a * b) / gcd(a, b);
At least with Python, the speed differences between the two are pretty large:
>>> %timeit lcm1(103, 2013)
100000 loops, best of 3: 9.21 us per loop
>>> %timeit lcm2(103, 2013)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.02 us per loop
Typically, the lowest common multiple of a subset of k of the s_i will exceed L for k much smaller than 20. So you need to stop early.
Probably, just inserting
if (temp >= L) {
temp = getlcm(i);
will be sufficient.
Also, shortcut if there are any 1s among the s_i, all numbers are divisible by 1.
I think the following will be faster:
unsigned gcd(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
unsigned r;
while(b) {
r = a%b;
a = b;
b = r;
return a;
unsigned recur(unsigned *arr, unsigned len, unsigned idx, unsigned cumul, unsigned bound) {
if (idx >= len || bound == 0) {
return bound;
unsigned i, g, s = arr[idx], result;
g = s/gcd(cumul,s);
result = bound/g;
for(i = idx+1; i < len; ++i) {
result -= recur(arr, len, i, cumul*g, bound/g);
return result;
unsigned inex(unsigned *arr, unsigned len, unsigned bound) {
unsigned i, result = bound, t;
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
result -= recur(arr, len, i, 1, bound);
return result;
call it with
unsigned S[N] = {...};
inex(S, N, L-1);
You need not add the 1 for the 0 anywhere, since 0 is divisible by all numbers, compute the count of numbers 1 <= k < L which are not divisible by any s_i.
Create an array of flags with L entries. Then mark each touched leaf:
for(each size in list of sizes) {
length = 0;
while(length < L) {
array[length] = TOUCHED;
length += size;
Then find the untouched leaves:
for(length = 0; length < L; length++) {
if(array[length] != TOUCHED) { /* Untouched leaf! */ }
Note that there is no multiplication and no division involved; but you will need up to about 1 GiB of RAM. If RAM is a problem the you can use an array of bits (max. 120 MiB).
This is only a beginning though, as there are repeating patterns that can be copied instead of generated. The first pattern is from 0 to S1*S2, the next is from 0 to S1*S2*S3, the next is from 0 to S1*S2*S3*S4, etc.
Basically, you can set all values touched by S1 and then S2 from 0 to S1*S2; then copy the pattern from 0 to S1*S2 until you get to S1*S2*S3 and set all the S3's between S3 and S1*S2*S3; then copy that pattern until you get to S1*S2*S3*S4 and set all the S4's between S4 and S1*S2*S3*S4 and so on.
Next; if S1*S2*...Sn is smaller than L, you know the pattern will repeat and can generate the results for lengths from S1*S2*...Sn to L from the pattern. In this case the size of the array only needs to be S1*S2*...Sn and doesn't need to be L.
Finally, if S1*S2*...Sn is larger than L; then you could generate the pattern for S1*S2*...(Sn-1) and use that pattern to create the results from S1*S2*...(Sn-1) to S1*S2*...Sn. In this case if S1*S2*...(Sn-1) is smaller than L then the array doesn't need to be as large as L.
I'm afraid your problem understanding is maybe not correct.
You have L. You have a set S of K elements. You must count the sum of quotient of L / Si. For L = 20, K = 1, S = { 5 }, the answer is simply 16 (20 - 20 / 5). But K > 1, so you must consider the common multiples also.
Why loop through a list of subsets? It doesn't involve subset calculation, only division and multiple.
You have K distinct integers. Each number could be a prime number. You must consider common multiples. That's all.
L = 20 and S = {3,2,5}
Leaves could be eaten by 3 = 6
Leaves could be eaten by 2 = 10
Leaves could be eaten by 5 = 4
Common multiples of S, less than L, not in S = 6, 10, 15
Actually eaten leaves = 20/3 + 20/2 + 20/5 - 20/6 - 20/10 - 20/15 = 6
You can keep track of the distance until then next touched leaf for each size. The distance to the next touched leaf will be whichever distance happens to be smallest, and you'd subtract this distance from all the others (and wrap whenever the distance is zero).
For example:
int sizes[4] = {2, 5, 7, 9};
int distances[4];
int currentLength = 0;
for(size = 0 to 3) {
distances[size] = sizes[size];
while(currentLength < L) {
smallest = INT_MAX;
for(size = 0 to 3) {
if(distances[size] < smallest) smallest = distances[size];
for(size = 0 to 3) {
distances[size] -= smallest;
if(distances[size] == 0) distances[size] = sizes[size];
while( (smallest > 1) && (currentLength < L) ) {
printf("%d\n", currentLength;
#A.06: u r the one with username linkinmew on opc, rite?
Anyways, the answer just requires u to make all possible subsets, and then apply inclusion exclusion principle. This will fall well within the time bounds for the data given. For making all possible subsets, u can easily define a recursive function.
i don't know about programming but in math there is a single theorem which works on a set that has GCD 1
L=20, S=(3,2,5)
(1-1/p)(1-1/q)(1-1/r).....and so on
4/15 means there are 4 numbers in each set of 15 number which are not divisible by any number rest of it can be count manually eg.
16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (only 17 and 19 means there are only 2 numbers thatr can't be divided by any S)
6/20 means there are only 6 numbers in first 20 numbers that can't be divided by any s