Do callbacks in AbstractMongoEventListener are triggered when using Repositories? - spring-data-mongodb

Reading the documentation Spring Data Mongo, for the callbacks in AbstractMongoEventListener, they are called when some methods in MongoTemplate are used, i.e.
onBeforeConvert - called in MongoTemplate insert, insertList and save operations before the object is converted to a DBObject using a MongoConveter.
It's not clear if these also happen with CrudRepository custom methods such as findByName..
Do events also fire on usage of CrudRepository?


Flink RichSinkFunction constructor VS open()

Let's say I need to implemnt a custom sink using RichSinkFunction, and I need some variables like DBConnection in the sink. Where should I initialize the DBConnection? I see most of the articles init the DBConnection in the open() method, why not in the constructor?
A folow up questions is what kind of variables should be inited in constructor and what should be init in open()?
The constructor of a RichFunction is only invoked on client side. If something needs to be actually performed on the cluster, it should be done in open.
open also needs to be used if you want to access parameters to your Flink job or RuntimeContext (for state, counters, etc.). When you use open, you also want to use close in symmetric fashion.
So to answer your question: your DBConnection should be initialized in open only. In constructor, you usually just store job-constant parameters in fields, such as how to access the key of your records if your sink can be reused across multiple projects with different data structures.

Perform a single server call in lightning instead of multiple calls

In the helper I have methods that each call an #AuraEnabled method in the component controller.
Some of these calls are only during the 'init' event.
From a performance point of view I should make only one call during 'init'.
What is an elegant way of achieving this?
The methods called during 'init' return a list of strings, a decimal, and respectively a string.
Define a custom Apex class in your controller that encapsulates all of the information you wish to source in a single call from your init event:
public class InitializationWrapper {
public List<String> myStringList {get; set;}
public Decimal myDecimal {get; set;}
public String myString {get; set;}
The, return an instance of this wrapper class from your server-side Apex call to your init handler. You only need to make a single round-trip.
I'd swear you don't have to do anything, no fancy coding, SF would do it for you as part of Aura framework...
Used to work for me like a charm a while ago (in fact even other way around, it was for sure 1 Apex call = all methods I had were using same governor limits, I had to rework some queries)
$A.enqueueAction(action) adds the server-side controller action to the
queue of actions to be executed. All actions that are enqueued will
run at the end of the event loop. Rather than sending a separate
request for each individual action, the framework processes the event
chain and batches the actions in the queue into one request. (...) The
framework batches the actions in the queue into one server request.
The request payload includes all of the actions and their data
serialized into JSON. The request payload limit is 4 MB.
The framework queues up actions before sending them to the server.
This mechanism is largely transparent to you when you’re writing code
but it enables the framework to minimize network traffic by batching
multiple actions into one request (XHR). The batching of actions is
also known as boxcar’ing, similar to a train that couples boxcars
The framework uses a stack to keep track of the actions to send to the
server. When the browser finishes processing events and JavaScript on
the client, the enqueued actions on the stack are sent to the server
in a batch.
If this doesn't work as described for you (can you post some code?) and request size is < 4 MB... Maybe they broke something and you've found a platform bug. You're sure you see separate entries in Debug Log? Or in network traffic monitoring in browser?
Maybe you need to play with background actions. I mean this is supposed to work without extra crutches in Apex to bundle multiple calls into one, create complex response wrapper class and every callback unpicks only data it cares about, that's lots of unneccessary code :/

When to use transient, when not to in flink?

in this code, should i use transient?
when can i use transient?
what is the difference ?
need your help
private Map<String, HermesCustomConsumer> topicSourceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
private Map<TopicAndPartition, Long> currentOffsets = new HashMap<>();
private transient Map<TopicAndPartition, Long> restoredState;
If you use transient variable, you'd better instantiate it in open() method of operators which implemented Rich interface. Otherwise, declare the variable with an initial value at the same time.
The states you use here are called raw states managed by the user itself. Whether you should use transient modifier depending on serialization purpose. Before you submit the Flink job. The computation topology will be generated and distributed into Flink cluster. And operators including source and sink will instantiate with fields e.g, topicSourceMap in your code. Variables topicSourceMap and currentOffsets have been instantiated with constructor. While restoredState is a transient variable, thus no matter what initial value you assigned with, it will not be serialized and distributed into some task to execute. So you usually need to instanciate it in open() method of operator which implemented Rich interface. After this operator is deserialized in some task, open() method would be invoked into instantiate your own states.

The best way for extending a model

According the Backbone.js documentation Model-parse does the following:
parse is called whenever a model's data is returned by the server, in
fetch, and save.
To augment models I've already loaded I use Model.parse(). I accomplish this by using fetch to make an additional request for data, then use that data to add properties to an existing model.
the fetch object is {age: 19}
after the parser will be {age: 19, isAdult: true}
When I perform the save request, in the PUT request I also have other parameters not needed (for example isAdult). I would like to have the original model (without additional parameters in PUT request).
What is the best way to achieve my goal in Backbone?
If I understand your question correctly ....
When backbone talks to a server using a save it sends a complete respresentation of the model. As the docs put it :
The attributes hash (as in set) should contain the attributes you'd
like to change — keys that aren't mentioned won't be altered — but, a
complete representation of the resource will be sent to the server.
So the default behavior is to send the complete model. If you want to implement you're own logic you're going to have to override the sync method. Dig through the expanded backbone code a bit and you'll see this comment above sync :
// Override this function to change the manner in which Backbone persists
// models to the server. You will be passed the type of request, and the model in question.
I would use the default implementation of sync as my starting point.

Asynchronous WCF Services in WPF - events

I am using WCF services asynchronously in a WPF application. So I have class with all the web service. The view models call the method in this proc, which in-turn calls the web service.
So the view Model code looks like this:
WebServiceAgent.GetProductByID(SelectedProductID, (s, e)=>{States = e.Result;});
And the WebService agent looks like:
public static void GetProductByID(int ProductID, EventHandler<GetProductListCompletedEventArgs> callback)
Client.GetProductByIDCompleted += callback;
Is this a good approach? I am using MVVM light toolkit. So the View Model static, so in the lifetime of the application, the view model stays. But each time the view model calls this WebServiceAgent, I think I am registering an event. But that event is not being unregistered.
Is this a problem. Lets say the view Model is called for 20 - 30 times. I am inserting some kind of memory leak?
Some helpful information, based on the mistakes I learned from myself:
The Client object seems to be re-used all the time. When not unregisering event handlers, they will stack up when future invokations of the same operations finish and you'll get unpredictable results.
The States = e.Result statement is executed on the event handler's thread, which is not the UI dispatcher thread. When updating lists or complex properties this will cause problems.
In general not unregistering event handlers when they are invoked is a bad idea as it will indeed cause hard to find memory leaks.
You should probably refactor to create or re-use a clean client, wrap the viewmodel callback inside another callback that will take care of unregistering itself, cleaning up the client, and invoking the viewmodel's callback on the main dispatcher thread.
If you think all this is tedious, check out and In the next version of C# an async keyword will be introduced to make this all easier. A CTP is available already.
Event handlers are death traps and you will leak them if you do not "unsubscribe" with "-=".
One way to avoid is to use RX (Reactive Extensions) that will manage your event subscriptions. Take a look at and specifically creating Observable by using Observable.FromEvent or FromAsync
This is unfortunaltely not a good approach.
I learned this the hard way in silverlight.
Your WebserviceAgent is probably a long-life object, whereas the model or view is probably short-life
Events give references, and in this case the webservice agent, and wcf client a reference to the model. A long lifeobject has a reference to a short life object, this means the short life object will not be collected, and so will have a memory leak.
As Pieter-Bias said, the async functionality will make this easier.
Have you looked at RIA services? This is the exact problem that RIA services was designed to solve
Yes, the event handlers are basically going to cause a leak unless removed. To get the near-single line equivalent of what you're expressing in your code, and to remove handlers you're going to need an instance of some sort of class that represents the full lifecycle of the call and does some housekeeping.
What I've done is create a Caller<TResult> class that uses an underlying WCF client proxy following this basic pattern:
create a Caller instance around an existing or new client proxy (the proxy's lifecycle is outside of the scope of the call to be made (so you can use a new short-lived one or an existing long-lived one).
use one of Caller's various CallAsync<TArg [,...]> overloads to specify the async method to call and the intended callback to call upon completion. This method will choose the async method that also takes a state parameter. The state parameter will be the Caller instance itself.
I say intended because the real handler that will be wired up will do a bit more housekeeping. The real callback is what will be called at the end of the async call, and will
check that ReferenceEquals(e.UserState, this) in your real handler
if not true, immediately return (the event was not intended to be the result of this particular call and should be ignored; this is very important if your proxy is long lived)
otherwise, immediately remove the real handler
call your intended, actual callback with e.Result
Modify Caller's real handler as needed to execute the intended callback on the right thread (more important for WPF than Silverlight)
The above implementation should also have separate handlers for cases where e.Error is non-null or e.Cancelled is true. This gives you the advantage of not checking these cases in your intended callback. Perhaps your overloads take in optional handlers for those cases.
At any rate, you end up cleaning up handlers aggressively at the expense of some per-call wiring. It's a bit expensive per-call, but with proper optimization ends up being far less expensive than the over-the-wire WCF call anyway.
Here's an example of a call using the class (you'll note I use method groups in many cases to increase the readability, though HandleStuff could have been result => use result ). The first method group is important, because CallAsync gets the owner of that delegate (i.e. the service instance), which is needed to call the method; alternatively the service could be passed in as a separate parameter).
// line below could also be longLivedAnalyzer.AnalyzeSomeThingsAsync
new AnalyzerServiceClient().AnalyzeSomeThingsAsync,
// optional handlers for error or cancelled would go here
