Angularjs UI bootstrap Datepicker - angularjs

I am using Angularjs datepicker in my application. I want to display selected date in UI. It should display "Selected Date:dd/MM/yyyy" which is working correctly. But If I select today's date it should display "Today:dd/MM/yyyy".
But for today's date also it is showing "Selected Date:dd/MM/yyy". Can anyone please help me .
my html code.
<div ng-controller="DatepickerDemoCtrl">
Selected date is: {{dt | date:'dd/MM/yyyy' }}
<div >
<div >
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"
datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt"
is-open="status.opened" min-date="minDate" show-weeks="false" show-button-bar="false"
max-date="maxDate" datepicker-options="dateOptions"
date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" ng-required="true"
close-text="Close" ng-click="open($event)">
<img src="calendar.png" /></button>
JS code
var app= angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('DatepickerDemoCtrl', function ($scope) {
$ = function() {
$scope.dt = new Date();
$scope.refresh = function(){
$scope.dt = new Date();
$scope.maxDate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()));
$scope.minDate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-7));
$ = function($event) {
$scope.status.opened = true;
$scope.setDate = function(year, month, day) {
$scope.dt = new Date(year, month, day);
$scope.dateOptions = {
formatYear: 'yy',
startingDay: 1
$scope.status = {
opened: false


Cannot create from/to date range using bootstrap ui

I am using Angular UI Bootstrap components in my application.
There are two dates in it. Available Date and ExpireDate. I want the ExpireDate to be always greater than AvailableDate.
var expireMinDate = new Date();
$scope.OpenExpireDate = function() {
$scope.expireDatePopup.opened = true;
var newMinDate = $scope.availableDateOptions.minDate;
$scope.expireDateOptions.minDate = expireMinDate.setDate(newMinDate.getDate() + 1);
I tried this code. This is not working. The ExpireDate is not disabled the way I intend. I am not getting the code to disable all the other days. What could be wrong?
Update: Now I am watching the AvailableDate and changing the minDate accordingly.
$scope.$watch('AvailableDate', function() {
var newMinParts = $scope.AvailableDate.toString().split("-");
$scope.expireDateOptions.minDate = new Date(newMinParts[0], newMinParts[1]-1, newMinParts[2]);
Updated Fiddle:
The idea is to update the ExpireDate minDate setting to reflect the change in AvailableDate. Now the minDate setting has completely vanished.
For html part
<div class="container" ng-app="demoApp" ng-controller="demoController">
<div id="demoForm" name="demoForm" ng-form="demoForm" novalidate>
<div class="col-md-4">
<label class="control-label">Available Date</label>
<div class="input-form">
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{dateFormat}}" ng-model="AvailableDate" name="availabledate" is-open="availableDatePopup.opened" datepicker-options="availableDateOptions" ng-required="true" data-ng-change="captureChange(AvailableDate)" close-text="Close" ng-click="OpenAvailableDate()"
placeholder="Available Date" />
<label ng-show="showMessages && addJobForm.availabledate.$invalid" class="text-danger">
Available Date is required.
<div class="col-md-4">
<label class="control-label">Expire Date</label>
<div class="input-form">
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{dateFormat}}" ng-model="ExpireDate" name="expiredate" is-open="expireDatePopup.opened" datepicker-options="expireDateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" ng-click="OpenExpireDate()"
placeholder="Expire Date" />
<label ng-show="showMessages && addJobForm.expiredate.$invalid" class="text-danger">
Expire Date is required.
For JAvascript Part
var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', ["ui.bootstrap"]);
demoApp.controller("demoController", ["$scope",
function($scope) {
var today = new Date();
$scope.dateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd';
$scope.availableDateOptions = {
formatYear: 'yy',
startingDay: 1,
minDate: today,
maxDate: new Date(2030, 5, 22)
$scope.expireDateOptions = {
formatYear: 'yy',
startingDay: 1,
minDate: today,
maxDate: new Date(2030, 5, 22)
$scope.availableDatePopup = {
opened: false
$scope.expireDatePopup = {
opened: false
$scope.OpenAvailableDate = function() {
$scope.availableDatePopup.opened = true;
$scope.captureChange = function(val){
var expDate = angular.copy(val);
$scope.ExpireDate = expDate;
var expireMinDate = new Date();
$scope.OpenExpireDate = function() {
$scope.expireDatePopup.opened = true;
var newMinDate = $scope.availableDateOptions.minDate;
if($scope.AvailableDate != undefined){
var ddnew = angular.copy($scope.AvailableDate);
$scope.expireDateOptions.minDate = ddnew;
$scope.expireDateOptions.minDate = today;

disable specific single date and multiple dates in angularjs (only datePicker and not dateTimePicker)

I want to disable specific dates in the date picker of AngularJS.
I am using AngularJS-bootstrap css for components(angular directives).(ui.bootstrap.datepicker)
i was using the following code:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="./ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="./datePicker.js"></script>
<body ng-app="ui.bootstrap.demo" >
.full button span {
background-color: limegreen;
border-radius: 32px;
color: black;
.partially button span {
background-color: orange;
border-radius: 32px;
color: black;
<div ng-controller="DatepickerDemoCtrl">
<pre>Selected date is: <em>{{dt | date:'fullDate' }}</em></pre>
<div style="display:inline-block; min-height:290px;">
<uib-datepicker ng-model="dt" class="well well-sm" datepicker-options="inlineOptions" ></uib-datepicker>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt" is-open="popup1.opened" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" alt-input-formats="altInputFormats" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open1()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt" is-open="popup3.opened" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" alt-input-formats="altInputFormats" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open3()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup ng-model="dt" is-open="popup2.opened" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open2()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<label>Format: <span class="muted-text">(manual alternate <em>{{altInputFormats[0]}}</em>)</span></label> <select class="form-control" ng-model="format" ng-options="f for f in formats"><option></option></select>
<hr />
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-info" ng-click="today()">Today</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-default" ng-click="setDate(2009, 7, 24)">2009-08-24</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" ng-click="clear()">Clear</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-default" ng-click="toggleMin()" uib-tooltip="After today restriction">Min date</button>
var myApp= angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo', ['ngAnimate', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.dateparser', 'ui.bootstrap.datepicker']);
myApp.controller('DatepickerDemoCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$ = function() {
$scope.dt = new Date();
$scope.clear = function() {
$scope.dt = null;
$scope.inlineOptions = {
customClass: getDayClass,
minDate: new Date(),
showWeeks: false
$scope.dateOptions = {
dateDisabled: disabled,
formatYear: 'yy',
maxDate: new Date(2020, 5, 22),
minDate: new Date(),
startingDay: 1
// Disable weekend selection
function disabled(data) {
var date =,
mode = data.mode;
return mode === 'day' && (date.getDay() === 0 || date.getDay() === 6);
$scope.toggleMin = function() {
$scope.inlineOptions.minDate = $scope.inlineOptions.minDate ? null : new Date();
$scope.dateOptions.minDate = $scope.inlineOptions.minDate;
$scope.open1 = function() {
$scope.popup1.opened = true;
$scope.open2 = function() {
$scope.popup2.opened = true;
$scope.open3 = function() {
$scope.popup3.opened = true;
$scope.setDate = function(year, month, day) {
$scope.dt = new Date(year, month, day);
$scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate'];
$scope.format = $scope.formats[0];
$scope.altInputFormats = ['M!/d!/yyyy'];
$scope.popup1 = {
opened: false
$scope.popup2 = {
opened: false
$scope.popup3 = {
opened: false
var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
var afterTomorrow = new Date();
afterTomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
$ = [
date: tomorrow,
status: 'full'
date: afterTomorrow,
status: 'partially'
function getDayClass(data) {
var date =,
mode = data.mode;
if (mode === 'day') {
var dayToCheck = new Date(date).setHours(0,0,0,0);
for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) {
var currentDay = new Date($[i].date).setHours(0,0,0,0);
if (dayToCheck === currentDay) {
return $[i].status;
return '';
the documentation gives me :
dateDisabled (date, mode) - An optional expression to disable visible options based on passing a date and current mode.
i tried long and hard to use it but wasted 5 hours on it. im sure the solution is simple.Can anyone help with the following:
1.How do i use it to disable a single date
2.Disable multiple dates passed from an array!
any help with working example would be appreciated!
Link the date-disabled attribute to a function that takes two arguments in your scope like this:
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{format}}" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" /> <!-- Other attributes deleted for clarity -->
That function will be called for all the visible dates on the calendar. So, you will need to check the date passed against the dates you want to be disabled. For example, the function bellow will disable the dates:
March 14, 2016, March 15, 2016 and March 16, 2016
$scope.disabled = function(date, mode){
var holidays = [
new Date(2016,2,14),
new Date(2016,2,15),
new Date(2016,2,16),
var isHoliday = false;
for(var i = 0; i < holidays.length ; i++) {
if(areDatesEqual(holidays[i], date)){
isHoliday = true;
return ( mode === 'day' && isHoliday );
function areDatesEqual(date1, date2) {
return date1.setHours(0,0,0,0) === date2.setHours(0,0,0,0)
To change the class of a specific date you use the custom-class attribute:
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{format}}" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" custom-class="dayClass(date, mode)"/>
The dayClass function will be called for all the visible dates and return the css class you want to add to that element. For example, the function below will add the class appointment to the dates on the appointments array
$scope.dayClass = function(date, mode) {
var appointments = [
new Date(2016,2,3),
new Date(2016,2,8),
new Date(2016,2,22),
if (mode === 'day') {
var dateToCheck = new Date(date);
for(var i = 0; i < appointments.length ; i++) {
if(areDatesEqual(appointments[i], dateToCheck)){
return 'appointment';
return '';
Then you need to add some style, something like this:
.appointment>button {
color: white;
background-color: red;
To perform an action for specific dates you could use ng-change and follow the same approach as before, it could be something like this:
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt" ng-change="dateSelected()" /> <!-- Other attributes deleted for clarity -->
On your controller:
$scope.dateSelected = function(){
var appointments = [
new Date(2016,2,3),
new Date(2016,2,8),
new Date(2016,2,22),
var dateSelected = new Date($scope.dt);
for(var i = 0; i < appointments.length ; i++) {
if(areDatesEqual(appointments[i], dateSelected)){
function performAction(){
alert("Appointment date selected");
Here a full example:
var myApp= angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo', ['ngAnimate', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.dateparser', 'ui.bootstrap.datepicker']);
myApp.controller('DatepickerDemoCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$ = function() {
$scope.dt = new Date();
$scope.clear = function() {
$scope.dt = null;
$scope.inlineOptions = {
minDate: new Date(),
showWeeks: false
$scope.dateOptions = {
formatYear: 'yy',
maxDate: new Date(2020, 5, 22),
minDate: new Date(),
startingDay: 1
// Disable weekend selection
function disabledasda(data) {
var date =,
mode = data.mode;
return mode === 'day' && (date.getDay() === 0 || date.getDay() === 6);
$scope.toggleMin = function() {
$scope.inlineOptions.minDate = $scope.inlineOptions.minDate ? null : new Date();
$scope.dateOptions.minDate = $scope.inlineOptions.minDate;
$scope.open1 = function() {
$scope.popup1.opened = true;
$scope.setDate = function(year, month, day) {
$scope.dt = new Date(year, month, day);
$scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate'];
$scope.format = $scope.formats[0];
$scope.altInputFormats = ['M!/d!/yyyy'];
$scope.popup1 = {
opened: false
var today = new Date();
$scope.holidays = [
new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),14),
new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),15),
new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),16),
$scope.appointments = [
new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),3),
new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),7),
new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),20),
$scope.disabled = function(date, mode){
var isHoliday = false;
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.holidays.length ; i++) {
if(areDatesEqual($scope.holidays[i], date)){
isHoliday = true;
return ( mode === 'day' && isHoliday );
function areDatesEqual(date1, date2) {
return date1.setHours(0,0,0,0) === date2.setHours(0,0,0,0)
$scope.dayClass = function(date, mode) {
if (mode === 'day') {
var dateToCheck = new Date(date);
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.appointments.length ; i++) {
if(areDatesEqual($scope.appointments[i], dateToCheck)){
return 'appointment';
return '';
$scope.dateSelected = function(){
var dateSelected = new Date($scope.dt);
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.appointments.length ; i++) {
if(areDatesEqual($scope.appointments[i], dateSelected)){
function performAction(){
alert("Appointment date selected");
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="ui.bootstrap.demo" >
.full button span {
background-color: limegreen;
border-radius: 32px;
color: black;
.partially button span {
background-color: orange;
border-radius: 32px;
color: black;
.appointment>button {
color: white;
background-color: red;
<div ng-controller="DatepickerDemoCtrl">
<pre>Selected date is: <em>{{dt | date:'fullDate' }}</em></pre>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<p class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" uib-datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt" ng-change="dateSelected()"is-open="popup1.opened" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" alt-input-formats="altInputFormats" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" custom-class="dayClass(date, mode)" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open1()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>

Using angularjs ui bootstrap datepicker and timepicker together

I'm trying to add the value of my ui.bootstrap timepicker to the date in my input (text) like so:
Not sure what my code is missing to accomplish that.
Code taken from angularjs.ui.bootstrap
Here's my plunker
<div ng-app="ui.bootstrap.demo">
<div ng-controller="DatepickerDemoCtrl">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6">
<label for="appointment_start">Appointment datetime start:</label>
<p class="input-group">
<input type="date" id="appointment_start" name="appointment_start" class="form-control" readonly datepicker-popup ng-model="dt" is-open="status.opened" max-date="'2020-06-22'" datepicker-options="dateOptions" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" ng-required="true"
close-text="Close" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>
<timepicker ng-model="dt" hour-step="1" minute-step="15" show-meridian="true">
</div><!-- ng-controller -->
</div><!-- ng-app -->
.module('ui.bootstrap.demo', ['ngAnimate', 'ui.bootstrap'])
.controller('DatepickerDemoCtrl', function ($scope) {
$ = function() {
$scope.dt = new Date();
$scope.clear = function () {
$scope.dt = null;
// Disable weekend selection
$scope.enabled = function(date, mode) {
return ( mode === 'day' && ( date.getDay() === 0 || date.getDay() === 6 ) );
$ = function($event) {
$scope.status.opened = true;
$scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate'];
$scope.format = $scope.formats[0];
$scope.status = {
opened: false
var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
var afterTomorrow = new Date();
afterTomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 2);
$ =
date: tomorrow,
status: 'full'
date: afterTomorrow,
status: 'partially'
$scope.getDayClass = function(date, mode) {
if (mode === 'day') {
var dayToCheck = new Date(date).setHours(0,0,0,0);
for (var i=0;i<$;i++){
var currentDay = new Date($[i].date).setHours(0,0,0,0);
if (dayToCheck === currentDay) {
return $[i].status;
return '';
The angular-ui datepicker needs type="text" on the input field
<input type="text" .../>
and the proper format to show the formatted date and time from the timepicker. I adjusted the first format to 'dd-MMMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss' in the controller.
$scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate'];
$scope.format = $scope.formats[0];
Here is a working plunker.

Load JSON objects using value from Angular UI datepicker

I want to load JSON objects only if the date property of the objects matches the date selected by the user from the Angular UI datepicker ng-model="dt". I'd be grateful for any help.
Here's my stuff as it stands, loading all the JSON objects regardless of date and with the datepicker not actually connected to the get request in any way:
var weekEventsController = function($scope, $http){
$scope.weekEvents = (function(){
return result.nodes;
$ = function() {
$scope.dt = new Date();
$scope.clear = function () {
$scope.dt = null;
$ = function($event) {
$scope.opened = true;
$scope.dateOptions = {
formatYear: 'yy',
startingDay: 1
$scope.format = 'dd MMMM yyyy';
<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8" ng-controller="weekEventsController">
<h2 datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt" is-open="opened" min-date="{{today}}" max-date="'2016-06-22'" datepicker-options="dateOptions" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" ng-required="true" close-text="Close">
{{dt | date:'dd MMMM yyyy' }}
<i class="fa fa-calendar-o" ng-click="open($event)"></i>
<div class="mainEventItem" ng-repeat="event in weekEvents">
<div class="mainItemDetails">
<h2 class="eventTitle">{{event.node.title}}</h2>
<p class="eventDate">{{ | date: 'EEEE'}} / {{event.node.field_time}} / {{event.node.venue}}</p>

AngularJS ui-bootstrap timepicker automatically set current time even $scope.dateRemind is null

my problem: i use a date and timepicker from ui-bootstrap (see here)
there 2 different ways i fill these date and timepicker:
first: i have a remindDate, so there will be the date and time from database. works fine
2nd: i dont have a remindDate, so i get null from db, so the date is empty, but the time will be set to current, not empty or 00:00.
i dont know why its set to current time
my view:
<div class="col-sm-8">
<p class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="noticeRemind" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="notice.dateRemind" is-open="opened" min-date="minDate" datepicker-options="dateOptions" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" close-text="Schließen" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event)">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>
<timepicker ng-model="notice.dateRemind" name="timePicker" hour-step="1" minute-step="15" show-meridian="false"></timepicker>
<alert ng-hide="dateValid(notice.dateRemind)" type="danger">
Erinnerung muss in der Zukunft liegen.
my controller:
myApp.controller("ModalController", function($scope, $modalInstance, data, ProjectFactory) {
$scope.noticeID = data.noticeID;
$scope.notice = angular.copy(data.notice); <---- here the date/time is set null if no date/time
$scope.error = false;
$scope.closeModal = function() {
* DATE funktionen
$scope.dateValid = function(date) {
if (date === null) {
return true;
if (date < new Date()) {
return false;
return true;
$ = function() {
$scope.dt = new Date();
$scope.clear = function() {
$scope.dt = null;
// Disable sunday selection
$scope.disabled = function(date, mode) {
return (mode === 'day' && date.getDay() === 0 );
$scope.toggleMin = function() {
$scope.minDate = $scope.minDate ? null : new Date();
$ = function($event) {
$scope.opened = true;
$scope.format = "dd.MM.yyyy";
any ideas??
i already tried to set the notice.dateRemind.setHours(0) and notice.dateRemind.setMinuit(0) but its null so i got exception
