When changing the zoom level on Google maps, the fusion table layer will refresh itself. Is it possible to avoid this refresh?
Any idea how to prevent the strange Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) when page containing AdSense loads?
Website has a responsive design and use AdSense responsive ad units. Before implementing responsive design and using responsive ads there was not any problem because each ad position had defined fixed width and height.
See it live on the web https://cs.renault-club.cz/poradna
See it on YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pT4fWAtKfU
I want to develop a multi-paint: An application, which each user can paint route on a map, save the route, and in the end all the saved routes will be "merged" into one big picture (like layers in photoshop)
How should I save the routes? List of pixels to be drawn? Save it to picture (with transparent background?)
The application will be developed in WPF on bing maps (on touch device).
Thank you very much
You would have to save the latitude and longitude values of the route points, perhaps in a LocationCollection, which is part of the Bing Maps WPF Control API.
Simply saving the pixels wouldn't work when you want to be able to zoom the map.
on a web page I want to show 2 maps canvas, one showing satellite view and the other showing map view but if I drag any of those canvas it will also move the other one in the same direction.
I tried Google but couldn't find any relevant info.
I have a set of images I retrieve through a web service.
Is there a way to replace these with deep zoom? Obviously there is a lot more data for a deep zoom image so I would only want to grab what is needed at the time.
You can use the MultiScaleImage control to do deep zoom in Silverlight. See the documentation for deep zoom for how that's accomplished and how to set up your input.
I created a website separately first and then opened it in Expression web to insert the deep zoom image in, but I keep getting this error:
"Add the page to a site and then try to insert the deep zoom image"
I have no idea what to do next, could somebody please point me in the right direction?
Where are you inserting the image? Deep zoom image is not a single image. It is collection of images. One embeds the deep zoom player that comes with deep zoom composer into a web page to display those images. Did you use deep zoom composer for creating deep zoom images? You can try http://www.imagesurf.net which allows online automated deep zoom/open zoom of photos and also allows to embed it in your web page. I am affiliated with the site.