Salesforce Timecard entry API - salesforce

I am planning to develop a salesforce mobile application for my company, which allows employees to enter their timecards on their go, I'm aware there are already few other apps by salesforce, available to do the same but I want to rebuilt it again for various reasons. Kindly let me know, if this is feasible? If feasible, kindly let me know the salesforce API which has to be used for doing the same.

The above said requirement is completely feasible. I have implemented it.Some salesforce objects required for achieving it are pse__timcardheader__c, pse__timecard__c and few Rest APIs like process/action are required. Posting the answer for the benefit of others.


Salesforce and API integration

I need to implement such functionality, that can allow to manage* entities (create posts, send messages, add new friends etc) form Salesforce side. Although provides rich API with good documentation, but I look for already developed solutions for Apex.
I checked AppExchange for it and googled popular solutions, but didn't find anything:( Are there any ready apex ways or have I to do it myself? Maybe I can use power of Salesforce Chatter?
I will be glad to any advice, suggestions!
* is social network, kind of Facebook, which has a much higher relevance than Facebook in Eastern Europe, especially Russia.

Create Lead with Salesforce API

I have a lot of simple HTML web forms. The forms take a user's information, which should map to a bunch of fields in Salesforce.
I've been using Eloqua to do this migration to Salesforce, but I'm not too happy with Eloqua and am looking into injecting the data directly into Salesforce in lieu of using Eloqua.
There's a plethora of resources on this topic, and honestly it's kind of daunting.
I'm really just looking to make a simple C# or Javascript call into our company's Salesforce instance, take the fields from my HTML form, and put them on the Lead or Contact in Salesforce.
If you only wanted to insert Leads, then the Salesforce Web-to-Lead functionality is straight forward to implement. You can basically drop the generated form into you HTML page. It does have a number of limitations, particularly around preventing spam.
For C#, I'd recommend going with the Partner API. You could use the Enterprise API, which is tailored to your specific org, but the Partner API will serve you well in just about any scenario.
There is example C# code for a create call and update call. When combined with the Examples Using the Partner WSDL you will have most of what you need to insert or update Leads and Contacts.
Incidentally, the Salesforce StackExchange is a great place to ask Salesforce specific questions.

Salesforce licenses

I'm struggling to get the best choice for me in terms of kind of license I need. I just want to connect my website using chatter through OAuth2 as well as I have been developing a canvas app. Everything has been done with my developer account in Salesforce but I have been wondering if I need to purchase any kind of salesforce license to use it. Even I have been wondering if I need a new license to upload my canvas app to salesforce appexchange.
I will be really grateful if someone could tell me something about it because I don't really know what I should do due to salesforce licenses are expensive.
Thank you so much
First thing I would suggest you to do is create a Partnerforce account here if you are planning to sell your app on appexchange. After that, log a case on partnerforce asking them how to go about it. They are helpful people and should be able answer your questions well.
To list the app on Salesforce you will have to follow certain steps:
1) Firstly join the DeveloperForce free.
2) Signup for Salesforce Partnership
3) Now through APO Create a Test Org and select Partner Developer Org
4) Through AppExchange you can easily publish your First app after packaging it.
5) You will also have to go through Security Review before publishing the app. After the security review you can easily be able to view your package on AppExchange.
To get live on AppExchange just these steps are to be followed or you can also take the help of any experienced or existing Salesforce partner to get complete information abput listing your app on AppExchange. They can guide and help you throughout the procedure and to pass the Security review as well of Salesforce. A well known Salesforce partner is Janbask, who provide Salesforce implementation service and can provide you assistance and consultation as well. As they are Salesforce partner so know how to complete the process.
Apart from this you can try any Salesforce learning or training institute, if you are in your learning stage who can provide you complete detail and solution of your problem. You can easily Integrate Salesforce and be able to view your app on AppExchange. and integration

We are designing a project in which we plan to use 20 SFDC users (managers) and more than 100 light users (salesmen). The idea is that the SDFC users will use the site to see reports and so on, while the others will use our mobile software which relies on API calls to create orders and similar.
I never used before and I am quite a newbie with I just created a account but I have no idea on how I can connect the two systems together. I want the both types of users to access to the same records, so if a salesman creates an order the manager can see this order in the reports and the online tools. How can achieve that? I there any limitation I should be aware of?
See if these proprietary websites have a public API.
The only way you can interface with them is through an API, or via really hackish script which simulate a web browser. Thus if they don't have a public API, you should call the appropriate department on their Contact Us page.

What payment gateways work well on appengine?

Well, I've been building some free apps on top of appengine, but now I want to start charging money. My question is:
What is the best way to collect payments from users. Do certain services (paypal, google checkout, etc) work better/worse with AppEngine's library restrictions? Are there any good examples or tutorials to help me learn how to do this?
You can do this any way you want, really - and there's nothing App Engine specific about it. For example, you could use Google Checkout or Paypal, and charge users on any basis you want.
Also just something to point out about the implementation, a simple boolean property on your user object should allow you to easily turn functions in your app on and off, depending on which tier your user has paid for.
Checkout or Both are billing solution SaaS apps. http based api's and easy to use. I use
If you plan to sell business apps you could integrate with the Google Apps Marketplace which uses Google Checkout for billing.
