Swift 2.1 Array Extension objectsAtIndexes - arrays

I'm trying to extend an array to return only objects at certain indexes. The map function seemed to be the best choice for me here.
extension Array {
func objectsAtIndexes(indexes: [Int]) -> [Element?]? {
let elements: [Element?] = indexes.map{ (idx) in
if idx < self.count {
return self[idx]
return nil
}.filter { $0 != nil }
return elements
let arr = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
let idx = [1,3,5]
let x = arr.objectsAtIndexes(idx) //returns: [{Some "2"}, {Some "4"}]
I'm getting a EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION error when I try to cast the result to a string array:
let x = arr.objectsAtIndexes(idx) as? [String]
Is there any way I can return an array of non-optionals? I've tried to return [Element]? from the extension function.
This throws the same error.

The following code solves the problem for Swift2.1 using the flatmap function.
extension Array {
func objectsAtIndexes(indexes: [Int]) -> [Element] {
let elements: [Element] = indexes.map{ (idx) in
if idx < self.count {
return self[idx]
return nil
}.flatMap{ $0 }
return elements


Filtering Dictionary with an array of random Ints to make a new dict

So I have this method to get an array of random ints between 1-9, a random number of times between 1 and 7.
let n = arc4random_uniform(7) + 1
var arr: [UInt32] = []
for _ in 0 ... n {
var temp = arc4random_uniform(9) + 1
while arr.contains(temp) {
temp = arc4random_uniform(9) + 1
So that gets me an array like [1,4,2] or [5,7,3,4,6]. And I have a method to turn another array of strings into a enumerated dictionary.
var someArray: [String] = ["War", "Peanuts", "Cats", "Dogs", "Nova", "Bears", "Pigs", "Packers", "Mango", "Turkey"]
extension Collection {
var indexedDictionary: [Int: Element] {
return enumerated().reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.offset] = $1.element }
let dict1 = someArray.indexedDictionary
giving me the indexed dictionary
[1:"War", 2:"Peanuts",..etc]
MY question is using the Ints of the random array how do I create a new dictionary that only includes those keys and their values?
So for example if arr = [3,1,5]
how do I get a new dictionary of
[3:"dogs", 1:"Peanuts",5:"Bears"].
This should do it:
let finalDict = dict1.filter { arr.contains($0.key) }
You can even go a step further and skip the whole strings to array mapping. So remove
extension Collection {
var indexedDictionary: [Int: Element] {
return enumerated().reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.offset] = $1.element }
let dict1 = someArray.indexedDictionary
and just use this:
Swift 4:
let finalArray = someArray.enumerated().flatMap { arr.contains($0.offset) ? $0.element : nil }
Swift 4.1:
let finalArray = someArray.enumerated().compactMap { arr.contains($0.offset) ? $0.element : nil }
Update 2:
If you need a dictionary and not an array in the end use this:
Swift 4:
let finalDict = someArray.enumerated().flatMap { randomInts.contains($0.offset) ? ($0.offset, $0.element) : nil }.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.0] = $1.1 }
Swift 4.1:
let finalDict = someArray.enumerated().compactMap { randomInts.contains($0.offset) ? ($0.offset, $0.element) : nil }.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.0] = $1.1 }

Sorting the [Any] array

Given an array defined as follow
let list: [Any]
I want to sort it WHEN
all the values inside it have the same type Element
AND Element is Comparable.
When it should return the sorted array
So I would need a function that when the array is populated in a way like the followings
let list: [Any] = [10, 11, 0, 2, -1]
let list: [Any] = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]
let list: [Any] = [true, false, true, true]
does return the sorted array.
When it should return nil
On the other hand when list contains one of the following examples
let list: [Any] = [CGPointZero, CGPoint(x:1, y:1)] // CGPoint is not comparable
let list: [Any] = [10, "Hello"] // Values of different types
I want nil as return value.
Any idea?
Compile time solution
extension _ArrayType where Generator.Element == Any {
func sortQ() -> Any? {
return nil
extension _ArrayType where Generator.Element: Comparable {
func sortQ() -> [Self.Generator.Element] {
return self.sort(<)
// Because Bool is not comparable by default...
extension Bool: Comparable {
public func < (lhs: Bool, rhs: Bool) -> Bool {
return !lhs && rhs // or Int(lhs) < Int(rhs)
[10, 11, 0, 2, -1].sortQ() //[-1, 0, 2, 10, 11]
["Red", "Green", "Blue"].sortQ() //["Blue", "Green", "Red"]
[true, false, true, true].sortQ() //[false, true, true, true]
[CGPointZero, CGPoint(x:1, y:1)].sortQ() //nil
[10, "Hello"].sortQ() //nil
Runtime solutions:
Here is non final state. The problem is with casting to comparable. IMHO it is not possible. Until now I didn't know about trick with optional type. Anyway even casting of meta type is not possible because type is not known until runtime. My weak workaround is to list supported comparable types:
extension _ArrayType {
func sortQ() -> [Generator.Element]? {
var arrayOK = true
let sortedArray = sort { (firstElement, secondElement) -> Bool in
guard arrayOK else {
return false
let f = Mirror(reflecting: firstElement)
let s = Mirror(reflecting: secondElement)
guard f.subjectType == s.subjectType else {
arrayOK = false
return false
switch String(f.subjectType) {
case "Int":
return (firstElement as! Int) < (secondElement as! Int)
case "String":
return (firstElement as! String) < (secondElement as! String)
case "Bool":
return (firstElement as! Bool) < (secondElement as! Bool)
arrayOK = false
return false
return arrayOK ? sortedArray : nil
The second option is to have comparable protocol defined differently (AnyComparable). Unfortunately it means to create extensions for all Comparable types.
Otherwise there's no way, at compile-time, the compiler can find the correct function/operator (as it doesn't know the types ahead of time).
So you have two options:
if you had some idea of the types you were comparing and define
them explicitly (update 1).
Use interface which does not use Self
type (update 2).
IMHO there is no other solution
protocol AnyComparable {
func compareTo(second: Any) -> Bool
extension AnyComparable where Self: Comparable {
func compareTo(second: Any) -> Bool {
if let secondSameType = second as? Self {
return self < secondSameType
return false
extension Int: AnyComparable {
extension String: AnyComparable {
extension Bool: AnyComparable {
extension _ArrayType {
func sortQ() -> [Generator.Element]? {
var arrayOK = true
var wantedType: Any.Type?
let sortedArray = sort { (firstElement, secondElement) -> Bool in
guard arrayOK else {
return false
if wantedType == nil {
wantedType = Mirror(reflecting: firstElement).subjectType
guard let f = firstElement as? AnyComparable where wantedType == Mirror(reflecting: secondElement).subjectType else {
arrayOK = false
return false
return f.compareTo(secondElement)
return arrayOK ? sortedArray : nil
For the moment, I wrote a little extension to check if all the elements are of the same type (I will be working on this to check if can get a result):
extension _ArrayType where Generator.Element == Any{
func hasEqualTypeAndComparable()->Bool{
if self.count > 0{
let firstType = self.first?.dynamicType
for val in self{
if firstType != val.dynamicType{
return false
return self.first is Comparable
return false
//Example 1
var values:[Any] = [2,1,4,3,"Hola"]
values.hasEqualTypeAndComparable() // Print false
//Example 2
var values:[Any] = [2,1,4,3]
values.hasEqualTypeAndComparable() // Prints true
If your use case allows you to provide a hint to the compiler, you could specify a filter on the type of output that you want:
extension _ArrayType where Generator.Element == Any {
func filterByType<T: Comparable>() -> [T] {
var output = [T]()
for i in self {
if let j = i as? T {
return output
If the input array does not contain any elements of the specified type then it will just return an empty array. If the type is not a Comparable, then the code won't event compile.
let list: [Any] = [10, "Hello", 3, false, "Foo", "Bar", 1] // Values of different types
var output = list.filterByType() as [Int]

How to Iterate through an array in swift

Im learning swift and am having a problem Iterating through an array.
Here is what I'm trying to do:
func orderStringByOccurence(stringArray: [String]) -> [String: Int]{
var stringDictionary: [String: Int] = [:]
for i in 0...stringArray.count {
if stringDictionary[stringArray[i]] == nil {
stringDictionary[stringArray[i]] = 1
} else {
stringDictionary[stringArray[i]]! += 1
return stringDictionary
I don't get an error until I try to call this function. Then I get this error:
EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_1386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
I have tried debugging and found that i get the same error when i try this:
for i in 0...arrayFromString.count{
So how do I iterate through this array?
Thanks for helping out a new
You need to change
for i in 0...arrayFromString.count
for i in 0..<arrayFromString.count
As it is now, you iterate through the array and then one past the end.
You can also use a different style of for loop, which is perhaps a little better:
func orderStringByOccurence(stringArray: [String]) -> [String: Int] {
var stringDictionary: [String: Int] = [:]
for string in stringArray {
if stringDictionary[string] == nil {
stringDictionary[string] = 1
} else {
stringDictionary[string]! += 1
return stringDictionary
Also, you can simplify your logic a bit:
for string in stringArray {
stringDictionary[string] = stringDictionary[string] ?? 0 + 1
Update - For the sake of completeness, I thought I'd add a reduce example here as well. Note that as of Swift 5.1 return statements in single line functions can be implied (SE-0255).
func orderStringByOccurence(stringArray: [String]) -> [String: Int] {
stringArray.reduce([:]) { result, string in result.merging([string: 1], uniquingKeysWith: +)}
A few more approaches:
let array = ["1", "2", "3"]
You can use forEach with trailing closure syntax:
array.forEach { item in
You can use the $0 shorthand:
array.forEach {
And if you need the indexes, you can use enumerate():
array.enumerate().forEach { itemTuple in
print("\(itemTuple.element) is at index \(itemTuple.index)")
It seems you're out of index. A more swift-like approach would be in my opinion not to use the count but to do range-based.
var stringArray = ["1", "2", "3"]
for string in stringArray

Swift array extension cannot append equitable item [duplicate]

extension Array {
func removeObject<T where T : Equatable>(object: T) {
var index = find(self, object)
However, I get an error on var index = find(self, object)
'T' is not convertible to 'T'
I also tried with this method signature: func removeObject(object: AnyObject), however, I get the same error:
'AnyObject' is not convertible to 'T'
What is the proper way to do this?
As of Swift 2, this can be achieved with a protocol extension method.
removeObject() is defined as a method on all types conforming
to RangeReplaceableCollectionType (in particular on Array) if
the elements of the collection are Equatable:
extension RangeReplaceableCollectionType where Generator.Element : Equatable {
// Remove first collection element that is equal to the given `object`:
mutating func removeObject(object : Generator.Element) {
if let index = self.indexOf(object) {
var ar = [1, 2, 3, 2]
print(ar) // [1, 3, 2]
Update for Swift 2 / Xcode 7 beta 2: As Airspeed Velocity noticed
in the comments, it is now actually possible to write a method on a generic type that is more restrictive on the template, so the method
could now actually be defined as an extension of Array:
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
// ... same method as above ...
The protocol extension still has the advantage of being applicable to
a larger set of types.
Update for Swift 3:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
// Remove first collection element that is equal to the given `object`:
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = index(of: object) {
remove(at: index)
Update for Swift 5:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
/// Remove first collection element that is equal to the given `object` or `element`:
mutating func remove(element: Element) {
if let index = firstIndex(of: element) {
remove(at: index)
You cannot write a method on a generic type that is more restrictive on the template.
NOTE: as of Swift 2.0, you can now write methods that are more restrictive on the template. If you have upgraded your code to 2.0, see other answers further down for new options to implement this using extensions.
The reason you get the error 'T' is not convertible to 'T' is that you are actually defining a new T in your method that is not related at all to the original T. If you wanted to use T in your method, you can do so without specifying it on your method.
The reason that you get the second error 'AnyObject' is not convertible to 'T' is that all possible values for T are not all classes. For an instance to be converted to AnyObject, it must be a class (it cannot be a struct, enum, etc.).
Your best bet is to make it a function that accepts the array as an argument:
func removeObject<T : Equatable>(object: T, inout fromArray array: [T]) {
Or instead of modifying the original array, you can make your method more thread safe and reusable by returning a copy:
func arrayRemovingObject<T : Equatable>(object: T, fromArray array: [T]) -> [T] {
As an alternative that I don't recommend, you can have your method fail silently if the type stored in the array cannot be converted to the the methods template (that is equatable). (For clarity, I am using U instead of T for the method's template):
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<U: Equatable>(object: U) {
var index: Int?
for (idx, objectToCompare) in enumerate(self) {
if let to = objectToCompare as? U {
if object == to {
index = idx
if(index != nil) {
var list = [1,2,3]
list.removeObject(2) // Successfully removes 2 because types matched
list.removeObject("3") // fails silently to remove anything because the types don't match
list // [1, 3]
Edit To overcome the silent failure you can return the success as a bool:
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<U: Equatable>(object: U) -> Bool {
for (idx, objectToCompare) in self.enumerate() { //in old swift use enumerate(self)
if let to = objectToCompare as? U {
if object == to {
return true
return false
var list = [1,2,3,2]
briefly and concisely:
func removeObject<T : Equatable>(object: T, inout fromArray array: [T])
var index = find(array, object)
After reading all the above, to my mind the best answer is:
func arrayRemovingObject<U: Equatable>(object: U, # fromArray:[U]) -> [U] {
return fromArray.filter { return $0 != object }
var myArray = ["Dog", "Cat", "Ant", "Fish", "Cat"]
myArray = arrayRemovingObject("Cat", fromArray:myArray )
Swift 2 (xcode 7b4) array extension:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func arrayRemovingObject(object: Element) -> [Element] {
return filter { $0 != object }
var myArray = ["Dog", "Cat", "Ant", "Fish", "Cat"]
myArray = myArray.arrayRemovingObject("Cat" )
Swift 3.1 update
Came back to this now that Swift 3.1 is out. Below is an extension which provides exhaustive, fast, mutating and creating variants.
extension Array where Element:Equatable {
public mutating func remove(_ item:Element ) {
var index = 0
while index < self.count {
if self[index] == item {
self.remove(at: index)
} else {
index += 1
public func array( removing item:Element ) -> [Element] {
var result = self
result.remove( item )
return result
// Mutation...
var array1 = ["Cat", "Dog", "Turtle", "Cat", "Fish", "Cat"]
print(array1) // ["Dog", "Turtle", "Socks"]
// Creation...
let array2 = ["Cat", "Dog", "Turtle", "Cat", "Fish", "Cat"]
let array3 = array2.array(removing:"Cat")
print(array3) // ["Dog", "Turtle", "Fish"]
With protocol extensions you can do this,
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = indexOf({ $0 == object }) {
Same functionality for classes,
Swift 2
extension Array where Element: AnyObject {
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = indexOf({ $0 === object }) {
Swift 3
extension Array where Element: AnyObject {
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = index(where: { $0 === object }) {
remove(at: index)
But if a class implements Equatable it becomes ambiguous and the compiler gives an throws an error.
With using protocol extensions in swift 2.0
extension _ArrayType where Generator.Element : Equatable{
mutating func removeObject(object : Self.Generator.Element) {
while let index = self.indexOf(object){
what about to use filtering? the following works quite well even with [AnyObject].
import Foundation
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<T where T : Equatable>(obj: T) {
self = self.filter({$0 as? T != obj})
Maybe I didn't understand the question.
Why wouldn't this work?
import Foundation
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func removeObject(object: Element) {
if let index = self.firstIndex(of: object) {
self.remove(at: index)
var testArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
testArray.removeObject(object: 6)
let newArray = testArray
var testArray2 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]
testArray2.removeObject(object: "6")
let newArray2 = testArray2
No need to extend:
var ra = [7, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2]
print(ra) // [7, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2]
ra.removeAll(where: { $0 == 5 })
print(ra) // [7, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2]
if let i = ra.firstIndex(of: 4) {
ra.remove(at: i)
print(ra) // [7, 2, 3, 4, 2]
if let j = ra.lastIndex(of: 2) {
ra.remove(at: j)
print(ra) // [7, 2, 3, 4]
There is another possibility of removing an item from an array without having possible unsafe usage, as the generic type of the object to remove cannot be the same as the type of the array. Using optionals is also not the perfect way to go as they are very slow. You could therefore use a closure like it is already used when sorting an array for example.
//removes the first item that is equal to the specified element
mutating func removeFirst(element: Element, equality: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
for (index, item) in enumerate(self) {
if equality(item, element) {
return true
return false
When you extend the Array class with this function you can remove elements by doing the following:
var array = ["Apple", "Banana", "Strawberry"]
array.removeFirst("Banana") { $0 == $1 } //Banana is now removed
However you could even remove an element only if it has the same memory address (only for classes conforming to AnyObject protocol, of course):
let date1 = NSDate()
let date2 = NSDate()
var array = [date1, date2]
array.removeFirst(NSDate()) { $0 === $1 } //won't do anything
array.removeFirst(date1) { $0 === $1 } //array now contains only 'date2'
The good thing is, that you can specify the parameter to compare. For example when you have an array of arrays, you can specify the equality closure as { $0.count == $1.count } and the first array having the same size as the one to remove is removed from the array.
You could even shorten the function call by having the function as mutating func removeFirst(equality: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool, then replace the if-evaluation with equality(item) and call the function by array.removeFirst({ $0 == "Banana" }) for example.
Using indexOf instead of a for or enumerate:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func removeElement(element: Element) -> Element? {
if let index = indexOf(element) {
return removeAtIndex(index)
return nil
mutating func removeAllOccurrencesOfElement(element: Element) -> Int {
var occurrences = 0
while true {
if let index = indexOf(element) {
} else {
return occurrences
I finally ended up with following code.
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func remove<Element: Equatable>(item: Element) -> Array {
self = self.filter { $0 as? Element != item }
return self
Your problem is T is not related to the type of your array in anyway for example you could have
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
"six" is Equatable, but its not a type that can be compared to Integer, if you change it to
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
mutating func removeObject(object: Element) {
filter { $0 != object }
it now produces an error on calling removeObject for the obvious reason its not an array of strings, to remove 4 you can just
Other problem you have is its a self modifying struct so the method has to be labeled as so and your reference to it at the top has to be a var
Implementation in Swift 2:
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<T: Equatable>(object: T) -> Bool {
var index: Int?
for (idx, objectToCompare) in self.enumerate() {
if let toCompare = objectToCompare as? T {
if toCompare == object {
index = idx
if(index != nil) {
return true
} else {
return false
I was able to get it working with:
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<T: Equatable>(object: T) {
var index: Int?
for (idx, objectToCompare) in enumerate(self) {
let to = objectToCompare as T
if object == to {
index = idx
if(index) {

Swift: '==' cannot be applied between two Equatable operands [duplicate]

extension Array {
func removeObject<T where T : Equatable>(object: T) {
var index = find(self, object)
However, I get an error on var index = find(self, object)
'T' is not convertible to 'T'
I also tried with this method signature: func removeObject(object: AnyObject), however, I get the same error:
'AnyObject' is not convertible to 'T'
What is the proper way to do this?
As of Swift 2, this can be achieved with a protocol extension method.
removeObject() is defined as a method on all types conforming
to RangeReplaceableCollectionType (in particular on Array) if
the elements of the collection are Equatable:
extension RangeReplaceableCollectionType where Generator.Element : Equatable {
// Remove first collection element that is equal to the given `object`:
mutating func removeObject(object : Generator.Element) {
if let index = self.indexOf(object) {
var ar = [1, 2, 3, 2]
print(ar) // [1, 3, 2]
Update for Swift 2 / Xcode 7 beta 2: As Airspeed Velocity noticed
in the comments, it is now actually possible to write a method on a generic type that is more restrictive on the template, so the method
could now actually be defined as an extension of Array:
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
// ... same method as above ...
The protocol extension still has the advantage of being applicable to
a larger set of types.
Update for Swift 3:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
// Remove first collection element that is equal to the given `object`:
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = index(of: object) {
remove(at: index)
Update for Swift 5:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
/// Remove first collection element that is equal to the given `object` or `element`:
mutating func remove(element: Element) {
if let index = firstIndex(of: element) {
remove(at: index)
You cannot write a method on a generic type that is more restrictive on the template.
NOTE: as of Swift 2.0, you can now write methods that are more restrictive on the template. If you have upgraded your code to 2.0, see other answers further down for new options to implement this using extensions.
The reason you get the error 'T' is not convertible to 'T' is that you are actually defining a new T in your method that is not related at all to the original T. If you wanted to use T in your method, you can do so without specifying it on your method.
The reason that you get the second error 'AnyObject' is not convertible to 'T' is that all possible values for T are not all classes. For an instance to be converted to AnyObject, it must be a class (it cannot be a struct, enum, etc.).
Your best bet is to make it a function that accepts the array as an argument:
func removeObject<T : Equatable>(object: T, inout fromArray array: [T]) {
Or instead of modifying the original array, you can make your method more thread safe and reusable by returning a copy:
func arrayRemovingObject<T : Equatable>(object: T, fromArray array: [T]) -> [T] {
As an alternative that I don't recommend, you can have your method fail silently if the type stored in the array cannot be converted to the the methods template (that is equatable). (For clarity, I am using U instead of T for the method's template):
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<U: Equatable>(object: U) {
var index: Int?
for (idx, objectToCompare) in enumerate(self) {
if let to = objectToCompare as? U {
if object == to {
index = idx
if(index != nil) {
var list = [1,2,3]
list.removeObject(2) // Successfully removes 2 because types matched
list.removeObject("3") // fails silently to remove anything because the types don't match
list // [1, 3]
Edit To overcome the silent failure you can return the success as a bool:
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<U: Equatable>(object: U) -> Bool {
for (idx, objectToCompare) in self.enumerate() { //in old swift use enumerate(self)
if let to = objectToCompare as? U {
if object == to {
return true
return false
var list = [1,2,3,2]
briefly and concisely:
func removeObject<T : Equatable>(object: T, inout fromArray array: [T])
var index = find(array, object)
After reading all the above, to my mind the best answer is:
func arrayRemovingObject<U: Equatable>(object: U, # fromArray:[U]) -> [U] {
return fromArray.filter { return $0 != object }
var myArray = ["Dog", "Cat", "Ant", "Fish", "Cat"]
myArray = arrayRemovingObject("Cat", fromArray:myArray )
Swift 2 (xcode 7b4) array extension:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func arrayRemovingObject(object: Element) -> [Element] {
return filter { $0 != object }
var myArray = ["Dog", "Cat", "Ant", "Fish", "Cat"]
myArray = myArray.arrayRemovingObject("Cat" )
Swift 3.1 update
Came back to this now that Swift 3.1 is out. Below is an extension which provides exhaustive, fast, mutating and creating variants.
extension Array where Element:Equatable {
public mutating func remove(_ item:Element ) {
var index = 0
while index < self.count {
if self[index] == item {
self.remove(at: index)
} else {
index += 1
public func array( removing item:Element ) -> [Element] {
var result = self
result.remove( item )
return result
// Mutation...
var array1 = ["Cat", "Dog", "Turtle", "Cat", "Fish", "Cat"]
print(array1) // ["Dog", "Turtle", "Socks"]
// Creation...
let array2 = ["Cat", "Dog", "Turtle", "Cat", "Fish", "Cat"]
let array3 = array2.array(removing:"Cat")
print(array3) // ["Dog", "Turtle", "Fish"]
With protocol extensions you can do this,
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = indexOf({ $0 == object }) {
Same functionality for classes,
Swift 2
extension Array where Element: AnyObject {
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = indexOf({ $0 === object }) {
Swift 3
extension Array where Element: AnyObject {
mutating func remove(object: Element) {
if let index = index(where: { $0 === object }) {
remove(at: index)
But if a class implements Equatable it becomes ambiguous and the compiler gives an throws an error.
With using protocol extensions in swift 2.0
extension _ArrayType where Generator.Element : Equatable{
mutating func removeObject(object : Self.Generator.Element) {
while let index = self.indexOf(object){
what about to use filtering? the following works quite well even with [AnyObject].
import Foundation
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<T where T : Equatable>(obj: T) {
self = self.filter({$0 as? T != obj})
Maybe I didn't understand the question.
Why wouldn't this work?
import Foundation
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func removeObject(object: Element) {
if let index = self.firstIndex(of: object) {
self.remove(at: index)
var testArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
testArray.removeObject(object: 6)
let newArray = testArray
var testArray2 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]
testArray2.removeObject(object: "6")
let newArray2 = testArray2
No need to extend:
var ra = [7, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2]
print(ra) // [7, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2]
ra.removeAll(where: { $0 == 5 })
print(ra) // [7, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2]
if let i = ra.firstIndex(of: 4) {
ra.remove(at: i)
print(ra) // [7, 2, 3, 4, 2]
if let j = ra.lastIndex(of: 2) {
ra.remove(at: j)
print(ra) // [7, 2, 3, 4]
There is another possibility of removing an item from an array without having possible unsafe usage, as the generic type of the object to remove cannot be the same as the type of the array. Using optionals is also not the perfect way to go as they are very slow. You could therefore use a closure like it is already used when sorting an array for example.
//removes the first item that is equal to the specified element
mutating func removeFirst(element: Element, equality: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
for (index, item) in enumerate(self) {
if equality(item, element) {
return true
return false
When you extend the Array class with this function you can remove elements by doing the following:
var array = ["Apple", "Banana", "Strawberry"]
array.removeFirst("Banana") { $0 == $1 } //Banana is now removed
However you could even remove an element only if it has the same memory address (only for classes conforming to AnyObject protocol, of course):
let date1 = NSDate()
let date2 = NSDate()
var array = [date1, date2]
array.removeFirst(NSDate()) { $0 === $1 } //won't do anything
array.removeFirst(date1) { $0 === $1 } //array now contains only 'date2'
The good thing is, that you can specify the parameter to compare. For example when you have an array of arrays, you can specify the equality closure as { $0.count == $1.count } and the first array having the same size as the one to remove is removed from the array.
You could even shorten the function call by having the function as mutating func removeFirst(equality: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool, then replace the if-evaluation with equality(item) and call the function by array.removeFirst({ $0 == "Banana" }) for example.
Using indexOf instead of a for or enumerate:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func removeElement(element: Element) -> Element? {
if let index = indexOf(element) {
return removeAtIndex(index)
return nil
mutating func removeAllOccurrencesOfElement(element: Element) -> Int {
var occurrences = 0
while true {
if let index = indexOf(element) {
} else {
return occurrences
I finally ended up with following code.
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
mutating func remove<Element: Equatable>(item: Element) -> Array {
self = self.filter { $0 as? Element != item }
return self
Your problem is T is not related to the type of your array in anyway for example you could have
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
"six" is Equatable, but its not a type that can be compared to Integer, if you change it to
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
mutating func removeObject(object: Element) {
filter { $0 != object }
it now produces an error on calling removeObject for the obvious reason its not an array of strings, to remove 4 you can just
Other problem you have is its a self modifying struct so the method has to be labeled as so and your reference to it at the top has to be a var
Implementation in Swift 2:
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<T: Equatable>(object: T) -> Bool {
var index: Int?
for (idx, objectToCompare) in self.enumerate() {
if let toCompare = objectToCompare as? T {
if toCompare == object {
index = idx
if(index != nil) {
return true
} else {
return false
I was able to get it working with:
extension Array {
mutating func removeObject<T: Equatable>(object: T) {
var index: Int?
for (idx, objectToCompare) in enumerate(self) {
let to = objectToCompare as T
if object == to {
index = idx
if(index) {
