minimum number of actions needed to sort an array - arrays

I'm trying to practice solving a problem from Codeforces. It is to sort an array by moving the elements of the array either to the beginning or to the end of the array. At first thought i thought it is longest increasing subsequence but it's not working in some cases. For example if the input is 4,1,2,5,3 the LIS is 3 but the answer for the problem is moving 4 to the end of the array and then 5 to the end of the array which gives us 2. Also i was trying out on the example 1,6,4,5,9,8,7,3,2 in this LIS is 1,4,5,9 but the answer for the problem is 7 moves between 1 and 2. I got to know that i should use greedy approach but couldn't quite relate. Could someone help me in this ?

We can see that, to sort the array, each element is only need to be moved at most one.
So, to minimize the number of movement, we need to find the maximum number of element that is not moved. And those element is the longest continuous sequence , which is the sequence (a0, a1, ... an) with a(i + 1) = ai + 1.
For example,
(4,1,2,5,3), longest continuous sequence is (1,2,3)
(5,2,1,3,4), longest continuous sequence is (2,3,4)
So we have our code:
int[]longest = new int[n + 1];
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
longest[data[i]] = longest[data[i] - 1] + 1;
result = max (longest[data[i]] , result);
print "Minimum number of move is " + (n - result)
In the code, I am using an array longest which index ith stores the longest continuous sequence, which ends at value i.
So, we can see that longest[i] = longest[i - 1] + 1.
And the result for the longest continuous sequence is the maximum value stored in longest array.

I had solved this problem on Codeforces during the contest itself. Nice problem.
Think 'longest continuous sub-sequence'. The answer is n-longest continuous sub-sequence.
Take 1 2 3 7 5 6 4. The longest continuous sub-sequence is 1 2 3 4. Now you can shift the remaining elements in a particular order to get the sorted array always. At least that is how I thought of it intuitively
Here is a snippet of the main code:
int n=in.readInt();
int[] a=new int[n+1];
int[] cnt=new int[n+1];
int max=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
Hope that helps!


Maximum sum of two elements in an array minus the distance between them

I am trying to find the maximum sum of two elements in an array minus the distance between them.
Specifically I am trying to calculate max{ a[i]+a[j]-|i-j| }
I am currently stuck. I have obviously considered the naive approach (O(n^2)). However ,I am pretty sure there is a better ,more efficient approach (O(nlogn)) or even O(n).
Can someone please help me on how to approach the problem. I would be grateful if anyone threw some hints or a simple idea to have something to start from. Sorting the array first? Maybe using a dynamic programming approach?
I think I have found an O(n) solution
Let's assume that our max sum comes from a[i] and a[j] , a[i] contributes to that sum with : a[i]+i . a[j] contributes to that sum with a[j]-j. (Because our sum is a[i]+a[j]-|j-i|= a[i]+a[j]+i-j. )
Approach: for convenience we compute the matrices A_plus_index=a[i]+i and A_minus_index=a[i]-i.
Then we use two helping arrays:
i) The first one has for every i ,the max value of A_plus_index array considering only the elements from 0 to i.
ii) The second has for every i, the max value of A_minus_index array considering only the elements from N to i ,where N is the length of array a.
Now we traverse the arrays once and find the max: A_plus_index[i]+ A_minus_index[i+1].
Total complexity O(n).
#JeffersonWhite your idea works and you could post it as an answer and accept it.
But I am going to improve upon your idea a little bit:
You could build only one array instead of 2, which contains the maximum of A[j] - j so far for each j from N-1 to 1.
And then traverse the array forward each time computing the max( A[i] + i + max_so_far-_reverse[i+1])
//Building the reverse array
max_so_far_reverse = array of length N
max_reverse = A[N-1]-(N-1)
max_so_far_reverse[N-1] = max_reverse
for j = N-2 to 1:
max_reverse = max(max_reverse, A[j]-j)
max_so_far_reverse[j] = max_reverse
//Computing maximum value by traversing forward
max = 0
for i = 0 to N-2:
max = max(max, A[i] + i + max_so_far_reverse[i+1])
return max

Picking random indexes into a sorted array

Let's say I have a sorted array of values:
int n=4; // always lower or equal than number of unique values in array
int i[256] = {};
int v = {1 1 2 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 9 9 11 11 13}
// EX 1 ^ ^ ^ ^
// EX 2 ^ ^ ^ ^
// EX 3 ^ ^ ^ ^
I would like to generate n random index values i[0] ... i[n-1], so that:
v[i[0]] ... v[i[n-1]] points to a unique number (ie. must not point to 5 twice)
Each number to must be the rightmost of its kind (ie. must point to the last 5)
An index to the final number (13 in this case) should always be included.
What I've tried so far:
Getting the indexes to the last of the unique values
Shuffling the indexes
Pick out the n first indexes
I'm implementing this in C, so the more standard C functions I can rely on and the shorter code, the better. (For example, shuffle is not a standard C function, but if I must, I must.)
Create an array of the last index values
int last[] = { 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 12, 14 };
Fisher-Yates shuffle the array.
Take the first n-1 elements from the shuffled array.
Add the index to the final number.
Sort the resulting array, if desired.
This algorithm is called reservoir sampling, and can be used whenever you know how big a sample you need but not how many elements you're sampling from. (The name comes from the idea that you always maintain a reservoir of the correct number of samples. When a new value comes in, you mix it into the reservoir, remove a random element, and continue.)
Create the return value array sample of size n.
Start scanning the input array. Each time you find a new value, add its index to the end of sample, until you have n sampled elements.
Continue scanning the array, but now when you find a new value:
a. Choose a random number r in the range [0, i) where i is the number of unique values seen so far.
b. If r is less than n, overwrite element r with the new element.
When you get to the end, sort sample, assuming you need it to be sorted.
To make sure you always have the last element in the sample, run the above algorithm to select a sample of size n-1. Only consider a new element when you have found a bigger one.
The algorithm is linear in the size of v (plus an n log n term for the sort in the last step.) If you already have the list of last indices of each value, there are faster algorithms (but then you would know the size of the universe before you started sampling; reservoir sampling is primarily useful if you don't know that.)
In fact, it is not conceptually different from collecting all the indices and then finding the prefix of a Fisher-Yates shuffle. But it uses O(n) temporary memory instead of enough to store the entire index list, which may be considered a plus.
Here's an untested sample C implementation (which requires you to write the function randrange()):
/* Produces (in `out`) a uniformly distributed sample of maximum size
* `outlen` of the indices of the last occurrences of each unique
* element in `in` with the requirement that the last element must
* be in the sample.
* Requires: `in` must be sorted.
* Returns: the size of the generated sample, while will be `outlen`
* unless there were not enough unique elements.
* Note: `out` is not sorted, except that the last element in the
* generated sample is the last valid index in `in`
size_t sample(int* in, size_t inlen, size_t* out, size_t outlen) {
size_t found = 0;
if (inlen && outlen) {
// The last output is fixed so we need outlen-1 random indices
int prev = in[0];
for (size_t curr = 1; curr < inlen; ++curr) {
if (in[curr] == prev) continue;
// Add curr - 1 to the output
size_t r = randrange(0, ++found);
if (r < outlen) out[r] = curr - 1;
prev = in[curr];
// Add the last index to the output
if (found > outlen) found = outlen;
out[found] = inlen - 1;
return found;

Number of ways such that sum of k elements equal to p

Given series of integers having relation where a number is equal to sum of previous 2 numbers and starting integer is 1
Series ->1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55
find the number of ways such that sum of k elements equal to p.We can use an element any number of times.
So,number of ways would be 4.Those are,
I am able to sove this question through recursion.I sense dynamic programming here but i am not getting how to do it.Can it be done in much lesser time???
EDIT I forgot to mention that the sequence of the numbers does not matter and will be counted once. for ex=3->(1,2)and(2,1).here number of ways would be 1 only.
EDIT: Poster has changed the original problem since this was posted. My algorithm still works, but maybe can be improved upon. Original problem had n arbitrary input numbers (he has now modified it to be a Fibonacci series). To apply my algorithm to the modified post, truncate the series by taking only elements less than p (assume there are n of them).
Here's an n^(k/2) algorithm. (n is the number of elements in the series)
Use a table of length p, such that table[i] contains all combinations of k/2 elements that sum to i. For example, in the example data that you provided, table[4] contains {1,3} and {2,2}.
EDIT: If the space is prohibitive, this same algorithm can be done with an ordered linked lists, where you only store the non-empty table entries. The linked list has to be both directions: forward and backwards, which makes the final step of the algorithm cleaner.
Once this table is computed, then we get all solutions by combining every table[j] with every table[p-j], whenever both are non-empty.
To get the table, initialize the entire thing to empty. Then:
For i_1 = 0 to n-1:
For i_2 = i_1 to n-1:
For i_k/2 = i_k/2-1 to n-1:
sum = series[i_1] + ... + series[i_k/2]
if sum <= p:
store {i_1, i_2, ... , i_k/2 } in table[sum]
This "variable number of loops" looks impossible to implement, but actually it can be done with an array of length k/2 that keeps track of where each i_` is.
Let's go back to your data and see how our table would look:
table[2] = {1,1}
table[3] = {1,2}
table[4] = {1,3} and {2,2}
table[5] = {2,3}
table[6] = {1,5}
table[7] = {2,5}
table[8] = {3,5}
Solutions are found by combining table[2] with table[6], table[3] with table[5], and table[4] with table[4]. Thus, solutions are: {1,1,1,5} {1,2,2,3}, {1,1,3,3}, {2,2,2,2}, {1,3,2,2}.
You can use dynamic programming. Let C(p, k) be the number of ways that sum k element equal to p and a be the array of elements. Then
C(p, k) = C(p - a[0], k - 1) + C(p - a[1], k - 1) + .... + C(p - a[n-1], k - 1)
Then, you can use memorization to speed up your code.
Your problem is well-known. It is the sum set problem, a variation of knapsack problem. Check this pretty good explanation. sum-set problem

find the largest ten numbers in an array in C

I have an array of int (the length of the array can go from 11 to 500) and i need to extract, in another array, the largest ten numbers.
So, my starting code could be this:
arrayNumbers[n]; //array in input with numbers, 11<n<500
int arrayMax[10];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
if(arrayNumbers[i] ....
//here, i need the code to save current int in arrayMax correctly
//at the end of cycle, i want to have in arrayMax, the ten largest numbers (they haven't to be ordered)
What's the best efficient way to do this in C?
Study maxheap. Maintain a heap of size 10 and ignore all spilling elements. If you face a difficulty please ask.
If number of elements are less than 20, find n-10 smallest elements and rest if the numbers are top 10 numbers.
Visualize a heap here
EDIT2: Based on comment from Sleepy head, I searched and found this (I have not tested). You can find kth largest element (10 in this case) in )(n) time. Now in O(n) time, you can find first 10 elements which are greater than or equal to this kth largest number. Final complexity is linear.
Here is a algo which solves in linear time:
Use the selection algorithm, which effectively find the k-th element in a un-sorted array in linear time. You can either use a variant of quick sort or more robust algorithms.
Get the top k using the pivot got in step 1.
This is my idea:
insert first 10 elements of your arrayNum into arrMax.
Sort those 10 elements arrMax[0] = min , arrMax[9] = max.
then check the remaining elements one by one and insert every possible candidate into it's right position as follow (draft):
int k, r, p;
for (int k = 10; k < n; k++)
r = 0;
if (arrMax[r] > arrNum[k]) break; // position to insert new comer
else if (r == 10) break; // don't exceed length of arrMax
else r++; // iteration
if (r != 0) // no need to insert number smaller than all members
for (p=0; p<r-1; p++) arrMax[p]=arrMax[p+1]; // shift arrMax to make space for new comer
arrMax[r-1] = arrNum[k]; // insert new comer at it's position
} // done!
Sort the array and insert Max 10 elements in another array
you can use the "select" algorithm which finds you the i-th largest number (you can put any number you like instead of i) and then iterate over the array and find the numbers that are bigger than i. in your case i=10 of course..
The following example can help you. it arranges the biggest 10 elements of the original array into arrMax assuming you have all positive numbers in the original array arrNum. Based on this you can work for negative numbers also by initializing all elements of the arrMax with possible smallest number.
Anyway, using a heap of 10 elements is a better solution rather than this one.
void main()
int arrNum[500]={1,2,3,21,34,4,5,6,7,87,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20};
int arrMax[10]={0};
int i,cur,j,nn=23,pos;
printf("%d ",arrMax[i]);
When improving efficiency of an algorithm, it is often best (and instructive) to start with a naive implementation and improve it. Since in your question you obviously don't even have that, efficiency is perhaps a moot point.
If you start with the simpler question of how to find the largest integer:
Initialise largest_found to INT_MIN
Iterate the array with :
IF value > largest_found THEN largest_found = value
To get the 10 largest, you perform the same algorithm 10 times, but retaining the last_largest and its index from the previous iteration, modify the largest_found test thus:
IF value > largest_found &&
value <= last_largest_found &&
index != last_largest_index
largest_found = last_largest_found = value
last_largest_index = index
Start with that, then ask yourself (or here) about efficiency.

Finding the maximum subsequence binary sets that have an equal number of 1s and 0s

I found the following problem on the internet, and would like to know how I would go about solving it:
You are given an array ' containing 0s and 1s. Find O(n) time and O(1) space algorithm to find the maximum sub sequence which has equal number of 1s and 0s.
10101010 -
The longest sub sequence that satisfies the problem is the input itself
1101000 -
The longest sub sequence that satisfies the problem is 110100
I have to completely rephrase my answer. (If you had upvoted the earlier version, well, you were tricked!)
Lets sum up the easy case again, to get it out of the way:
Find the longest prefix of the bit-string containing
an equal number of 1s and 0s of the
This is trivial: A simple counter is needed, counting how many more 1s we have than 0s, and iterating the bitstring while maintaining this. The position where this counter becomes zero for the last time is the end of the longest sought prefix. O(N) time, O(1) space. (I'm completely convinced by now that this is what the original problem asked for. )
Now lets switch to the more difficult version of the problem: we no longer require subsequences to be prefixes - they can start anywhere.
After some back and forth thought, I thought there might be no linear algorithm for this. For example, consider the prefix "111111111111111111...". Every single 1 of those may be the start of the longest subsequence, there is no candidate subsequence start position that dominates (i.e. always gives better solutions than) any other position, so we can't throw away any of them (O(N) space) and at any step, we must be able to select the best start (which has an equal number of 1s and 0s to the current position) out of linearly many candidates, in O(1) time. It turns out this is doable, and easily doable too, since we can select the candidate based on the running sum of 1s (+1) and 0s (-1), this has at most size N, and we can store the first position we reach each sum in 2N cells - see pmod's answer below (yellowfog's comments and geometric insight too).
Failing to spot this trick, I had replaced a fast but wrong with a slow but sure algorithm, (since correct algorithms are preferable to wrong ones!):
Build an array A with the accumulated number of 1s from the start to that position, e.g. if the bitstring is "001001001", then the array would be [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]. Using this, we can test in O(1) whether the subsequence (i,j), inclusive, is valid: isValid(i, j) = (j - i + 1 == 2 * (A[j] - A[i - 1]), i.e. it is valid if its length is double the amount of 1s in it. For example, the subsequence (3,6) is valid because 6 - 3 + 1 == 2 * A[6] - A[2] = 4.
Plain old double loop:
maxSubsLength = 0
for i = 1 to N - 1
for j = i + 1 to N
if isValid(i, j) ... #maintain maxSubsLength
This can be sped up a bit using some branch-and-bound by skipping i/j sequences which are shorter than the current maxSubsLength, but asymptotically this is still O(n^2). Slow, but with a big plus on its side: correct!
Strictly speaking, the answer is that no such algorithm exists because the language of strings consisting of an equal number of zeros and ones is not regular.
Of course everyone ignores that fact that storing an integer of magnitude n is O(log n) in space and treats it as O(1) in space. :-) Pretty much all big-O's, including time ones, are full of (or rather empty of) missing log n factors, or equivalently, they assume n is bounded by the size of a machine word, which means you're really looking at a finite problem and everything is O(1).
New solution:
Suppose we have for n-bit input bit-array 2*n-size array to keep position of bit. So, the size of array element must have enough size to keep maximum position number. For 256 input bit array, it's needed 256x2 array of bytes (byte is enough to keep 255 - the maximum position).
Moving from the first position of bit-array we put the position into array starting from the middle of array (index is n) using a rule:
1. Increment the position if we passed "1" bit and decrement when passed "0" bit
2. When meet already initialized array element - don't change it and remember the difference between positions (current minus taken from array element) - this is a size of local maximum sequence.
3. Every time we meet local maximum compare it with the global maximum and update if the latter is less.
For example: bit sequence is 0,0,0,1,0,1
initial array index is n
set arr[n] = 0 (position)
bit 0 -> index--
set arr[n-1] = 1
bit 0 -> index--
set arr[n-2] = 2
bit 0 -> index--
set arr[n-3] = 3
bit 1 -> index++
arr[n-2] already contains 2 -> thus, local max seq is [3,2] becomes abs. maximum
will not overwrite arr[n-2]
bit 0 -> index--
arr[n-3] already contains 3 -> thus, local max seq is [4,3] is not abs. maximum
bit 1 -> index++
arr[n-2] already contains 2 -> thus, local max seq is [5,2] is abs. max
Thus, we passing through the whole bit array only once.
Does this solves the task?
n - number of bits
a[n] - input bit-array
track_pos[2*n] = {0,};
ind = n;
/* start from position 1 since zero has
meaning track_pos[x] is not initialized */
for (i = 1; i < n+1; i++) {
if (track_pos[ind]) {
seq_size = i - track_pos[ind];
if (glob_seq_size < seq_size) {
/* store as interm. result */
glob_seq_size = seq_size;
glob_pos_from = track_pos[ind];
glob_pos_to = i;
} else {
track_pos[ind] = i;
if (a[i-1])
glob_seq_size - length of maximum sequence
glob_pos_from - start position of max sequence
glob_pos_to - end position of max sequence
In this thread ( ), poster A.F. has given an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and uses O(sqrt(n log n)) bits.
brute force: start with maximum length of the array to count the o's and l's. if o eqals l, you are finished. else reduce search length by 1 and do the algorithm for all subsequences of the reduced length (that is maximium length minus reduced length) and so on. stop when the subtraction is 0.
As was pointed out by user "R..", there is no solution, strictly speaking, unless you ignore the "log n" space complexity. In the following, I will consider that the array length fits in a machine register (e.g. a 64-bit word) and that a machine register has size O(1).
The important point to notice is that if there are more 1's than 0's, then the maximum subsequence that you are looking for necessarily includes all the 0's, and that many 1's. So here the algorithm:
Notations: the array has length n, indices are counted from 0 to n-1.
First pass: count the number of 1's (c1) and 0's (c0). If c1 = c0 then your maximal subsequence is the entire array (end of algorithm). Otherwise, let d be the digit which appears the less often (d = 0 if c0 < c1, otherwise d = 1).
Compute m = min(c0, c1) * 2. This is the size of the subsequence you are looking for.
Second pass: scan the array to find the index j of the first occurrence of d.
Compute k = max(j, n - m). The subsequence starts at index k and has length m.
Note that there could be several solutions (several subsequences of maximal length which match the criterion).
In plain words: assuming that there are more 1's than 0's, then I consider the smallest subsequence which contains all the 0's. By definition, that subsequence is surrounded by bunches of 1's. So I just grab enough 1's from the sides.
Edit: as was pointed out, this does not work... The "important point" is actually wrong.
Try something like this:
/* bit(n) is a macro that returns the nth bit, 0 or 1. len is number of bits */
int c[2] = {0,0};
int d, i, a, b, p;
for(i=0; i<len; i++) c[bit(i)]++;
d = c[1] < c[0];
if (c[d] == 0) return; /* all bits identical; fail */
for(i=0; bit(i)!=d; i++);
a = b = i;
for(p=0; i<len; i++) {
p += 2*bit(i)-1;
if (!p) b = i;
if (a == b) { /* account for case where we need bits before the first d */
b = len - 1;
a -= abs(p);
printf("maximal subsequence consists of bits %d through %d\n", a, b);
Completely untested but modulo stupid mistakes it should work. Based on my reply to Thomas's answer which failed in certain cases.
New Solution:
Space complexity of O(1) and time complexity O(n^2)
int iStart = 0, iEnd = 0;
int[] arrInput = { 1, 0, 1, 1, 1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0 };
for (int i = 0; i < arrInput.Length; i++)
int iCurrEndIndex = i;
int iSum = 0;
for (int j = i; j < arrInput.Length; j++)
iSum = (arrInput[j] == 1) ? iSum+1 : iSum-1;
if (iSum == 0)
iCurrEndIndex = j;
if ((iEnd - iStart) < (iCurrEndIndex - i))
iEnd = iCurrEndIndex;
iStart = i;
I am not sure whether the array you are referring is int array of 0's and 1's or bitarray??
If its about bitarray, here is my approach:
int isEvenBitCount(int n)
//n ... //Decimal equivalent of the input binary sequence
int cnt1 = 0, cnt0 = 0;
if(n&0x01) { printf("1 "); cnt1++;}
else { printf("0 "); cnt0++; }
n = n>>1;
return cnt0 == cnt1;
int main()
int i = 40, j = 25, k = 35;
with use of bitwise operations the time complexity is almost O(1) also.
