Using _.each and $q promise to iterate widgets - angularjs

I have a pretty straight-forward problem where I'm :
Iterating through a series of dashboard "widgets" using _.each().
Calling a function to refresh the current widget, and returning a $q promise.
Now, my issue is that I would like each iteration to WAIT prior to continuing to the next iteration.
My first version was this, until I realized that I need to wait for updateWidget() to complete:
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData);
My second version is this one, which returns a promise. But of course, I still have the problem where the iteration continues without waiting :
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData).then(function(data){
var i = 1;
and the called function which returns a deferred.promise object (then makes a service call for widget data) :
function updateWidget(widget, parWidData) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$rootScope.refreshingWidget = widget;
var url = gadgetDataService.prepareAggregationRequest(cubeVectors, aggrFunc, typeName, orderBy, numOrderBy, top, filterExpr, having, drillDown);
return gadgetDataService.sendAggGetRequest(url).then(function (data) {
var data =[0];
var widget = {};
if ($rootScope.refreshingWidget) {
widget = $rootScope.refreshingWidget;
var chartOptions = chartsOptionsService.buildKendoChartOptions(data, widget);
// create neOptions object, then use jquery extend()
var newOptions = {};
$.extend(newOptions, widget.dataModelOptions, chartOptions);
widget.dataModelOptions = newOptions;
return deferred.promise;
I would appreciate your ideas on how to "pause" on each iteration, and continue once the called function has completed.
thank you,
******* UPDATED ************
My latest version of the iteration code include $q.all() as follows :
var promises = [];
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
promises.push(updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData));
.then(function () {
$timeout(function () {
// without a brief timeout, not all Kendo charts will properly refresh.
}, 100);

By chaining promises
The easiest is the following:
var queue = $q.when();
_.each(widgets, function (wid) {
queue = queue.then(function() {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
return updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData);
queue.then(function() {
// all completed sequentially
Note: at the end, queue will resolve with the return value of the last iteration
If you write a lot of async functions like this, it might be useful to wrap it into a utility function:
function eachAsync(collection, cbAsync) {
var queue = $q.when();
_.each(collection, function(item, index) {
queue = queue.then(function() {
return cbAsync(item, index);
return queue;
// ...
eachAsync(widgets, function(wid) {
if (wid.dataModelOptions.linkedParentWidget) {
return updateWidget(wid, parentWidgetData);
}).then(function() {
// all widgets updated sequentially
// still resolved with the last iteration
These functions build a chain of promises in the "preprocessing" phase, so your callback is invoked sequentially. There are other ways to do it, some of them are more efficient and use less memory, but this solution is the simplest.
By delayed iteration
This method will hide the return value even of the last iteration, and will not build the full promise chain beforehands. The drawback is that, it can be only used on array like objects.
function eachAsync(array, cbAsync) {
var index = 0;
function next() {
var current = index++;
if (current < array.length) {
return $q.when(cbAsync(array[current], current), next);
// else return undefined
// This will delay the first iteration as well, and will transform
// thrown synchronous errors of the first iteration to rejection.
return $q.when(null, next);
This will iterate over any iterable:
function eachAsync(iterable, cbAsync) {
var iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
function next() {
var iteration =;
if (!iteration.done) {
// we do not know the index!
return $q.when(cbAsync(iteration.value), next);
} else {
// the .value of the last iteration treated as final
// return value
return iteration.value;
// This will delay the first iteration as well, and will transform
// thrown synchronous errors of the first iteration to rejection.
return $q.when(null, next);
Keep in mind that these methods will behave differently when the collection changes during iteration. The promise chaining methods basically build a snapshot of the collection at the moment it starts iteration (the individual values are stored in the closures of the chained callback functions), while the latter does not.

Instead of trying to resolve each promise in your _.each(), I would build out an array of promises in your _.each to get an array like:
promises = [gadgetDataService.sendAggGetRequest(url1), gadgetDataService.sendAggGetRequest(url2)....]
Then resolve them all at once, iterate through the results and set your models:
$q.all(promises).then(function(results){ // iterate through results here })


AngularJS: promise in a loop

I am unable to do the promise looping.
I make a service call to get list of providers, then for each provider, I make another service call to get a customer.
A provider has 1 or more customers. So eventual list of customer is to be decorated and displayed.
In other format I am trying to achieve:
I have written following code, that isn't working
doTheJob(model: Object) {
let A = [];
let B = [];
let fetchP = function(obj) {
obj.Service1.fetchAllP().then(function (response) {
let P = cloneDeep(;
_.forEach(P, function(prov) {
_.forEach(prov.CIds, function(Id) {
_.forEach(A, function(CId) {
return obj.Service2.getById(CId);//what works is if this statement was: return obj.Service2.getById(A[0]);
//So, clearly, returning promise inside loop isn't working
.then(function(response) {
B.push(; //This response is undefined
angular.forEach(B, function (value) {
forEach don't stop when you use return inside of it, try to use a plain loop instead, why you don't just loop with for ?
_.forEach(A, function(CId) {
return obj.Service2.getById(CId);
as stated by #Ze Rubeus if you return inside a callback within a for loop that value will be lost, since it's not returned to the caller.
probably you wanted something like this
return Promise.all({
//collect each promise inside an array that will then be resolved
return obj.Service2.getById(CId);

chaining http post and q service in angular in serial fashion

I have this code in angular,
url :'someURL', //returns an array of urls [url1, url2, url3..]
data : dataObj
.then(function(response) {
var items =;
var promises = [];
$scope.output =[];
return promises.push($http.get(el)); //fills the promise[] array
var ignore = function(x) { return x.catch(function(){}); } // To ignore if promise does not get resolved (only accept responses with status 200)
var all = $q.all( ); //chaining promises array
all.then(function success(d){
console.log($scope.output); //want the output to be ["text1", "text2", "text3"...]
for (var i=0; i < promises.length ; i++){
promises[i].then(success).catch(function (){
function success(r){
$scope.output.push(; //{text: "text1"}
The result of this operation is stored in $scope.output. On executing I'm getting output as ["text2", "text3", "text1" ...] which is not in a serial fashion. My question is how I can make this execute in a serial fashion so that the output would be ["text1", "text2", "text3" ...]
Replace your last for loop with the following:
angular.forEach(promises, function(promise, index){
promise.then(success).catch(function (){});
function success(r){
$scope.output[index] =;
Due to closure paradigm the index variable will be available in the success handler upon promise resolution no matter in which order the promises get resolved and the results will be placed to the output array in the order of the original promises.
Didn't test it, but from first view I'd say you need to put the for() loop inside the all.then().
all.then(function success(d){
for (var i=0; i < promises.length ; i++) {
promises[i].then(success).catch(function () { });
function success (r) {
Because otherwise you loop through partially unresolved promises. Those that resolve earlier will skip ahead in the queue.
Having the for() loop inside the all.then() you make sure that all promises have resolved already and will add themselves to the output list when they are called with promises[i].then(success).
IMO,you should not use callbacks inside for loop. I think, it is causing this behavior. I hope it will work. No need to add last for loop.
var all = $q.all( );
all.then(function success(d){

AngularJS chaining promises - need to do work before the next 'then'

I am working on a promise chain. The first call is an $http call to check if a user exists, and then if it does, theres a bunch of .then() statements that run sequentially.
My question is this.. in that first call, i don't want to return the promise of the $http request because if the user doesn't exist, the results are just an empty array and the promise resolves, thus triggering the next action to look up information about the user. I wrote the following code...
(see the part in comments about being the important part i'm asking about)
$scope.checkIfUserExists = function() {
if (angular.isObject($scope.admin.Inductee.Contactor)) {
var handleFault = function( fault ) {
if (typeof(fault) === 'string') {
switch (fault.toUpperCase()){
case 'NODATA':
// Go ahead an save
case 'STATUS':
// just get the 'duplicate records check' sign off of there
// The save button is disabled by the critical error
$scope.hideSave = false;
case 'ASSIGNED':
// just get the 'duplicate records check' sign off of there
// The save button is disabled by the critical error
$scope.hideSave = true;
} else {
$scope.getMatchingIndData = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var locals = {};
var checkUser = function(dupeJson){
var checkUserDeferred = $q.defer();
// abandoned promise replaced with my own
.then(function(results) {
var data =;
if (angular.isArray(data) && data.length > 0){
var highestMatch = data[0];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (parseInt(data[i].Score) > parseInt(highestMatch.Score)) {
highestMatch = data[i];
} else {
// Reject the 'overall' promise here
// to effectively break the chain
return deferred.reject('NODATA');
.catch(function(fault) {
// Any other failure should break the chain
// of http requests at this point
return deferred.reject(fault);
return checkUserDeferred.promise;
loadindividual = function (highestMatch) {
return $http stuff about the highestmatch
// set data in locals
parallelLoadStatusAndInducteeData = function(individual) {
return another $http promise based on the last then()
// set data in locals
loadCeremonyData = function (inductees){
return another $http promise based on the last call then() // set data in locals
reportProblems = function( fault ) {
.then(loadindividual, reportProblems)
.then(parallelLoadStatusAndInducteeData, reportProblems)
.then(loadCeremonyData, reportProblems)
.then(function() {
.catch( reportProblems );
return deferred.promise;
Must I take into account the abandoned promise, since I really need to promise to resolve when the data comes back, and i need to reject it if there is NODATA. This is handled in the calling function's chain.
Also, I'm aware of antipatterns here. I'm trying my best to not nest promises, maintain the chain, as well as handle exceptions.
Ok I have a few comments for you:
// revert if and return immediately
// to reduce indentation
if (typeof(fault) !== 'string') {
switch (fault.toUpperCase()) {
You don't need deferred objects:
var checkUser = function(dupeJson){
// this is not abandoned because we are returning it
return sttiJoinDataFactory.checkIfUserExistsNurseleader(dupeJson)
.then(function(results) {
var data =;
if (!angular.isArray(data) || data.length <= 0) {
return $q.reject('NODATA');
var highestMatch = data.reduce(function (highest, d) {
return parseInt(d.Score) > parseInt(highest.Score) ?
d : highest;
}, data[0]);
return highestMatch;
}); // you don't need catch here if you're gonna reject it again
// loadIndividual will be called
// after everything inside checkUser resolves
// so you will have your highestMatch
// you don't need to repeat reportProblems, just catch in the end
// if anything rejects prior to this point
// reportProblems will be called

How to execute promises "sync" and not in async way

I calling getBubblesUserAccess that returns json objects that are orderd in a special way. This results i wanna run a foreach and get other messages but there i wanna return them in "order". I know that it will run these async but there must be a way that i can force it to "sequential" execution. (above code is my last attempt to add a defer...)
pseudo code - get my groups
From this result i wanna iterate over those parent id strings and call another service that respond with this.
pseudo code
for each group above call another service with parent id and get result. This result will be added to a new JSON object.
"senderName":"XXX XXXX"
"senderName":"ZZZZZ ZZZZ"
My problem is that my second foreach are running async (as it should) and i want it to resolve back in same order as first json object...
My code::
var loadBubblesAccess = function () {
if (vm.running && angular.isDefined(vm.running)) { return; }
vm.running = true;
vm.bubblesWithMessages = null;
return BubbleFactory.getBubblesUserAccess().then(function (bubblesAccessTo) {
return bubblesAccessTo;
loadSubBubbles = function (bubblesAccessTo) {
* Result from chain method with all bubbles user has access to.
var promiseArray = [];
//var promiseArrayError = [];
var i = 0;
* Creates a defer object so that we will not resolve before for each loop has been gone thru.. async problems.
var deferred = $q.defer();
angular.forEach(bubblesAccessTo, function (bubble) {
* Get 20 because default thats default and cache and e-tags are done to that number..
BubbleFactory.getBubbleMessages(, 0, 20, false).then(function (data) {
if (data.messages.length > 0) {
promiseArray.push({ bubbleSortOrder: i, bubbleId: bubble.parent, bubbleName:, bubbleMessagesId:, bubbleMessages: smartTrim(data.messages[0].text, 400, ' ', ' ...'), bubbleMessagesSent: data.messages[0].sent });
else {
// console.log("YYYY::: " + bubble.parent);
promiseArray.push({ bubbleSortOrder:i, bubbleId: bubble.parent, bubbleName:, bubbleMessagesId:, bubbleMessages: 'Inget meddelande än..', bubbleMessagesSent: '' });
* Check if we have gone thru all bubbles - when finished we resolve defer object.
vm.bubblesWithMessages = promiseArray;
promiseArray.length = 0;
vm.running = false;
The $q service in AngularJS is described as "lightweight" because it only implements the functions 90% of people need. That keeps its code size small - at the expense of not being able to address requests like yours very easily.
If you have the option, try an alternative such as bluebird. Bluebird provides a reduce() function that can execute an array of promises serially, and return their results in the order they were requested. It makes this task straightforward because your result array will match your data array and you can match up the results very easily.
If you do NOT have that option, there is a standard (if not-exactly-simple) technique with promises where you build an array of the elements you want to promise, then call the processing function (that returns a Promise) on the first value (popped from the array). In the .finally() handler, call the processing function recursively with the next value until it is empty (or an error occurs).
Pseudo-code for this:
var valuesToProcess = [1, 2, 3],
results = [];
function processValue(val) {
myProcessingFunction(val).then(function(result) {
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log('FAIL!', e);
}).finally(function() {
if (valuesToProcess.length > 0) {
} else {
// All done - do something with results here
// Note: No error checking done, assumes we have work to do...
You'll need to adapt this to your use-case but it's a simple technique that guarantees serial operation and result-handling.

How can I wait for $http response before continuing with angular.forEach loop

I'm making an AJAX request for each item in a loop, the end REST service can only perform one request at a time so I need the loop to wait for each request to complete before continuing with the next. How do I do this?
For reference, the end service is performing update tasks on DynamoDB tables - only one table can be modified at once hence my requirement to wait until I get a response before continuing. I could send them all to the server in one hit and handle there, although that makes it hard to receive feedback when each update is completed.
function (value) {
var postdata = {
bla: value
$'/some_url', postdata)
function(result) {
function(data) {
Do you really need the forEach? I would not use it and go for something like that:
function req(arr) {
if (angular.isArray(arr) && arr.length > 0) {
var postdata = {
bla: arr[0]
$'/some_url', postdata)
function(result) {
function(data) {
// if you want to continue even if it fails:
If you really must make one request at a time (are you sure there isn't a more efficient alternative?), then you'll have to use something other than Angular.forEach.
What about something like this (you will need to inject $q):
function doWhateverWithAll(someArray) {
// Mark which request we're currently doing
var currentRequest = 0;
// Make this promise based.
var deferred = $q.deferred();
// Set up a result array
var results = []
function makeNextRequest() {
// Do whatever you need with the array item.
var postData = someArray[currentRequest].blah;
$'some/url', postData)
.then( function (data){
// Save the result.
// Increment progress.
// Continue if there are more items.
if (currentRequest < someArray.length){
// Resolve the promise otherwise.
else {
// TODO handle errors appropriately.
// return a promise for the completed requests
return deferred.promise;
Then, in your controller/service, you can do the following:
// deal with results.
