Show ContextMenu for TreeViewItem by raising events in code - wpf

I want to write a coded UI test for my treeview with context menu. The idea is to validate if the context menu is added to treeViewItem.
So far I tried to raise PreviewMouseRightButtonUp event. This is not working.
If I subscribe to the event then I get a callback after right-clicking the tree item. But raising the event manual does not cause the context menu to be added.
Here is how I am raising the event:
MouseButtonEventArgs eventArgs = new MouseButtonEventArgs(Mouse.PrimaryDevice, 0, MouseButton.Right);
eventArgs.RoutedEvent = Mouse.MouseUpEvent;

If you want to validate if the context menu is added to treeViewItem, why not right-click on the tree item and look for the existence of a menu in the window.


How to use the context menu of the parent in a textbox

I have a listbox with several controls. Each control contains an custom autocompletebox which contains a System.Windows.Controls.AutoCompleteBox. When I right click on the control a custom contextm menu shows up. But with a right click on the textbox there appears the default contextmenu of the TextBox (with Copy, Cut and Paste).
My goal is to show my custom context menu with a right click on the TextBox.
Further informations:
My custom context menu is defined in the DataTemplate of the ListBox but I could define it in the Ressources or somewhere else as well.
I tried:
- when I null the context menu of the custom autocompletebox or the System.Windows.Controls.AutoCompleteBox of it, there is no effect at all
Thanks for every help ;)
You can either bind the context menu property to parent element's context menu or bind to the context menu once you define in the resource.xaml
Try using PreviewMouseDown instead of MouseDown to handle the MouseDown event.
<ListBox Margin="3" PreviewMouseDown="MouseDownOnListBox">
In Code:
private void MouseDownOnListBox(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Right)
//Display your context menu
If you are using PreviewMouseDown on a list, when you click anywhere on the list, this event will be triggered first.

Controls with ContextMenuStrip

I am using VS2012, C#, Winforms.
My application generates about 100 label controls at runtime. I want the user to right-click on a label control, bring up a context menu strip. I have this part working. But I am having trouble determining which control is being clicked on when I try to respond to a the context menu item click event. How can I pass on the control to the menu item click event?
I am using this code to determine the source control but it always causes a null exception:
private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
Control sourceControl = new Control();
sourceControl = contextMenuStrip1.SourceControl;
sourceControl always get a null from contextMenuStrip1.SourceControl;
The SourceControl property can be null, as this property is best used during the opening event. There are a couple of workarounds available. Check these two out on StackOverflow:
ContextMenuStrip.Owner Property null When Retrieving From Nested ToolStripMenuItem
Get the SourceControl of my ContextMenuStrip when I use the shortcut key

Prevent control loosing focus when child gets focus

Ok so I have an issue where I have been trying to create a custom control in Silverlight. It is simply a button that when pressed opens a dropdown menu, however the dropdown menu is a child control. I have a property (isDropDownOpen) that controls whether the dropdown is open. I want that when the control loses focus that the property goes to false so implemented the following override in my class.
protected override void OnLostFocus(System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
Object focusedElement = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement();
FrameworkElement element = focusedElement as FrameworkElement;
if (element != null)
IsDropDownOpen = false;
The problem is that the control looses focus when the child control gains focus so the menu closes as soon as I click on anything other than the button. I can’t really see how to work around this, any ideas?
EDIT: Essentially what I wish to do is check if the item is a child before actually changing the property. In wpf I would do something using 'IsChild()' or '.containsFocus()' however these do not appear to e available in silverlight...
Using silverlight 5.0.
I found the following link to be a solution to my issue.
The solution in my case was to find the ancestor of the control (going up to the window) and subscribing an event handler to close the menu when a click is registered on the window/ancestor. Works perfectly.

WPF Default Button command not triggering binding in textbox

I have a search screen with some textboxes and a Search button as the default. If I type in a textbox and I CLICK the button, everything's great. But if I press enter within a text box, the button command fires but the binding on whatever text box I was in does NOT fire and so my criteria doesn't make it to the view model to get filtered on.
I know one fix is to set the bindings on the text boxes to PropertyChanged, but this seems like way overkill. I might have logic in the viewmodel doing stuff and I don't want that to trigger on every single keystroke.
What I really want is a way for the button itself to either trigger a focus change or somehow trigger binding. Or to have the textbox trigger binding if focus is lost OR I press enter OR a command is executed from anywhere
One way to do this is with a BindingGroup.
If your TextBox(es) and Button are both contained within a Grid (for example), you would add a BindingGroup like this:
<BindingGroup Name="bindingGroup1"/>
Then you could add a Click event handler to your button and call CommitEdit() on the BindingGroup (which the Button and TextBox inherit from the Grid):
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
(sender as FrameworkElement).BindingGroup.CommitEdit();
The Button.Click event fires before the CommandBinding, so any databound TextBox or any other databound controls within that BindingGroup should be updated before your view model command gets executed.
I've had the exact scenario you just mentioned. The trick I use is an attached behavior that sits on a control and listens for the PreviewKeyDown event. It checks if enter is being pressed. If so it forces the control to lose focus, thus causing the binding to fire before the command executes.
A simpler approach (rather than using a binding group) is to use the default button's click event to set the focus to itself. As this happens before the command is executed it means the ViewModel is updated in time.
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
(sender as Button).Focus()
And if you really hate code behind, you could always write an attached property...

WPF combobox-like custom control

I would like to create custom control that will look like standard WPF ComboBox, but instead of instead of having an ItemsPresenter in the popup there will be another custom control. So, I created a new class that derives from System.Windows.Controls.Control, added a IsDropDownOpen property and created a style that is actually a copy of default ComboBox style (main idea is that the Popup.IsOpen and ToggleButton.IsPressed properties are bound to the IsDropDownOpen property of the control).
The problem is that the Popup is not closed when I click outside of the control.
I took a look at the ComboBox class in the Reflector and found out that ComboBox used some logic to update the IsDropDownOpen property when it loses mouse capture. But that code uses some internal classes. Is there any alternative way to determine if the user clicked outside of the control and close the Popup?
UPD: I didn't find the way to attach a file to post, so I uploaded sample project here
There is a custom control that looks like ComboBox, but it has a TreeView in a popup. When you open popup and click outside of the control it closes automatically, but if you open popup, expand 'Item2' and then click outside the popup isn't closed. The question is how to fix this?
There is the Control.LostFocus event, maybe handling that would be sufficient for this.
This code solves the problem.
In the static contructor:
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(CustomComboBox), Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent, new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseCaptureLost));
Event handler implementation:
private void OnMouseCaptureLost(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (Mouse.Captured != _container)
if (e.OriginalSource != _container)
Mouse.Capture(_container, CaptureMode.SubTree);
e.Handled = true;
