Google App Engine upgrading part by part - google-app-engine

I have a complex appengine service that was written in PHP, now I want to migrate it to Python part by part.
Let's say that my service has 2 parts: /signIn/.... and /data/.... I just want to migrate /signIn/ part first, then /data/ later.
However, since my service is big, so I want to build new /signIn/ part in Python, then use Traffic Splitting to make some A/B Testing on this part.
My problem is that Traffic Splitting can be applied on versions only, so my old and new versions have to be in same module, and same module means that they have to written in same language (I was wrong here, see updated part). But I am migrating from PHP to Python.
What is the best solution for me?
With Dan Cornilescu's helping, this is what I do:
Split the app into 2 modules: default and old-version.
Dispatch /signIn/ into default module, the rest to old-version module.
Make another version of /signIn/ (default module) in Python
Configure Traffic Splitting to slowly increase requests percent into Python part. This will allow us to test and make sure there is no serious bug happen.
The /signIn/ part must be default module, since GAE's traffic splitting works at default module only.
I confirmed that we can make 2 versions in different language for a module.

One possible approach is to split your PHP app in modules in a 1st step. It's not a completely wasted effort, most of that will be needed anyways to just allow your app to work in multiple modules, not related to the language change. I suspect this is actually why you can't use A/B testing - mismatch between the modules. Unavoidable.
Once the split in modules is done then you can go on with your 2nd step - switching the language for selected module(s), with A/B testing as you intended.
A more brave approach is to mix the 2 and write the /signin/ module directly in python. On the PHP side you'd just remove the /signin/ portion (part of the earlier mentioned 1st step). Should work pretty well as long as you're careful to only use app language independent means for inter-module communication/operation: request paths, cookies, datastore/memcache keys, etc. A good module split would almost certainly ensure that.
You have testing options other than A/B, like this one:
You can also have the new code/module able to serve the same requests as the old one, side-by-side/simultaneously and using a dispatch.yaml file to finely control which module actually serves which requests. This may allow a very focused migration, potentially offering higher testing confidence.
I'm also not entirely sure you can't actually have 2 versions of the same module in different languages - the versions should be pretty standalone instances, each serving their own requests in their own way using, at the lowest layer, the language-independent GAE infra services. AFAIK nothing stops a complete app re-write and deployment, with the same version or not - I've done that when learning GAE. But I didn't switch languages, it's true. I'd give it a try, but I don't have time to learn a new language right now :)


Change runtime from Python to Go in App Engine standard environment

I have a website on AppEngine that is 99% static. It is running on Python 2.7 runtime. Now the time has come to evolve this webapp, and since I have almost none Python code in it, I'd prefer to write it in Go instead.
Can I change runtime from Python 2.7 to Go, while keeping the project intact? Specifically, I want to keep the same app-ID, the same custom domain attached to it, the same SSL certificate, and so on.
What do I have to do in order to do that? I surely have to change runtime in the app.yaml. Is there anything else?
Bonus question: will such change happen without a downtime?
I'd be grateful for any links to documentation on exactly that (swapping runtime on a live app). I can't find any.
Specify a runtime as well as a new value for version. When deployed you'll have an older version that is Python and a newer version that is Go. There won't be any downtime (same as when deploying a newer version of Python).
Rather than trusting links/docs (that may be out of date or not 100% exactly what you're trying to do), why not create a new GAE-Std project for testing purposes and try it yourself. Having a GAE-Std test project is good for testing new function (especially by other testers who won't have access to the dev environ on your laptop).
The GAE services offer complete code isolation. So it should be possible to simply deploy a new version of the service, which can be written in a different language or even use a different GAE (standard/flex) environment. Personally I didn't go through a language change, but I did go through a split of a single-service app into a multi-service one, I see no reason for which the same principles wouldn't apply.
Maybe develop the new version as a separate app first, to be able to test it properly without risking an accidental impact on the old version and only after that bring the code as a new version in the old app. That'd be using the GAE project isolation. You can, in fact, test the entire version migration as a separate app if you so desire without even touching the existing app. I am using this technique - a separate app ID - to implement a staging environment for my app, completely isolated from my production app, see How to copy / clone entire Google App Engine Project
Make sure to not switch traffic to the new version at deployment time. This keeps the app working with the old version. Test first that the new version works as expected using Targeted routing. Then maybe use Splitting traffic across multiple versions to perform A/B testing with just a small percentage of the traffic going to the new version. Finally, when happy with the results, switch all traffic to the new version.
You need to pay special attention to the app-level configs (dispatch, cron, queue, datastore indexes), shared by all services/versions. They need to be functionally equivalent in the 2 versions. The service isolation doesn't apply to them, only project isolation can ensure no impact to the old version.
There should be no need to make any change to the app ID, custom domain mapping or SSL config. The above mentioned tests should confirm that.
A few potentially interesting posts related to re-working services/modules:
Converting App Engine frontend versions to modules
Google App Engine upgrading part by part
Migrating to app engine modules, test versions first?
Advantages of implementing CI/CD environments at GAE project/app level vs service/module level?

Converting App Engine frontend versions to modules

I've slightly "abused" the front-end "version" concept in App Engine (java), to implement modules before they were introduced. I have a configuration consisting of:,,, etc., based on the version concept (more commonly used with numbers: 1-dot-myapp, etc.).
Specifically, the code in all versions is identical, but each is practically used for different purposes. This separation allows different clients to use different api versions, separate deployment schedule, staging versions, logs separation, etc.
My question is, under theses conditions, what is the best way to convert my application to "real" modules? such that "module1" is an actual module (still mapped to the same url -
Note: my answer comes from a somehow similar exercise but in the python GAE runtime, there is likely aditional Java-specific stuff to look at as well.
First things to look at (possible show stoppers) are the app-level configs - those will need to be merged in from your different old app versions (if they exist) and will be shared by all your modules (or directed to the default module only), so they might not work as before, best to revisit the latest documentation on these configs:
dispatch file
DB indexes
Note: in multi-module python apps these configs might not be updated automatically at app upload, each of them may need to be uploaded explicitly, using the respective app configuration utility options.
The separate deployment schedule is almost free (each module can be deployed independently). But there may be some impact due to the app-level configs (multiple CLI invocations instead of a single one, for example)
The logs separation comes for free.
The staging story might need to be revisited, depending on what exactly you mean by that.
Other than that - you'd bring the different old versions of your app in separate module sub-directories in your new app. Check if your version control system supports this easier. The old app config file(s) would need to be "translated" into the respective module's config file(s) and some of the info would go into the new app's top dir config file.
The module URL routing should allow transparent URL mapping, but note that the URLs will actually be <module>-dot-<appname> and the only way to get exactly the same URLs would be to delete all older app versions before deploying the new one (due to conflicting URLs: <module>-dot-<appname> vs <appversion>-dot-<appname>, not sure if you'll get the old or the new code serving or if it's even possible to deploy the new code without error). You could use a new appname at first, just to get all ducks lined up before the switchover (possibly a new staging story you might consider going forward).
You might find helpful complementing URL routing with a dispatch file if you didn't have one before.
Finally, if you have identical files shared across modules you may consider a single per-app copy of the file, symlinked into the respective modules, if that's easier or makes sense from your source code management prospective.

Integrating angular app into Zend Framework 2 or keep it separate?

I have built an angular front end that will be served by a Zend Framework 2 back end. Now I am wondering, do I integrate my angular project into ZF2 OR should I simply keep it as a stand alone entity outside of ZF2?
Originally I was building this as an integrated entity and because my angular developer does not use ZF2, we decided to simply make a vanilla version of the front end APP for ease of use so that he could work on it without having to struggle with ZF2.
Now that the app is mostly built, I am wondering if it is necessary at all to integrate it?
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
My guess is having completely separated projects allows you to completely rebuild one without touching a line of the other in case an evolution is not possible using either ZF2 or Angular and you need to switch to something else.
If you are hosting on a PAAS, you then have to pay for two instances. Lets say you host on Heroku, you may need to have an environment for your front (lets say 3 dynos) + ssl (£20/months) and the same for the backend (£20 for ssl as well). Additionally, you will need two ssl certificates (£10/year for the cheaper, but can be expensive with EV certificates).
Finally, you may have trouble with CORS with separated projects, which won't exist if both are merged in a single project.
My previous statements lead to say one single project can be good, but I guess it is a very delicate decision!

Parallel Module Deployment using App Engine SDK

TL;DR Is there a way to deploy App Engine modules in parallel?
I've built a go application using Google's App Engine SDK for Go. This application defines multiple modules. These modules are self-contained, and do not require any sort of dependency across other modules.
When I attempt to deploy the modules to the Google Cloud, I can't help but notice that the modules are uploaded sequentially. This would be fine if deployment was relatively quick, but each module requires it's own redundant compilation of the Go binary. Hence, on top of the regular upload time, I have to wait for my app to compile [module count] x [compilation time] every time I want to deploy.
The obvious (quick) solution is to deploy in parallel, so I created a simple bash script to deploy each module independently. The problem I immediately encountered with this "solution" was a HTTP 500 response from the App Engine API. The whole umbrella application, spanning across all the modules, seems to "lock" whenever any individual module is updated. This scenario creates a race condition, under which only the first module to trigger a deploy succeeds and the others fail.
I fear that this is a holdover from the legacy languages in App Engine. Since every module uses the same Go binary, it doesn't really necessitate multiple compilations of the same code. Repeated compilation is redundant, and there is no way to circumvent the lock.
One hypothetical solution, which I have only a vague understanding of, is to compile in parallel and deploy in series. I imagine that this approach would involve taking apart the configuration tool and reworking it to execute in the aforementioned manner- though I can't say for sure (yet).
Any help here would be much obliged. Thanks!
You can deploy to another "version" of your App Engine app, then when all modules are deployed, do a very fast version switch?
Versions also allow for traffic splitting if you need/want that kind of thing.

Merge standalone webapp and GAE in Go

I'm working on a very simple web app, written in Go language.
I have a standalone version and now port it to GAE. It seems like there is very small changes, mainly concerning datastore API (in the standalone version I need just files).
I also need to include appengine packages and use init() instead of main().
Is there any simple way to merge both versions? As there is no preprocessor in Go, it seems like I must write a GAE-compatible API for the standalone version and use this mock module for standalone build and use real API for GAE version. But it sounds like an overkill to me.
Another problem is that GAE might be using older Go version (e.g. now recent Go release uses new template package, but GAE uses older one, and they are incompatible). So, is there any change to handle such differences at build time or on runtime?
UPD: Now GAE uses the same Go version (r60), as the stable standalone compiler, so the abstraction level is really simple now.
In broad terms, use abstraction. Provide interfaces for persistence, and write two implementations for that, one based on the datastore, and one based on local files. Then, write a separate main/init module for each platform, which instantiates the appropriate persistence interface, and passes it to your main application to use.
My immediate answer would be (if you want to maintain both GAE and non-GAE versions) that you use a reliable VCS which is good at merging (probably git or hg), and maintain separate branches for each version. The GAE API fits in reasonably well with Go, so there shouldn't be too many changes.
As for the issue of different versions, you should probably maintain code in the GAE version and use gofix (which is unfortunately one-way) to make a release-compatible version. The only place where this is likely to cause trouble is if you use the template package, which is in the process of being deprecated; if necessary you could include the new template package in your GAE bundle.
If you end up with GAE code which you don't want to run on Google's servers, you can also look into AppScale.
