Not able to trigger JiraTestResultReporter plugin on Post Build Action in Jenkins - jenkins-plugins

I want to log defects automatic on jira whenever any test case gets fail.for that i have used JiraTesttResultReport plugin.i have successfully able to create my report.xml file.but i got below errors:
Build step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed build result to UNSTABLE
[JiraTestResultReporter] [INFO] Examining test results...
ERROR: Publisher JiraTestResultReporter.JiraReporter aborted due to exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: hudson.model.AbstractBuild.getTestResultAction()Lhudson/tasks/test/AbstractTestResultAction;
at JiraTestResultReporter.JiraReporter.perform(
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(

On what version of Jenkins are you working?
JiraTestResultReporter does not work on Jenkins 1.577+
It's a known bug
A workaround is to build and install a snapshot of the plugin.


i have run time error in selenium test NG, Any Solutions Available?

Error1:Suite file C:\Users\Hp\Selinium Workspace pratice\xmlfile\testing.xml is not a valid file
Error2: Failed to execute goal [32morg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M8:test[m [1m(default-test)[m on project [36mxmlfile[m:
[[1;31mERROR[m] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the [1m-e[m switch.
[[1;31mERROR[m] Re-run Maven using the [1m-X[m switch to enable full debug logging
while Executing My Project I find this Error, I Done correctly in Pom.xml by calling plug-ins and properties
I am facing issue while calling multiple classes alone

React Native android build FAILD :app:mergeReleaseResources

The App is working fine, in fact I have built 2 release APKs. This time I modified the code and came to do ./gradlew assembleRelease and I got the following error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeReleaseResources'.
To generate a healthy APK ready to publish.
Extra Info
I have done the signing and the .keystore in the right place ../android/app
Updated ../android/ as instructed
Here is the complete stacktrace:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:mergeReleaseResources'.Close stacktrace
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.OutputDirectoryCreatingTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ResolveTaskOutputCachingStateExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ResolveBuildCacheKeyExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ValidatingTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.FinalizeInputFilePropertiesTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.CleanupStaleOutputsExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ResolveTaskArtifactStateTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipOnlyIfTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.CatchExceptionTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.EventFiringTaskExecuter$
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor.execute(
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.EventFiringTaskExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.LocalTaskInfoExecutor.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskExecutionGraph$BuildOperationAwareWorkItemExecutor.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskExecutionGraph$BuildOperationAwareWorkItemExecutor.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$ExecutorWorker$1.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$ExecutorWorker$1.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$ExecutorWorker.execute(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$ExecutorWorker.executeWithWork(
at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.DefaultTaskPlanExecutor$
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute(
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ManagedExecutorImpl$
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ThreadFactoryImpl$
Screenshot from the Scan1
Screenshot from the Scan2
Screenshot from the Scan3
from android Studio - I believe it is related to the issue
Screenshot from the Scan4
I believe this could be a duplicate of this question:
Error Execution failed for task ':app:mergeReleaseResources' building APK
The problem occured becaused when I tried to build once, it has
created drawables dirs on android/app/src/main/res/. Then when I tried
on second time, it has shown me this error Execution failed for task
':app:mergeReleaseResources' building APK
I just deleted the drawable-* dirs and it worked.
To remove the directory drawable--*:
rm -rf android/app/src/main/res/drawable-*
There is no drawable folder inside res, still the error occurs.
While running the emulator the build is successful and emulator works fine but I couldn't take release apk because of build failure.

conversation+discovery java code is working

I am trying to run the sample java watson conversation with discovery service in my IBM account.
I have created the java app and added the service details in environment variables and tried to deploy the code but getting below error .
please let me know what is the cause for this issue.
Preparing to start the job...
Cloning the 'master' branch from repo ''
Repository successfully cloned
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'conversation-with-discovery'.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
Could not resolve org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-backports-compat23:2.3.5.
Required by:
Could not GET ''.
peer not authenticated
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 8.217 secs
Finished: FAILED

R Missing Package error when uploading to

My Shiny program works fine locally on my PC (Windows 8, RStudio 0.99.489) but not when I upload it to . I've tried 2 ways of packaging the data for upload - saveRDS on each object and save.image on the entire environment. Either way, when I upload it to I get:
Preparing to deploy application...DONE
Uploading bundle for application: 77966...DONE
Deploying bundle: 350891 for application: 77966 ...
Waiting for task: 132618597
building: Parsing manifest
building: Building image: 344796
building: Installing packages
################################ Begin Task Log ################################
[2016-01-16T22:19:45.818533554+0000] Installing R package: magrittr (1.5)
Error in library(stylo) : there is no package called �stylo�
Execution halted
################################# End Task Log #################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 132618599 failed: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 1
Execution halted
It seems that Shiny isn't aware of the Stylo package. I tried to install it in my code, but that didn't help.
1. Does Shiny have all R packages?
2. If not, is there a list of which packages are available?
Thanks very much.
Are you including the stylo package at the top of your server.R file via library("stylo")? If you are doing that and it's giving you the error, try using require("stylo") instead.
From the docs, the rsconnect package is supposed to automatically detect what packages are necessary for your app. Probably worth a read (if you haven't already) just to be sure you're following everything correctly in order for rsconnect to do its job.
I solved the problem by doing a clean build of my environment -- imported data tables and functions from RDS files only, and carefully avoided references to unnecessary packages. I recreated the one function I needed from Stylo locally, so that I could be certain I wouldn't require it.

m2eclipse - Mystery Build Failure on Package

I am using Eclipse 3.6 (Helios64) and m2eclipse I have a new project that only contains two classes that builds a jar. When I right click the project and select "Run As -> Maven package", I get the following error:
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) # switch-provisioning-rest-client --- [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to C:\Devel\EclipseProjects\MyProject\target\classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error:
javac: invalid flag: -s
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
When I set up a run configuration with the Goals "package -X", the project builds without error. If I run a configuration with the goal set to compile, it builds without error and I can then run "Maven package" successfully.
This is the only project I'm having issues with. All my other projects build sucessfully when doing a "Maven package".
There's nothing exceptional about the project pom.xml. It refers to the same parent pom as the other projects and contains its project specific dependencies.
Has anybody got any ideas what could be different about this project?
This issue was answered on the m2eclipse mailing list:
Although my pom had 1.6 as the version, the project configuration hadn't been updated.
From: Benjamin Bentmann
This issue is not really specific to m2e but applies to mvn in general, as such the Maven user list might provide a better audience for help.
IIRC, the specific error means you trying to use a JDK 1.5 while you need JDK 1.6+ where the javac option in question was added. Assuming your project should actually compile against JDK 1.5, downgrading the maven-compiler-plugin version might also do, I would expect it started to use the -s option when the annotation processing support was added.
