Where and How to wrap params before changeset validation? - postgis

Next difficulty after previous question, I'm trying to pass into changeset coordinates wrapped by %Geo.Point function, in Map.put coordinates key stay immutable, but target question is How and where should coordinates be wrapped? Can I do this somewhere inside pattern maching or maybe better before pass changeset in controller or in changeset method in model?
def create(conn, %{"notify" => %{"coordinates" => %{"latitude" => latitude, "longitude" => longitude}} = notify_params}) do
geo = %Geo.Point{coordinates: {latitude, longitude}}
Map.put(notify_params, :coordinates, geo ) # coordinates are immutable
changeset = Notify.changeset(%Notify{}, notify_params)

Using Map.put(notify_params, :coordinates, geo) will work, however you are not binding the value.
This will rebind the notify_params variable with your new value. Please note that you should use "coordinates" instead of :coordinates as the params use strings as keys.
notify_params = Map.put(notify_params, "coordinates", geo)
There is another (preferred) syntax for map updates that will error if the key does not exist.
notify_params = %{notify_params | "coordinates" => geo}


Best approach in moving data from one array to a new array in angular ts

.subscribe((dataChart) => {
// console.log(dataChart)
var forxaxis = []
var cd = [dataChart]
// console.log(cd)
cd.forEach(element => {
Im trying to move my data in the first array into a new array so that I can use it with chart.js. but it didnt work.
dataChart contain 2 column of data. i insert dataChart into an array called cd. then i tried to push one of the column from dataChart which is called strRequestDate into a new array called forxaxis but it just didnt work as per expected. the result is as shown in the image attached.
this is how the data look like. it was called by using sharepoint API
error and the data
You can use array.map property here, so you don't need to push data manually from one array to another
I have taken sample data in dataChart array for demonstration purpose only.
let dataChart = [{strRequestId: 1, strRequestDate: 'ABC'}, {strRequestId: 1, strRequestDate: 'PQR'}];
let forxaxis = dataChart.map(x => x.strRequestDate);

angular extract field of an array of object

I don't understand something and need explanations please !
I have a datatable and selection of lines generate in my .ts an array of Operation object. here is my object class :
export class Operation {
id: number;
name: string;
this is the declaration of array :
selectedOperations: Operation[];
when I log in console before extraction of ids, I have this :
this.selectedOperations = {"selected":[{"id":1,"name":"My name 1"},{"id":3,"name":"My name 3"}]}
and when I want to extract ids with this :
let ids = this.selectedOperations.map(o => o.id);
I have an exception =>
this.selectedOperations.map is not a function
It's not the first time I have this problem and I'd like to understand why. I search some reasons and found differences between Array and object[] ? I think it's not really an array because there is the {"selected": before the array...
Can someone tell me the thing and help me for extract ids ?
thanks a lot !
{"selected":[{"id":1,"name":"My name 1"},{"id":3,"name":"My name 3"}]} => this is of type object, whereas your array declaration looks like this selectedOperations: Operation[];
You either directly assign the array to your variable:
this.selectedOperations = [{"id":1,"name":"My name 1"},{"id":3,"name":"My name 3"}];
Or you can change your variable type to any or object:
selectedOperations: any;
this.selectedOperations = {"selected":[{"id":1,"name":"My name 1"},{"id":3,"name":"My name 3"}]}
const ids = this.selectedOperations.selected.map(o => o.id);
this.selectedOperations.map is not a function error is caused by the initialization, map function is reserved for arrays, therefore it throws an error when you try to use it on an object type variable.
I would recommend the first approach by the way, declaring a variable as any or object is contradicting with the purpose of Typescript.
You need to make some improvements to the code. In order to get the ids, you need to add selected to this.selectedOperations. See below.
let ids = this.selectedOperations.selected.map(o => o.id);

How to order a dictionary by value in AngularJS

I've a REST api that returns the list of locales as dictionary:
"en-uk": "English UK",
"en-us": "English USA",
This dictionary is correctly ordered alphabetically by value.
When AngularJS receives it via HTTP, the dictionary gets automatically re-sorted by key, so when I bind to a select element the list of options is ordered by key, and the alphabetical order by key doesn't match the one by value, I get a wrong sorting.
The problem I suppose is due to the fact that such dictionary becomes basically one object with 800+ properties. How do I sort it by value?
First: You have to find all keys.
Second: Iterate all the keys.
Third: Then sort the array with values.
Please use the following:
let obj = {
"en-us": "English USA",
"en-uk": "English UK"
// Get an array of the keys:
let keys = Object.keys(obj);
// Then sort by using the keys to lookup the values in the original object:
keys.sort(function(a, b) { return obj[a] > obj[b] });
You can modify the way you send the response from the server. Instead of sending the response as an object, send the stringified object.
The problem is indeed you cannot sort the values of the properties of an object. So I convert it to an array before binding it:
languageResource.getCultures().then(function(cultures) {
vm.availableCultures = cultures;
languageResource.getCultures().then(function (culturesDictionary) {
var cultures = [];
angular.forEach(culturesDictionary, function (value, key) {
lcid: key,
name: value
vm.availableCultures = cultures;
Seen this when the key is numerical. If the key's data type is string than it would keep its sorted state after an API call. If the key's data type is numerical, than, you would need set the key's value as a string and even add single quotes before and after the key's value, before the API sends it back.
I haven't tried the approach to stringfy the dictionary in the API. After the call you would parse the string back to an object with something like JSON.parse(string) might be your best bet.

React Native JSON Array as Parameter to LINQ Contains

I want to get a list of people that have the same tags as the user.
For that I need to use a react native fetch and the entity framework.
I also tried some raw sql with EF, but couldn't make it work, just don't know how.
I have two fetches. Both return a typical JSON object array. So I'm doing this:
var users = db.Users
.Where(u => u.TagUsuario.Any(t => tags.Contains(t.idTag))).ToList();
The tags variable is an object array from a React Native Fetch, which in my C# function is of the type IList<>long.
The problem is that if this array have one element, like this const tags = [1]; or from the fetch like this
idTag: 1
Name: "MyTag"
I can return the people with this tag, but if I do like this const tags = [1, 2]; or
idTag: 1
Name: "MyTag"
idTag: 2
Name: "AnotherTag"
It returns nothing on my LINQ request.
But if I do something like this on my C# function:
IList<>long tags = new List<>long();
It works perfectly.
The problem here is that the object array from the fetch is not "compatible" with the LINQ statement (Any, Contains). So I am in search of an alternative.
What do I have to do?
Change the IList parameter? I'm using that because accepts null without crashing.
Change the LINQ?
Use Raw SQL?
Maybe some conversion to get only an int array with the tags, not an object one.
Thanks for any tips and solutions.
Can you try to get the idTags from tags and use it as below.
var idTags = tags.Select(t => t.idTag);
var users = db.Users
.Where(u => u.TagUsuario.Any(t => idTags.Contains(t.idTag))).ToList();

React JS array forEach get refs value using variable

How can i get this to work correctly using this method below? I need to go through each value in the array
array.forEach((v) => {
let a = `this.refs.a${v}.value`
console.log(a) // prints this.refs.a0.value
console.log(this.refs.a0.value) // prints correct value
I assume you are trying to access refs by name. In JavaScript you can access object's property using object[propertyName] syntax, where the property name is a string.
Using this method you can rewrite your property access to this.refs[`a${v}`].value.
So the final code should look like this:
array.forEach((v) => {
let r = this.refs[`a${v}`].value
console.log(r) // prints correct value
