WPF popup title bar coming alway in white background in Windows 10 - wpf

Anyone have any idea how to change the messagebox title bar color to the default in windows 10 (looking for the default like in windows 8 or older). At present it is coming as white.

I am also searching for a solution. But I'm afraid that at the moment only UWP supports this feature. Not WPF.
What you could do is hiding the tilte bar and making a custom one.
Similar answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9978757/3319147


How to get button default style under windows 10?

Looking to my first steps with WPF on Windows 7 I was very pleased. Seeing it on Windows 10 I was very surprised. The buttons didn`t looks like expected. Trying it with WinForms results in the expected look an feel.
Here my problem:
So my question:
How can I get the "normal" style of the default button (OK has IsDefault=true) with the expanded blue border for the button even when it has focus, without defining the button-style myself?
This is very important in case of setting the focus to the Cancel-button programmatically, because in this case the dotted border will not be displayed, so on Win 10 the user can not know witch button will be pressed by enter.
You can get similar button styles using Windows UWP.
In WPF, you can check out the Modern UI(MUI) in MSDN site.
It can produce similar results. I have been working with mui for a couple of months and it really helped me to satisfy my client who wanted to have a Windows 10 like UI experience. I had to create tiles like in start menu also. MUI did a great job for me.
Get the MUI from Github. Modern UI for WPF
Also I had tried devexpress and telerik controls. Have a look at them too.

Textbox and Combo box not showing background color from theme

I have a project in the play store created with version 3.2 at end of October. Today I rebuilt the project to add new features. When I deployed it to Android I noticed the following 4 issues.
1. The push notification icon is a solid white square. It was my icon in the past.
2. The initial screen form is incorrect as it goes into the android soft buttons at the bottom of the page.
3. The theme for my combo box is not showing. Just see thru to background.
4. The text field background is also just using the background instead of the white.
I tried building in latest, 3.2 and 3.1 with no differences. I reverted all code to the release in October with no help.
I submitted the IOS build and everything is fine.
The simulator shows everything is fine.
I tried many times to figure out why this is happening and have not been able to.
I need 10 reputation points to post more than 2 links so, I'm only showing 2 screen shots. Let me know if you want the others.
Please see the following:
This image shows the edit and dropdown issue
This is the current play store version of the edit and dropdown
Any ideas on how can I fix these issues? For the text field I use my own style (it does get the boarder but not the background). The notification icon, I don't see how anything I can do would affect this.
Thank you
-- Edited --
I did manage to get these working again.
I was setting the background color using the theme background tab and setting a gradient with upper and lower the same color. I changed this to NONE, then in the color tab set the background color.
Notification needed a new icon as specified by Chen. In my case the app icon is basically a square and doesn't transfer well to a notification icon.
The last was the nexus 9 initial screen painting into the bottom navigation control. This is still happening and is easily reproduced by making a new hello world codename one app with no changes.
Are you using the android.asyncPaint=false build hint?
I understand some issues occurred with it although I doubt you would see them if you are using the versioned build.
Setting the background color using the theme background tab and setting a gradient with upper and lower the same color didn't work.
Change this to NONE, then in the color tab set the background color.

Windows 8 Live Tile Icon Background Color

I am developing a WPF application. My customers want to use it on Windows 8 and it's working correctly. But they are complaining me about the background color of the app's icon on Start Screen.
So can you please show me how to change it in Visual Studio or some tricks? I found some tuts on Google to customize it but using tools and I want to make it happen in Installer or Property of project...
Change app icon color from the App Manifest file.
Heres the app manifest portion where you can change in the image
In My case the bacground color is #464646 you can change it to any thing you want and update to the users :)
Because of this reason it is always advised by Microsoft to use Transparent Png logo and a uniform background color for app tile.
That background colot of app's icon on Windows 8 is the default behavior of Windows 8. It will display the background color of the app's icon using the "dominant" color of the app's icon. If your icon has dominant color of brown, it will display brown background.
This is also the similar default behavior when hovering mouse on running application's icons on Windows 7's taskbar. To enhance the look, try change the application icon to use neutral colors or light colors instead of dark colors.
Or you can change the icon of your app to use single color's icon (such as white) on transparent background to reflect the flat theme icons of Windows Store apps in Windows 8, or use full rectangle icons as those games in Windows 8.
There is a similar question and answer: UWP Tile Background Color Not Working by Kasper, but is not specific to Windows 8, for anyone looking for a UWP solution.
As the answer by Anobik states, set the colour in the app manifest page. However, as it was found by Kasper, the value must be set in HEX for it to work as expected.

Way to make SilverLight progressbar look good?

I have been playing around with the Silverlight progressbar a while and no matter what color (Foreground) I set it too it stays dull and ugly-ish.
I wonder why this is since I'm using Silverlight 5.0 on a windows 7 machine, .NET 4.5 and the windows 7 default progressbar looks stunning.
I searched a lot for it and I did find some commercial solutions where you could pay to get prettier controls, but I don't want to do that (since it may not work for all I know).
How can I make my progressbar look nicer?
Use styles or themes to change the visual of progress bar. You can get the copy of the style of the control in Blend as described here.
you might have a look at the blacklight controls.
In my opinien the loading animation is really nice (It is not a progress bar, but if you add a percentage loaded display it is kind of ;) ). You can find it under animated controls.
Hope this helps.

how to change the wpf window's icon size?

I would like to change the size of the window's icon in the xaml window.
I know that I can hide the window's title bar and create a custom title bar, but is there
any way to change the icon size alone ?
I was looking for many forums and couldnt find a proper solution.
How do I change WPF Menu's icon column size?
The above link explains for menu's icon size but I want for the window's icon
The standard window chrome is handled by the Windows.
I guess the reason for that is consistency across applications which is also the reason why I dislike the Office/Ribbon replacement of the standard chrome.
In Windows 8 Metro applications there will be no window chrome so all UI will be up to you.
In Windows 8 desktop applications (and Windows 7 applications) you will need to replace the entire chrome completely.
To save yourself some coding time, check out this solution over at CodePlex:
