Local IIS can't access from mobile - angularjs

I have local IIS on my local PC.I setup a service to upload files, does some operations and return value. The problem is I can NOT access this URL from mobile browser. Other PC's in the same network can access this service URL from browser. How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance & Best Regards.
edit 1: phone is also in the same network.


connect to local host with my android phone but dont the full angular site

I am using tomcat server and angularJS to build a site that uses an API to bring data from the server by using an HTTP requests. when running on local machine tomcat is on ,i can see the full functionality of the site but when i'm connecting to my localhost from my phone (through WiFi) the site i see is not really functioning ,as if the HTTP requests can't be sent. is there a way to make the site work fully when viewed from my phone ?
note: my site basically uses the API to send a GET request and update a table on screen with the data, and POST/DELETE requests to update,delete,create data and of course dynamically update the table.
i'm working with Windows 7 if it matters.
another note: i used this answer to be able to connect with my phone. maybe i should use another way ?
why not use https://ngrok.com/ to tunnel your localhost to an private url.
(this is just for mobile testing right?)

Setting up a local website on wifi router

We have a mobile website developed for a conference which should be accessible to users thru smartphone/tablet/laptop when they connect to a wifi router.
Is it possible to setup a xampp server on a local pc connected to the router and assign it a url, so that users can type the url and access the website?
Will the users have to type an ip address or would it be possible to assign a url?
I read in some posts that one way would be to setup a captive portal but we do not have the time & resources to setup a captive portal. Kindly correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks in advance,
I feel like this could be possible by building out a DNS server for the lan. And entry for your webserver would then have to be in there. Then, in the router settings, specify the local DNS server as the DNS that gets assigned to other LAN computers via DHCP. Any node that connects to the router and uses DHCP to resolve IP settings should get that DNS server. Then when a client attempts to resolve www.website.com, it will ask the local DNS to resolve it and the request will be translated to the LAN address. I have never done this before but it may be worth a shot.

silverlight web application prevent file access from webserver through url

Hi Team,
I have a silverlight WebApplication, it has a folder on webserver that download a document and store for clients to view. The issue I am facing is that eventhough windows authentication is enabled and directory browesing is disabled. I am able to access and view the image using the url i.e. (http:\loclahost\webapp\dir\image1.tif) form a different domain.Is there some configuration I can do on web server (IIS 8) or I need to adopt some encryption logic in my code.
Any suggestion or help on this would be of gr8 help.
If it's what I'm thinking, You must set permissions to IISUSRS (a system user created for ISS) to write and read your folder.

Configure GlassFish 3 for mobile?

I have a JSF application deployed on GlassFish
I am able to access the application from another computer
When I try to access the application from a mobile device (iPod Touch) , I got this error telling the server couldn't be found
The iPod is connected on Internet via my home router. Exactly as the other computers
Is there anything to configure in glassfish ?
Thanks for your advice.
I have find my solution :
The URL to access my web application is something like:
PC can resolve DNS
iPod / iPad is not able to resolve the DNS
When I use the IP address instead of the machine name, everything works fine
Hope it will help someone else

Silverlight app - service URL cannot handle IP address

I have a Silverlight app that run on a single server which also hosts the web service used for data access. This is a Service Reference in the project. A common issue is that someone browses to the app using an IP address rather than the machine name. This breaks because the app thinks this is a cross-site violation.
To access the web service we create a System.ServiceModel.ClientBase and assign is an address in the web.config file. So locally in dev this is localhost:xxxx, and in production is it the machine name. Or we could set it to the IP address, but then everyone would have to go to the app using IP address only.
Is there a good way to do this? One issue is that some people access the app internally where the machine has a good name, while others access it through a VPN where they may need to use IP. I would like for both to work.
FYI I had this same issue. silverlight application and wcf service running on same server, but when application is started using an ip address vs. application url, then cross domain problems occur. evidently these urls/ips are not resolved/matched locally so to the silverlight application, they look like different domains. My app is running as an application and couldn't be moved to root of iis web site for technical reasons which is required for a clientaccesspolicy.xml file or crossdomain.xml to work properly.
I solved it by adding an entry into the hosts file on the server with the ip address and name of the domain. This looks a bit strange since we are on the server pointed to by the ip address and the domain/machine name but it works.
Adding this locally in the hosts file evidently redirects all requests for the ip address to the server PRIOR TO making either the call to get the silverlight application or the call the wcf service, so they look the same no matter whether the application or the service is called using an ip address.
Hope this helps anyone else in the future.
FYI - this does not work with VMs
We use VMs for some functionality and I have found this just doesn't work when running clients from the VM. The VM manager must do something to the request before passing it through. Just thought I'd mention this for future use.
Have you tried creating a clientaccesspolicy.xml file?
