How to Evenly Space Checkboxes, Even When Page is Resized - checkbox

Thanks in advance for your help.
I need to ensure even vertical spacing between DIVS containing a checkbox + a labels inside a form -- even when the page is resized. The problem I'm having is that the labels are different lengths, so when the page is resized, the spacing between the DIVS is consistent, but I want the spacing to be even between the end of one label (which may be up to 3 lines long), and the start of the next.
I was reading about flexbox, and hoped this would be an appropriate method to handle. But it's not working as I expected, perhaps because I'm doing it wrong. Or perhaps because I'm using the checkbox hack for custom checkboxes, and that is interfering?
Here's my code:
input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox {
overflow: hidden;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox + label.css-label, input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox + label.css-label.clr {
background-position: 0 0;
input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox:checked + label.css-label, input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox + label.css-label.chk {
background-position: 0 -14px;
label.css-label {
-webkit-touch-callout: none; 212 247 8100
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
.flex-container {
.flex-item {
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flex-item"><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxG4" id="checkboxG4" class="css-checkbox" />
<label for="checkboxG4" class="css-label radGroup1"><p>News, Commentary, Research & Special Reports</p></label>
<div class="flex-item"><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxG5" id="checkboxG5" class="css-checkbox" />
<label for="checkboxG5" class="css-label radGroup1"><p>Get General Research that includes periodic Special Reports sent when a landmark market event occurs.</p></label>

sorry if this is answer is late but maybe this can still help you. Looking at the JFiddle link you provided here: Your JFiddle, the reason this is not working is because you have set the height of your labels to a fixed height of 14px (to work with the checkbox feature you implemented). You correctly set justify-content: space-around to do what you described, but if the content is always 14px regardless of how many lines it spans, then the space will remain the same no matter what. Since your checkbox feature requires this 14px height, you should instead apply this checkbox feature to a div nested inside the label, with the accompanying text outside this div, but still inside the label. Here is a JFiddle with the code I implemented to get this working.
The main HTML change is this:
<label for="checkboxG4" class="radGroup1">
<div class="css-label"></div>
<span>News, Commentary, Research & Special Reports</span>
instead of:
<label for="checkboxG4" class="css-label radGroup1">
<p>News, Commentary, Research & Special Reports</p>
and CSS changed to:
input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox + label div.css-label,
input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox + label div.css-label.clr {}
label div.css-label {}
instead of:
input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox + label.css-label,
input[type=checkbox].css-checkbox + label.css-label.clr {}
label.css-label {}


how to reduce the height of header in tabel view or grid view?

I am trying to make simple demo of grid view .In which I have header of title (having gray background) actually I need to reduce the height of title or headers of table which have gray background .can we add alternate color of rows ? please see the given image .It header or tittle is too small as compared to my plunker .Secondly there is alternate color in row .can we add that in my plunker .
.search.list-inset, .search.list-inset .item:first-child {
border-radius: 50px;
.search .item-input .icon {
font-size: 200%;
.gray-20 {
background-color: #eee;
#media (min-width: 600px) {
.search {
width: 50%;
margin-right: auto;
border: 1px solid grey;
here is my code![enter image description here][1]
Updated Plunker
How to style striped rows
There are two ways to do this. One is pure CSS using the :nth-child(even) or (odd) pseudo classes. You can add a class to your row and just use style it how you want, such as:
my-class:nth-child(even) .col {
background-color: blue;
But I did it differently to teach you something about ng-repeat. Yes, it's for a loop, but it has a bunch of special properties that it exposes for you. Two in particular are $odd and $even. As you might expect, $odd returns true if it is an odd iteration and $even is true when the index is an even number.
So, you can use these with ng-class as part of your expression. Here, I'm adding a class of odd-row:
<div class="row" ng-repeat="column in displayData | orderBy: sortval:reverse | filter: query" ng-class="{'odd-row':$odd}">
Then to make the styles, I added the following rule. I applied the background-color to the .col children so that the background would be contained within the borders that are applied on the .col elements.
.odd-row .col {
background-color: #eee;
Actually, you are correct, ng-style would be a third-way, but it doesn't apply a class, it applies inline styles. Therefore, you need to pass it an object with you styles, so for example (simplified):
ng-style="{'color': 'red'}"

How to swap label and radio button position Material AngularJS

Material angular lays out radio boxes like this:
o Apple
o Banana
I want this in reverse
Apple o
Banana o
The md-radio-button has two compenents,
div class="md-container",
div class="md-label".
The container holds the button, and the label holds the label.
I can't seem to swap the positions of these divs. When I try to float md-container right, it goes outside of the md-radio-button.
How can I swap the two locations, either using float on the sub-components without breaking outside of the parent radio button, or perhaps some other way?
Thank you
You can do this
<span layout="row" layout-align="center center">
<md-radio-button value="1" aria-label="Apple"> </md-radio-button>
Add this to your css:
md-radio-button {
width: 100px;
md-radio-button .md-label {
width: 80%;
margin-left: 0;
word-wrap: break-word;
md-radio-button .md-container {
width: 20%;
left: 100%;
Here you can set a width for the md-radio-button component. This lets us align all the radio-buttons no matter the length of the label.
If the labels are really long, they will wrap instead of overlap or pushing the radio-button.
First answer:
Add this to your css:
md-radio-button .md-label {
margin-left: 0;
md-radio-button .md-container {
left: 60px;
Or you can do this:
md-radio-button .md-container {
position: relative;
transform: translateY(10%);
md-radio-button .md-label {
float: left;
left: 0;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 10px;
min-width: 60px;
You will need to adjust the left positioning of the .md-container or min-width of .md-label though based on the longest label. Or you could use the last solution and just not care about min-width and aligning the radio-buttons.
Difference between these two solutions is that in the second one, the labels will never overlap the radiobuttons. At worst, if the label is really long, it will misalign the radiobuttons. The first solution doesn't care about the length of the labels.
<md-radio-button value="1" labelPosition="before" aria-label="Apple"> </md-radio-button>

Make a Facebook Like Box responsive

When we want to insert a Facebook like box, we're given auto-generated code to insert into our website.
Unfortunately, the width of the like box is hard baked into the code:
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href="" data-width="450" data-colorscheme="light" data-show-faces="false" data-width="300" data-header="true" data-stream="true" data-show-border="false"></div>
How can I make the Facebook like box responsive, so that it will reduce in width to accommodate content areas less than the hard coded width value?
You can see the problem on this website. Watch what happens when you reduce the width of the view port.
You can make it fluid by doing this (googled for it):
.fb_iframe_widget span,
.fb_iframe_widget span iframe[style] {
width: 100% !important;
min-width: 200px;
You can make it responsive by finding where it starts messing up the layout:
#media (max-width:1100px) {
.fb_iframe_widget span,
.fb_iframe_widget span iframe[style] {
width: 100% !important;
min-width: 200px;
Since it's an iframe that you don't control, you can't style it further.
This no longer works as of 2015 -- facebook has updated their code so that there is a minimum width of 180px.
to get around this you have to use JS.
in this case, .facebook-likebox is the wrapper (which is dynamically being scaled in relation to other elements), and .fb-page is the container for the iframe. the code is cross browser.
here is my code snippit:
facebookScale = function () {
var adjustWidth;
adjustWidth = $('.facebook-likebox').width() / 180;
return $('.fb-page').css({
'-webkit-transform': 'scale(' + adjustWidth + ')',
'-moz-transform': 'scale(' + adjustWidth + ')',
'transform': 'scale(' + adjustWidth + ')'
$(window).on('resize', facebookScale);
EDIT: also make sure the following is in your CSS:
transform-origin: 0 0;
-webkit-transform-origin: 0px 0px;
-moz-transform-origin: 0px 0px;
Edit 2: facebook seems to have updated the widget to now have a min width of 180. so the code has been updated to reflect that. the widget should resize to fit the width of your container otherwise
<div class="fb-wrap">
<div class="fb-like-box" data-href=""
data-width="100%" data-height="#"
data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="false"></div>
.fb-wrap {
padding-top: 10px; width:90%; margin: 0 auto;}
.fb-like-box, .fb-like-box span, .fb-like-box span iframe[style]
{width: 100% !important; }
This works perfectly for me
this works for me with show faces true
.fb_iframe_widget,.fb_iframe_widget span,.fb_iframe_widget span iframe[style]
{max-width: 100% !important;}

How can I fade in and out the visibility of a DIV using ng-show with AngularJS 1.3 beta?

My code looks like this:
<div class="block-border"
data-ng-show="qty > 0">
I know there have been a lot of changes with Animation in AngularJS. Can someone tell me the easiest way for me to make it take 500ms to show and 50ms to hide the xxx when the value of qty changes. Note that I am using the very latest AngularJS.
Reference angular-animate.js
Add ngAnimate as a dependent module:
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngAnimate']);
Pick a name for your transition, for example 'fade', and then define the appropriate CSS classes based on the naming convention described in the documentation: {
opacity: 0;
}, {
display: block !important; /* or inline-block, as appropriate */
} {
transition: all linear 1000ms;
} {
transition: all linear 500ms;
Add the class to your element:
<div class="block-border fade" ng-show="qty > 0">
I couldn't get the accepted answer to work, but the following did work (taken largely from this ng-nuggets post):
.fade {
transition: all linear 500ms;
opacity: 1;
} {
opacity: 0;
and then my HTML element which I wanted to fade in and out looked something like this:
<span data-ng-show="copyLinkClicked" class="fade">some text here</span>
As #MichaelNguyen mentioned, Bootstrap does appear to have a style already called fade, and we are using Bootstrap in our application, yet the above styles worked nonetheless. If you already have a style named fade, then change the name to something unique before using the above code.
If you want to fade in using ng-if as a boolean angular has some nice documentation here . I used ng-if for my fading purposes here's an example below:
<form name="exampleForm" ng-submit="submit()">
<input type="email" placeholder="Email Address" ng-model="email" required>
<input type="text" placeholder="Name" ng-model="name" required>
<input class="invalid-btn" ng-if="exampleForm.$invalid" type="submit" value="Invalid" />
<input class="valid-btn" ng-if="exampleForm.$valid" type="submit" value="Valid">
/* css for button that will show when form is invalid */
.invalid-btn {
border: 1px solid #222;
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
color: #222;
background: #fff;
} {
opacity: 1;
/* The finishing CSS styles for the enter animation */ {
opacity: 0;
.valid-btn {
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
background: #F26623;
color: #fff;
/* The starting CSS styles for the enter animation */ {
transition:0.5s linear all;
opacity: 0;
} {
/* this will have a 100ms delay between each successive leave animation */
transition-delay: 0.3s;
/* As of 1.4.4, this must always be set: it signals ngAnimate
to not accidentally inherit a delay property from another CSS class */
transition-duration: 0s;
/* The finishing CSS styles for the enter animation */ {
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
background: #F26623;
color: #fff;
The way this works is if you want to fade in a button with a different color or text and different text color you can fade in a button when the form is filled out and valid and the invalid button will fade out leaving only one button depending on the state of the form. Kind of a hack but it works and looks smooth. I had to set a delay using .ng-enter-stagger because loading the animations at the same time was causing the buttons to blink and jump and not animate smoothly. So in this case we let invalid button hide first then load valid button when form is valid and all input fields have been filled out correctly.

Fluid, centered content block with sidebar

I'm pulling my hair here. Trying to come up with a simple responsive layout where two fluid boxes are aligned next to each other. The main box must always be centered in the browser window, while the other should be aligned beside it in its top right corner. See example image below -
Tried different approaches involving negative percentages and three-column faux layouts but it just doesn't work.
<div class='container'>
<div class='main-col'></div>
<div class='right-col'></div>
.container {
text-align: center;
.main-col, .right-col {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
text-align: left;
margin-right: -4px; /*‎ */
.main-col {
width: 50%;
margin-left: 20%; /* equal to .right-col's width */
.right-col {
width: 20%;
What's happening here:
The centered main column and right column have display: inline-block, and they're centered in the viewport by giving their container text-align: center. They're still not centered the way you want though. Since they're sibling elements you can use margin to push the main column to the left with a value equal to right-column's width, essentially centering itself.
Hi you can check my try in this link
I had to use a little jquery to calculate the sidebar absolute position. Let me know your opinion about this.
