Solr 5 how to search in specific field - solr

I am using Solr version 5 for searching data. I am using below query which searches for keyword in all fields.
Can anyone suggest me query to search for keyword only in title field.

or for exact match

You can not search for a keyword in all fields without some extra work:
How can I search all field in SOLR that contain the keywords,.?
The "q"-Parameter contains the query string and for the standard parser this means that you must specify the field via colon like in
or the standard parser will use the default field. The default field is specified in the "df"-Parameter and if you did not change your solrconfig.xml you will search in the "text"-Field because you will find something like
<requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="df">text</str>
P.S. If you want to search in all fields you have either to copy all field-content to one field or you must use a specific query parser like dismax parser, where you can list all your fields in the "qf"-Parameter.
P.P.S. You can not search in all fields but you can highlight in all fields :-)

The best way is to run the query from Admin concole. When we run it, it also provides the actuall SQL query executed. Just copy the query and use it.
About the question: search specific field value from the Solr. In the admin console look for 'Q' text box. write the yourfield=value OR yourfield:value. Hit the 'Execute Query' button. Top right side the SQL will be available.
Generated Query:"VALUE"&wt=json


Filtering multiValued Field in Solr

How can i search inside array of a multivalued field
My Data is like this
<str name="Key">8</str>
<arr name="city">
<str>Achabal (NAC)</str>
<str>Addi Gam</str>
<str>Adeh Hall</str>
<str>Aho Paisan</str>
<str>Akin Gam</str>
<str name="state">Chandigarh</str>
I want to search inside city filed i am trying the query as below
q=city:*Ak* AND state:Chandigarh <br>
But not working
Above mentioned data is single document
Multivalued fields have no difference with monovalued field (from query perspective). Note that in your query there's an error: SOLR doesn't support using a * symbol as the first character of a search.
See links below
You should not use & in your query but + or %20 (space) instead. & separates url query parameters and state stuff will not be passed as value for q.
Try q=city:*Ak*+state:Chandigarh or q=city:*Ak* state:Chandigarh.
What you also probably would like to do is use filter query instead of query parameter here:
This will query for all cities with 'Ak' and limit results only to ones with state='Chandigarh'

Best way to search dynamic list of fields using Solr?

We are implementing a search function using Solr as the backend engine. The data is extracted from the database using DIH. Key information of the document including:
- product number (number)
- product name (name)
- applicant name (applicant)
- product purpose (purpose)
All fields are stored and indexed.
We provide a single search box for the users to type any number of keywords and the system will search across all fields and try to match all of them. To do that, we create additional field that combine all information above using "copyField".
However, another requirement is that the user would be able to limit their search in selected target fields. For example, the user could select only name and purpose fields. In this case, the keywords search will only search from these two fields.
Currently, we use the following query approach to achieve the function:
For example, given that
- the user provide keywords: K1 and K2,
- and the user want to search on name, applicant and purpose only,
the following search string will be dynamically generated and sent to Solr:
(name:K1 OR applicant:K1 OR purpose:K1) AND (name:K2 OR applicant:K2 OR purpose:K2)
Are there any other way to implement the function? It would be much appreciated if you could share your expertise.
you can check for Request handler with edismax and with default configuration qf which would search on the copyfield which holds data from all the fields.
qf query field on which the query would be executed.
You would just need to pass a single param to solr qt=edismax&q=K1 K2 for search.
<requestHandler name="edismax" class="solr.SearchHandler" >
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="defType">edismax</str>
<str name="qf">
<str name="fl">
<str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
If the user wants to search on name or purpose, i would suggest just passing the fields and the query to this request handler.
The parameters passed would override the default parameters.
You would just need to pass a single param to solr qt=edismax&q=K1 K2&qf=name applicant for search.
You can control the OR behaviour using the mm (minimum match) parameter.

Querying across multiple fields with different boosts in Solr

In Solr, what is the best way of querying across different fields where each query on each field has a different weighting?
We're using C# and ASP.NET, with SolrNet being used to query Solr. Our index looks a bit like this:
[some more fields...]
This is then queried using keywords, where each keyword has a different weight. So, for example, "ipad" might have a weight of 40, but "android" might have a weight of 25.
In conjunction with this, each field has a different base weight. For example, keywords are more valuable than page title, which are more valuable than text content.
So, we end up with something like the following:
And the following keywords:
So, each search query has a different weighting, and each field has a different weight. As a result, we end up with search criteria that looks like this:
[more titles...]
[lots more...]
This translates into a very, very long search query, which exceeds the limit allowed. It also seems like a very inefficient way of doing things, and I was wondering if there's a better way of achieving this.
Effectively, we have a list of keywords with varied weights, and a list of fields in Solr which also have varied weights, and the idea is to query the index to retrieve the most relevant documents.
Further complicating this matter, though it may be out of the scope of this question, is that the query also includes filters to filter out documents. This is done using the following type of query:
These can also add a lot of characters to the search query, and it would be good if there was also a better way to handle this as well.
Any help or advice is most appreciated. Thanks.
I would suggest to add those default parameters to your requesthandler configuration within solrconfig.xml. They are always the same, right?
<requestHandler name="standard" class="solr.SearchHandler" default="true">
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="defType">edismax</str>
<str name="qf">title^25 text_content^10 tags^50</str>
You should be able to add your static filters and so on, so that you don't have to specify those values unless you want to do something different from the default, ending up with urls a lot shorter.

Solr search query over multiple fields

Is it possible to search in Solr over two fields using two different words and get back only those results which contain both of them?
For example, if I have fields "type" and "location" , I want only those results who have type='furniture' and location = 'office' in them.
You can use boolean operators and search on individual fields.
q=type:furniture AND location:office
If the values are fixed, it is better to use Filter Queries for Performance.
fq=type:furniture AND location:office
The suggested solutions have the drawback, that you have to care about escaping special characters.
If the user searches for "type:d'or AND location:coffee break" the query will fail.
I suggest to combine two edismax handlers:
<requestHandler name="/combine" class="solr.SearchHandler" default="false">
<lst name="invariants">
<str name="q">
(_query_:"{!edismax qf='type' v=$uq1}"
AND _query_:"{!edismax qf='location' v=$uq2}")
Call the request handler like this:
The variables $uq1 and $uq2 will be replaced by the request parameters uq1 and uq2 will.
The result of the first edismax query (uq1) is combined by logical AND with the second edismax query (uq2)
Solr Docs
You can also use the boostQuery function on the dismaxRequest handler as
type=dismax&bq=type:furniture AND location:office
fq=type:furniture AND location:office
Instead of using AND, this could be break into two filter queries as well.

How can SOLR be made to boost within result set?

I have indexed some documents that have title, content and keyword (multi-value).
I want to search on title and content, and then, within these results boost by keyword.
I have set up my qf as such:
<str name="qf">
content^0.5 title^1.0
And my bq as such:
<str name="bq">keyword:(*.*)^1.0</str>
But I'm fairly sure that this is boosting on all keywords (not just ones matching my search term)
Does anyone know how to achieve what I want (I'm using the DisMax query request handler btw.)
I don't think that's how the boost works. Boost is supposed to specify the importance of a match on a specific field.
So by doing something like content^0.5 title^1.0 keyword^5.0, you can make your queries give extra importance to the keyword.
You might be able to force it by doing a complex query. For instance you can use the "+" operator to make it required. So something like this if you were searching for "query":
+(content:query title:query) keyword:query
