How to Upload file to S3 using Angular/Node ng-file-upload - angularjs

Unable to get file upload to S3 working. That being said, I know the problem is on my end.
At the moment I can upload a file to S3 using:
Now if I copy and paste the form to my app, and just Post the form, it works.
Next step I'm doing is to move the hardcoded values into the Angular controller to attempt uploading the file through there before implementing server side creation of policy and signature, although it doesn't seem to work.
Error I'm getting is the Authorization: Bearer issue.
After reading it, I've tried setting Authorization to undefined, and that still isn't working and I'm at a loss.
Any help would be appreciated.
Code below:
var mypolicy = "HardcodedPolicy;
var mysignature = "HardcodedSignature";
var s3url = "";
url: s3url,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': undefined
data: {
key: 'testfile.txt',
acl: 'public-read',
"Content-Type": 'text/plain',
AWSAccessKeyId: 'XXX',
policy: mypolicy,
signature: mysignature,
file: uploadfile
}).error(function(err) {
console.log("err: ", err);

I have spent ages trying to find a solution to this and finally got it to work. I hope this solution helps others. In my case the problem was caused by our app using jwt tokens to authenticate users whenever they make calls to our api. The code which added the token was in an angular factory like this:
App.factory('authInterceptor', ['$rootScope', '$q', '$cookieStore', '$location','$window',
function ($rootScope, $q, $cookieStore, $location, $window) {
return {
// Add authorization token to headers
request: function (config) {
config.headers = config.headers || {};
if ($cookieStore.get('token')) {
config.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + $cookieStore.get('token');
return config;
The solution we used was to amend the conditon statement so the authorization header was only added if required. We changed the 'if' statement to
if ($cookieStore.get('token') && config.url != "")
Hope this helps someone else.


Status Code 405 while using google oauth2

I am using Django with Angular JS to access the Google Drive API. I am following this document from Google. The FLOW.step1_get_authorize_url() gives me the URL similar to the sample URL mentioned on the page. But the problem is that after return HttpResponseRedirect(authorize_url) the browser does not redirect to the authorize_url and gives the error as shown in the picture below (Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 405).
But if I copy pasted the URL, it works fine.
The oauth2 function looks like this.
def index(request):
FLOW = flow_from_clientsecrets(
FLOW.params['access_type'] = 'offline'
authorize_url = FLOW.step1_get_authorize_url()
return HttpResponseRedirect(authorize_url)
And here is the oauth2callback function.
def auth_return(request):
credential = FLOW.step2_exchange(request.GET)
return HttpResponseRedirect("/mycustomurl")
I used this to enable CORS in the Django Server Side. Here is my part of service in Angular that makes the call to oauth2.
(function () {
'use strict';
.service('myService', function ($http) {
this.saveToDrive = function (startYear, endYear, shape) {
var config = {
params: {
start: '1999',
end: '2002',
action: 'download-to-drive'
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'X-Requested-With': null
var promise = $http.get('/oauth2/', config)
.then(function (response) {
return promise;
Please suggest what am I missing here. Any help or suggestions are highly appreciated.
I found it be a minor design issue rather than the code issue. I separated the logic that sends the oauth2 request to the client, and after the oauth2 request, I sent request to internal API with the params options. And now it's working fine.

Can't include header in `$http` angular

I got a token from backend which I saved it in $sessionStorage and I need to include that along with $http request that I call. I tried include it directly but when I checked it from backend, it's not there.
function _selectGender($sessionStorage, gender) {
return $http({
method: 'POST',
url: config.apiURL + '/auth/gender',
headers: {
'Authorization': $sessionStorage.token
data: {
gender: gender
I also tried with interceptor which it's not working as well.
requestInterceptor.inject = ['$sessionStorage'];
function requestInterceptor($sessionStorage){
return {
'request': function(config){
if ($sessionStorage.token) config.headers['authorization'] = $sessionStorage.token;
return config;
Shoot me some idea how to tackle this. :D
Edit#1: It's likely possible to be preflight error
It's actually because of OPTIONS headers, seem like $http will send a pre-request before browser send an actual request to backend. You need to handle that from the backend. Thanks #Nitish Kumar's comment.
Read more about cors
How to handle OPTIONS

AngularJS 1.3 to 1.5 transformRequest broke, solution for my specific situation?

Long story short. I am really not an AngularJS guru. Our site upgraded from 1.3 to 1.5. This one thing is breaking.
We used to inject an HTTP header via transformRequest in a factory named 'api':
.factory('api', function($resource) {
function add_auth_header(data, headersGetter) {
var headers = headersGetter();
headers['Authorization'] = ('Basic ' + btoa(data.username +
':' + data.password));
// defining the endpoints.
return {
auth: $resource('/api/v1/auth/', {}, {
login: {method: 'POST', transformRequest: add_auth_header},
logout: {method: 'DELETE'},
Later on in the same file, this is called like so:
.service('auth', function($cookies, $rootScope, api) {
this.user = null;
this.login = function(credentials) {
var log = api.auth.login(credentials);
// on good username and password
this.user = data;
As you can see, it calls api.auth.login with the credentials. I have verified that the transform request is being called, the headers are being fetched properly by headersGetter(), and that hanging the headers[] object no longer changes it like it used to in 1.3. Fiddler verifies that the request no longer has an Authorization header in it like it did in 1.3, and the Django server that gets the request also agrees.
I've read in a few places that the transformRequest functionality 'broke' in 1.4, but those posts have always been in the context of making an $http request, not providing an api service through a factory, and haven't made much sense to an AngularJS newb like me. I have no idea where I would start changing how Authorization is injected.
Can anyone point me the right way?
If anyone else is still facing this, the change was under breaking changes in the changelog for 1.4.
I feel the fix speaks for itself. Note that the function add_auth_header is not invoked but rather is passed.
.factory('api', function($resource) {
function add_auth_header(data) {
// as per HTTP authentication spec [1], credentials must be
// encoded in base64. Lets use window.btoa [2]
return 'Basic ' + btoa( + ':' +;
// defining the endpoints.
return {
auth: $resource('/api/v1/auth/', {}, {
login: {method: 'POST', headers: { 'Authorization': add_auth_header }},
logout: {method: 'DELETE'},

Authorization header in AngularJS not working

I am using the Django REST token authentication for my API.
I posted my credentials to obtain token endpoint. However when I try to set the header in a correct way it keeps responding with a http 401 error. I tried it using curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token 4d92d36768ca5d555b59cf68899eceab39c23704 ' and that does work! This is my code:
app.controller('HomeController', ['$scope','$http', function($scope,$http) {
$scope.username = '';
$scope.password = '';
$scope.submitLogin = function () {
var credentials = {
username : $scope.username,
password : $scope.password,
var req = $'', credentials);
req.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.token = data.token;
var str1 = 'Token ';
$scope.tokenheader = str1.concat($scope.token);
$http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = $scope.tokenheader;
req.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
alert( "failure message: " + JSON.stringify({data: data}));
$scope.getEvents = function () {
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: '',
function() {
And the error message in chrome dev tools:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load
Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 401
How do I get rid of this 401 error?
Edit: I just found out the fault lies in the fact that I did not have CORS installed on my API. I was using a CORS plugin in chrome that worked for the authentication part of my api but not for my events url!
Did you check that the token is actually added to your request?
You can do this for example using the Chrome developers tools.
Personally I prefer to use the $httpprovider.interceptor as described in:
angularjs $httpProvider interceptor documentation
This ensures that the tokens are always present on any call.
If you are accessing more than one API, you should consider adding something like:
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q', '$location', '$log', 'loginService', 'restHelperService',
function ($q, $location, $log, loginService, restHelperService) {
return {
request: function (config) {
// check if the request comes with an url
if (config.url) {
// check that the call is to the REST api, if yes add token
if (restHelperService.isRestCall(config.url)) {
// add auth header or revert to login
if (loginService.userIsLoggedIn()) {
config.headers = config.headers || {};
config.headers.Authorization = 'Token ' + loginService.getToken().token;
} else {
return config;
responseError: function (response) {
if (response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) {
// clear auth token if the REST call failed with the current token
if (response.config && response.config.url && restHelperService.isRestCall(response.config.url)) {
$log.debug(" restCall failed due to bad credentials, resetting credentials");
return $q.reject(response);
This avoid issues that will arise when you start adding the token to API calls that don't expect them. Also the code ensures that a user will be automatically redirected to the login page if the credentials are not valid.
The example, I'm using two additional services. A loginService that manages the tokens and a restHelperService that manages the urls of the REST framework.
I would recommend doing the same as else it will be hard to access the credentials from outside your controller.
You need to add Token to the headers:
get($http, "/some_url", {headers: {"Authorization": "Token " + $your_token}}
Response code 401 means Unauthorized. If you are using Token based authentication then in case of fail it would be 403, Forbidden.
So my guess would be that it's username/password who is messing with it. In your curl example you are not using them.

Web Api 2 subdomain Token authentication

I am creating a site using AngularJS and the out-the-box WebApi2 token authentication template (Individual User Accounts). I am trying to get two sites to be logged in at the same time, one at and the other at
Currently I use the following code in angular to authenticate the user:
method: 'POST',
url: '/Token',
data: serializedData,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$window.sessionStorage.token = data.access_token;
and append the authorization header for every request after:
app.factory('authInterceptor', function ($rootScope, $q, $window) {
return {
request: function (config) {
config.headers = config.headers || {};
if ($window.sessionStorage.token) {
$window.sessionStorage.loggedIn = true;
config.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + $window.sessionStorage.token;
return config;
app.config(function ($httpProvider) {
The above code allows each site to login individually, however sessionstorage doesn't persist across other windows/tabs so it will not log the user in to the subdomain.
There are some comments in this blog post regarding this issue (half way down):
However it seems way too complicated to implement (and have the undesired effect of the user getting redirected). I was hoping for something as easy as setting a domain, just like with cookies:
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions()
CookieDomain = ""
I'm starting to doubt whether I should be using token authentication over cookies in the current scenario...
This was explained in a follow up post: Local/session storage won't work across domains, use a marker cookie.
You can create a cookie for from javascript to store the token. Cookies, local storage and session storage are the ways the browser has to store information:
... we are not using the cookie as an authentication mechanism, just as a
storage mechanism that happens to support storing information across
different domains.
