Laravel Session File gigantic - file

I am using Laravel 5 for my web application,
since running it for over a week, the session are stored as files with over 9MB file size. Instead of the 1kb it used to be.
The CPU is running at 99% all the time and the server is not responding anymore. What causes this enormous file size and what do i need to do to reduce it?

You can play around with the session settings in config/session.php, specifically the lottery setting might help you out.
You can also switch the session driver, if your system is unable to cope with the files. Depending on what you actually store in your sessions and the size of your application, it might be beneficial to switch to a different session driver. Avaiable options can be found here:


Host server bloating with numerous fake session files created in hundreds every minute on php(7.3) website

I'm experiencing an unusual problem with my php (7.3) website creating huge number of unwanted session files on server every minute (around 50 to 100 files) and i noticed all of them having a fixed size of 125K or 0K in cPanel's file manager, hitting iNode counts going uncontrolled into thousands in hours & hundred thousands+ in a day; where as my website really have a small traffic of less than 3K a day and google crawler on top it. I'm denying all bad bots in .htaccess.
I'm able to control situation with help of a cron command that executes every six hours cleaning all session files older than 12hours from /tmp, however this isn't an ideal solution as fake session files getting created great in number eating all my server resources like RAM, Processor & most importantly Storage getting bloated impacting overall site performance.
I opened many of such files to examine but found them not associated with any valid user as i add user id, name, email to session upon successful authentication. Even assuming a session created for every visitor (without acc/login), it shouldn't go beyond 3K on a day but sessions count going as high as 125.000+ just in a day. Couldn't figure out the glitch.
I've gone through relevant posts and made checks like adding IP & UserAgent to sessions to track suspecious server monitoring, bot crawling, overwhelming proxy activities, but with no luck! I can also confirm by watching their timestamps that there is no human or crawler activity taken place when they're being created. Can see files being created every single minute without any break throughout the day!!.
Didn't find any clue yet in order to figure out root cause behind this weird behavior and highly appreciate any sort of help to troubleshoot this! Unfortunately server team unable to help much but added clean-up cron. Pasting below content of example session files:
0K Sized> favourites|a:0:{}LAST_ACTIVITY|i:1608871384
125K Sized> favourites|a:0:{}LAST_ACTIVITY|i:1608871395;empcontact|s:0:"";encryptedToken|s:40:"b881239480a324f621948029c0c02dc45ab4262a";
Valid Ex.File1> favourites|a:0:{}LAST_ACTIVITY|i:1608870991;applicant_email|s:26:"";applicant_phone|s:11:"09701300000";applicant|1;applicant_name|s:4:Raju;
Valid Ex.File2> favourites|a:0:{}LAST_ACTIVITY|i:1608919741;applicant_email|s:26:"";applicant_phone|s:11:"09701300000";IP|s:13:"";UA|s:92:"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:82.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/82.0 X-Middleton/1";applicant|N;applicant_name|N;
We found that the issue triggered following hosting server's PHP version change from 5.6 to 7.3. However we noticed unwanted overwhelming session files not created on PHP 7.0! It's same code base we tested against three versions. Posting this as it may help others facing similar issue due to PHP version changes.

How can I limit the size of the debug_kit.sqlite file in cakephp 3.x?

The debug_kit.sqlite file in the tmp directory grows with every request by approx. 1.5 Mb. If I don`t remember to delete it, I am running out of disc space.
How could I limit it`s growth? I don't use the history panel, so I don't need the historic data. (Side question: why does it keep all historic requests anyways? In the history panel only the last 10 requests are shown, so why keep more than 10 requests in the db at all?)
I found out that the debug_kit has a garbage collection. However it is not effective in reducing the disc space because sqlite needs to rebuild the database with the vacuum command to free disc space. I created a PR to implement vacuuming into the garbage collection:
UPDATE: The PR has been accepted. You can solve the problem now by updating debug_kit to 3.20.3 (or higher):
Well, there is one main purpose for debug kit. DebugKit provides a debugging toolbar and enhanced debugging tools for CakePHP applications. It lets you quickly see configuration data, log messages, SQL queries, and timing data for your application. Simple answer is Just for debug. Even though only shown 10 requests, you can still query to get all histories such as
Sql Logs
It's safe to delete debug_kit.sqlite or you can set false to generate again or what I did it I run cronjob to delete it every day.
Btw, you should not enable it for staging or production. Hope this help for you.

Lighttpd: pre-file-upload action possible?

My scenario is like this: on an embedded device we have a web interface using lighttpd and a cgicc-based application. Uploading a new firmware takes a lot of time, especially the CPU has heavy load (which is the typical case in field operation). For example running with 80% CPU usage from 'top' the upload need 5-10 minutes(!), with services off it takes only 1 minute.
Therefore I must implement something which allows me to deactivate the services before file upload starts. Problem is that my CGI will recognize the file upload operation after lighttpd uploaded the whole file into a temporary set of files. My only idea is to implement a second button which allows the human operatior to manually disable the services before starting upload. But this is not really elegant.
In Javascript I could hide the second button and simulate a click using the upload button, maybe (can I catch the click for a file input?). But this sound very dirty, especially we use the unobstrusive Javascript pattern.
Is there some other way to initiate some pre-file-upload action? Maybe by a module or an other feature of HTTP or browsers etc I don't know?
PS: we need backward compatibility to IE6, so no HTML5 features can be used. We use XHTML 1.0 strict mode.
Modern version of lighttpd have improved lighttpd memory management and slightly reduced lighttpd's memory footprint, so this might no longer be an issue for you.
If it still is, then:
lighttpd mod_magnet can be configured to send a trigger:
However, if you disable services, you should probably only do so for a limited time (e.g. two minutes) before automatically re-enabling the services.
Better, identify the exact bottleneck why running both services and upload is slow. Is the embedded system running out of memory and swapping? Is the embedded system running out of CPU?

How can I find why some classic asp pages randomly take a real long time to execute?

I'm working on a rather large classic asp / SQL Server application.
A new version was rolled out a few months ago with a lot of new features, and I must have a very nasty bug somewhere : some very basic pages randomly take a very long time to execute.
A few clues :
It isn't the database : when I run the query profiler, it doesn't detect any long running query
When I launch IIS Diagnostic tools, reqviewer shows that the request is in state "processing"
This can happen on ANY page
I can't reproduce it easily, it's completely random.
To have an idea of "a very long time" : this morning I had a page take more than 5 minutes to execute, when it normaly should be returned to the client in less than 100 ms.
The application can handle rather large upload and download of files (up to 2 gb in size). This is also handled with a classic asp script, using SoftArtisan FileUp. Don't think it can cause the problem though, we've had these uploads for quite a while now.
I've had the problem on two separate servers (in two separate locations, with different sets of data). One is running the application with good ol' SQL Server 2000 and the other runs SQL Server 2005. The web server is IIS 6 in both cases.
Any idea what the problem is or on how to solve that kind of problem ?
Edit :
The problem came from memory fragmentation. Some asp pages were used to download files from the server. File sizes could go from a few kb to more than 2 gb. These variations in size induced memory fragmentation. The asp pages could also take quite some time to execute (the time for the user to download the pages minus what is put in cache at IIS's level), which is not really standard for server pages that should execute quickly.
This is what I did to improve things :
Put all the download logic in a single asp page with session turned off
That allowed me to put that asp page in a specific pool that could be recycled every so often (download would now disturb the rest of the application no more)
Turn on LFH (Low Fragmention Heap), which is not by default on Windows 2003, in order to reduce memory fragmentation
References for LFH :
Link (there is a dll there that you can use to turn on LFH, but the article is in French. You'll have to learn our beautiful language now!)
I noticed the same thing on a classic ASP + ajax application that I worked on. Using Timer, I timed the page load to be 153 milliseconds but in the firebug waterfall chart it randomly says 3.5 seconds. The Timer output is on the response and the waterfall chart claims that it's Firefox waiting for a response from the server. Because the waterfall chart also shows the response, I can compare the waterfall chart to the timer and there's a huge discrepancy 'every so often'
Can you establish whether this is a problem for all pages or a common subset of pages?
If a subset examine what these pages have in common, for example they all use a specific COM dll, that other pages don't.
Does this problem affect multiple clients or just a few?
IOW is there an issue with a specific browser OS version.
Is this public or intranet?
Can you reproduce the problem from a client you own?
Is there any chance there are some full-text search queries going on SQL Server?
Because if so, and if SQL Server has no access to internet, it may cause a 45-second delay every few hours or so when it tries to check the certifications (though this does not apply to SQL Server 2000).
For a detailed explanation of what I'm referring to, read this.
Are any other apps running on your web server? If so, is your problematic in the same app pool as any of them? If so, try creating a dedicated app pool for it. Maybe one of the other apps is having a problem and is adversely affecting yours.
One thing to watch out for is if you have server side debugging turned on in IIS, the web server will run in single threaded mode.
So if you try to load a page, and someone else has hit that url at the same time, you will be queued up behind them. It will seem like pages take a long time to load, but its simply because the server is doling out page requests in a single file line and sometimes you aren't at the front of the line.
You may have turned this on for debugging and forgot to turn it off for production.

Google App Engine Large File Upload

I am trying to upload data to Google App Engine (using GWT). I am using the FileUploader widget and the servlet uses an InputStream to read the data and insert directly to the datastore. Running it locally, I can upload large files successfully, but when I deploy it to GAE, I am limited by the 30 second request time. Is there any way around this? Or is there any way that I can split the file into smaller chunks and send the smaller chunks?
By using the BlobStore you have a 1 GB size limit and a special handler, called unsurprisingly BlobstoreUpload Handler that shouldn't give you timeout problems on upload.
Also check out (sourcecode, source answer) which does exactly what you are asking.
Also, check out the rest of GWT-Examples.
Currently, GAE imposes a limit of 10 MB on file upload (and response size) as well as 1 MB limits on many other things; so even if you had a network connection fast enough to pump up more than 10 MB within a 30 secs window, that would be to no avail. Google has said (I heard Guido van Rossum mention that yesterday here at Pycon Italia Tre) that it has plans to overcome these limitations in the future (at least for users of GAE which pay per-use to exceed quotas -- not sure whether the plans extend to users of GAE who are not paying, and generally need to accept smaller quotas to get their free use of GAE).
you would need to do the upload to another server - i believe that the 30 second timeout cannot be worked around. If there is a way, please correct me! I'd love to know how!
If your request is running out of request time, there is little you can do. Maybe your files are too big and you will need to chunk them on the client (with something like Flash or Java or an upload framework like pupload).
Once you get the file to the application there is another issue - the datastore limitations. Here you have two options:
you can use the BlobStore service which has quite nice API for handling up 50megabytes large uploads
you can use something like bigblobae which can store virtually unlimited size blobs in the regular appengine datastore.
The 30 second response time limit only applies to code execution. So the uploading of the actual file as part of the request body is excluded from that. The timer will only start once the request is fully sent to the server by the client, and your code starts handling the submitted request. Hence it doesn't matter how slow your client's connection is.
Uploading file on Google App Engine using Datastore and 30 sec response time limitation
The closest you could get would be to split it into chunks as you store it in GAE and then when you download it, piece it together by issuing separate AJAX requests.
I would agree with chunking data to smaller Blobs and have two tables, one contains th metadata (filename, size, num of downloads, ...etc) and other contains chunks, these chunks are associated with the metadata table by a foreign key, I think it is doable...
Or when you upload all the chunks you can simply put them together in one blob having one table.
But the problem is, you will need a thick client to serve chunking-data, like a Java Applet, which needs to be signed and trusted by your clients so it can access the local file-system
