How to Install Angular theme in existing app? - angularjs

I recently bought an Angular admin dashboard theme
( and I'm interested in using it in an existing angular app. This seemed straightforward till I realized that the angular theme is an independently operable app with its own bower,package,grunt files. I guess one way to integrate the theme is to copy the html/cs/jss files into the existing app manually, but is there a better way to do so? Like installing it via bower or something?


React Native Firebase: Do I need to add an ios/Firebase folder for v5?

I'm trying to get an existing React Native app running that uses react-native-firebase#5.6.0. I'm reading the docs here to make sure all the installation steps are followed correctly. I'm on the part where it says:
3.1. Create a Firebase folder in {your-project}/ios/Firebase.
3.2. Copy the folder Analytics and all other module folders you intend to use, and Firebase.h inside to root/ios/Firebase. The README can be useful at this step.
Currently, there is no root/ios/Firebase folder. I don't think the app uses Firebase Analytics at all.
What I Want To Know:
Do I need this root/ios/Firebase folder if the app doesn't use any of the "other module folders"?
Is there a way to confirm whether my app does use any of the possible "other module folders"? How do I know which modules this refers to?

How to integrate a new ionic theme to an existing ionic app?

i'm working on an ionic v1 (and angular 1) project which is completed using basic ionic UI. I came across various themes on ionic marketplace. How do i integrate a new ionic theme to my existing app.
I'm assuming you have Ionic setup in your local machine.
Once you've purchased and downloaded the files of the theme you want to use, create an ionic1 project. Note this will work only with Ionic1, and not Ionic2. Use the following command to create an ionic1 project:
ionic start myApp blank --type ionic1
When your project has been created, go to the /www folder in your project directory, delete all files in here, and copy the theme's files you've downloaded here.
Run ionic serve and your project should have integrated with the theme.
PS. you might have to replace the project scss folder with that of the theme's if available.

Install admin theme inside of angular-fullstack app?

I am currently building a component based app using angular fullstack, and am having trouble installing an admin template like blur-admin ( inside my project.
How to install an admin theme easily inside my angular fullstack app??
Has anyone done this, or is it always done running the admin side separately and routing it on a subdomain?
Thank you :)

ExtJS Theme Centralization

I have multiple ExtJS apps based on a custom theme say "my-ux-theme" (extension of "ext-theme-crisp").
I have bunch of .SCSS files repeated in each one of the apps. Every time I make any change to the theme, I have to make change in each of the SCSS files across the apps.
I want to centralize my theme
I am planning to attach "my-ux-theme" to the KitchenSink application and then I am building the entire KitchenSink which produces the .CSS files I need. I then deploy this CSS to my CDN and linking all my apps to this theme (CSS files). Is this a good approach?
Is this a safe assumption that KitchenSink is a big app covering all the components in ExtJS and is generating all the CSS I would ever need?
Can you all please suggest?
The basic question is when we do Sencha Command on an ExtJS application (sencha app build) then the generated CSS files by the theme covers only those components which are used/present in the application? Or it doesn't matter?
Using Kitchen Sink does not feel right to me, Here is what you can do.
Create a Sencha Work Space
Create a Theme Package
Build the Theme Package using "sencha package build"
It will generate one single CSS file for your theme in build/resource/theme-name-all.css
Here are commands for it
sencha -sdk {path/to/Ext-JS-5-SDK} generate workspace my-workspace
sencha generate package -type theme my-custom-theme
sencha package build

ExtJS 4.2.2 custom themes and existing apps

The theming guide says to run Sencha Cmd to:
- setup the workspace
- generate a test app to test the custom theme
The test app created in the theming guide is located inside the workspace folder. My question is, does the app that will use the theme need to be located inside the workspace folder? Or can it reside elsewhere, and it simply uses the built custom theme?
We have an existing app that we now want to use a custom theme, so the app is not inside a workspace. Can I just create the workspace for the custom theme, and make changes for styling necessary to implement the theme? Do I need to make configuration changes in the generated workspace so it is aware of the location of the code for the app which is not in the workspace?
Thanks in advance!
As far as I know, your project, where you wanted to apply the theme, must be generated by Sencha CMD. After generating the project, copy everything from the existing project to the new sencha cmd-generated project.
On the terminal, execute sencha generate theme my-custom-theme on the application directory. Your my-custom-theme will be created on the packages directory of your project folder. In order to use this theme, edit sencha.cfg found on the [project folder]/.sencha/app/. Change the app-theme to app.theme=my-custom-theme.
In order for the changes to take effect, execute sencha app refresh.
The theme, i.e. .scss files, eventually converted into a CSS file. You need to include this generated CSS file in your index.html. This is regardless of how you get or generate the CSS file.
I do not think your existing project need to be inside your new 4.2 theme project. However, it is much easier to test if you are creating a new theme and they reside in the same project.
It is not difficult to put your existing .js files into 4.2 project. I had to replace the app directory from the old project and some update to files. You can find the details in the ExtJS upgrade guide.
In the new Sencha Architect 3, there's an added feature of Application Styling. See here:!/guide/styling
I'm not sure but I think you can import your current ExtJS project into the Architect and start styling your application.
