Installing applications Silent via batch file - batch-file

My office has purchased 50 computers including Windows 8.1. I want to install supporting applications like office application, browser, 7-zip, pdf reader and others with silent installation. cause, installing applications into the computer as much as it, would take much time.
My script is :
7-zip.exe /S /norestart
If I run the script above, 7-zip.exe successfully installed but not for adobe_reader.exe
How to use the silent installation correctly?

In order to automate the installation of something like 7-zip.. go to your command prompt and run a command like the following:
\\Apps\dsp\7z458.exe /S
For more information, visit the following link... it'll hopefully give you an idea of how to automate application deployment using batch files.
In future, please elaborate on your questions. It's rather annoying when someone posts a question with no substance.
Hope this helps,


silent install IBM data server client using response file, Anyone tried to install in D drive?

I am trying to install DB2 ibm data server client(version 11.1), silent install in my windows server. i am using response file for the installation. I gave the path in response file to install in D drive, but still it is installing in C drive only. the command i was using is: msiexec /i "MSI path" /q /l*v "log file path" RSP_FILE_PATH="response file path".
Check the following:
Installing Db2 products and features using a response
Some notes on MSI customization in general below.
And a link to the most commonly used library of packaging tips contributed by packagers:
Different Designs: The exact mechanism used to redirect a folder like that depends on the design of the application and the setup from the vendor, they often do something very non-standard so reverse engineering their solution fully or slightly is usually neccessary. Maybe have a look if you can find the software here in the "software tips" section: - this is a collection of comments people have made who have packaged and deployed the software in question - either unsuccessfully or successfully. I can't really tell what the exact product name is, please check.
Download: If you have a download link that is publicly accessible I can have a quick look at the MSI to determine how it is set up. Please be aware that it is much better to install an MSI directly via normal configuration mechanisms (setting public properties and / or creating a transform - sample here) than to run a setup.exe with response file (which sometimes is the only possibility depending on the overall deployment design).
How to make better use of MSI files
A couple of quick overviews:
How to parameterize msi file from electron builder
MSI Repackaging - free tool
And some further links for reference:
Change the value of a MSI property loaded from a DLL using a MSI transform
How to run an installation in /silent mode with adjusted settings

Trouble updating my site to Drupal 7.34. Maybe problems connecting programs to webserver

I am new to this, and I hope someone can help me with the supposedly simple task of downloading an update of Drupal. A few months ago I finally created a website at Unoeuro and with Drupal. I even got around to chose themes and put content in.
My system: Windows 7, Webserver Apache, host: Unoeuro, run Drupal 7.32 just fine, besides the warning message on most of the pages on my site's Admin.
Problem: A little while ago Drupal started saying "There is a security update available for your version of Drupal. To ensure the security of your server, you should update immediately! See the available updates page for more information and to install your missing updates."
When I follow the link, it says: "Manual updates required" and "Updates of Drupal core are not supported at this time."
Do you think THAT is the reason, why I can't make it work?
However, since there is a link to the latest update, Drupal 7.34. and it is coloured red and looks like I need it.
When I follow the Update link, I'm told to download it through one of three methods- After checking my Systemrequirements through, reading the Installation Guide, and downloading and extracting the 7.34 zip-file with Zipwizzard, my command prompt doesn't know, what I'm talking about.
I've tried alsmost every combination of methods, both the Drush and Command Prompt, and different zip-files and tar-files and extracting in every command prompt.
Problem: It seems like none of them are not connected to a 'prober Drupal environment', as they say.
I've tried changing the PATH to the drupal-7.34 folder, where the environment should be (I suppose, because I just downloaded it). But the command prompt still says '... is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file' or that the command is not made in a 'prober Drupal Environment'.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I hope someone can give me a hint about it.
Bro you need to be in the correct folder to use drush to update your site. If you are running a non-multi site instance move to [drupal_root]/sites/all and run the command "drush up", press y a few times and enjoy. SO thats:
cd [drupal_root]/sites/all
drush up -y
PS using -y on drush up means you don't have to press y multiple times.
You can also contact me # for more Drupal support.

Failed to update database becase the database is read only

I have created a winform application and programmatically trying to attach the database when an application runs first time. Unfortunately in windows 7 i always got an error. Please view the screenshot below it tells the whole story. Now my question is that how can i get rid from this error, is there any way to automatically give required rights on the folder where the application installs?. I want to permanently resolve this error and need smooth attachment. Anyone please help.
Please view the error below. Thanks in advance
More informations here on This forum
This was asked by someone else
If you put your database in your own subdirectory of the directory returned by Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData then the user will have read/write access to it.
See Environment.SpecialFolder Enumeration to determine if a different location would be more suitable, e.g. ApplicationData if you need it to roam or CommonApplicationData if you need all users of the computer to use it.
Edit: I found a slightly more extensive version of this answer: Where Should I Store my Data and Configuration Files if I Target Multiple OS Versions?, please also see the articles it links to.
I know this answer is somehow late, but I believe people always face the same problems so my case is worth to be shared.
tl;dr = Change the permission of deployed files manually or using icacls command.
Actually I use InstallForge for packing and deploying my application(s).
No matter what setup creator is used, when the application is installed to a non-system folder ( e.g. D:\ ) the program works perfectly and the database is readable/writable.
Whereas when the application is installed in [Program Files] folder or [Program Files (X86)] folder, Windows takes a preventive security measurement and sets file permission to be only [Read] and [Read & Execute].
I think Windows Vista and later versions of Windows have this behavior.
You can check that by right-clicking the installed file and going to properties then Security tab.
The files I installed on D:\ had Full-Control permission while, as I mentioned, the ones on C:\ had only Read & Execute permissions.
You won't notice the difference when you install a normal program on C:\ because you might not be writing data on a file or a database. But in case of database deployment, the file has to be writable.
Finally, the solution for this case was telling InstallForge to change file permissions at the end of the installation using icacls commands :
icacls "C:\MyApp\MyDB.mdf" /Grant Everyone:F
icacls "C:\MyApp\MyDB_log.ldf" /Grant Everyone:F
In my case, it is okay to give everyone full-control on the database files, but you might need a customized solution for your case so please refer to :
You can tell your setup creator to run those commands, or you can put them together in a batch file and run it after the installation.

Neo4j 2.0.0-RC1 unable to install as windows service

I used to install Neo4j 2.0.0-M05 as windows service, this worked great. With 2.0.0-RC1 it doesn't any more.
With 2.0.0-RC1 I can download an installer. Seems that this installer does not have an option to install Neo4j as service. Also it doesn't let you set some directories (I like everything in C:\apache\neo4j); some stuff is being stored in my user directory. And it doesn't remember the location of the database. So that leaves the zip as only real alternative, though the zip file comes in only one version while the installer comes in 32bits and 64bits??
Anyway now trying with the zip package I have to run a .bat file just as before (i'm used to this). But when i try install, i get:
C:\apache\neo4j\bin>Neo4jInstaller.bat install
"WARNING: this installer is deprecated and may not be the optimal way to install Neo4j on your system."
"Please see the Neo4j Manual for up to date information on installing Neo4j."
Press any key to continue
Two things are weird.
It's the only option to install neo4j as service, so how can it be deprecated?
Press any key to continue only response to the enter key.
Continuing on the the real problem:
Press any key to continue
[SC] CreateService SUCCESS
[SC] StartService FAILED 87:
The parameter is incorrect.
I removed the .bat files from 2.0.0-RC1 and copied the 2.0.0-M05 bat files over to the new version. It seems to start the new version without a problem.
Thanks for the feedback. There are open github issues related to much of this, which we'll clean up before going to GA. Even then, your conclusion is correct, that for now installation as a service requires downloading the .zip distribution. We'll make that more clear in the download page.
Generally, installation as a windows service is something we're working to improve. I'd love to chat with you a bit about your particular deployment scenario. Please drop me a line at

Batch install to specific location

I was having trouble after creating a windows service in c# with creating a silent install with a batch file or w.e. is needed that takes in just the location of the install, as when I run setup.exe or the msi file that is all that's in there. It will prompt to change location if desired, otherwise go to default C:\drive folder that is preset within the service, no other options are required.
I was wondering how to use a iss file or an answer file to create either a cmd prompt or script to mass install on many computers easily.
Currently setup.exe accepts in the cmd setup.exe /quiet instead of what I have been seeing -s or /s which also had caused some confusion and to why I was looking for help. Thank you.
Ok. I typically use InstallShield for that. If you are doing this in pure batch, then you will need to take steps to configure/start the service. See SC /?. That will allow you to query the service, stop, start, etc. Give it a try and reply with more specifics if needed.
