SQL Server Merging help needed - sql-server

I can't work out how to do this:
Surname Firstname EmpID ListName
Smith john 123 list1
Smith john 123 list2
Jones James 124 list1
I need
Surname Firstname EmpID ListName1 ListName2
Smith john 123 list1 List 2
Jones James 124 list1 *null*

Just add a number for the rows, with something like this:
select row_number() over (partition by Surname Firstname EmpID order by ListName) as RN, ...
And then use that row number for deciding what data to show where with something like:
select Surname Firstname EmpID,
max(case when RN = 1 then ListName end) as ListName1,
max(case when RN = 2 then ListName end) as ListName2
from (


Group By selecting fixed rows returned and ignoring the top row SQL Server

I have a table:
Customer Purchase
John 5
John 8
John 3
John 1
Sally 3
Sally 5
Sally 2
I want to return two records per customer ignoring the top purchase:
John 5
John 3
Sally 3
Sally 2
With ROW_NUMBER() window function:
select t.customer, t.purchase
from (
select *, row_number() over (partition by customer order by purchase desc) rn
from tablename
) t
where t.rn between 2 and 3

T-SQL - Return records with same values in two columns, but different value in third column

Given this sample data:
ID lname fname num
1 Jones Mary 672
2 Jones Mary 123
3 Johnson Ellen 853
4 Jones Mary 123
5 Jones Scott 342
6 Smith John 874
7 Anders David 433
8 Northson Sue 756
9 Fredricks George 555
10 Northson Sue 756
11 Northson Sue 756
12 Perry Nicole 335
11 Northson Sue 342
I want to find all lname/fname pairs that have multiple "num"s and the count of rows with that "num" value.
So the result set should look like this:
lname fname num count
Jones Mary 672 1
Jones Mary 123 2
Northson Sue 756 3
Northson Sue 342 1
The only thing that I could come up with is the below, but the select in the where clause returns more than row
from sampleTable
(num != (select x.num
from sampleTable x
where x.ID != sampleTable.ID
and x.fname = sampleTable.fname
and x.lname = sampleTable.lname)
group by lname, fname, num
--having count(num) > 1
order by lname, fname, num
Another approach is to join on another query and count the number of distinct nums per lname/fname combination:
SELECT a.lname, a.fname, a.num, a.cnt
FROM (SELECT lname, fname, num, COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM sampleatable
GROUP BY lname, fname, num) a
JOIN (SELECT lname, fname
FROM sampletable
GROUP BY lname, fname
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT num) > 1) b ON a.lname = b.lname AND a.fname = b.fname
select lname, fname, num,
row_number() over(PARTITION BY lname, fname, num ORDER BY lname, fname, num) as cnt,
row_number() over(PARTITION BY lname, fname ORDER BY lname, fname) as pairs
from sampleTable
returns (from my temp version of your table)
lname fname num cnt pairs
Jones Mary 123 1 1
Jones Mary 672 1 2
Jones Scott 111 1 1
Jones Scott 111 2 2
Jones Scott 342 1 3
Jones Scott 874 1 4

PIVOT two columns and keep others as they are

I want to turn some of the rows into columns while keeping other rows as they are.
ID name value RefId
1 Fname John 32145
2 LName Smith 32145
3 Fname Peter 34589
4 LName Mahlang 34589
Now what I want to achieve is to turn the Fname and Lname rows into columns with their matching value field. ID column doesn't really matter, I don't need it.
Desired Output
Fname Lname RefId
John Smith 32145
Peter Mahlang 34589
Any help
Using conditional aggregation:
Fname = max(case when name = 'Fname' then value end)
, Lname = max(case when name = 'Lname' then value end)
, RefId
from t
group by RefId
rextester demo: http://rextester.com/MRMY11592
| Fname | Lname | RefId |
| John | Smith | 32145 |
| Peter | Mahlang | 34589 |
Or using pivot()
, Lname
, RefId
from (select name, value, refid from t) s
pivot(max(value) for name in ([Fname],[Lname]))p

compare data between 2 tables with multiple same records in each table

Heres the situation... i dont have a unique identifier between tables to do matching, so i am matching on a value that can be present more than one time in both tables. I am feeling like i have have to assign some value and then remove the record from being available for matching when the next record tries to match.
Table 1 has the following data:
MedicationName ID Pt Price SEQ
Drug1 123 AAA 100.00 1
Drug2 345 AAA 200.00 2
Table 2
InjectionName ID PT StarDate EndDate
Drug1 123 AAA 20170101 20991231
Drug1 123 AAA 20160417 NULL
Drug2 345 AAA 20161101 20191231
The result should be this:
Medication MedID Price Injection InjID StartDate EndDate PT Seq
Drug1 123 100.00 Drug1 123 20170101 20991231 AAA 1
*NULL NULL NULL Drug1 123 20160417 NULL AAA NULL*
Drug2 345 200.00 Drug2 345 20161101 20191231 AAA 2
But my result is this:
Medication MedID Price Injection InjID StartDate EndDate PT Seq
Drug1 123 100.00 Drug1 123 20170101 20991231 AAA 1
*Drug1 123 100.00 Drug1 123 20160417 NULL AAA 1*
Drug2 345 200.00 Drug2 345 20161101 20191231 AAA 2
I need to show that the 2nd item from the 2nd table does not have a matching value in table 1 because item 1 already matched against it.
You will need ROW_NUMBER to separate rows out.. try this:
With Table1 As
Select 'Drug1' MedicationName , 123 ID ,'AAA' Pt ,100.00 Price,1 SEQ
Union Select 'Drug2' MedicationName , 345 ID ,'AAA' Pt ,100.00 Price,1 SEQ
Table2 As
Select 'Drug1' InjectionName, 123 ID, 'AAA' PT, 20170101 StarDate, 20991231 EndDate
Union Select 'Drug1' InjectionName, 123, 'AAA', 20160417, NULL
Union Select 'Drug2' InjectionName, 345, 'AAA', 20161101, 20191231
Table1_Id As
Cast (Row_Number() Over (Partition By MedicationName, ID Order BY MedicationName, Id) as Int) MedicationNumber,
MedicationName, Id, PT, Price, Seq
From Table1
Table2_Id As
Cast (Row_Number() Over (Partition By InjectionName, ID Order BY InjectionName, Id) as Int) InjectionNumber,
InjectionName, Id, PT, StarDate, EndDate
From Table2
Select *
From Table1_Id T1
Full Outer Join Table2_Id T2
On T1.MedicationName = T2.InjectionName
And T1.ID = T2.ID
And T1.MedicationNumber = T2.InjectionNumber

Trigger to auto-increment ID based on certain criteria in TSQL

I would like to write a trigger so that when a new record comes in, if certain columns of it contains the same content as the previous record, one particular ID column for all existing entries would increase by 1 and the new entry would be 0, and if there is no existing record, the new record is automatically assigned to have ID 0 in that column.
For example, say my existing data is like this:
FirstName LastName InvoiceID Amt
John Doe 1 $5
Bill Jane 0 $6
John Doe 0 $3
Now say I want to insert John Doe with $3.5 of invoice, then the record would automatically becomes:
FirstName LastName InvoiceID Amt
John Doe 1 $5
Bill Jane 0 $6
John Doe 2 $3
John Doe 0 $3.5
Now if I need to insert someone new, say Jane Smith for $2, it would become:
FirstName LastName InvoiceID Amt
John Doe 1 $5
Bill Jane 0 $6
John Doe 2 $3
John Doe 0 $3.5
Jane Smith 0 $2
May I know how should write such trigger in T-SQL?
Here's what I would do, rather than having the trigger:
create table T (TID int IDENTITY(1,1) not null,FirstName varchar(10) not null,LastName varchar(10) not null,Amt decimal(18,4) not null)
create view V
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY FirstName,LastName ORDER BY TID desc) - 1 as InvoiceID,
And then set up your initial data:
insert into T(FirstName,LastName,Amt) values
insert into T(FirstName,LastName,Amt) values
And the new John Doe row:
insert into T(FirstName,LastName,Amt) values
And finally the Jane Smith row:
insert into T(FirstName,LastName,Amt) values
And then select from the view:
FirstName LastName InvoiceID Amt
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------
Bill Jane 0 6.0000
Jane Smith 0 2.0000
John Doe 0 3.5000
John Doe 1 3.0000
John Doe 2 5.0000
And so we have no concern that InvoiceID might be incorrect because we never store it.
select * from V
