Idris FFI "symbol not found" - ffi

I've been messing around with Idris lately and decided to try playing around with its Network.Socket library. I fired up the REPL, imported the module, and created a socket using the socket command. Upon attempting to execute the IO operation, I was met with the following error:
failed to construct ffun from (Builtins.MkPair (FFI_C.C_Types (Int)) (Int) (FFI_C.C_IntT (Int) (FFI_C.C_IntNative)) (2),Builtins.MkPair (FFI_C.C_Types (Int)) (Int) (FFI_C.C_IntT (Int) (FFI_C.C_IntNative)) (1),[])
Symbol "socket" not found
user error (Could not call foreign function "socket" with args [2,1,0])
To see whether the issue was Network.Socket specific, or just FFI in general, I made a dummy function.
printf : String -> IO ()
printf = foreign FFI_C "printf" (String -> IO ())
Executed :x printf "Hello World" yields a similar error:
Symbol "printf" not found
user error (Could not call foreign function "printf" with args ["hello world"])
Despite all this, putStr works fine.
I am running Idris 9.20, installed through cabal with -f FFI set at compile. I am using libffi version 3.4 installed through MacPorts.

I believe that this has to do with the fact that the Idris FFI operates differently depending on whether code is being compiled or interpreted. When code is being compiled, the FFI requires that at the stage of C codegen, the named C function be in scope, and that when linking the C executable, the correct name is linked in. Since Idris's RTS links against libc, this makes a lot of names from libc work without any extra effort (certain names might require a %include to make sure that the correct C header file is included to put them in scope). When code is being interpreted, the interpreter looks up FFI calls in a list of libraries that have been loaded dynamically, which requires a different directive: %dynamic in the file, or :dynamic in the interpreter. By default, no dynamic libraries are loaded, so even standard names in libc are not in scope. This can be remedied by including %dynamic "libc" in the file, or using the :dynamic "libc" at the REPL commandline for one session.


cannot find symbol "Embeddedrcall_Init"

I am trying to create a dll file using swig for an embeddedR C Program in windows environment. I am using the below commands:
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\Z>swig -c++ -tcl embeddedRCall.i
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\Z>gcc -c embeddedRCall.c -I/swigwin-3.0.12/Examples/r/Z
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\Z>gcc -c embeddedRCall_wrap.c -I/Tcl/include/tcl8.6 -I/swigwin-3.0.12/Examples/r/Z
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\Z>gcc -shared embeddedRCall.o embeddedRCall_wrap.o -o embeddedRCall.dll -L/Tcl/lib -L/R/R-3.3.2/bin/i386 -lR -lRblas -lRiconv -lRlapack -ltcl86
% load embeddedRCall
cannot find symbol "Embeddedrcall_Init"
I was able to load other example.dll files with tclsh
However I was unable to figure out the reason-- I am already using tcl 32 bit
My module file name is and module name is embeddedRcall
Am I missing something???
I am relatively new to TCL can someone please help me.
You should have an exported (extern "C") function symbol in your library called something like Embeddedrcall_Init; it is the entry point that lets Tcl install the library into a specific interpreter instance. (It has to be found explicitly because it takes an argument.) By default, the name of the function is found by munging the name of the library (strip version number, case convert, append _Init) but the determination of the name can be overridden by the optional second argument to load.
To be more exact, if the entry is actually called EmbeddedRCall_Init, you would have to load it with:
load embeddedRCall EmbeddedRCall
# The _Init suffix is fixed when loading into a standard interp
Note the case difference! (Also, we recommend using fully qualified path names to loaded libraries, as it avoids some complexities in the dlopen() system.)

CLion fails to index C preprocessor macros when -std=gnuXX is set (Linux Kernel Headers)

I am trying to write a Linux kernel module with CLion. This is the cmake file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
add_definitions(-imacros /home/alex/Developer/linux/include/linux/kconfig.h)
add_custom_target(labs COMMAND $(MAKE) -C ${labs_SOURCE_DIR}
add_library(dummylib ${MY_MODULE_SOURCES})
The actual building of the kernel module is done with the externally called makefile using "add_custom_target". The "dummylib" is only there so that CLion actually starts to parse the header files and gives me auto completion. With my supplied definitions it does even compile the "dummylib" successfully (look at the screenshot). It is no kernel module though, but that does not matter ;)
My problem is the error you see in the screenshot. Somehow it says that it can't resolve all the macros defined in the kernel headers. Functions, structs and plain defines ( "MODULE_SIG_STRING ") do work (as you see). I do not understand why the editor says it cannot resolve the macro but can still build it. What is more strange is that I can even jump to the declaration using STRG+B of the marked macros. Clearly something is going wrong. The macros are really defined within linux/module.h.
When I set -std=c89 instead of -std=gnu89 the editor recognizes the macros but the "dummylib" of course fails to build since the kernel needs the gnu extensions. I guess this is a bug in CLion. I posted it at the Jetbrains Bugtracker:

How to check if openssl or cryptopp is installed and use the library that actually exists in the system (is installed)?

I wrote function that encrypts/decrypts a buffer (2 versions of the same function - first, with cryptopp, second - with openssl).
I would like to make something like this:
#if defined OPENSSL
#elif defined CRYPTOPP
Is it possible?
It's not quite that simple. In order to find that a macro is defined, you have to include the header that defines that macro. And C doesn't have anything like "include foo.h iff it exists"; it has to exist otherwise there is a compilation error.
Normally this would be sorted out by a script that you run before compilation. Your script checks locations like /usr/include, /usr/local/include, etc., to see if the OpenSSL headers are there; and then it outputs a Makefile which contains in the CFLAGS -DHAVE_OPENSSL. Then your code can check for that macro.
This is quite a bit of hullabaloo, to keep things simple you could require the user to manually edit a file , e.g. distribute your project with something called user_config.h that the user is supposed to edit before compiling, to specify where they put OpenSSL and so on.
There is a preset system called GNU Autoconf which contains a script that checks your system for everything under the sun. This has its advantages and disadvantages; it makes things easier for plebs downloading your source code, but it is bloaty and can be hard work for yourself.
How to check if openssl or cryptopp is installed and use the library that actually exists in the system (is installed)?
If your application was built on the system it is running, then the code you have shown is OK. Presumably, the build system will detect both OpenSSL and Crypto++. In the case both are available, it looks like your code will favor OpenSSL.
If you application is built elsewhere and needs to check at runtime, then you will need dlopen, dlsym, dlclose and friends.
In the case of runtime checking, its probably best to build a dispatch table and call through it. For example, you might have a table with function pointers to your internal run_aes_openssl, run_aes_crytopp, etc.
Upon startup, you populate the table based on the results of dlopen. If you find OpenSSL, then you populate your table with the OpenSSL gear. If you find Crypto++, then you populate your table with the Crypto++ gear.
C++ can be painful to use with dlopen and friends because of name mangling. Worse, the mangling differs between distributions and runtime library versions. For example, here's a function to generate a private RSA key:
RSA::PrivateKey key;
key.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(prng, 1024);
And here's the corresponding function names on Mac OS X. Debian and Red Hat will likely be different.
$ nm cryptopp-test.exe | grep -i GenerateRandom | grep -i RSA
00000001000c7d80 T __ZN8CryptoPP21InvertibleRSAFunction14GenerateRandomERNS_21RandomNumberGeneratorERKNS_14NameValuePairsE
00000001000c8eb0 T __ZThn120_N8CryptoPP21InvertibleRSAFunction14GenerateRandomERNS_21RandomNumberGeneratorERKNS_14NameValuePairsE

GCC installed. Mathematica still won't compile to C

I'm running Mathematica 8 on a MacOSX, trying to compile even the simplest program to C. Anything having to do with C simply doesn't work in Mathematica. I have GCC 4.2 installed; I've even reinstalled it multiple times with XCode. Here's what I'm doing and the errors I'm getting:
First, I always evaluate the command
If I set the compilation target to C,
c = Compile[ {{x}}, x^2 + Sin[x^2], CompilationTarget -> "C"];
I get an error that reads: Compile::nogen : A library could not be created from the compiled function.
If I try to create a library,
demoFile = FileNameJoin[{$CCompilerDirectory,"SystemFiles","CSource","createDLL_demo.c"}];
lib = CreateLibrary[{demoFile},"testLibrary"]
I get an message $Failed. Wolfram says that this is because I don't have a C compiler installed. I find that hard to believe because when I run
It tells me that I've got GCC installed: {{"Name" -> "GCC",
"Compiler" -> CCompilerDriver'GCCCompiler`GCCCompiler,
"CompilerInstallation" -> "/usr/bin", "CompilerName" -> Automatic}}
What's more, terminal says I have GCC installed too!! Any help would be appreciated. I'd really like to compile Mathematica to C.
In this answer I'll collect some debugging steps for similar problems, for future reference. Feel free to edit/improve them.
If compiling to C code does not work from Mathematica 8,
Check that you have a supported C compiler installed and it works (the obvious).
Note that the compiler does not necessarily have to be in the PATH, at least on Windows/Visual Studio it doesn't.
Check that Mathematica recognizes the compiler
<< CCompilerDriver`
will list the compilers known to Mathematica.
Check what commands Mathematica executes to compile the generated C code:
Compiler`$CCompilerOptions = {"ShellCommandFunction" -> Print};
Compile[{{x}}, x^2, CompilationTarget -> "C"];
Note that with "ShellCommandFunction" -> Print the commands will not be executed, so you'll need to re-set Compiler`$CCompilerOptions to {} after this step is complete to allow command execution again.
Check the output/errors from the compiler:
Compiler`$CCompilerOptions = {"ShellOutputFunction" -> Print};
Compile[{{x}}, x^2, CompilationTarget -> "C"];
These last two steps will hopefully give you enough clues to proceed. With this information you can check if the correct library / include paths are passed to the compiler (in the case of gcc/icc, look at the -L option which specifies library paths and the -I option which specifies include paths). Then check if the required include and library files are present at those paths.
If you get Compile::nogen, you can see the compiler output by setting ShellOutputFunction->Print right in the Compile expression:
c = Compile[ {{x}}, x^2 + Sin[x^2],
CompilationTarget -> {"C", "ShellOutputFunction"->Print}];
In general, this is how you can pass options to the underlying CreateLibrary call, by changing CompilationTarget->"C" to CompilationTarget->{"C", options}. Setting Compiler`$CCompilerOptions works too, but this technique has the advantage of not setting a global variable.
It is a shame that the only error you are seeing is $Failed, that's not terribly helpful; I wonder if perhaps there are some file or directory permissions problems?
I'm running on linux not Mac so I am not sure if my setup is "close enough" or not. On my machine your Compile command succeeds and generates a file .Mathematica/ApplicationData/CCompilerDriver/BuildFolder/blackie-desktop-5077/ in my home directory. Is there any way you can find a .Mathematica directory associated with your userid, and see if it exists and is writeable by mathematica?
Also, you could check to see if "gcc" is or is not being accessed by checking the file access time of /usr/bin/gcc before and after your call to Compile. From an operating system shell you can do ls -lu /usr/bin/gcc or from Mathematica perhaps Import["!ls -lu /usr/bin/gcc", "Text"]

Any mature solutions to create a instant shell with ELF symbols and c grammar command parser?

I need to make a debug shell inside each c exe(linux enviroment), and my solution is as follows:
Read elf symbols from exe file, build a symbol->address table in
Run a thread calling readline to accept user input, some thing
like a c function call;
use Lex & yacc to parse the function name and arg list;
Find address of the function in the symbol table;
Call the function with args list;
Every function written can be input as shell command instantly.
I don't think this is a fresh idea, and my question is: Are there any mature codes implemented already?
Thanks for your help!
Sure. If you had working with VxWorks, you'll find WindShell is what you're looking for. I had port a similar shell to Linux. You can download the source from:
Note: don't use the source in commercial products, since they are ported from WindShell. If you do want a shell in commercial fields, then you shall develop one with LEX/YACC.
