ng-options Default Value from JSON - angularjs

I have been toying around with a modal form, the form works great to submit data, but now I need the form to edit data. So I want to populate the form from a callback from the server. The structure of the form is as follows:
<div class="form-group modalContent">
<label for="manufacturer">MANUFACTURER</label>
<select class="form-control" id="manufacturersList"
ng-model="form.manufacturers" required
ng-options="man.manufacturer for man in manufacturers | orderBy:'manufacturer'"></select>
$scope.form = {
//The value will be the value from the callback
"manufacturers": "Acer"
Shouldn't this populate the value in the <SELECT>?

ng-model points to the variable that holds the selected value.
And according to the syntax you used in ng-options you should place manufactures in $scope directly.
<select class="form-control" id="manufacturersList"
ng-model="selectedManufacturer" required
ng-options="man for man in manufacturers | orderBy:'manufacturer'">
$scope.manufacturers = ["Acer", 'HP', 'Toshiba', 'Lenovo', 'ASUS'];
Example in Plunker
Hope this helps


How can I bind the value of the selected item to 2 models

Currently when the user selects an item from the DDL, the Id will be set to my model vm.Blah.Id
<div class="col-md-4">
<label for="Blah">Blah blah</label>
<select class="form-control" id="blah" ng-change="vm.LoadBlahs()" ng-model="vm.Blah.Id">
<option value="">Select some Blah</option>
<option ng-repeat="m in vm.BlahList" value="{{m.BlahId}}">{{m.Name}}</option>
When a DDL item is selected, I need to do this somehow:
vm.Blah.Id = m.BlahId;
vm.OtherBlah.SectionId = m.SectionId;
How can I update 2 things like that?
I'm on version 1.5.8
You may have to re-work some of your code but a possible solution would be:
Change ng-model to be a new variable that holds the selected item.
Pass the ng-model (in your case m) as an argument to the ng-change function (See for how to do this).
Update the things in the ng-change function.

Using ng-options with ng-changed in select form input

I'm trying to create a select widget using Angular's ng-options. I have this so far:
<select id="id_question" name="question" ng-model="post.Question"
ng-options=" as question.title for question in questions"
ng-change="updateFields(post.Question)" required>
I need an object passed through as a parameter to the 'updateFields' method. However, due to the ng-options using the 'id', this is not possible.
How do I retain using id as the value in the select widget but also have the ability to pass the 'question' object as a parameter in ng-change?
There is no way to pass complete object to your function if you are using ng-options. Instead what you can do is set your ng-model to some other property and use that property to assign value to your post.Question variable.
<select name="question" ng-model="selectedValue"
ng-options="question as question.title for question in questions"
ng-change="updateFields(selectedValue)" required>
in JS
$scope.updateFields = function(question) {
$ = $;
Please have a look at plunker
When ever you use ng-model for a select element you need not pass the selected object as a event parameter in ng-change.
Have a look at the below code
Your HTML must be as
<select name="question" ng-model="selectedQuestion"
ng-options="question as question.title for question in questions"
ng-change="updateFields()" required>
Assumed json

Map ng-model with pre poulated input value

My requirement is to update the email id.When I enter the email manually in input box its getting mapped with ng-model and calling controller, but for prepoluted value its not getting mapped to ng-model.
<div class="col-sm-12">
<input type="text" class="form-input form-control" id="defaultInputText" ng-model="details.emailAddr" placeholder="">{{accSummary.response.custEmail}}
I tried with ng-bind="accSummary.response.custEmail" and value="{{accSummary.response.custEmail}}" but no luck.
Can anybody help me what I am missing here..!! thanks in advance
Set this model from controller as a prepopulated value accSummary.response.custEmail.
$scope.accSummary.response.custEmail = "YOUR_DEFAULT_VALUE";
Set default value of that model in controller.

Assigning ng-model to checkboxes generated by ng-repeat

I have set up a json containing a list of countries with an ID and Country code attached:
It looks like this:
$scope.countries = [
{"name":"Ă…land Islands","id":"ALA","country-code":"248"},
I then use the ng-repeat directive to create checkbox inputs for every country.
<div ng-repeat="country in countries">
<label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="{{}}" ng-true-value="'{{}}'" ng-false-value="''">{{}}</label>
However when I run the code I only get the following to display:
checkbox here {{}}
If I remove the ng-model part of the repeat my checkboxes generate fine but I need a unique ng-model to be attached to every checkbox
How would I go about attaching a unique ng-model value?
This answer (Generate ng-model inside ng-repeat) does not provide a unique ng-model value
I will suggest you, use:
<div ng-repeat="country in countries">
<label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="myCountry.selected[]" ng-true-value="'{{}}'" ng-false-value="''">{{}}</label>
$scope.myCountry = {

Angularjs - How to pass selected radio button value to the controller

I have a list of dynamically generated radio boxes.
<div id="Address" class="modal-body" ng-show="AData">
Select the correct address information from the list below.
<label class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="address in Addresses">
<input type="radio" class="SuggestAddresses" ng-model="SelectedAddress" name="grAVR" ng-value="address" />
{{values.AddressLine1}} {{values.City}} {{values.State}} {{values.Zip}}
I am trying to access the model SelectedAddress in my controller but its value is undefined in controller. When I store this radiobox model value in a predefined scope variable that is already in my controller, it works fine.
To add some explanation to the comment above, ng-model="adress.selectedAdress" will allow you to access the obects property.
Note that you are working with an object in a list, represented by adress in your ng-repeat. This corresponds to Adresses[adress].selectedAdress
