Angular expressions in formlyConfig.setType - angularjs

The biggest question here is: Why would an expression like this class='{{prodStatusTextColor}}' not be updated in the view if the value of the variable scope.prodStatusText is indeed getting the new values?
I have an application that has a model that is loaded after search results and can be altered using a history function to load another dataset. The history function is contained in another grandparent scope. I have been able to confirm that the obj values that I am using for the dom changes do indeed update and hold the correct values when they should, (in the console) on the first load of the data and on the history change.
I am using formly-form and have a template set that contains 2-way bound variables to change styles and icons based on another fields values.
Templates follow:
name: 'prodStatus',
template: "<label class='control-label'>Production Status</label><br><span class='{{prodStatusTextColor}}'><i class='{{prodStatusStatusIcon}}'></i> <span class='{{prodStatusTextColor}}'>{{model[options.key]}}</span> <!--i class='{{prodStatusInfoIcon}}'></i--></span>"
//term date
name: 'termDate',
template: "<div data-ng-show='inclTermDate'><label class='control-label text-danger'>Termination Date</label><i class=fa fa-lg fa-calendar-times-o></i> <span class='text-danger'> {{model[options.key] | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} </span></div>"
I tried to use a service and define a default value for the variables as part of an existing model that was working. I could see the value changes but they were not being added to the html. I think they are just not being instantiated by the time the page renders?
Rendered HTML:
<div formly-field="" ng-repeat="field in fields " ng-if="!field.hide"
class="formly-field ng-scope ng-isolate-scope col-sm-6 col-lg-3 col-md-4
formly-field-prodStatus" options="field" model="field.model || model" fields="fields" form="theFormlyForm" form-id="formly_10" form-
state="options.formState" index="$index"><label class="control-label ng-scope">Production Status</label><br class="ng-scope"><span class=""><i class="">
</i> <span class="">Inactive</span> <!--i
<label class="control-label ng-scope">Production Status</label><br class="ng-scope">
<span class=""><i class=""></i> <span class="">Inactive</span> <!--i class='{{prodStatusInfoIcon}}'></i--></span></div>
partial formly obj:
className: 'col-sm-6 col-lg-3 col-md-4',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
type: 'text',
label: 'Last Name',
placeholder: 'Agent Last Name'
expressionProperties: {
'templateOptions.tabindex': '4'
watcher: {
expression: function(field, scope) {
return field.formControl && field.formControl.$viewValue;
listener: function(field, newValue, oldValue, scope, stopWatching) {
agentPersInfoModel.chng = {
prodStatusTextColor: "text-success",
prodStatusStatusIcon: "fa fa-lg fa-check-circle-o fa-lg",
prodStatusInfoIcon: "fa fa-lg fa-info-circle",
isActiveStatus : false,
inclTermDate : false
scope.prodStatusTextColor = agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusTextColor;
scope.prodStatusStatusIcon = agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusStatusIcon;
scope.prodStatusInfoIcon = agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusInfoIcon;
scope.inclTermDate = agentPersInfoModel.chng.inclTermDate;
scope.isActiveStatus = agentPersInfoModel.chng.isActiveStatus;
if(newValue) {
console.log('Function Expression: ' + newValue);
console.log('Field: ');
console.log('oldValue: ' + oldValue);
console.log('Scope: ');
console.log("agentModel prod status");
if(agentModel.singleAgent.PRODUCTION_STATUS === 'Active' && agentModel.singleAgent.TERMINATION_DATE === "00010101") {
agentPersInfoModel.chng.isActiveStatus = true;
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusTextColor = "text-success";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusStatusIcon = "fa fa-lg fa-check-circle-o fa-lg";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusInfoIcon = "fa fa-lg fa-info-circle";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.inclTermDate = false;
console.log("============= in the listner (history) =====================");
console.log("we are active");
} else if(agentModel.singleAgent.PRODUCTION_STATUS === 'Inactive') {
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusTextColor = "text-warning";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusStatusIcon = "fa fa-ban fa-lg";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusInfoIcon = " fa fa-lg fa-alert ";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.inclTermDate = false;
console.log("============= in the listner (history) =====================");
console.log("we are inactive");
} else if(agentModel.singleAgent.TERMINATION_DATE !== "00010101") {
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusTextColor = "text-danger";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusStatusIcon = "fa fa-times fa-lg";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusInfoIcon = " fa fa-lg fa-alert ";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusCalIcon = " fa fa-lg fa-calendar-times-o ";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.inclTermDate = true;
console.log("============= in the listner (history) =====================");
console.log("we are term'd");
} else {
agentPersInfoModel.chng.isActiveStatus = false;
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusTextColor = "text-warning";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusStatusIcon = "fa fa-ban fa-lg";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusInfoIcon = " fa fa-lg fa-alert ";
agentPersInfoModel.chng.inclTermDate = false;
console.log("============= in the listner (history)=====================");
console.log("we didnt match");
controller: /*#ngInject*/function($scope, AgentPersInfoModel) {
$scope.switchTermColors = function (status) {
agentModel prod status
agentPersonalInfoFormly-service.js:221 Inactive
============= in the listner (history) =====================
agentPersonalInfoFormly-service.js:245 we are inactive
agentPersonalInfoFormly-service.js:247 fa fa-lg fa-alert
agentPersonalInfoFormly-service.js:249 fa fa-ban fa-lg
agentPersonalInfoFormly-service.js:251 text-warning
agentPersonalInfoFormly-service.js:253 false
The history function simply fetches a new agent based on an id and loads that into the existing agentModel, does not actually touch these functions, these are supposed to change if the agentModel changes.
Any discussions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

All the "code" inside your main div is actually in a new child scope created by the ng-repeat="field in fields " therefore any primitives (like prodStatusTextColor) that you use inside it are shadowed (they "hide" the original variable after they copy their initial value).
You should try using the . dot notation instead, as per angular recommandations (check this doc on scopes): you should encapsulate those variables inside an object and use them by reference.
Something like this:
in the listener you may have:
prodStatus = {
prodStatusTextColor: agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusTextColor,
prodStatusStatusIcon: agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusStatusIcon,
prodStatusInfoIcon: agentPersInfoModel.chng.prodStatusInfoIcon,
inclTermDate: agentPersInfoModel.chng.inclTermDate,
isActiveStatus: agentPersInfoModel.chng.isActiveStatus
and in the view markup you can use it like this:
<i class='{{prodStatus.prodStatusInfoIcon}}'></i>
Even simpler, you may want to put the agentPersInfoModel directly in the scope:
scope.agentPersInfoModel = agentPersInfoModel.chng;
and use it in the markup:
<i class='{{agentPersInfoModel.prodStatusInfoIcon}}'></i>
Hope this helps!
Code is not tested but should do the work.


AngularJS 1.4.4: ng-click not working in grid

I have a simple Web UI build in angularJS 1.4.4. I am stuck in a basic problem of the click event in UI grid. On click of eye button and file button in the grid, successnotification() function defined in the controller is not called. Whereas for refresh button, button click is working fine. Below is my code of HTML and Controller
class AccesspointListController {
/* Read me documentation for Grid : */
constructor($rootScope, GridFilters,AccesspointListService, SnapshotController) { = 'accesspointlist';
Object.assign(this, {$rootScope, GridFilters,AccesspointListService, SnapshotController});
this.columnDefs = [
headerName: "Sr No.",
//field: "accessPointDetailsId",
field: "no",
filter: 'number',
filterParams: { apply: true },
cellStyle:{'text-align': 'center'},
headerName: "IP",
//field: "accessPointIP",
field: "ip",
headerName: "Actions",
field: "",
suppressSorting: true,
cellRenderer: function(params) {
return '<button class="btn primary" ng-click="grid.appScope.successnotification(row)"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></button>'+
'<button class="btn primary" ng-click="grid.appScope.vm.successnotification(row)"><i class="fa fa-file-image-o"></i></button>';
this.allOfTheData = require("json!./favCFIC.json")['items'];
this.pageSize = '10';
this.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: this.columnDefs,
//rowData: $scope.allOfTheData,//Load data here for static non paging data.
groupHeaders: false,
enableColResize: false,
enableSorting: true,
suppressRowClickSelection: true,
angularCompileHeaders: true,
angularCompileFilters: true,
enableFilter: true,
icons: {
// use font awesome for menu icons
sortAscending: '<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-asc"/>',
sortDescending: '<i class="fa fa-sort-amount-desc"/>'
}//end constructor
loadData() {
let allOfTheData = this.allOfTheData;
if(allOfTheData.length==0) {
type: 'danger',
msg: 'There is an issue building the data table.',
targetState: 'forms'
} else {
let dataSource = {
rowCount: (this.allOfTheData.length),
pageSize: parseInt(this.pageSize), // changing to number, as scope keeps it as a string
getRows: function (params) {
// this code should contact the server for rows. however for the purposes of the demo,
// the data is generated locally, a timer is used to give the experience of
// an asynchronous call
setTimeout(function() {
// take a chunk of the array, matching the start and finish times
let rowsThisPage = allOfTheData.slice(params.startRow, params.endRow);
// see if we have come to the last page. if we have, set lastRow to
// the very last row of the last page. if you are getting data from
// a server, lastRow could be returned separately if the lastRow
// is not in the current page.
let lastRow = -1;
if (allOfTheData.length <= params.endRow) {
lastRow = allOfTheData.length;
params.successCallback(rowsThisPage, lastRow);
}, 500);
successnotification(){'Success! You\'ve clicked the Add button.', "success");
export default AccesspointListController;
This is my html file.
<section class="container">
<div class="col-md-10 cf">
<div ncy-breadcrumb></div>
<br />
<div id="notificationSpot">
<br />
<br class="cf"/>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<div class="panel panel-default" id="content-formatting">
<div class="panel-heading" align="right">
<label id="lastUpdated">Last Updated : </label>
<label id="lastUpdatedValue">19/2/2018 12:20 AM </label>
<button type="button" class="btn 0" ng-click="vm.redirect()"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></button>
<div ag-grid="vm.gridOptions" class="ag-fresh" style="clear:both; height: 430px; width:100%;" ng-init="vm.loadData()"></div>
<span kendo-notification="vm.notf1" k-position="{ top: 110}" ></span>
<span kendo-notification="vm.notf2" k-append-to="'#notificationSpot'" k-auto-hide-after="0"></span>
Solution: Modify cell renderer code as per below code snippet
cellRenderer: function(params) {
return $compile('<i class="fa fa-eye"></i>')($scope)[0];
You can define and register the callback (onSelectionChanged) in ag-grid:
var gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
suppressRowClickSelection: false, // Important! allow to select the rows
rowSelection: 'single', // option, if you need only one row selected
onSelectionChanged: onSelectionChanged // callback
This callback will fire each time the selection of the ag-grid is changed. You can define the callback:
function onSelectionChanged() {
var selectedRows = gridOptions.api.getSelectedRows();
var selectedRowsString = '';
selectedRows.forEach( function(selectedRow, index) {
if (index!==0) {
selectedRowsString += ', ';
selectedRowsString += selectedRow.athlete;
document.querySelector('#selectedRows').innerHTML = selectedRowsString;
The information is taken from official documentation:
Link to documentation

How to access item data from dxList ,Devextreme Mobile

<div data-bind="dxList: { dataSource: dataSource }">
<div data-options="dxTemplate : { name: 'item' } " >
<div class="list-item" data-bind="text: name"></div>
<div data-bind="dxCheckBox: {value: check }"></div>
<div data-bind="text: 'Save', click: save"></div>
var dataSource = ko.observableArray([]);
dataSource.push({ name: "name1", check: true });
dataSource.push({ name: "name2", check: false });
save: function () {
How to get 'name' and 'check' values inside save function,Devextreme mobile?
You just can use the dataSource array.
var save = function () {
var items = dataSource();
console.log(items[0].name + " - " + items[0].check());
console.log(items[1].name + " - " + items[1].check());
If you want to get only checked items, you can use the jQuery.grep function to filter data.
var items = $.grep(dataSource(), function(item){
return item.check() === true;
Also, I suggest you use the ko.observable() to define the check field of items. It allows you to track changes of the check field.

ui-grid button in cell

So I have been struggling with this for like 2 days and still no clue on what to do...
First of all I'm very new to angular and javascript in general so everything I wrote can (and may) be extremely wrong.
sample data:
'title' : 'awesome title',
'date' : '19-05-2015',
'place' : 'nice place',
'person' : 'Juliet Peterson',
'status' : 'OK'
What I need is, in an existing ui-grid, add a column containing either
if myData.person contains only one persone, this person
if myData.person is empty the text 'No person'
if myData.person contains multiple persons the text 'Choose from' wich on click will popup a list for selection.
My problem is that I am curently unable to get that working. the 2 first cases work fine but i'm struggling for the last one.
We are using bootstrap so my heart goes for either a dropdown list or a popover button
here is my current code:
<div id="grid_post_id" ui-grid="gridPostOpts" ui-grid-edit class="grid"></div>
$scope.choosePerson = function(a) {
if (a.length == 0) {
return 'No person';
} else {
var split = a.split(',');
if (split.length > 1) {
var res = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="right" data-content="';
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
res = res + split[i];
res = res + '">Choose from</button>'
return res;
} else {
return a;
$scope.gridPosteOpts = {
columnDefs : [
name : 'Title',
field : 'title',
enableCellEdit : false
name : 'Person',
cellTemplate : '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">{{grid.appScope.choosePerson(row.entity.person)}}</div>',
enableCellEdit : false
this code is almost working as i got the rigth data in my cell but it is displayed instead of being interpreted as html (ie my cell contains the string '<button type="bu...')
cellTemplate : `
<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-container="body"
data-toggle="popover" data-placement="right"
Choose from
and have choosePerson() just return the data.
You can't inject elements into the DOM using angulars {{}}. It will always be text-only
Finnaly managed to do it by myself using a mix of differents approaches found on SO!
I used #j2L4e template for the case "button needed" and just the text for the othercases; i choose between the two with an ng-if
here is the "final" code:
$scope.containsComma = function(a) {return a.contains(',')};
$scope.choosePersonBis = function(a) {
if (a.length == 0) {
return 'No person';
} else {
var split = a.split(',');
if (split.length > 1) {
var res = '';
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
res = res + split[i];
return res;
} else {
return a;
$scope.gridPosteOpts = {
columnDefs : [
name : 'Title',
field : 'title',
enableCellEdit : false
title : 'Person',
cellTemplate : `
<div ng-if="grid.appScope.containsComma(row.entity.person)"
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"
Choose person
<div ng-if="grid.appScope.notContainsComma(row.entity.person)"
try replace this code
<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">{{grid.appScope.choosePerson(row.entity.person)}}</div>
<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" ng-bind-html="grid.appScope.choosePerson(row.entity.person)"></div>

Angular Select2 formatResult not updating the template

I have a select2 drop down with the following markup:
<select id="selectByName" ui-select2="select2Options" ng-model="selectId" data-placeholder="Select item by name" style="width:250px">
<option ng-repeat='item in items' data-show="{{}}" value="{{}}">
And the js contains the following:
$scope.items (an array that has a id, a boolean show property and a name property)
and the select 2 options:
select2Options : {
allowClear: true,
placeholder:"select a value",
formatResult: function(state) {
var $elem = angular.element(state.element),
isVisible = $'show');
return isVisible ? '<span style="color:red">'+state.text+'</span>':
<span style="color:blue">'+state.text+'</span>';
Well, the ng-repeat updates correctly the html markup and sets data-show attribute to either true or false, but the formatResult function does not update this value.
In the html source the data-show="true" and in the formatResult function $'show') = false;, why doesn't it update while the function is called every time the select2 is opened?
Here is made a plunker that illustrates my question: .It looks the formatResult updates the results correctly only once before opening the select2 for the first time.
$scope.select2options = {
allowClear: true,
placeholder: "select a value",
formatResult: function(state, container) {
var $elem = angular.element(state.element);
var scope = $'$scope');
if (scope !== undefined) {
isVisible = scope.$eval($'show'));
$scope.dataShow[$elem.attr('value')] = isVisible;
return isVisible ? '<span style="color:red">' + state.text + '</span>' :
' <span style="color:blue">' + state.text + '</span>'
The key part is grabbing the $scope data from the jqLite element and then calling $eval, which evaluates an unparsed string expression in the context of the scope. If we had used $scope.$eval, it would have used the controller $scope, which wouldn't have the ng-repeat on it. By grabbing it from the element we have a scope that has access to the item property for the ng-repeat.
Having said that I don't recommend using this code (sometimes jQuery widgets force you into unpleasant corners when working with angular). Again if you find yourself manipulating angular.element or using $element in a controller you probably should use a directive instead. Then again we programmers have to deal with non-ideal constraints (time, money, etc.) that prevent us from working "ideally" so given your context this may be a decent solution.
Let me know if any of my explanation doesn't make sense.
Is this what you want?
$scope.items = [{
id: 1,
show: false,
name: 'test1'
}, {
id: 2,
show: true,
name: 'test2'
}, {
id: 3,
show: true,
name: 'test3'
$scope.selections = [1, 2];
$scope.getStyleForIndex = function (index) {
var item;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) {
if (i === index) {
item = $scope.items[i];
return ? { color: "red" } : { color: "blue" };
$scope.select2options = {
allowClear: true,
formatResult: function(item, container) {
var color = $scope.getStyleForIndex(parseInt(, 10)).color;
container.html('<span style="color:' + color + '">RESULT ' + item.text + '</span>');
formatSelection: function(item, container) {
container.append($compile('<span ng-style="getStyleForIndex(' + + ')">SELECTION ' + item.text + '</span>')($scope));
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
{{ }}
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="" />
<select ui-select2="select2options" ng-model="selections" style="width:200px" multiple="true" ng-options=" as for i in items"></select>

Issue with view updation in AngularJS directive

I am using the following directive for 'add tag' functionality in my application:
directives.addTag = function ($http) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('keypress', function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) { /*If enter key pressed*/
if (!scope.$ { //For KShare
var newTagId = "tagToNote";
else { //For KB
var newTagId = "tagToAddFor" +;
var tagValue = element[0].value;
if (tagValue == "")
if (!scope.$ {
scope.addTagButtonClicked = false;
else {;
scope.addTagButtonClicked = false;
element[0].value = "";
This is the HTML code for rendering the tags:
<div class="tagAdditionSpan" ng-repeat="tag in post.tags" ng-mouseenter="hover = true" ng-mouseleave="hover = false">
<span class="deleteIconSpan" ng-class="{deleteTagIcon: hover}" ng-click="$parent.deleteTag($index,$parent.$index);"></span>
I have a textbox to add tags when a user types the name of the tag in it and presses 'Enter' key. On page load, I am statically populating 1 tag into the 'tags' array.
I am even able to add tags using the tags and it is reflected in the view. However after adding 2 or 3 tags, it starts misbehaving and the view is no longer updated with the added tags.
I tried debugging this and found that it is being updated in the '' array but is not reflected in the view.
What am I doing wrong?
Based on the comments received, I was able to solve the issue. 'ng-repeat' used to break the loop on addition of duplicate tags and hence the view was not updated accordingly.
This fixed the issue(added 'track by' in ng-repeat):
<div class="tagAdditionSpan" ng-repeat="tag in post.tags track by $index" ng-mouseenter="hover = true" ng-mouseleave="hover = false">
<span class="deleteIconSpan" ng-class="{deleteTagIcon: hover}" ng-click="$parent.deleteTag($index,$parent.$index);"></span>
