AngualrJS - What is a Modal - angularjs

I read in a lot of the forums and support websites about modal used/defined in angularJS apps.
I don't mean module and surely not model.
Can anyone tell me more about what the modal is?

The Modal plugin is a dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page:
You can use it through angular with bootstrap for angular here


Looking for comparable tooltip capability for AngularJS that cluetip gave me

I've gotten the code from the post Angular-ui tooltip with HTML working but it's capabilities are not near what cluetip gave me. Things like not having automatically aligning based on screen position and other options make it not very useful for me. You can see the capability I'm wanting with Angular when you hover over the details buttons on the page
Is there anything comparable to cluetip in the angular world? has anyone done an integration with angular and cluetip?
you could mod a popover element from with css to do the same

AngularJs:How to create a tooltip in angularjs

We are trying to determine what tooltip plugin we should use for web page that uses AngularUI to get an effect like this (or close to this)
the angular-ui popover plugin with some custom html and css would do the job:

Floating Box in AngularJS

I'm sorry if my topic doesn't suit my question. I'm new to Angular and I'm practicing by building an app. I want to achieve this kind of effect:
I have a button and when the button is clicked, I want to have a floating box like this. What is the best way to do this in Angular? If I would do it, I put the HTML of the box in my view and call a controller method every time the button is clicked to toggle the display of the block (using ng-show). Is that a good method? What method would you recommend? Thanks!
Use the angular ui bootstrap popover directive.
Here is a link:
You will have to edit the template to inject custom html though.
Hope this helps.

AngularUI Bootstrap Modal with Video flickers while loading

I am trying to display an AngularUI based Bootstrap Modal window which has embedded YouTube videos in iframes. Everything works fine but while loading the modal window flickers at least once before the entire modal content is loaded.
From whatever I researched I can understand that Bootstrap modal opens up before the contents are loaded completely and the iframes in which the Youtube videos are embedded is causing it.
Any idea why this is happening and suggestions to avoid the flicker will be appreciated.
adding ng-cloak to the template used for the dialog fixed the same issue for me.

Modal window using jquery in cake php

I am new babies to cakephp.I need to create the modal window using jquery in cakephp.
So can anybody sugggest me step by step process for that.I mean how to include the jquery library file needed for modal window in cakephp.
And where to create the jquery function for modal window to open using div in particular view page.
I look at the cakephp site but not much help.
So I really appreciate for any advice.
