I have a list of results with images and line text that varies in word length. It will most of the time exceed items list row height with ons-lazy-repeat. How can I make use of calculateItemHeight to adjust the height that varies accordingly? I've searched basically online for days but it seems there's not much documentation for it, nor anyone that has raised or facing the same issue as me :(
Sorry for no code sample, I can try to get a small sample at some point. But hoping someone has seen this behavior before.
I have a DHTMLxGrid (3.0) that was created from an HTML table. The column widths are set using grid.setColumnWidthsP. When you click on the header to sort the columns, it continually expands the widths of most of the columns. If I remove the setColumnWidthsP and allow the grid to calculate the widths, it works fine. Another issue that might be tied to it, the sort image never appears. Again both items work fine if the column widths are not set by percentages.
Please, check width of your HTML table. if it has the relative sizes it may expand to the parent.
If the problem still occurs for you please, provide any kind of snippet or a complete demo, where the problem can be reconstructed.
You can also try to create a snippet here:
I am trying to clip a raster so that the clipped raster would have the same minimum and maximum values for the color band as the original raster.
For example if i clip the raster with this command:
create table clipped AS SELECT
ST_Clip(rast,ST_MakePolygon(ST_GeomFromText ('LINESTRING(424920
424920 7371476,425432 7371476,425432 7370964,424920 7370964) ')) ) FROM original;
I get the following result:
So the clipped raster has band minium value as 0 and maxium value as 20. Instead of that, i want it to be exactly same as the 'original' raster: from 0 to 33.
I am new for PostGIS, but i have tried to find an answer for a while to this question but i haven't found anything. I have tried the functions like ST_Reclass but with no success. What is the proper way to do this with PostGIS?
Why is that happening?
The reason that your range changes is because your maximum value (33 in your case) is not contained within the area you clipped. This is not a bad thing, its just a fact. It's not a PostGIS thing, its just a clipping thing.
Can we find a solution?
I'm guessing that the real problem you want solved is that the two rasters look very different in QGIS. That's really easy to fix! I'll show you how with some example data.
Exmaple Data
Here's what we're starting with:
Link to image because I don't have enough rep to embed an image yet, I guess...
Double click on the "clipped" layer to open up the "Layer Properties" window and select the Style tab from the list on the left side of the window
Locate the text window for "Max" and change it to 33 to match your original raster. This picture may help. It's worth noting that you may run into a case where your Minimum is different in the clipped raster as well like it is here. You can adjust that in the same fashion.
Apply your changes and watch them work!
I have a chart which has a maxValue for y-axis hardcoded to 100. Is there a way I can make this dynamic? Because my counts normally are ones and tens but can go up to thousands or even ten thousands. If thats the case then the column wont even render and chart will be blank since maxValue is only 100.
I inspected my chart object in debugger and saw I have access to its axes and digged down further and got access to maximum config.
this.getChart().axes.items[0].maximum = maxValHere;
I have been trying to find out specific ways of improving the load times of a treeview element that contains 1500 flat nodes. At the moment it takes over 15 seconds to expand a single node.
I have tried the suggestions regarding virtualisation but its my understanding that virtualisation basically avoids loading and rendering elements that cannot be seen. Correct?
If so, what happens when you expand an element where there are 1500 items within that single expansion, does it not then need to load those 1500 items?
It seems obviously, if I split up my TreeView so that each time 10 elements were added, it added another folder. So you couldn't view the whole treeview at once. This is NOT really an option for me.
So is there a way of possibly background loading the tree element add, so that I can display the treeview even while its loading items?
This is the only solution I can think of but I have yet to come across a way of being able to update the UI and not be blocking at the same time.
Virtualization is the logical way to go.
Math is your friend here:
Let's, for the sake of argument, assume that 1 node takes up an insanely small 5 vertical pixels. A screen with a height of 7500 pixels would be able to show all 1500 nodes.
Cutting the number in half to 750 nodes would still require a height of 3750 pixels.
If we take a more reasonable height for one node, I think the default is 19, a decent 4K monitor would be able to show around 200 of them.
I'm currently running on a 1920x1200 monitor, with scaling at 100% (strangely called "smaller"). Explorer, with the ribbon collapsed, shows me 43 items. 2000 pixels would give me around 73 items in view. And the items in Explorer are pretty much as small as I would want them to be without going blind.
Bottom line: You're unlikely to run in to the problems with virtualization.
For anybody coming across this question. Ensure you haven't wrapped (or even have a scrollviewer) in the same grid as your treeview.
It completely disables virtualisation without warning.
I have an app that creates a variable number of ScatterviewItems based on which tagged object is placed on the surface table.
The ScatterViewItems are added programatically to the ScatterView based on info looked up in a DB
The Scatterview does a good job of displaying this info
However, I would like them to be
evenly distributed across the table and
not have any items overlapping
Any ideas how to do that?
Sounds like you need collision detection.
There's two parts to this problem: detection and resolution. Detection is seeing if any item's bounding intersects with any other item's bounding. If the items are retangular or circular this is pretty straightforeward. It can get complex if you're dealing with other geometries.
Resoltion is what to do once you've detected a collision. Google will help you find the myriad algorithms for this. Here's a couple links to stackoverflow discussions: WPF: Collision Detection with Rotated Squares, Applying Coefficient of Restitution in a collision resolution method, Best way to detect collision between sprites?.
You can implement collision to work so that items bound off of each other as they scatter. Depending on the number of items, this might cause so much collision that the items don't scatter well. If this happens, just run the collision detection one items have stopped moving.
UniformGrid ?
You can also create your own panel by iheriting from Panel.
You will find some uber-valuable info in the Dr. WPF ItemsControl How-To series : http://drwpf.com/blog/itemscontrol-a-to-z/
That's a must-read, period.
ScatterViewItem has properties Center and Orientation which you can use to programmatically position items. If you know the size of each item you should be able to use these properties to position them in whichever way is ideal for your situation. By hooking into the Loaded event of each and checking ActualWidth/ActualHeight, you can get the dimensions. If you can use a fixed initial size for all of your SVIs, that's even easier.
You could lay them out by calculating a simple grid (plus some randomness to make it look more natural), or you may be looking for what's called a "force directed layout", which gives each object a repellent force relative to its size. After a while the elements will naturally be evenly spaced from one another, though they may still overlap if they run out of room. I haven't seen a WPF example of this, but see flare.prefused.org/demo (layout > force) for what I mean in Flash.