App size on Apple Store - file

I am using Unity 5.2.0. I developed my game for iOS and android. my android size is 23 MB. I upload and publish my game on apple store, and size is 142 MB for iPhone, 140 MB for iPad, and 43 MB on my macbook iTunes app. What is the reason/problem?

There can be many reasons. The most significant could be unity's new il2cpp compiler wich generates much bigger builds on ios devices than mono.
There are many threads on the official forums about this topic. Take a look here and here


ARKit - Issue with ARSession

I'm trying to create ARSession, using ARKit with Xcode 9 beta (for iOS 11). But it seems not working properly.
Code I've tried is:
override func viewDidLoad() {
// configure session
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration()
configuration.planeDetection = .horizontal
// run session
Can anyone help? Code is almost correct according to Apple Documentation.
You have problem with View controller's life cycle. According to apple guideline for ARSession, it Session can after you view is loaded completely. I mean, user view will appear to run your session.
Here is apple document for the same: Building a Basic AR Experience
Also, look at following sample.
ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration supports only iOS devices with an A9 processor or later.
As per Apple doc:
On iOS devices with an A9 processor or later, the
subclass provides high-precision motion tracking and enables features to help you place virtual content in relation to real-world
On other devices supported by ARKit, the ARSessionConfiguration base
class provides basic motion tracking that permits slightly less
immersive AR experiences.
iPhone and Processors:
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus has A8 processor.
iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus has A9 processor.
iPhone 7, iPhone 7plus has A10 processor
There is another problem due to iOS11 beta1 bug, iOS 11 Beta 1 Release Notes And Known Issues According To Apple
This means you need an iPhone 6S or better to use ARKit(ARSessionConfiguration) at the current time. Until the iOS11 beta2 release...
2017.07.13 update
My iphone6 had update to iOS11 beta3, and it can run ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration, amazing!
2017.09.07 update
iphone6 can not run ARWorldTrackingConfiguration in recently iOS11 beta...... :(
You need to also initialize a SCNScene and add it to the ARSCNView.
let scene = SCNScene()
sceneView.scene = scene
I usually do this before I set up the session too. Android SDK size is too big

Is there any lightweight version of the android sdk? Since its size is larger than my whole app. The SDK is 11Mb vs 9Mb of my app. It ends up being larger than 20Mb.
Yes, is big because card scanning is not trivial. You're welcome to excluse all the *.so files if you just want a manual entry form. Example documentation of this is found in the PayPal Android SDK
You may be happy because iOS version is a way bigger.
After including this Framework, a source code is about 300 MB larger, but a whole application's build (IPA file) is let's say, only an about 30 MB in total.

Realistic memory usage for MLT Framework project?

I am trying to render a video project that I created with kdenlive. It is about 50 minutes long and contains a dozen short 1080p video clips and several hundred still images (mostly 18MP). melt runs and proceeds to consume all 4GB of my RAM, at which point it is killed by the kernel.
I have tried both mlt 0.9.0 that came with Ubuntu 14.04, and I have tried the latest version, 0.9.8, that I compiled myself. No difference.
Is this indicative of a problem with melt, or is it just not realistic to render this kind of project with only 4GB of RAM?
Do you have 4 GB free RAM before launching melt? I do expect a project of that complexity and resolution to consume near 4 GB. You can readily remove half the project contents and make a test to see how it compares. There is a workaround that requires editing the project XML to set autoclose=1 on the playlists, but that is not set by default since it only works with sequential processing and will break handling in a tool that seeks such as Kdenlive.

Smartphone browser emulator

Im trying to test my website on different kind of devices, for example iphone, tablets or androids. The problem is i do not have access to all of those devices and every so called online emulator doesnt really emulate anything else besides resolution.
So say iphone related issue doesnt appear on my computer.
My question would be whats the best paid or free service that would provide me the tools needed to test my website on as many different devices as possible?
Just to name a few so far i tried:
None of them displayed same issues that im having on the actuall device.
For Android, you can install the SDK, which includes a device emulator that runs Android in (basically) a virtual machine. This virtualized copy of Android includes the browser, so you can use it for testing your site. You can create virtual Android devices with a variety of screen sizes, so you can test your design on both phones and tablets.
Note that if you want decent performance from the emulator, you should configure it to run an x86 system image (as opposed to ARM), and install the HAXM add-on (available through the SDK manager app) that enables the emulator to use your processor's virtualization support. This allows the emulator to run the Android system directly on your real processor, instead of having to emulate a processor. You should also enable the "use host GPU" option so that graphics in the emulated Android device can be hardware-accelerated instead of rendered in software.

Tools to operate a mobile using a desktop PC

I have used software named my mobiler which displays the screen of any Windows Mobile connected to a desktop PC and allows the user to control the mobile from the desktop.
Are there other similar software available in the market for S60 or Series 40 Nokia mobiles.
My Mobiler is very cool - like Remote Desktop but for a phone.
The Nokia PC Connectivity API doesn't quite do the same thing, as it provides a set of APIs to let you control the phone and get data from it. Neither do the Series 40 or Series 60 emulators, as the phone is emulated rather than real.
Given the significant technology differences between S60, S40 and Windows, I'd be surprised to see this change any time soon.
Now, Maemo (as running on the N900) is a different kettle of fish altogether. Quite remarkably someone has ported VNC there which should do the job just nicely.
