AngularJS: Sending Authentication Headers over Websocket - angularjs

I am having difficulty authenticating requests to a WebSocket API.
The Site I am working with ( provides a REST API and a WebSocket API.
Both of their API's allow authentication with an API Key.
Authentication Requirements
The API provides the following documentation for authentication with API Keys:
Authentication is done by sending the following HTTP headers:
api-expires: a UNIX timestamp in the future (eg: 5 seconds).
api-key: Your public API key. This the id param returned when you create an API Key via the API.
api-signature: A signature of the request you are making. It is calculated as hex(HMAC_SHA256(verb + url + nonce + data)).
I've created a NodeJS module for sending requests to the REST API, I've defined the following headers
headers = {
"User-Agent": "BitMEX NodeJS API Client",
"api-expires": expires,
"api-key": this.api_key,
"api-signature": this.signMessage(verb, reqUrl, expires, params)
where the signMessage function looks like:
BitMEX.prototype.signMessage = function signMessage(verb, url, nonce, data) {
if (!data || _.isEmpty(data)) data = '';
else if(_.isObject(data)) data = formatParameters(data);
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', this.secret).update(verb + url + nonce + data).digest('hex');
This works great for the REST API and does everything I need it to in the backend of my application.
WebSocket API
I am trying to use WebSocket get realtime data and display it in a browser based interface.
The documentation on the site states:
To use an API Key with websockets, you must sign the initial upgrade request in the same manner you would sign other REST calls.
I've been implementing this in AngularJS using the ng-websocket module.
exchange.dataStream = $websocket('wss://');
exchange.dataStream.onMessage(function incoming (message) {
console.log("BitMEX: WS MESSAGE RECEIVED: " +;
// .. handle data here ...
The problem that I've run into is I can't find anyway to send the headers using ng-websocket that are needed for authentication.
If I am presently logged in to BitMEX from another tab in my browser, this will connect, get the data, and work as expected.
However, if I am not currently logged in to the site, it will throw the following error:
BitMEX: WS MESSAGE RECEIVED: {"status":401,"error":"Not authenticated.","meta":{},"request":{"op":"getAccount"}}
There is a python example provided here: that goes through the Authentication process,
but I haven't found a way to accomplish this in AngularJS.
#1) When logged in to BitMEX, and the Websocket is working, is Chrome somehow using the website's cookies to authenticate the websocket requests?
Looking at an overview of websockets here:
The initial handshake upgrades the connection from "HTTP" to the WebSocket protocol,
#2) Because this initial connection is over HTTP, is there any way to attach the headers required to this initial HTTP request?

If you read the Python example, the first thing it sends is {"op": "authKey", "args": [API_KEY, nonce, signature]} then it sends {"op": "getAccount"}
Python example line #44 and line #51
How Chrome does it is another question.


Using Google OAuth with React-Django Application

I am working on a web application with ReactJs frontend and Django backend. In this app, I will need to send calender notifications to the users and overall need a user authentication feature for which I planned to use google oauth. From react, I am able to log in the user and get the access tokens but since they expire in an hour, I planned to get the authorization code and use it to get the refresh/access tokens from the backend whenever a user logs in/needs to send API request. The issue is that I am not able to find any good resource on how to get refresh tokens from the backend given I have the authorization code. Most of the HTTP based methods I have found are very outdated and I have searched some of the google documentation but have not found anything worthwhile. Since I could not find any package that would handle this, I have been trying to send POST request to the URL mentioned here ( but only get a 400 response. Below are 2 methods I have tried.
to_send={'code':user_data['code'], 'client_id': cl_id , 'client_secret': cl_secret,
'redirect_uri':'http://localhost:3000/', 'grant_type':'authorization_code'}'', data=to_send)
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('path/key.json')
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes([''])
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(scoped_credentials)
response = authed_session.request('POST', '', data = to_send)
Ive also tried other things like creating a flow object.
flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file( JSON_PATH, scopes=API_SCOPE)
flow.redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URL
credentials = flow.credentials
where user_data['code'] is the authorization token and I get the error
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InvalidGrantError: (invalid_grant) Bad Request

React SignalR - Do not send bearer token in URL

I am writing an application which has just failed pen testing for the following:
Authorisation Token is being sent in the URL:
This is happening automatically when sending to the Hub which uses Azure AD authorisation.
constructor (hub: string) {
this.hubName = hub;
this.hub = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl(`${this.hubURL}${hub}` , {
skipNegotiation: true,
transport: HttpTransportType.WebSockets,
accessTokenFactory: () => {
return `${getToken()}`
I've scoured for documentation, however I was wondering if there was a way to connect and send requests without exposing the bearer token within the URL?
From the documentation
When using WebSockets or Server-Sent Events, the browser client sends
the access token in the query string. Receiving the access token via
query string is generally secure as using the standard Authorization
header. Always use HTTPS to ensure a secure end-to-end connection
between the client and the server. Many web servers log the URL for
each request, including the query string. Logging the URLs may log the
access token. ASP.NET Core logs the URL for each request by default,
which will include the query string. For example:
And from this documentation
In standard web APIs, bearer tokens are sent in an HTTP header.
However, SignalR is unable to set these headers in browsers when using
some transports. When using WebSockets and Server-Sent Events, the
token is transmitted as a query string parameter.
Seems to me you could disable WebSockets and Server-Sent events. See this question on how to remove WebSockets or Server-Sent events. But then you fallback to long polling or forever frame, and you may not want that.
Since your URL in your question is https I wouldn't bother that much if you have disabled the request logging.
Changing the log level for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting could be done in your appsettings.json
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting": "Warning"

NodeJS and AngularJS - Secure REST API with Client Certificate Authentication

I am currently working on making my REST Api Server (NodeJS + Express + Mongoose) secure, so nobody, except my client application (AngularJS 1.6) and my admin application (based on AngularJS 1.6), can access the routes and fetch or put data into my database. Everything is running on https with a valid SSL certificate.
I mainly thought about two approaches:
Shared secret keys where specific routes needs an "access key"
Client certificate authentication
I went with no. 2, because in my thoughts this is the most secure (please correct if I am wrong :))
So I set up my API Server to run on https and request a valid client certificate:
var options = {
ca: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert/"),
key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert/server.key"),
cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/cert/server.crt"),
requestCert: true,
rejectUnauthorized: false
https.createServer(options, app)
.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`up and running #: ${os.hostname()} on port: ${PORT}`);
console.log(`enviroment: ${process.env.NODE_ENV}`);
I handle the rejection of unathorized users directly in the app via:
if (!req.client.authorized) {
var cert = req.socket.getPeerCertificate();
console.log("unauthorized: ", cert);
return res.status(401).send('Not authorized!');
And here the problems begin :). On every request my client application does I receive an error:
401 - not authorized
I thought that the client application is sending the SSL certificate with every request (or if requested by nodejs) via "requestCert" and everything is working just fine. But it seems to be a bit more complicated.
In my file I currently have the certificate chain which I received from the CA.
In console.log the transmitted certificate in the request, but its always empty.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to configure Angular to send it along with every request? Any suggestions?

Include cookies in HTTP requests when using the Google Cloud Endpoints JavaScript client

I am currently making API calls to my backend using the Google Cloud Endpoint generated JavaScript Client. The problem is the cookies for my page are not being added to the HTTP requests. How can I add the Gitkit gtoken cookie to my request.
Backend is Google App Engine Java
Using Goole Cloud Endpoints to build my API
Using the Google Cloud Endpoints JavaScript web client loaded as follows gapi.client.load('myApi', 'v1', resourceLoaded, '');
I have already configured Google Cloud Endpoints, on the backend, to allow cookies. auth = #ApiAuth(allowCookieAuth = AnnotationBoolean.TRUE)
My endpoint looks as follows.
#ApiMethod(path = "user-account")
public UserAccount get(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
GitkitUser gitkitUser = Gitkit.validate(httpRequest); // returns null
Cookie[] cookies = httpRequest.getCookies();
log.severe("# of cookies: " + cookies.length);
for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
log.severe("cookie name: " + cookie.getName());
log.severe("cookie value: " + cookie.getValue());
* Logs 1 for # of cookies, with a cookie name of "G_ENABLED_IDPS"
* a value of "google". No gtoken cookie, even though I have
* checked and there is one!
I am making calls with the Google Cloud Endpoints JS client as so.
gapi.client.myApi.userAccountResource.get().execute(function (resp){
Is there something I have to do to make sure the Endpoints JS client includes the gtoken cookie in it's request?
You better add screenshots of cookies storage + request headers and create a plunker/jsfiddle/jsbin to reproduce the problem.
There are chances that cookies are not set or not send to server. You need to localize where is a problem. If it's sent over wire by browser then issue is on server side. If it's in cookies storage but not sent it's client issue. If it's not in storage there is just nothing to sent and it's a different problem to find out why they are not at client at all.
You can view cookies & requests headers in devtools of your browser. And yes, cookies are send automatically if not expired and match to host & path prefix.

CSRF token in angular is different of Laravel 5

I have a project split up in backend and frontend, the backend (API rest) is built in Laravel 5 and frontend in AngularJS. Both project are independent and they are supposed to be hosted on different servers.
In the first request I obtain the CSRF token from Laravel with this code:
var xhReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://laravel.local/api/token", false);
So the CSRF_TOKEN is sent each time that I make a request to API, like this:
$scope.deleteTodo = function(index) {
$scope.loading = true;
var todo = $[index];
$http.defaults.headers.common['XSRF-TOKEN'] = CSRF_TOKEN;
$http.delete('http://laravel.local/api/deleteTodo/' +, {headers : {'XSRF-TOKEN': CSRF_TOKEN}})
.success(function() {
$scope.todos.splice(index, 1);
$scope.loading = false;
The API always return:
TokenMismatchException in compiled.php line 2440:
Is it right that Laravel changes the CSRF Token with every request from Angular? On every request, Laravel creates a new file on storage/framework/sessions. Do you recommend any other solution to validate that requests to API come from a safe origin?
In token-based authentication, cookies and sessions will not be used. A token will be used for authenticating a user for each request to the server.
It will use the following flow of control:
The user provides a username and password in the login form and clicks Log In.
After a request is made, validate the user on the backend by querying in the database. If the request is valid, create a token by using the user information fetched from the database, and then return that information in the response header so that we can store the token browser in local storage.
Provide token information in every request header for accessing restricted endpoints in the applications.
4.request header information is valid, let the user access the specified end point, and respond with JSON or XML.
This Can be Achieved by Jwt (Json web Token).got this information from This link.
So, what is this JWT?
JWT stands for JSON Web Token and is a token format used in authorization headers. This token helps you to design communication between two systems in a secure way. Let's rephrase JWT as the "bearer token" for the purposes of this tutorial. A bearer token consists of three parts: header, payload, and signature.
The header is the part of the token that keeps the token type and encryption method, which is also encrypted with base-64
The payload includes the information. You can put any kind of data like user info, product info and so on, all of which is stored with base-64 encryption.
The signature consists of combinations of the header, payload, and secret key. The secret key must be kept securely on the server-side.
The tutorial with example can be Found here Token-Based Authentication With AngularJS & NodeJS.
Hope that this will solve your problem,All the Best!!
