How to get progressbar working? - angularjs

I am just starting out with angular and trying to create a progressbar with a directive:
var module = angular.module("app", []);
module.directive("progressbar", function () {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function (scope, element) {
for (var i = 0; i<100;i++) {
element.css("width", i / 100 + "%");
<div ng-app="app">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" progressbar></div>
It enters the loop but nothing is displaying? This is a link to a fiddle:

First of all, your progress-bar doesn't have height, so its height is 0px. Please set some height.
Secondly, your progress should be (i+1) not (i/100), since width is from 0% to 100%. Otherwise, width would be from 0.01% to 0.99%.
Thirdly, I think you misunderstand what link is for. link must be completed before any directive is rendered, so you won't see progress-bar growing animation. The app will waits for loop inside link to finish before displaying.
What you need to do is $watch some directive attribute for loading progress. There are many way to implement this, this is just one of the way:


Change the view based on screen size

I am aware of a similar question being asked before:
Change the templateUrl of directive based on screen resolution AngularJS
This was first asked over a year ago and since then AngularJS got changed a bit. I am curious to find out if there are any other ways to achieve something similar as I haven't found many information about templateUrl swapping, so maybe I am barking up the wrong tree here.
I have a single page app without any routes.
<body ng-app="App">
// lots of html same for both desktop/mobile
// even more here
template 1:
template 2:
I would like to render template 1 when the screen goes below 700px and template 2 otherwise. The templates change just what is inside my-dir directive. For example Template 1 renders list and template 2 renders table.
Another requirement would be to make it responsive if possible(aka templates would change as you resize the window)
At the moment I can use the solution from the above questions but are there any other ways to do it?
In your controller:
$scope.includeDesktopTemplate = false;
$scope.includeMobileTemplate = false;
var screenWidth = $window.innerWidth;
if (screenWidth < 700){
$scope.includeMobileTemplate = true;
$scope.includeDesktopTemplate = true;
html template:
<body ng-app="App">
<p ng-if="includeMobileTemplate">Mobile</p>
<p ng-if="includeDesktopTemplate">Desktop</p>
Hope it helps
You can add window resize and scroll event listener on my-dir directive:
angular.module("App").directive('myDir', ['$window', '$timeout', function($window, $timeout){
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {},
<p ng-if="showFirstTemplate">Mobile</p>
<p ng-if="showSecondTemplate">Desktop</p>
link: function(scope, element, attr){
function checkTemplateVisible(event){
//use $timeout to make sure $apply called in a time manner
//pageYoffset is equal to window scroll top position
if($window.pageYOffset > 700){
scope.showFirstTemplate = true;
scope.showSecondTemplate = false;
scope.showFirstTemplate = false;
scope.showSecondTemplate = true;
//scroll event make sure checkTemplateVisible called on browser scrolling
$window.on('scroll', checkTemplateVisible)
//resize event make sure checkTemplateVisible called on browser resizing
$window.on('resize', checkTemplateVisible)

how to get event when user scroll to top in angular js?

could you please tell me how to get event when user scroll to top .Actually I am using ng-repeat in my example .I want to get event when user scroll to bottom and scroll to top .I have one div in which I used ng-repeat can we get event of top when user move to top after scrolling.Actually I need to show alert when user scroll to bottom and top of div in angular .here is my code
<body ng-controller="MyController">
<div style="width:90%;height:150px;border:1px solid red;overflow:auto">
<div ng-repeat="n in name">{{}}</div>
You could put directives on your scrollable div that listen to the scroll event and check for the top or bottom being reached.
So, using your HTML, your div would look like this:
<div exec-on-scroll-to-top="ctrl.handleScrollToTop"
style="width:90%;height:150px;border:1px solid red;overflow:auto">
<div ng-repeat="n in name">{{}}</div>
With new directives exec-on-scroll-to-top and exec-on-scroll-to-bottom added. Each specifies a function in your controller that should execute when the particular event the directive is checking for occurs.
exec-on-scroll-to-top would look like this, just checking for the scrollable div's scrollTop property to be 0:
myapp.directive('execOnScrollToTop', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var fn = scope.$eval(attrs.execOnScrollToTop);
element.on('scroll', function (e) {
if (! {
console.log("scrolled to top...");
And exec-on-scroll-to-bottom would look like this (keeping in mind that an element is fully scrolled when its (scrollHeight - scrollTop) === clientHeight):
myapp.directive('execOnScrollToBottom', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var fn = scope.$eval(attrs.execOnScrollToBottom),
clientHeight = element[0].clientHeight;
element.on('scroll', function (e) {
var el =;
if ((el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop) === clientHeight) { // fully scrolled
console.log("scrolled to bottom...");
Here's a plunk. Open the console to see messages getting logged when the scrolling reaches the top or bottom.
This is a non angular way, but you can wrap it up in a directive which also allows reuse:
Use Javascript event listener:
div.addEventListener('scroll', function(){
//do your stuff
Make sure to use $apply if you make any changes to the scope variables inside this listener.

AngularJS scroll directive - How to prevent re-rendering whole scope

I have an AngularJS Application with a scroll directive implemented as the following:
app = angular.module('myApp', []); ($rootScope) {
$rootScope.var1 = 'Var1';
$rootScope.var2 = function () { return Math.random(); };
app.directive("scroll", function ($window) {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function() {
if (this.pageYOffset >= 100) {
scope.scrolled = true;
} else {
scope.scrolled = false;
The HTML looks the following:
<div ng-app="myApp" scroll ng-class="{scrolled:scrolled}">
<div class="vars">
I only want the class scrolled to be added to the div once the page is scrolled more than 100px. Which is working just fine, but I only want that to happen! I don't want the whole scope to be re-rendered. So the function var2() should not be executed while scrolling. Unfortunately it is though.
Is there any way to have angular only execute the function which is bound to the window element without re-rendering the whole scope, or am I misunderstanding here something fundamentally to AngularJS?
See this fiddle:
This seems to be a topic about a similar problem:
Angularjs scope.$apply in directive's on scroll listener
If you want to calculate an expression only once, you can prefix it with '::', which does exactly that. See it in docs under One-time binding:
Note, this requires angular 1.3+.
The reason that the expressions are calculated is because when you change a property value on your scope, then dirty check starts and evaluates all the watches for dirty check. When the view uses {{ }} on some scope variable, it creates a binding (which comes along with a watch).

How to get on('mousedown', ....) from the child element in angularjs

I got this simple drag example from angularjs docs.
here is a plunk fork
However, I am trying to get to the child node's actions so it will drag only when clicked on the child element. I have tried :
var elementDrag=element[0].getElementsByClassName('dragThis');
elementDrag.on('mousedown', function(event) {
// Prevent default dragging of selected content
startX = event.pageX - x;
startY = event.pageY - y;
$document.on('mousemove', mousemove);
$document.on('mouseup', mouseup);
Any ideas on how to approach this without using jQuery?
Here is a quick and dirty implementation to get you started with:
Try it out and let me know if you still have questions. The controller code needs some cleaning ;-).
The implementation is based on two directives that communicate with each other. The outer directive (draggable-content) exposes an API allowing the inner directive (draggable-control) to perform de drag.
.directive('draggableControl', function($document) {
return {
require: '^draggableContent',
// The 4th arg of the link fn, ctrl, is the controller of the outer directive draggableContent
link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
// more code
The markup is straightforward:
<body ng-app="drag">
<div draggable-content>
<div draggable-control class="dragThis" style='border: 1px solid yellow; background:white;'>Drag here only</div>
DO NOT drag here<br><br><br>or here</div>
Based on #apairet plunkr, I was able to finish the directive.
Here is what I fixed:
function mouseup() {
$'mousemove', ctrl.mousemove);
$'mouseup', mouseup);
ctrl.y = event.screenY - ctrl.startY;
ctrl.x = event.screenX - ctrl.startX;
Thank you, I learned about "^require".

How to force angular to render outside elements from the custom directive?

I need a small help in angularjs,
please have a look on this
code (chrome browser):
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<ul id="names">
<li ng-repeat="item in Items track by $index">{{}} </li>
<ak-test items="Items">
<div id="result">
var app = angular.module("app",[]);
$scope.Items = [
$scope.Title = "Main";
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {
items: "="
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
// var e =$compile('<li ng-repeat="item in Items track by $index">{{}} </li>')(scope);
// $("#names").append(e);
var lilength = $("#names li").length;
var html ='<div> from angular ak-test directive: '+lilength+'</div>';
$("#result").html('from jquery: '+$("#names li").length);
I have created a custom directive and trying to access an element from the view which in the ng-repeat above my custom directive
The problem is, in the directive it was saying ng-repeat not rendered yet.
Here is the problem
I have two elements
List of elements
Based on the above rendered elements I have to draw a line between elements like a connection. I have to wait till the above elements to get render then only I can read the x,y positions and can draw a line.
Both elements and the connections are scope variables. As per my understanding both are in the same scope and execution flow starts from parent to child and finishes from child to parent. How can I force above ng-repeat rendering part to complete before starting the custom directive?
is there any alternative available in angular to solve this dependency?
It's been a while, so my Angular is getting a bit rusty. But if I understand your problem correctly, it's one that I have run into a few times. It seems that you want to delay processing some elements of your markup until others have fully rendered. You have a few options for doing this:
You can use timeouts to wait for the page to render:
$timeout(function() {
// do some work here after page loads
}, 0);
This generally works ok, but can cause your page to flash unpleasantly.
You can have some of your code render in a later digest cycle using $evalAsync:
There is a good post on that topic here: AngularJS : $evalAsync vs $timeout. Typically, I prefer this option as it does not suffer from the same page flashing issue.
Alternatively, you can look for ways to refactor your directives so that the dependent parts are not so isolated. Whether that option would help depends a lot on the larger context of your application and how reusable you want these parts to be.
Hope that helps!
I would create a directive for the whole list, and maybe a nested directive for each list item. That would give you more control I would think.
Thanks a lot for your quick response #Royce and #Lori
I found this problem causing because of ng-repeat I have solved it in the following way..
Created a custom directive for list elements and rendered all elements in a for loop before the other directive start. This fix solved the problem temporarily but i'll try the $evalAsync and $timeout too :)
var app = angular.module("app",[]);
$scope.Items = [
$scope.Title = "Main";
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace : false,
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var _renderListItems = function(){
for(var i=0;i<scope.Items.length; i++)
var li ='<li> '+ scope.Items[i].name +' </li>';
scope.$watch('Items.length', function (o, n) {
}, true);
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {
items: "="
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var lilength = $("#names li").length;
var html ='<div> from angular ak-test directive: '+lilength+'</div>';
$("#result").html('from jquery: '+$("#names li").length);
