Mask or not mask when converting int to byte array? - c

Say you have a integer and you want to convert it to a byte array. After searching various places I've seen two ways of doing this, one with is shift only and one is shift then mask. I understand the shifting part, but why masking?
For example, scenario 1:
uint8 someByteArray[4];
uint32 someInt;
someByteArray[0] = someInt >> 24;
someByteArray[1] = someInt >> 16;
someByteArray[2] = someInt >> 8;
someByteArray[3] = someInt;
Scenario 2:
uint8 someByteArray[4];
uint32 someInt;
someByteArray[0] = (someInt >> 24) & 0xFF;
someByteArray[1] = (someInt >> 16) & 0xFF;
someByteArray[2] = (someInt >> 8) & 0xFF;
someByteArray[3] = someInt & 0xFF;
Is there a reason for choosing one over the other?

uint8 and uint32 are not standard types in C. I assume they represent 8-bit and 32-bit unsigned integral types, respectively (such as supported by Microsoft compilers as a vendor-specific extension).
Anyways ....
The masking is more general - it ensures the result is between 0 and 0xFF regardless of the actual type of elements someByteArray or of someInt.
In this particular case, it makes no difference, since the conversion of uint32 to uint8 is guaranteed to use modulo arithmetic (modulo 0xFF + 0x01 which is equal to 0x100 or 256 in decimal). However, if your code is changed to use variables or arrays of different types, the masking is necessary to ensure the result is between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
With some compilers the masking stops compiler warnings (it effectively tells the compiler that the expression produces a value between 0 and 0xFF, which can be stored in a 8 bit unsigned). However, some other compilers complain about the act of converting a larger type to an 8 bit type. Because of that, you will sometimes see a third variant, which truly demonstrates a "belts and suspenders" mindset.
uint8 someByteArray[4];
uint32 someInt;
someByteArray[0] = (uint8)((someInt >> 24) & 0xFF);
someByteArray[1] = (uint8)(someInt >> 16) & 0xFF);
someByteArray[2] = (uint8)((someInt >> 8) & 0xFF);
someByteArray[3] = (uint8)(someInt & 0xFF);


Copy low-order bytes of an integer whilst preserving endianness

I need to write a function that copies the specified number of low-order bytes of a given integer into an address in memory, whilst preserving their order.
void lo_bytes(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t no_bytes, uint32_t val)
I expect the usage to look like this:
uint8 dest[3];
lo_bytes(dest, 3, 0x44332211);
// Big-endian: dest = 33 22 11
// Little-endian: dest = 11 22 33
I've tried to implement the function using bit-shifts, memcpy, and iterating over each byte of val with a for-loop, but all of my attempts failed to work on either one or the other endianness.
Is it possible to do this in a platform-independent way, or do I need to use #ifdefs and have a separate piece of code for each endianness?
I've tried to implement the function using bit-shifts, memcpy, and
iterating over each byte of val with a for-loop, but all of my
attempts failed to work on either one or the other endianness.
All arithmetic, including bitwise arithmetic, is defined in terms of the values of the operands, not their representations. This cannot be sufficient for you because you want to obtain a result that differs depending on details of the representation style for type uint32_t.
You can operate on object representations via various approaches, but you still need to know which bytes to operate upon. That calls for some form of detection. If big-endian and little-endian are the only byte orders you're concerned with supporting, then I favor an approach similar to that given in #P__J__'s answer:
void lo_bytes(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t no_bytes, uint32_t val) {
static const union { uint32_t i; uint8_t a[4] } ubytes = { 1 };
memcpy(dest, &val + (1 - ubytes.a[0]) * (4 - no_bytes), no_bytes);
The expression (1 - ubytes.a[0]) evaluates to 1 if the representation of uint32_t is big endian, in which case the high-order bytes occur at the beginning of the representation of val. In that case, we want to skip the first 4 - no_bytes of the representation and copy the rest. If uint32_t has a little-endian representation, on the other hand, (1 - ubytes.a[0]) will evaluate to 0, with the result that the memcpy starts at the beginning of the representation. In every case, whichever bytes are copied from the representation of val, their order is maintained. That's what memcpy() does.
Is it possible to do this in a platform-independent way, or do I need to use #ifdefs and have a separate piece of code for each endianness?
No, that doesn't even make sense. Anything that cares about a specific characteristic of a platform (e.g. endianness) can't be platform independent.
Example 1 (platform independent):
// Copy the 3 least significant bytes to dest[]
dest[0] = value & 0xFF; dest[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; dest[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
Example 2 (platform independent):
// Copy the 3 most significant bytes to dest[]
dest[0] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; dest[1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; dest[2] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;
Example 3 (platform dependent):
// I want the least significant bytes on some platforms and the most significant bytes on other platforms
dest[0] = value & 0xFF; dest[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; dest[2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
dest[0] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; dest[1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; dest[2] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;
Note that it makes no real difference what the cause of the platform dependence is (if it's endianness or something else), as soon as you have a platform dependence you can't have platform independence.
int detect_endianess(void) //1 if little endian 0 if big endianes
uint16_t u16;
uint8_t u8[2];
}val = {.u16 = 0x1122};
return val.u8[0] == 0x22;
void lo_bytes(void *dest, uint8_t no_bytes, uint32_t val)
memcpy(dest, &val, no_bytes);
memcpy(dest, (uint8_t *)(&val) + sizeof(val) - no_bytes, no_bytes);

how to split 16-value into two 8-bit values in C

I don't know if the question is right, but.
Example, a decimal of 25441, the binary is 110001101100001. How can i split it into two 8 bit "1100011" and "01100001"( which is "99" and "97"). However, I could only think of using bit manipulation to shift it by >>8 and i couldn't do the rest for "97". Here is my function, it's not a good one but i hope it helps:
void reversecode(int input[], char result[]) { //input is 25441
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
result[i] = input[i] >> 8; // shift by 8 bit
printf("%i", result[i]); //to print result
I was thinking to use struct but i have no clue for starting it. i'm a beginenr in C, and sorry for my bad style. Thank you in prior.
The LSB is given simply by masking is out with a bit mask: input[i] & 0xFF.
The code you have posted input[i] >> 8 gives the next byte before that. However, it also gives anything that happened to be stored in the most significant bytes, in case int is 32 bits. So again you need to mask, (input[i] >> 8) & 0xFF.
Also avoid bit-shifting on signed types such as int, because if they have negative values, you invoke poorly-specified behavior which leads to bugs.
The correct way to mask out the individual bytes of an int is this:
// 16 bit system
uint8_t bytes [sizeof(int)] =
((uint16_t)i >> 0) & 0xFF, // shift by 0 not needed, of course, just stylistic
((uint16_t)i >> 8) & 0xFF,
// 32 bit system
uint8_t bytes [sizeof(int)] =
((uint32_t)i >> 0) & 0xFF,
((uint32_t)i >> 8) & 0xFF,
((uint32_t)i >> 16) & 0xFF,
((uint32_t)i >> 24) & 0xFF,
This places the LSB at index 0 in this array, similar to Little Endian representation in memory. Note however that the actual bit-shift is endianess-independent, and also fast, which is why it's a superior method.
Solutions based on unions or pointer arithmetic depend on endianess and are often buggy (pointer aliasing violations), so they should be avoided, as there is no benefit of using them.
you can use the bit-masking concept.
Like this,
uint16_t val = 0xABCD;
uint8_t vr = (uint8_t) (val & 0x00FF);
Or this can also be done by simply explicit type casting, as an 8-bit integer only carries LBS 8-bits from 16-bits value, & discards the remaining MSB 8-bits (by default, when assigns a larger value). This all done after shifting of bits.

Casting in C: gotchas

I am programming an Atmel SAMD20 in C. I came upon an error, that I have now fixed, but I'm not quite sure why it happened in the first place. Can someone point it out to me? (it's probably far too obvious, and I'm going to facepalm later.)
An array of sensors is generating uint16_t data, which I converted to uint8_t to send over I2C. So, this is how I originally wrote it:
for (i = 0; i < SENSBUS1_COUNT; ++i)
write_buffer[ (i*2) ] = (uint8_t) sample_sensbus1[i] & 0xff;
write_buffer[(i*2)+1] = (uint8_t) sample_sensbus1[i] >> 8;
Here, write_buffer is uint8_t and sample_sensbus1 is uint16_t.
This, for some reason, ends up messing up the most significant byte (in most cases, the most significant byte is just 1 (i.e. 0x100)). This, on the other hand, works fine, and is exactly what it should be:
for (i = 0; i < SENSBUS1_COUNT; ++i)
write_buffer[ (i*2) ] = sample_sensbus1[i] & 0xff;
write_buffer[(i*2)+1] = sample_sensbus1[i] >> 8;
Clearly, the implicit cast is smarter than I am.
What is going on?
write_buffer[(i*2)+1] = (uint8_t) sample_sensbus1[i] >> 8;
This is equivalent to:
write_buffer[(i*2)+1] = ((uint8_t) sample_sensbus1[i]) >> 8;
As you see, it does the cast before it does the shift. Your most significant byte is now gone.
This should work, though:
write_buffer[(i*2)+1] = (uint8_t) (sample_sensbus1[i] >> 8);
Your cast converts the uint16_t to uint8_t before it does the shift or mask. It is treated as though you wrote:
write_buffer[ (i*2) ] = ((uint8_t)sample_sensbus1[i]) & 0xff;
write_buffer[(i*2)+1] = ((uint8_t)sample_sensbus1[i]) >> 8;
You might need:
write_buffer[ (i*2) ] = (uint8_t)(sample_sensbus1[i] & 0xff);
write_buffer[(i*2)+1] = (uint8_t)(sample_sensbus1[i] >> 8);
In practice, the uncast version is OK too. Remember, a cast tells the compiler "I know more about this than you do; do as I say". That's dangerous if you don't know more than the compiler. Avoid casts whenever you can.
You might also note that shifting (left or right) by the size of the type in bits (or more) is undefined behaviour. However, the ((uint8_t)sample_sensbus[i]) >> 8 is not undefined behaviour, because of the 'usual arithmetic conversions' which mean that the result of (uint8_t)sample_sensbus[i] is converted to int before the shift occurs, and the size of an int cannot be 8 bits (it must be at least 16 bits to satisfy the standard), so the shift is not too big.
This is a question of operator precedence. In the first example, you are first converting to uint8_t and are applying the & and >> operators second. In the second example, those are applied before the implicit conversion takes place.
Casting is a unary prefix operator and as such has very high precedence.
(uint8_t) sample_sensbus1[i] & 0xff
parses as
((uint8_t)sample_sensbus1[i]) & 0xff
In this case & 0xff is redundant. But:
(uint8_t) sample_sensbus1[i] >> 8
parses as
((uint8_t)sample_sensbus1[i]) >> 8
Here the cast truncates the number to 8 bits, then >> 8 shifts everything out.
The problem is in this expression:
(uint8_t) sample_sensbus1[i] >> 8;
It is doing the following sequence:
Converting the sample_sensbus1[i] to uint8_t, effectively truncating it to the 8 least significant bits. This is where you are losing your data.
Converting the above to int as a part of usual arithmetic conversions, making an int with only 8 lower bits set.
Shifting the above int right 8 bits, effectively making the whole expression zero.

what does a[0] = addr & 0xff?

i'm currently learning from the book "the shellcoder's handbook", I have a strong understanding of c but recently I came across a piece of code that I can't grasp.
Here is the piece of code:
char a[4];
unsigned int addr = 0x0806d3b0;
a[0] = addr & 0xff;
a[1] = (addr & 0xff00) >> 8;
a[2] = (addr & 0xff0000) >> 16;
a[3] = (addr) >> 24;
So the question is what does this, what is addr & 0xff (and the three lines below it) and what makes >> 8 to it (I know that it divides it 8 times by 2)?
Ps: don't hesitate to tell me if you have ideas for the tags that I should use.
The variable addr is 32 bits of data, while each element in the array a is 8 bits. What the code does is copy the 32 bits of addr into the array a, one byte at a time.
Lets take this line:
a[1] = (addr & 0xff00) >> 8;
And then do it step by step.
addr & 0xff00 This gets the bits 8 to 15 of the value in addr, the result after the operation is 0x0000d300.
>> 8 This shifts the bits to the right, so 0x0000d300 becomes 0x000000d3.
Assign the resulting value of the mask and shift to a[1].
The code is trying to enforce endianness on the data input. Specifically, it is trying to enforce little endian behavior on the data. Here is the explaination:
a[0] = addr & 0xff; /* gets the LSB 0xb0 */
a[1] = (addr & 0xff00) >> 8; /* gets the 2nd LSB 0xd3 */
a[2] = (addr & 0xff0000) >> 16; /* gets 2nd MSB 0x06 */
a[3] = (addr) >> 24; /* gets the MSB 0x08 */
So basically, the code is masking and separating out every byte of data and storing it in the array "a" in the little endian format.
unsigned char a[4]; /* I think using unsigned char is better in this case */
unsigned int addr = 0x0806d3b0;
a[0] = addr & 0xff; /* get the least significant byte 0xb0 */
a[1] = (addr & 0xff00) >> 8; /* get the second least significant byte 0xd3 */
a[2] = (addr & 0xff0000) >> 16; /* get the second most significant byte 0x06 */
a[3] = (addr) >> 24; /* get the most significant byte 0x08 */
Apparently, the code isolates the individual bytes from addr to store them in the array a so they can be indexed. The first line
a[0] = addr & 0xff;
masks out the byte of lowest value by using 0xff as a bit mask; the subsequent lines do the same, but in addition shift the result to the rightmost position. Finally, the the last line
a[3] = (addr) >> 24;
no masking is necessary anymore, as all unneccesary information is discarded by the shift.
The code is effectively storing a 32 bit adress in a 4 chars long array. As you may know, a char has a byte (8 bit). It first copies the first byte of the adress, then shifts, copies the second byte, then shifts, etc. You get the gist.
It enforces endianness, and stores the integer in little-endian format in a.
See the illustration on wikipedia.
also, why not visualize the bit shifting results..
char a[4];
unsigned int addr = 0x0806d3b0;
a[0] = addr & 0xff;
a[1] = (addr & 0xff00) >> 8;
a[2] = (addr & 0xff0000) >> 16;
a[3] = (addr) >> 24;
int i = 0;
for( ; i < 4; i++ )
printf( "a[%d] = %02x\t", i, (unsigned char)a[i] );
printf("\n" );
a[0] = b0 a[1] = d3 a[2] = 06 a[3] = 08
I addition to the multiple answers given, the code has some flaws that need to be fixed to make the code portable. In particular, the char type is very dangerous to use for storing values, because of its implementation-defined signedness. Very classic C bug. If the code was taken from a book, then you should read that book sceptically.
While we are at it, we can also tidy up the code, make it overly explicit to avoid potential future maintenance bugs, remove some implicit type promotions of integer literals etc.
#include <stdint.h>
uint8_t a[4];
uint32_t addr = 0x0806d3b0UL;
a[0] = addr & 0xFFu;
a[1] = (addr >> 8) & 0xFFu;
a[2] = (addr >> 16) & 0xFFu;
a[3] = (addr >> 24) & 0xFFu;
The masks & 0xFFu are strictly speaking not needed, but they might save you from some false positive compiler warnings about wrong integer types. Alternatively, each shift result could be cast to uint8_t and that would have been fine too.

Does bit-shifting properly isolate bytes on different endian systems?

I'm attempting to write an integer to a byte buffer. Will the following code always write in big endian format, regardless of the endianness of the system:
byte[0] = (uint8_t) (val & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
byte[1] = (uint8_t) (val & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
byte[2] = (uint8_t) (val & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
byte[3] = (uint8_t) (val & 0x000000FF);
Unfortunately, I don't have access to htonl() and similar functions.
Yes, this will work correctly. The bit-shifting operators deal with the abstract numeric values, not the way they're represented in the hardware registers or RAM. >> N is essentially equivalent to dividing by 2N.
