I am trying to iterate over two 2D arrays. But, somehow iterator skips every alternate element in row. 'bimg' and 'dist'size is 20x12. But, for every row, it iterates over 0, 2, 4 ... columns instead of 0,1,2,3,4, ...
Code snippet:
it = np.nditer([bimg, dist],
flags = ['multi_index', 'multi_index'])
rows, cols = bimg.shape
print "bimg dimensions: ", bimg.shape
print "dist dimensions: ", dist.shape
for cur_b, cur_d in it:
print "MULTI_IDX = ", it.multi_index
bimg dimensions: (20L, 12L)
dist dimensions: (20L, 12L)
MULTI_IDX = (0, 0)
MULTI_IDX = (0, 2)
MULTI_IDX = (0, 4)
MULTI_IDX = (0, 6)
MULTI_IDX = (0, 8)
MULTI_IDX = (0, 10)
MULTI_IDX = (1, 0)
MULTI_IDX = (1, 2)
To understand this issue, if I create array on python prompt and try to iterate over it works correctly:
Correctly working code:
x = np.array(np.arange(240))
x = x.reshape(20,12)
y = np.array(np.arange(240))
y = y + 100
y = y.reshape(20,12)
it = np.nditer([x,y],
op_flags = [['readonly'],['readonly']],
flags= ['multi_index', 'multi_index'])
for a, b in it:
print it.multi_index
MULTI_INDEX = (0, 0)
MULTI_INDEX = (0, 1)
MULTI_INDEX = (0, 2)
MULTI_INDEX = (0, 3)
MULTI_INDEX = (0, 4)
MULTI_INDEX = (0, 5)
I don't see the difference. When I define:
bimg = x
dist = y
I get the same iteration with both clips.
flags only needs 'multi_index' once. It applies to the whole iteration, op_flags to each array:
flags= ['multi_index']
While the documentation describes nditer as efficient multi-dimensional iterator object, it doesn't seem to help much with speed in Python code. In C or Cython is streamlines the whole process of iterating over multiple array.
Here's another way of generating the multi_index. Actually it's not so different. Internally ndindex constructs a dummy array of the desired shape, and returns an iterable. Look at its code.
for i, j in np.ndindex(bimg.shape):
print i,j
According the tutorial Iterating over Array page, the correct way to use multi_index is with the c style iterator:
while not it.finished:
print it.multi_index
I'm not sure why. What are the dtypes of bimg and dist?
from numpy import*
def row():
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in range(len(a[i])):
t = [i, j]
def inp(*m):
a[m] = int(input(f"entert the element of {m} = "))
def out(*o):
a = zeros((1,2), dtype = int)
Output is showing like this:
enter the element of (0, 0) = 2
enter the element of (0, 1) = 3
but I want to show output like this
input at a time like this
enter the element of (0, 0) = 2
enter the element of (0, 1) = 3
output at a time like this
it is possible to do by creating two separate for loop or two function for input and output
but my question is: how can i do it only creating one function
def row():
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in range(len(a[i])):
t = [i, j]
Instead of printing the output right away, save the values and print them after you've finished collecting them:
import numpy as np
def row(a):
values = []
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in range(len(a[i])):
value = get_input(a, i, j)
for value in values:
def get_input(a, *m):
a[m] = int(input(f"enter the element of {m} = "))
return a[m]
a = np.zeros((1,2), dtype = int)
enter the element of (0, 0) = 1
enter the element of (0, 1) = 2
However, there's an even simpler way: since you also set the new elements in your matrix, you don't have to save them separately but can simply print out the matrix values:
for item in a.ravel():
This question already has answers here:
Combinations from range of values for given sizes
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I would like to effectively generate a numpy array of tuples which size is the multiple of the dimensions of each axis using numpy.arange() and exclusively using numpy functions. For example: the size of a_list below is max_i*max_j*max_k.
Moreover, the array that I would like to obtain for the example below looks like this : [(0,0,0), (0,0,1), ..., (0, 0, 9), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), ..., (9, 4, 14)]
a_list = list()
max_i = 10
max_j = 5
max_k = 15
for i in range(0, max_i):
for j in range(0, max_j):
for k in range(0, max_k):
a_list.append((i, j, k))
The loop's complexity above, relying on list and for loops, is O(max_i*max_j*max_k), I would like to use a factorized way to generate a lookalike array of tuples in numpy. Is it possible ?
I like Divakar's solution in the comments better, but here's another.
What you're describing is a cartesian product. With some help from this post, you can achieve this as follows
import numpy as np
# Input
max_i, max_j, max_k = (10, 5, 15)
# Build sequence arrays 0, 1, ... N
arr_i = np.arange(0, max_i)
arr_j = np.arange(0, max_j)
arr_k = np.arange(0, max_k)
# Build cartesian product of sequence arrays
grid = np.meshgrid(arr_i, arr_j, arr_k)
cartprod = np.stack(grid, axis=-1).reshape(-1, 3)
# Convert to list of tuples
result = list(map(tuple, cartprod))
How do I get an array of array with elements like this? Is there an inbuilt scala api that can provide this value (without using combinations)?
val inp = Array(1,2,3,4)
Vector((1,2), (1,3), (1,4)),
Vector((2,3), (2,4)),
My answer is below. I feel that there should be an elegant answer than this in scala.
val inp = Array(1,2,3,4)
val mp = (0 until inp.length - 1).map( x => {
(x + 1 until inp.length).map( y => {
Added combination constraint.
Using combinations(2) and groupBy() on the first element (0) of each combination will give you the values and structure you want. Getting the result as a Vector[Vector]] will require some conversion using toVector
scala> inp.combinations(2).toList.groupBy(a => a(0)).values
res11: Iterable[List[Array[Int]]] = MapLike.DefaultValuesIterable
List(Array(2, 3), Array(2, 4)),
List(Array(1, 2), Array(1, 3), Array(1, 4)),
List(Array(3, 4))
Note This answer is OK only if the elements in the Seq are unique and sorted (according to <). See edit for the more general case.
val v = a.toVector
and by foregoing combinations, I can choose tuples instead and not have to cast at the end
for (i <- v.init) yield { for (j <- v if i < j) yield (i, j) }
v.init.map(i => v.filter(i < _).map((i, _)))
Not sure if there's a performance hit for using init on vector
For non-unique elements, we can use the indices
val v = a.toVector.zipWithIndex
for ((i, idx) <- v.init) yield { for ((j, jdx) <- v if idx < jdx) yield (i, j) }
I have two arrays of strings, say
A = ('abc', 'joia', 'abas8', '09ma09', 'oiam0')
B = ('gfdg', '89jkjj', '09ma09', 'asda', '45645ghf', 'dgfdg', 'yui345gd', '6456ds', '456dfs3', 'abas8', 'sfgds').
What I want to do is simply to count the number of elements of every string in A that appears in B (if any). For example, the resulted array here should be: C = (0, 0, 1, 1, 0). How can I do that?
try this:
A.map( x => B.count(y => y == x)))
You can do it how idursun suggested, it will work, but may be not efficient as if you'll prepare intersection first. If B is much bigger than A it will give massive speedup. 'intersect' method has better 'big-O' complexity then doing linear search for each element of A in B.
val A = Array("abc", "joia", "abas8", "09ma09", "oiam0")
val B = Array("gfdg", "89jkjj", "09ma09", "asda", "45645ghf", "dgfdg", "yui345gd", "6456ds", "456dfs3", "abas8", "sfgds")
val intersectCounts: Map[String, Int] =
A.intersect(B).map(s => s -> B.count(_ == s)).toMap
val count = A.map(intersectCounts.getOrElse(_, 0))
(0, 0, 1, 1, 0)
Use a foldLeft construction as the yield off of each element of A:
val A = List("a","b")
val B = List("b","b")
val C = for (a <- A)
yield B.foldLeft(0) { case (totalc : Int, w : String) =>
totalc + (if (w == a) 1 else 0)
And the result:
C: List[Int] = List(0, 2)
is there any algorithm or method of generating the adjacency matrix for a hypercube for any dimension? say your input is 5 it would create a 5-dimensional hypercube
all i can find are sources from
If you want to generate the vertices of a N-D unit hypercube, you can basically make an N-value truthtable. Here's some code I use for that:
function output = ttable(values)
output = feval(#(y)feval(#(x)mod(ceil(repmat((1:x(1))', 1, numel(x) - 1) ./ repmat(x(2:end), x(1), 1)) - 1, repmat(fliplr(y), x(1), 1)) + 1, fliplr([1 cumprod(y)])), fliplr(values));
and to get the vertices of a 5-D hypercube you can call it like this:
vertices = ttable(ones(1, 5) * 2) - 1;
From here you can calculate the adjacency matrix by finding all vertices that differ by only one bit, i.e.:
adj_list = zeros(2^5, 5);
adj_mat = zeros(2^5, 2^5);
for v=1:2^5
L1_dists = sum(abs(vertices - repmat(vertices(v, :), 2^5, 1)), 2);
adj_list(v, :) = find(L1_dists == 1);
adj_mat(v, find(L1_dists == 1)) = 1;