ng-models name collision inside ng-repeat - angularjs
I used this sample code to build a simple app and I noticed that the edit function doesn't work when you are using ng-models that are repeated in a loop. I know this, because I tried using ng-models outside of the ng-repeat loop and it worked perfectly. So when you have two instances of ng-models with the same name, you get a blank data back when you try to get the values back from the view.
This is my view:
<ul ng-repeat="notes in notes">
<span ng-hide="editing" ng-click="editing = true">{{}} | {{note.content}}</span>
<form ng-show="editing" ng-submit="editing = false">
<input type="text" ng-model="name" placeholder="Name" ng-required/>
<input type="date" ng-model="content" placeholder="Content" ng-required/>
<button class="btn" ng-click="edit(">Save</button>
This is my edit method:
$scope.edit = function (id) {
var note = notesRef.child(id);
var newNote= {
name : $,
content : $scope.content
When I refer to a ng-model inside of ng-repeat, I can only get the value null for some reason. I get the correct value when I refer to ng-models outside of the ng-repeat for some reason.
How do we solve this problem? What's the simplest solution?

The problem is that the item belongs to the scope of the repeat.
If you changed your ng-model to:
<ul ng-repeat="notes in notes">
<span ng-hide="editing" ng-click="editing = true">{{}} | {{note.content}}</span>
<form ng-show="editing" ng-submit="editing = false">
<input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="Name" ng-required/>
<input type="date" ng-model="note.content" placeholder="Content" ng-required/>
<button class="btn" ng-click="edit(note)">Save</button>
Where it's now / note.content.
Then instead of padding the to the edit button, you pass in the entire note i.e ng-click="edit(note)"
Then your controller will get passed the entire note.
$scope.edit = function (note) {
// send note to server via $http, changes to `note` are already made directly to the note itself
Hope that makes sense.

it should be like this. As we know ng-repeats directive create their own new scope.
<ul ng-repeat="bday in bdays">
<span ng-hide="bday.editing" ng-click="bday.editing = true">{{}} | {{}}</span>
<form ng-show="bday.editing" ng-submit="bday.editing = false">
<input type="text" **ng-model=""** placeholder="Name" ng-required/>
<input type="date" **ng-model=""** placeholder="Date" ng-required/>
<button class="btn" type="submit">Save</button>
and here what I understand from your question is that you want to edit only the item on which you have click. this is the solution for the same.
One more solution for the same problem is that create a new function that take one argument that is "bday". make edit true only for this item and set editing false for all others element. this solution is for that case if user doesn't submit the form and click on other item.


get values from each ng-repeat input elements

I have the following code where I have added 5 input texts via ng-repeat and now am trying to fetch each of the input element's values. I am hitting some roadblock, so please help me out on how to fetch individual values.
<form class="quick-add-form" method="post">
<label class="quick-add-label">Enter the catalog number and quantity</label>
<div class="quick-add">
<div class="catalog-list">
<label class="catalog-number-label" for="catalog-number-input">Catalog Number:</label>
<div ng-repeat="values in catalogNumber(number) track by $index">
<input id="catalog-number-input-{{$index}}" class="catalog-number-input"
type="text" ng-model="catalog.description" validate-input>
<div class="qnty-list">
<label class="pdt-qnty-label" for="pdt-qnty-input">Quantity:</label>
<div ng-repeat="values in catalogNumber(number) track by $index">
<input id="pdt-qnty-input-{{$index}}" class="pdt-qnty-input" type="number" pattern="[0-9]*"
inputmode="numeric" min="1" max="999" ng-model ="catalog.quantity" name="qty"
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger cta-button quick-add-btn"
ng-click ="quickAdd(catalog)">Add to List</button>
and controller:
$scope.catalog = {};
$scope.catalogNumber = catalogNumber;
$scope.initializeModal = initializeModal;
$scope.quickAdd = quickAdd;
function catalogNumber(num) {
return new Array(num);
function quickAdd(val) {
function init() {
$scope.number = 5;
$scope.catalog.quantity = 1;
I am pretty sure its because of indexing and which is why by adding value in one input, its adding same value in all at once. But I am not sure how/where to use the $index properly to achieve the result.
Perhaps a better way would be to use the model? For example:
<div ng-repeat="values in catalogNumber(number) track by $index">
Now in your controller:
catalog.description = [];
Then you have an array of objects, which you can perform your math on:
var total = _.sum(Object.values(catalog.description));
Edit: I had forgot I was using Lodash/Underscore there, but if you wanted to use standard JS you could use a standalone method, or reduce etc.,

how to get the result of adding the values of two text box inside angualrjs controller

I want to get the result of adding to two text box value inside a controller
<div ng-app="">
<p>First Number:
<input type="text" ng-model="a" />
<p>Second Number:
<input type="text" ng-model="b" />
<p>Second Number:
<input type="text" ng-model="a+b" />
i will get the value addded but if i use the expression in the model how to get in the controller
and i am getting the error has ngModelSet is not a function
As soon as the user enters the value in two textbox the result of adding two text box should be shown in the 3rd textbox and there is a submit button which give the value to controller how to do it please help
use ng-change="my_operation()".
Dont put the js instructions inside the 'ng-change' because the $scope may be a children of the controller's and you will get display problem.
Write the function my_operation like this:
$scope.my_operation = function() {
$scope.c = $scope.a + $scope.b;
<input type="text" ng-model="my_operation()" value="{{ c }}" />
You need to specify variables in the ng-model directive, not expressions.
So, this is invalid: <input type="text" ng-model="a+b" />
Rather, do c = a + b somewhere and set ng-model="c".
<p>First Number:
<input type="text" ng-model="a" />
<p>Second Number:
<input type="text" ng-model="b" />
<div class="btn" ng-click=submitFnc(a+b) ng-disabled="!a||!b">Submit</div>
in the function
$scope.submitFnc = function(ans) {
$scope.ans = ans;
the previous answer by Pierre Emmanuel Lallemant is also Correct
but you requirement in the description is slight different try this one also.
Try this
<div ng-app="">
<p>First Number:</p>
<input type="text" ng-model="a" />
<p>Second Number: </p>
<input type="text" ng-model="b" />
<input type="text" value="{{ ans }}" />
<button ng-click="finalResult()" class="btn-style">
In Controller
$scope.finalResult = function() {
$scope.ans = $scope.a + $scope.b;

Checkbox not sending false value

I have a rails application which use AngularJS and I have a problem with a form, the problem is that I want to use a checkbox to send values true or false, but it only send true if it's checked and false if it's checked and unchecked after that, but if the user doesn't touch the checkbox, then it's not even sent as parameter.
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="car"> Do you have a car?
What can I do to make it send false if it the user doesn't ever check it?
Edit: The entire form is this, BTW, the form it's about creating a Poll, the car thing was just an example...
<h1>Create Poll</h1>
<form ng-submit="addPoll()" style="margin-top:30px;">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="title"></input>
<div class="form-group">
<textarea type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="description"></textarea>
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="allow_anonymous_answer" ng-false-value="false"> Allow anonymous answers
<div class="form-group">
<label>Welcome message</label>
<textarea type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="initial_message"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Outgoing Message</label>
<textarea type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="final_message"></textarea>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" style="float: right;">Continue</button>
When you hit Continue I make HTTP POST request with Restangular to create a Poll, but the problem is that when I don't touch the checkbox this is what I see in the log of Rails...
Started POST "/polls.json" for at 2016-01-26 14:05:57 -0300
Processing by PollsController#create as JSON
Parameters: {"title"=>"asddddddddddddddda", "description"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "initial_message"=>"asdasdddddddddd", "final_message"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad", "poll"=>{"title"=>"asddddddddddddddda", "description"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "initial_message"=>"asdasdddddddddd", "final_message"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad"}}
Note that the parameter allow_anonymous_answer doesn't even appear, if I check the checkbox then I can see that the parameter is set as true, if I check it and then uncheck it, then it's set as false, but the problem is when the user doesn't even touch this, when this happens then the parameter is not even shown...
Just in case you wanna see, this is the controller of AngularJS...
angular.module('myapp').controller('CreatePollCtrl', ['$scope', 'Restangular',
function($scope, Restangular) {
$scope.addPoll = function() {
var poll = {title: $scope.title, description: $scope.description, allow_anonymous_answer: $scope.allow_anonymous_answer, initial_message: $scope.initial_message, final_message: $scope.final_message};
Restangular.all('polls').post(poll).then(function(response) {
I think you should put a variable in your controller to achieve the binding between your HTML component and your JS code.
I am currently developing an Angular app, and what i do is to initialize all the ng-model variables in the first lines of my controller, so why dont you give a try to this:
In your first controllers lines:
$scope.allow_anonymous_answer = false;
Did you take a look at angular docs:[checkbox]
You can explicitly state what value the checkbox should send when it is not selected using ng-false-value
Add an ng-click to that checkbox and update the model there. Works fine.
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="car" ng-click="updateCar(this)">Do you have a car?</input>
In your controller:
var updateCar = function(checkbox) {
if (checkbox.checked) {
car = false;
else {
car = true;
I solved it...
In the controller
if ($scope.allow_anonymous_answer == null)
$scope.allow_anonymous_answer = false

bind not working for required input field

I've this AngularJS HTML using Bootstrap:
<div class="col-sm-6" ng-app ng-controller="MyController">
<form name="myForm">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" name="input" class="form-control" ng-model="input" maxlength="{{inputMaxLength}}" ng-minlength="{{inputMaxLength}}" ng-maxlength="{{inputMaxLength}}" placeholder="Type input.." aria-describedby="basic-addon2" required />
<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon2" ng-bind="{{inputMaxLength-input.length}}"></span>
<div class="btn-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-primary" ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid">Submit</button>
and this controller:
function MyController($scope) {
$scope.input = "";
$scope.inputMaxLength = 18;
The Bootstrap addon in the field, should always count the remaining characters. The Submit button should be disabled as long the form is not valid.
The button works as aspected, but the "count down" in the add on is always 18.
See this JSFiddle.
You have a typo in ng-min-length, you should have:
instead of
Oh and you should lose the curly braces on ng-bind, you can use one or the other but not both
So either:
<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon2" ng-bind="inputMaxLength-input.length"></span>
<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon2">{{inputMaxLength-input.length}}</span>
(same applies for ng-minlength="{{inputMaxLength}}" ng-maxlength="{{inputMaxLength}}", no need for interpolation here, use ng-minlength="inputMaxLength" ng-maxlength="inputMaxLength" instead)
Note that while the input does not fulfill the requirements ie. larger than minLength and shorter than maxLength input will not have a value.
In this case you can get the value using myForm.input.$viewValue
I have updated you fiddle
This can't work : your ng-validation (ng-minlength) will set $scope.input to null. So your counter wont work.
Besides, you wrote :
ng-bind="{{inputMaxLength - input.length}}"
When angular will work he will replace variables with values. You should wrote :
ng-bind="(inputMaxLength - input.length)"
JS Fiddle

Ng-model does not update view

I have searched thoroughly everywhere and can't seem to find the solution to my problem.
I am trying to make a form to fill in to create new task object onto projects on the website like a scrum backlog or something in Angular and angular-ui.
I use Angular-UI for typeahead functionality for when adding team members to a task, so available members on a project pop-up. I have seen guys with similar problems, but nothing seems to solve it for me. Below is the HTML and the controller. Sorry for the long markup, but I suspect it has to do something with nesting the controllers and mixing the scopes, so I'm including everything relevant.
<div ng-controller="SubmitCreateTaskController">
<div class="modal fade" id="taskModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<span class="sr-only">Close</span>
<h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">New Task</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<form role="form" method="post" name="create-task">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="taskname">Task Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="taskname" ng-model="taskForm.taskName" placeholder="Task Name">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="taskdesc">Description</label>
<textarea class="form-control" id="taskdesc" size="3" ng-model="taskForm.taskDescription" placeholder="Enter a short description here..." rows="2"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="assigneddate">Assigned Date</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="assigneddate" ng-model="taskForm.assignedDate">
<div ng-controller="TypeAheadController">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="contributors">Add Contributors</label>
<input id="contributors" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="contrib.selected" typeahead="member for member in contrib.stream_members | filter:$viewValue"
typeahead-editable="false" typeahead-on-select="contrib.onSelect($item)">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="users">Contributors:</label>
<textarea class="form-control" disabled="disabled" id="users" ng-model="contrib.entered" rows="1"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="taskcomments">Comments</label>
<textarea class="form-control" id="taskcomments" ng-model="taskForm.comment" placeholder="Comments" rows="2"></textarea>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="taskForm.submit()">Add Task</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
.controller('SubmitCreateTaskController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.taskForm = {};
$scope.taskForm.taskName = '';
$scope.taskForm.taskDescription = '';
$scope.taskForm.assignedDate = new Date();
$scope.taskForm.contributors = [];
$scope.taskForm.comment = '';
$scope.taskForm.submit = function(item, event) {
var formData = {name: $scope.taskForm.taskName,
description: $scope.taskForm.taskDescription,
status: 'open',
assigned: $scope.taskForm.assignedDate,
completed: null,
contributors: $scope.taskForm.contributors,
comments: [{body: $scope.taskForm.comment,
user: 'RACHE User',
date: new Date()
var postURL = '../create_task/' + $scope.stream_name;
$, formData)
taskForm = {}; // empty the form of previous input values
alert('New Task Created for ' + $scope.stream_name);
.error(function(res) {
.controller('TypeAheadController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.contrib = {};
$scope.contrib.selected = '';
$scope.contrib.stream_members = undefined;
$scope.contrib.entered = [];
$http.get('/stream_members/' + $scope.stream_name)
.then(function(res) {
$scope.contrib.stream_members =;
$scope.contrib.onSelect = function($item) {
$scope.contrib.selected = '';
This last bit is the important part in 'TypeAheadController'. I am trying to add the poped-up team members to a textarea just below which would be sent to the DB later. That is why I have bound the actual typeahead input box to '' and the "display/post" box to 'contrib.entered', so the search can be continued after adding one member, the search box is cleared, selected member is added to box below, new search can begin. In the mark up I call the last (onSelect) function in the typeahead-on-select callback. This so that I can clear the input box and another member can be easily added without deleting manually. IN this function the entered member should be appended to the array that is bound to below "display/post" box. This happens, since the console log shows good value, the search/input field gets cleared, so the function gets called as well.
The view does not get updated with the updated array bound to display box however. I have tried EVERYTHING. I have googled around and found it here that dot notation needs to be used as Angular can't update with primitives, but this hasn't helped either.
Everything works fine, the logic is good, values are good when I print them out, pop-up works and clears up as expected, but The damn textarea under it does not get updated.
Any suggestions? I have been stuck on this for almost a day now and I am really frustrated by this. I would be ever so greatfull for any help!
Thanks guys in advance!
Textarea do use the value attribute, your code isn't working because contrib. entered isn't between the tags, but because you can not bind the textarea to an array (it needs to bind to a string).
look at this plunker, if you do this in your html:
<textarea class="form-control" disabled="disabled" id="users" rows="1" ng-model="contrib.enteredString"></textarea>
and add this line at the end of your typeahead controller:
$scope.contrib.enteredString = $scope.contrib.entered.toString();
then the text area will update
Textareas don't use the ng-value as their value is contained within the tag. Remove the ng-model and put the value between the tags.
<textarea class="form-control" disabled="disabled" id="users" rows="1">{{contrib.entered}}</textarea>
