Replace HTML JS and CSS files with tampermokey - tampermonkey

Is it possible to replace HTML, JS and CSS files with Tampermonkey?
These files would be hosted on a server and would just replace the files I want like the index.html, a JS files and the main styles CSS.
I could only find how to replace functions of a JS files but not how to replace a file...
This is the only thing i found: (but it's not working)
// ==UserScript==
// #name New Userscript
// #namespace
// #version 0.1
// #description try to take over the world!
// #author You
// #match http://xxx.xx/
// #grant none
// ==/UserScript==
for (var i = document.styleSheets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
document.styleSheets[i].disabled = true;
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = '';
edit: this works for the css file...but the index.html is not linking to it...
Maybe its not possible :)
Thanks for any help.

Try looking at the link and check out (in order) the topics "Cross-Writing Variables" and "Cross-Window HTML." If you do that, you'll understand more about what tampermonkey is doing within the script snippet you're using above and also you should be able to see how to set your existing html document to the default html document that loads.
One side note, there's better ways to perform this process if you have access to install serving languages or frameworks to your server.

If you are using Chromium with extension support check out Resource Override. It does what you want. JS, CSS, HTML, also Modifying Response headers. Can redirected to another URL whether it's remote or localhost, or store the code directly in the plugin.


Why ajax works only for homepage?

I have baked new project. My simple ajax function inserted to ..\templates\Pages\home.php:
function loadDoc() {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
};"GET", "myTest.txt", true);
My myTest.txt is in ..\webroot\ location.
Why this works for homepage, but not for any other created site in project? For all sites except homepage cakePHP can not find my text file. I have tried various locations for this file.
You should use "/myTest.txt" for the URL to open. Without the / on the front, it is interpreted as a relative URL, so if you're at something like /page/2, then it will look for /page/myTest.txt, which doesn't exist.
Take HTTP_ROOT as constant in bootstrap.php holding the base url(site name without sub path).
define the <base href="<?= HTTP_ROOT;?>" /> on the layout->head section. this will help to hit the site without sub-path on ajax request.
you can take a further constant eg-"siteURL" in javascript inline code on the layout's <head> OR a hidden input holding the base path.
Use the constant if you need.
siteURL+(if any further dir under webroot)+'myTest.txt'

Exporting a React Application as static HTML

I've created a new React application. As it stands, it just the template from Visual Studio; New Project -> Asp.Net Core -> React.
When the application runs, there is an element of dynamic content displayed on the screen. What I want to be able to do is to get some kind of HTML dump of this page, such that I could paste it into a static web application and have the same screen rendered.
I've had a look around, and have found a few tools, such as react-snapshot which appear to do what I want; however, it seems to be that you're in or out; that is, you either have it dynamically rendered or statically rendered. I just want a static dump of the HTML, and would like to leave the rendering as is.
For example, inside my Javascript, I have the following code:
const htmlSection = document.getElementById("MyHtml");
// Export Html Here
Is this kind of thing possible and, if so, how can it be achieved in code?
I did like this
const handleExport = () => {
const link = document.createElement("a");
// Create a blog object with the file content which you want to add to the file
const file = new Blob([document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML], { type: 'text/plain' });
// Add file content in the object URL
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(file);
// Add file name = "sample.html";
// Add click event to <a> tag to save file.;
The HTML and module style can be exported, but the problem is that is javascript event can not be remained anymore.
You can use the fs module to read your index file something like this:
fs.readFileSync(path[, options])

How can I de-cache AngularJS templates when they change on the server?

We have an Angular project where the templates have changed numerous times thanks to our "Agile" environment. Browsers seem to strongly cache the templates because of the html file type. This means that when business goes to our dev site after an update, they occasionally see the old templates. How can we make sure that when changes are made to the templates, the user downloads the new template instead of loading from the cache?
We use Jade and to prevent caching, we have a variable based on the time that gets appended to the end of our JS/CSS includes (style.css?v=2012881). Since we already have an 'appVersion' via this variable, I chose to expose that variable using an angular module and constant:
In my main Angular module I have:
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function() {
return {
'request': function(config) {
if(!config.cached && config.url.indexOf('.html') > -1){
if(config.url.indexOf("?") > -1){
config.url = config.url.replace("?","?v="+appVersion+"&");
config.url += "?v="+appVersion;
return config;
Since the templates are loaded using $http.get, I added an interceptor that detects if a request is a request for a template and appends the appVersion to the request if it is. That way we have the same versioning for the CSS, JS, and HTML.
Use tools like grunt-filerev ( for static revisioning. They basically add a file content hash, so that caching becomes impossible.

Pixijs (or similar 2D WebGL/Canvas library): how to organise code?

I'm doing some studies using the Pixijs library, which I find amazing. I'll also have a look into Fabricjs, that seems to have a smaller footprint.
I've been working with Angularjs for some time now and I like conventions, instead of taking time in each project doing configuration and organizing code differently every time.
I would like to hear from some body who experienced Pixijs (or similar) with a framework to organise the code.
I understand that Angularjs is MVVM, but let me know about any tips or suggestion that you may think of?
I did some research this far and a few things came to my mind, such as Browserify (I do believe in convention instead of configuration like I've mentioned though and maybe this wouldn't be the best tool for me).
Kinda old question, but this is something I was looking for myself when starting out with PIXI, so I hope it could be of help to someone to get started.
I use the Revealing module pattern and separate the application into separate files/modules, and then use Browserify to create the application bundle. The HTML loads the app.js bundle which stems from the app.js source below.
index.html: Load your libs (PIXI et al) in <head> and then your app.js in the <body>.
app.js source example:
(function() {
// App.js is the "bootstrap" that loads dependencies, takes care of pre-loading etc.
// I have a template of this which I copy into any new project and use as a checklist.
var core = require("./core.js"); // Use a dummy module as application-wide namespace for easy access
// Any external modules (f eg node modules) could go here
core.utilityLib = require("node-lib");
// Application modules here
core.myModule = require("./myModule.js");
// core.myModule2 = require("./myModule2.js"); // .. you get the idea
// Our main application module
core.main = require("./main.js");
// Init function to run when DOM/scripts have loaded
var init = function() {
// I have a generic screen module which sets up PIXI renderer depending on device compatibility using Modernizr (or weapon of choice). To keep it simple for the sake of the example, lets just create our renderer directly:
core.renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(screen.innerWidth,screen.innerHeight,{resolution:window.devicePixelRatio});
// I also use a generic loader module that wraps PIXI.loader, taking a list of assets from a config file. Let's just call PIXI.loader directly for now:
.on('progress', loadProgressFunction)
window.onload = init; // Tell browser to call init function when loaded
// Optional loading progress bar
var function = loadProgressCallback(e) {
// Call when mandatory assets has been loaded
var loadCompleteFunction = function() {
myModule.init(); // Init any mandatory modules, f eg to instantiate a player
main.init(); // Tell our main application/game module that we're ready to do fancy stuff
// Method to make things move
var animate = function() {
// Send juice to modules that needs to be juiced (or use a ticker module on per-module basis).
// core.main.animate();
requestAnimationFrame(animate); // See comment below
Comment: PIXI has an built-in requestAnimationFrame alias that takes care of fallback. If not using PIXI, you could use Paul Irish' gist.
module.exports = {}; // Just a dummy object to create a module scope that all the modules
// can use to communicate with each other, without running into circular reference problems
// Main application/game module
module.exports = (function() {
// Dependencies
var core = require("./core.js"); // This way we can easily access all the necessary modules
// Exports
var exports = {}; // Everything put into this object will be "public"
// Vars
var stuff = 1; // Module vars
exports.init = function() {
// Application magic starts here :)
// Some other public method ...
exports.publicMethod = function() {
// Some private method
var privateMethod = function() {
return exports; // Expose public functions to other modules
Any additional modules can be organized in pretty much the same way as main.js.
Run browserify dev/app.js > html_root/app.js each time you want to "compile" your bundle (or create a Makefile, gulp-, node-, or webpack-script - whichever you prefer).

What's the best way to use Symfony2 to serve AngularJS partials?

I'm not sure how I should be serving partials from Symfony to Angular.
I was thinking I should set up a route in Symfony, and then have the controller output the file?
I wasn't sure however how to simply output a file from the controller (i.e. no twig stuff, not really rendering anything, etc.) And will this method cache it properly?
For example,if I want angular to download partials/button.html, should I set up a route like:
pattern: /web/partials/{partial}
defaults: { _controller: AcmeWebBundle:Partials:show, _format: html }
Then, in my controller have,
public function showAction() {
return file_get_contents(' ... path to file ...');
That obviously doesn't work.. I'm not sure how to output just a straight file without going through twig. Or maybe all my partials should just be twig files (just without any twig stuff in them)?
If you wanted to return the contents like that you would need to add the contents of the file to the response body.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
public function showAction() {
return new Response(file_get_contents(' ... path to file ...'),200);
But really you should just let your web server serve the file. What I do is put my partials in a sub folder under the web directory:
Then just call them and because the file exists symfonys rewrites should ignore it by default and just serve the file.
Another method (mentioned here) is to put the files in your bundle's Resources/public folder, then run
php app/console assets:install --symlink
(where web is the actual directory web/)
This will generate symlinks in the web directory pointing to the public directories. So, if you have:
it'll be available at:
