Angular js UI grid is not getting updated with new content - angularjs

I am calling $http.get to get new content from the server for angular ui grid. On change of date in the datepicker I trigger an ng-change event to make another http call to get new content. The call is successful but the grid is not updated with new content.$scope.grid.core.notifyDataChange() throws error when called inside the http success call back.Please suggest ways to update the grid with new content.
Please find the plnkr code. when I click load button, I want to update grid with new JSON data using http call but it is not updating grid.

The problem with your example is inside $http's success method(lines 256-260).
$scope.roData = data;
There you are just putting your data inside a scope property ($scope.roData), but then you're not doing anything with that scope property.
Furthermore you're trying to assign a wrong value to with the lines:
if($ ==='rData'){
$ = 'roData';
But you did 2 mistakes:
Treating variables as string, and this is not going to work. Inside your JS files you need to access your scope with $scope.nameOfVariable not by using their names as strings like 'nameOfVariable'.
You put these lines outside of your success method, so they are executed before you actually get your data.
I managed to edit your plunker and make it work, you can find it here.
What I did was putting your lines together and fix the name error. I did not put there any if since I don't know what logic you wanted to accomplish.
$scope.roData = data;
$ = $scope.roData;


Prevent Firebase $firebaseArray auto update

I am working on a News Feed that is similar to Facebook News Feed. I am implementing it in the following sequence:
When app is started, get everything, but only push two item to show.
The user can scroll down to see more and I will add more to the list.
If there are any new items, the user needs to pull to refresh to add the new ones.
The only problem I have right now is that each time an item is added, $firebaseArray automatically adds the new item to my array that I do not want snyc changes (I want to query once, get a set list). I was wondering if anyone would know how to prevent the auto update?
Look into .once this will allow you to get the data just once:
Instead of binding directly your $firebaseArray to the view, clone it to a scope (or controller) property that will be bound to the view. Factorize this process in a function you can call when the user pull-reloads so the the $firebaseArray is re-created.
A more appropriate approach would be to use Firebase's http api, with the angular $http service.
Edit: to clone the array to a scope var, try the following:
var allEvents = $firebaseArray(queryOfeverything);
$scope.allEvents =, function(event) {
return event; // you may want to replace this line - I am not very familiar with firebase.

Refresh data on change in scope variable

I'm using AngularJS for an external web project.
I'm stuck with the update interval of the page as the JSON data I get is from the html div from inside the page, JSON data is being sent from policy.
I'm using
$scope.json_data = angular.element(document).find('#idofthejsondiv').html();
The div gets different JSON data for every 'x' seconds.
How can I update the page on the change in the divs value?
try this:
$scope.$watch (
function () {
return angular.element(document).find('#idofthejsondiv').html();
function (newValue) {
console.log (newValue);
// do stuff with the new value...
but it has to be mentioned that this doesn't seem like a appropriate structure of your app. the data in the div has to be changed somewhere somehow by some service. the better approach would be to intercept this service whenever it puts the changes to the div and do whatever you want with that new content

Angular data is not binding in $ success method

I found one weird issue while working in angular js
I am getting data using ajax call. I am binding data to $scope object but view is not getting updated after data bind
following is my code
$scope.getPlanDetail = function (){
$rootScope.planBody.checkUpdate= false;
$scope.dataVal = response;//Able to view data in console;
console.log($scope.dataVal)//data json shown in log window
localStorage.setItem("tempDataVal", JSON.stringify(response));//able to set data in localStorage;
getPlanDetail() function is getting called on btn click using ng-click
Same functionality I have done in other case(using get method.) where code is working properly. The only diff I found is that current AJAX call is taking to much of time because of too much of server side processing and its post method I am not sure whether this(using post method) is causing issue in binding
On same view(.html) I added dummy button ng-click event. After ajax success call I click on button and view is loaded because of data use from localStorage variable.
$scope.dummyClick= function(){
console.log($scope.dataVal);//giving Undefined
$scope.dataVal = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("tempDataVal"));// this time view binded properly.
I didn't understand why data is not bind to view in success method. Does the $scope time out after some time if server takes too much time to respond?
Thanks in Advance.
If you are changing the model inside an ajax call then you need to notify the angular js that you have some changes.
$scope.$apply(); after the below line will fix your issue. This line will update the scope.
$scope.dataVal = response;

ng-table , getData called more than once, why?

For some reason when getData uses angular resource to bring the data it is being called twice, causing the resource to do it REST request twice too <--- bad...
Any idea why and how to solve it?
Here a working testcase/plunker example that recreates this scenario (look at the browser console - "getData being called...." displayed twice ) b.t.w as you can see I'm not really using the resource to bring real data, just to demonstrate the scenario, In my real app I do use the resource to bring real data and its being called twice just like in this example,
Thanks ahead
After looking into the src of the ng-table I noticed the following
$scope.$watch('params.$params', function(params) {
$scope.params.settings().$scope = $scope;
}, true);
Which means that the tables calls it 'getData' on count/filter/group/groupBy/page/sorting
which explains the behavior I was seeing.
When you call params.count(...) you ask ng-table to refresh data as you change page size. That's why you have two get-data calls.
If you don't want to have paging, then remove calls params.count and
If you need paging, then set page size and do not change it in getData.
This happened to me with a weird reason. getData get called twice on init (first load) only. changing page or sorting didn't call getData twice. The reason was that at init the ng-table directive was hidden in the template file.
Thank #Alexander Vasilyev. I understood my problem as you said. I want to explain a litte more here. In fact, the object "params" is the object configuration the table ng-table, then if "params" changed (ex: count or a property of the object), ng-table will invoke function getData() to refresh table.
In my case, I want to get information in the object "params" and change it but I dont want to refresh ng-table. I did it by cloning object "params" et work his object copied. Clone the object in JS with jQuery :
var resultParams = jQuery.extend(true, {}, params.$params);
And then, I will work on the object resultParams instead of "params" original.

ExtJs determine visibility on form load

In Extjs 3.4 I have a fairly large form that is being populated from an ajax call via someForm.getForm().load({url: someplace, etc}) which is working flawlessly. The problem I can't seem to get around though, is that there are several comboboxes and checkboxes that determine if another field is visible and allowBlank.
As per the answer on a similar question I have tried using the actioncomplete event on the form but the fields do not have values at that point. I've also tried using the success event of the load() call but get the same issue.
Is there any other ways of getting this functionality from the form.load() call?
Edit - here is my load call:
var panel = Ext.getCmp('someFormID');
method: 'GET',
url: 'ajax_get_request.aspx?id=' + id,
success: function (form) {
// This will error: object is null or undefined
I'm relatively new to Extjs so maybe I'm just missing something here...
Not sure why hooking into success callback of Ext.form.BasicForm.load() fails for you, but I can propose an alternative approach.
I usually use explicit Ext.Ajax.request() call to load data into Then in request()'s success callback I load data into form using Ext.form.BasicForm.loadRecord(). If you need to act upon loaded values, you can do it in the same callback.
I do it this way, because I like to have original values from the server stored somewhere aside.
