opkg --force-downgrade - how does it work? - package

I am trying to bring a package to an earlier version using opkg running this --force-downgrade opkg command, but it seems it doesn't behave like it should. Did this option work for anybody so far? And if so, how shoud I use it?
It seems to me that once you installed the latest version of a package you are stuck with it and can't get to another version without removing the package and installing it again.

I assume you have an earlier version of the ipk on the system and your are trying to call "opkg install --force-downgrade"?


How to install cinterop tool in Windows/Ubuntu

I am following this tutoriel to use C library in Kotlin (Android Studio) https://jonnyzzz.com/blog/2018/05/28/minimalistic-kn/ But I can’t find the how to install/download the cinterop tool both in Windows and Ubuntu I have the error “cinterop: command not found” ! Does anybody please knows how to install cinterop ? Thank you in advance
This tool is a part of the kotlin-native distribution, and it does not make any sense to use it without the Kotlin/Native compiler. So, in fact, you would like to get all the distribution here, and install it correctly.There are three main approaches to the Kotlin/Native installation. All of them are described in the documentation.
Installing it with the IntelliJ IDEA. You should just get an IDE and let it install everything on its own. It will download all tools and put them to the following location: ~/.konan/kotlin-native-prebuilt-<osName>-<kotlinVersion>/bin/. Then you will be able to add this folder to your PATH and call the tool from CLI.
Installing using the Gradle build system. Quite similar, but this one will require manual installation of the Gradle. The first run will also download all tools and pack them to the same location as in the IDE case.
Installing the CLI tool. This looks like the most appropriate way to follow the tutorial, but won't help a lot when you start working on more sophisticated projects. In general, you should just download the latest version of the Kotlin/Native, unpack it to some folder and add this folder to your PATH.

How do I manually upgrade a software package from a Github page?

I want to upgrade React Native Debugger from version 0.10.0 to version 0.10.2, but clicking to upgrade when the program itself prompts me isn't working because (as they indicate on their page), there's a bug that prevents this upgrade. People have suggested "manually" upgrading or using brew cask reinstall react-native-debugger. The latter doesn't work, so I was wondering how you go about manually upgrading a package like this?
You can go to the release page https://github.com/jhen0409/react-native-debugger/releases/tag/v0.10.2 and download the appropriate .dmg file (for MacOS) from there. Afterwards you can just install it like any regular .dmg.

React Native: NPM Module being uninstall each time a new is installed

I am using a package named react-native-linear-gradient which can be found here. I had to go through quite a lengthy process to eventually get the link to my project (by manually linking via the Binary link with libraries in XCode. I got it working fine, however, each time I install a new package via NPM, linear-gradient is removed from my node-modules folder.
1.Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening? (Happy to provide additional information)
2.Will this impact deployment of the application if this is not solved?
SOLVED: Downgraded to 5.7.1... It seems 5.8.0 seems to cause the same error Michael mentioned.

How to solve "Build:Unknown compiler option 'listemittedfiles'." on visual studio 2015 update 3?

After updating the NuGet Type Scripts packages, I was facing with one common build error problem "tsc.exe exited with code 1". After searching I have found the solution how to resolve it. As suggested I installed another two NuGet packages named Microsoft.TypeScript.Compiler and Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild. After installing those the tsc.exe exited with code 1 problem solved. But in the mean time a new problem arise on build "Unknown compiler option 'listemittedfiles'".
I was trying to solve it by the suggestion of this Typescript build failure.
But still there has no improvement of this problem.
Can anyone be able to provide a solution please? Please take a lots of thanks in advance.
My client project structure is looks like the image Please click here to view the image
I suggest you to try to fix this issue by installing TypeScript 2.0.6 using the following link:
Visual Studio 2015 TypeScript Tools (2.0.6 at the time of writing)
This will also point MSBuild to the proper TypeScript build, which fully supports the --listEmittedFiles command switch.
See also this answer and/or this blog article I wrote on this topic for further details and references about this issue.
I had the some problem. I found out, that I had a wrong (i.e. older) version of typescript installed (in addition to the current one) and even though the latest version was installed too, the old typescript compiler (tsc) was used.
Open a windows console and run the command following command:
tsc -v
The result should be:
If you have the latest typescript installed but don't see the version above, you probably have older versions of typescript installed, that may be the cause of your problems. Uninstall the older versions via "Programs and features" in the control panel of windows.

Combine Debian packages with libraries installed from source

On my linux (Ubuntu 11.04) development machine. I often need to install libraries from source. This always causes problems for me because the package manager doesn't consider packages installed from source when it checks dependencies. This makes the package manager worthless to me since once I install one set of libs from source (especially if they are vital to the gnome environment i.e. gstreamer), I can never use it again without screwing up my entire distro with mixed dependencies. It seems to me that it would be relatively simple to check the dependencies with pkg-config without having to worry with the deb database. I don't mind writing a little code here. Does anyone have any ideas?
Alternatively, you should look into the equivs package, which is made exactly for the purpose of creating empty .debs that will make apt/dpkg think a certain package is installed when it isn't.
Grab the source package from Debian unstable and build a .deb from that using the developer tools. If you need an even newer upstream version, you can apply the .diff.gz part of the Debian source to an upstream tarball and get a build infrastructure that has good chances of working. If if doesn't, I'm sure the package maintainer would appreciate patches to make it work with the new upstream version.
Another option would be checkinstall. It creates a .deb package containing dependency information, but also you will be able to uninstall it via package management.
