AngularJS testing callbacks to then functions within services - angularjs

I'm looking to write a Jasmine unit test which executes a callback function passed to a then function. This then function is chained to a call to the AngularJS $http service, and it's inside a custom service. Here's the code I'm working with:
app.service('myService', function($rootScope, $http) {
var service = this;
var url = '';
service.resources = {
current: []
service.insertResource = function (resource) {
return $, resource).then(function(response){
$rootScope.$broadcast('resources:updated', service.resources.current);
return response;
Here's my attempt to write a test which executes this callback, but to no avail:
describe('resource service', function() {
var resourceService;
beforeEach(inject(function(_resourceService_) {
resourceService = _resourceService_;
it('should insert resources', function() {

There are several approaches you could take:
Use $httpBackend.expectPOST
Use $httpBackend.whenPOST
Move the code in the callback to a named function (not an anonymous one) and write a test for this function. I sometimes take this route b/c I don't want the trouble of writing tests with $httpBackend. I only test the callback function, I don't test that my service is calling the callback. If you can live w/that it's much simpler approach.
Check the documentation for $httpBackend for details. Here's a simple example:
describe('resource service', function() {
var resourceService, $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
resourceService = $injector.get('resourceService');
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
afterEach(function() {
// tests will fail if expected HTTP requests are not made
// tests will fail if any unexpected HTTP requests are made
it('should insert resources', function() {
var data: { foo: 1 }; // whatever you are posting
// make an assertion that you expect this POST to happen
// the response can be an object or even a numeric HTTP status code (or both)
$httpBackend.expectPOST('', data).respond({});
// trigger the POST
// This causes $httpBackend to trigger the success/failure callback
// It's how you workaround the asynchronous nature of HTTP requests
// in a synchronous way
// now do something to confirm the resource was inserted by the callback


Spying on service dependencies

I'm curious about the best way to spy on dependencies so I can make sure that their methods are being called in my services. I reduced my code to focus on the problem at hand. I'm able to test my service fine, but I want to also be able to confirm that my service (In this case metricService) has methods that are also being called. I know I have to use createSpyObj in some way, but while the function is executing properly, the spyObj methods are not being caught. Should I even be using createSpyObj? Or should I use spyObj? I'm a but confused about the concept of spying when it concerns dependencies.
UPDATE: When using SpyOn I can see one method getting called, but other methods are not
describe("Catalogs service", function() {
var utilityService, metricsService, loggerService, catalogService, localStorageService;
var $httpBackend, $q, $scope;
) {
catalogService = _catalogService_;
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
$httpBackend.when('GET', "/ctrl/catalog/all-apps").respond(
catalogs: catalogs2
metricsService = _metricsService_;
startScope = spyOn(metricsService, 'startScope')
emitSuccess = spyOn(metricsService, 'emitGetCatalogSuccess').and.callThrough();
endScope = spyOn(metricsService, 'endScope');
describe('get catalog', function(){
it("Should get catalogs", function(done) {
catalogService.normalizedDynamicAppList = testDynamicAppList1;
catalogService.response = null;
var promise3 = catalogService.getCatalog();
promise3.then(function (res) {
public getCatalog(): IPromise<Interfaces.CatalogsResponse> {
if (this.response !== null) {
let finalResponse:any = angular.copy(this.response);
return this.$q.when(finalResponse);
return this.$q((resolve, reject) => {
this.$http.get(this.catalogEndpoint).then( (response) => {
let data: Interfaces.CatalogsResponse =;
let catalogs = data.catalogs;
if (typeof(catalogs)) { // truthy check
catalogs.forEach((catalog: ICatalog) => {
catalog.applications.forEach((application: IPhotonApplication) => {
if( !application.appId ) {
application.appId = this.utilityService.generateUUID();
} else {
this.loggerService.error(this.TAG, "Got an empty catalog.");
this.response = data;
console.log("CALLING END SCOPE");
}).catch((data) => {
this.loggerService.error(this.TAG, "Error getting apps: " + data);
this.response = null;
} // end of getCatalog()
Instead of using createSpyObj, you can just use spyOn. As in:
_metricsService_ //get the dependecy from the injector & then spy on it's properties
) {
catalogService = _catalogService_;
metricsService = _metricsService_;
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
// create the spy object for easy referral later on
someMethodSpy = jasmine.spyOn(metricsService, "someMethodIWannaSpyOn")
describe('get catalog', function(){
it("Should get catalogs", function(done) {
catalogService.normalizedDynamicAppList = testDynamicAppList1;
catalogService.response = null;
var promise3 = catalogService.getCatalog();
...other expects
//do the spy-related expectations on the function spy object
$httpBackend.flush(); // this causes the $http.get() to "move forward"
// and execution moves into the .then callback of the request.
I've used this pattern when testing complex angular apps, along with wrapping external imported/global dependencies in angular service wrappers to allow spying and mocking them for testing.
The reason that createSpyObject won't work here is that using it will create a completely new object called metricService with the spy props specified. It won't be the same "metricService" that is injected into the service being tested by the angular injector. You want to get the actual same singleton service object from the injector and then spy on it's properties.
The other source of dysfunction was the $httpBackend.flush()s location. The $httpBackend is a mock for the $http service: you pre-define any number of expected HTTP requests to be made by the code you are testing. Then, when you call the function that internally uses $http to make a request to some url, the $httpBackend instead intercepts the call to $http method (and can do things like validate the request payload and headers, and respond).
The $http call's then/error handlers are only called after the test code calls $httpBackend.flush(). This allows you to do any kind of setup necessary to prep some test state, and only then trigger the .then handler and continue execution of the async logic.
For me personally this same thing happens every single time I write tests with $httpBackend, and it always takes a while to figure out or remember :)

Unable to use httpBackend flush for ngMockE2E

I am trying to test my controller using jasmine. Basically, when the controller is created it will call a service to make http request. I am using httpBackend to get the fake data. When I try to run the test I always get the error "No pending request to flush". If I remove the httpBackend.flush() then the test fails because is undefined. Can anyone know why it happens like that? Thanks.
The code for the module is here:
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', ['ngMockE2E']);$httpBackend){
$httpBackend.whenGET('/Person?content=Manager').respond(function (){
var response = {'name':'Bob','age':'43'}
return [200,response];
The code for the service:
return {
getData: function(position){
return $http.get('/Person?content='+position);
The code for controller is:
var _this = this; ={};
_this.getData = function(position){
myService.getData(position).then(function(response){ =
The code to test the controller is:
describe("Test Controller",function(){
var controller,httpBackend,createController;
createController = function(){
return $controller('myController');
httpBackend = $httpBackend;
it("should return data",function(){
controller = createController();
The angular documentation says the following about $httpbackend for ngMockE2E:
Additionally, we don't want to manually have to flush mocked out
requests like we do during unit testing. For this reason the e2e
$httpBackend flushes mocked out requests automatically, closely
simulating the behavior of the XMLHttpRequest object.
So, short answer: it doesn't exist and you don't need it.
you are using $httpBackend.whenGET inside "The code for the module"
you should be using $httpBackend inside the test code as follows ...
it("should return data",function(){
$httpBackend.expectGET('/Person?content=Manager').respond(function (){
var response = {'name':'Bob','age':'43'}
return [200,response];
controller = createController();
also i would advise using expectGET instead of whenGET.
With whenGET you are saying if the request is made then response like so.
With expectGET you are saying ... a request will be made, when it is made respond like so, if the request is not made then fail the test.
PS if you put some console.log statements inside your controller code then you should see these log statements when you run your test suite. If not then you know your controller code is not even being hit.
also use ..
afterEach(function () {
which will force test failure if expectations were not met.

Unit testing AngularJS factory having method making http requests

I am unit testing following framework with karma and jasmine.
var userApiFactory = (function ($http, $log, $q, appConfig) {
apiFactory.logoutUser = function () {
return $http.get(urlBase + "Auth/Logout");
I am 100% sure that API that actually gets hit through above $http request is working fine and returns a promise containing some JSON data.
I have not mocked factory because all of them contains methods making HTTP requests and by testing this factory I just have to test that all methods are being called with correct parameters and those methods are subsequently making correct http requests with correct parameters.
Hence, I have rather taken an instance of original factory and referenced it. I have also created fake httpBackEnd so that actual APIs are not hit rather a fake promise with required data is being returned. My unit test looks like this:
describe('unitTesting', function () {
var jsonData = {
"logoutSucess": true
//Mocking authService
$provide.constant('APP_CONFIG', {
apiBaseUrl: ""
var mock_appconfig, httpBackend, mockUserApiFactory;
beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(function(APP_CONFIG, $httpBackend, userApiFactory, $q){
mock_appconfig = APP_CONFIG;
httpBackend = $httpBackend;
mockUserApiFactory = userApiFactory;
var defer = $q.defer();
it('mockUserApiFactory has log out method working', function(){
spyOn(mockUserApiFactory, "logoutUser");
var rcvd_data;
var res = mockUserApiFactory.logoutUser();
rcvd_data = data;
I am getting error: Cannot read property then of undefined.

How to test an error response in angular's $httpBackend?

We are using angular 1.2.x (we have to due to IE8). We are testing with Karma and Jasmine. I want to test the behavior of my modules, in case the server responds with an error. According to the angular documentation, I should just simply prepare the $httpBackend mock like this (exactly as I'd expect):
authRequestHandler = $httpBackend.when('GET', '/');
// Notice how you can change the response even after it was set
authRequestHandler.respond(401, '');
This is what I am doing in my test:
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
keepSessionAliveService = $injector.get('keepSessionAliveService');
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
$interval = $injector.get('$interval');
describe('rejected keep alive request', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn(authStorageMock, 'get');
spyOn(authStorageMock, 'set');
$httpBackend.when('POST', keepAliveUrl).respond(500, '');
it('should not add the session id to the storage', function() {
But the test fails, because the mock function is being called and I can see in the code coverage that it never runs into the error function I pass to the §promise.then as second argument.
Apparently I am doing something wrong here. Could it have to with the older angular version we're using?
Any help would be appreciated!
Something like this:
it("should receive an Ajax error", function() {
spyOn($, "ajax").andCallFake(function(e) {
var callbacks = {
displayErrorMessage : jasmine.createSpy()
sendRequest(callbacks, configuration);

How to test a service function in Angular that returns an $http request

I have a simple service that makes an $http request
.factory('projectService', ['$http', function ($http) {
return {
getProject: getProject,
getProjects: getProjects,
function getProject(id) {
return $http.get('/projects.json/', { 'params': { 'id': id }});
I'm wondering how can I test this simply and cleanly? Here's what I have so far in my test.
describe("Root App", function () {
var mockGetProjectResponse = null,
$httpBackend = null;
beforeEach(inject(function (_$httpBackend_, projectService) {
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
$httpBackend.when('GET', '/projects.json/?id=1').response(mockGetProjectResponse);
describe("should get projects successfully", inject(function (projectService) {
it("should return project", function () {
// I essentially want to do something like this (I know this isn't the right format).. but:
I want to avoid explicitly calling $http.get(...) in my test, and rather stick to calling the service function, i.e. projectService.getProject(1). What I'm stuck on is not being able to do something like this:
.success(function (data) {
.error(function () {
Since there's 'no room' to call $httpBackend.flush();
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
The usual recipe for testing promises (including $http) is
it("should return project", function () {
var resolve = jasmine.createSpy('resolve');
A good alternative is jasmine-promise-matchers which eliminates the need for spy boilerplate code.
Here's a plunker that demonstrates both of them.
Generally the one may want to keep the methods that make $http calls as thin as possible and stub them instead, so mocking $httpBackend may not be required at all.
In current example the spec tests literally nothing and can be omitted and left to e2e tests if the code coverage isn't an end in itself.
