How to use the same Identity in ASP.NET Web API and MVC? - angularjs

I have the following scenario:
MVC App - ASP.NET MVC application that has Identity installed in it.
SPA App - Angular SPA app that is located in an area inside the MVC App.
Web API - ASP.NET Web API service that is used by the SPA App.
Both, MVC App and Web API should use the same user accounts. So, now, I have the Identity installed in the MVC App. There would be a View in it that will load the SPA App and the SPA App is going to make requests to the Web API. But the Web API will work only if the user is authenticated, thus it needs a Bearer Token sent by the client. So, when the user gets authenticated in the MVC App and opens the View with the SPA App, I should somehow get a Token for the same user that is authenticated in the MVC App, place it in the SPA App, and send the token from the SPA App JavaScript to the Web API.
Is this possible? Or is there a better way to do it?

Here is what you can do , Create a new class library project . Move all identity component from your mvc project to that library. reference that project to web api project and mvc project .
i have done in couple of project where i need api and mvc . it works for me. Try this it will definitely work. let me know if you din't understand correctly

It is not a real answer to your question but if you use MVC only for bootstrapping your single page application then you may have the option to use only web api authentication. After your spa is bootstrapped then you can check if you have an authenticated user and get user specific info to customize the page for your user.
In that scenario you do not need to use MVC authentication but sometimes you may need to use sessions for situations like captcha validation (if your captcha library requires so). For such situations you can enable sessions for your specific web-api calls like below.
//WebApi Session
protected void Application_PostAuthorizeRequest()
if (HttpContext.Current == null)
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
private static bool RequireSession(HttpRequest request)
return request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath == "~/api/user" && request.HttpMethod == "POST";
Not: If you enable mvc sessions for all your web-api calls than your requests will be processed sequentially. Not recommended!
Concurrent Requests and Session State


Sharing access token from .NET MVC app to embedded react app

We have the following applications
a) We have ASP.NET MVC 4 application.
b) We have react application embedded inside ASP.NET MVC page (in the razor view)
c) We have .NET Core API application that has bunch of services secured
Now we needed the embedded react app to get the access token. Here are options:
have .NET MVC app create access token in cookie for react app to pick up and use.
have react app call a service GetAccessToken on .NET MVC app to get access token and use it as bearer token for calling APIs.
have all the react .NET Core API calls proxied through ASP.NET MVC app (no need to share access token to react app, but increases load on .NET MVC app)
have react integrate with IDP, .NET MVC app integrate with IDP separately and both get their own access tokens and use them to call protected APIs (there would be issues with double redirections once for .NET MVC login, and second for react app login and handling of redirecting to target page post login)
Can you please share your thoughts and which approach do you see as good and least vulnerable from security standpoint and why the other options not suitable? is #1 or #2 good enough solution security wise that you do not have to do #3, or #4

Moving Asp.Net WebAPI into a Separate Site from Asp.Net MVC site for AngularJS App

We have a Asp.Net MVC 5.0 project which uses AngularJS for front end. The project has WebAPI Controller in the same project and it is deployed to same website. The application is built with Individual User Account project template and uses Asp.Net Identity and Claims. There is file upload module where users upload some 100MB+ files that goes through webapi and ng-file-upload plugin. Due to increase in user base we wanted to quickly improve the upload speed by separating API alone into a separate site in a new server and scale it when needed. Since API controller is currently under ASP.Net MVC solution which uses OWIN cookie authentication the API is authorized by the cookie authentication middleware.
What is the quick way to get the API into a separate site? I beleive we need to implement OAUTH token based on the MVC site and make the new API site to consume the token by enabling CORS. If we do this we are not sure if we need to remove cookie based authentication and re-implement authentication using the new token based authentication. Are there any other approach we can take here by still using cookie based authentication for the Asp.Net MVC site and separating api into a new site?
Note- We also plan to build Mobile app using this API so we believe we have to separate the webapi into a separate site and bring OAuth token based authorization.
Thanks in advance!
If your mvc site is going to be only client side code only without any major back-end c#. This requires no security as your data comes from API which is what needs to be secured. If you dont want to seperate the two in different domains. Angular will need to read the user information being sent from the server which is why HTTPs only encrypted cookie will not work. If they are going to be different server and domain, plus you need multiple consumers of the API, you should move to oAuth and bearer token based login with refreh tokens and the whole thing. This way you can scale the api into multiple load balancers and still use the bearer token and this would be stateless. That being said you can still achieve this with cookie by storing the token in cookie that way, angular can parse and use the values and the api can validate the signature of the token and use the values. With them having to be on the same domain so they can share the cookie. This can be done without using cookie and simply using LocalStorage as well.

Use IdentiyServer or not for external login provider only web application with core

I am building a web application with Core 2.0 Web API
AngularJS 4+
SQL Server
User signup/login only through Google/Facebook/LinkedIn. I will save user info like name and email I receive from them into SQL db table. I do not have a plan to offer manual registration on my website with email and password. I do not want to maintain user credentials, forget the password, securing user passwords and all nitty-gritty around that.
As of now, there is no plan to build a mobile app. I am learning .Net Core and stumble upon IdentityServer4 as a recommended way to provide identity in core applications. I went through all docs, example and tried out few sample application. I think I am clear how configuration and workflow of identityserver.
My questions are
Is it worth employing IdentityServer4 in my architecture since my identity is external provider only? I was thinking about using default Identity with.AddCookie(), .AddGoogle() and .AddJwtBearer() to retrieve the cookie from Google/Facebook/LinkedIn, use AddGoogle AddFacebook AddLinkedIn middleware to handle callback, extract claimprincipal and set Jwt token for Angular JS app to use in its XMLHttp request.
What benefits do I get outsourcing this work to IdentityServer4 besides identity in one place best practice?
I appreciate your tiny or big feedback on this.
IdentityServer is great for handling many clients that access many protected resources. You seem to have one client (the so called AngularJS 4+ app) and one resource, the Core 2.0 Web API.
A point of clarity is that you have no need for ASP.NET Identity and all those middlewares for Google, LinkedIn, etc. If your client is truly an Angular javascript application, then it does not need a server side component like ASP.NET Core- it is simply a browser application. You can use a javascript library like oidc-client and configure your external authentication providers according to their own needs. You will receive an id_token and/or access_token to store in browser and utlimately pass to your Api Resource.
Speaking of your Api Resource, this application can validate directly with the token issuer, be it Google or Facebook or whoever.
So with this setup: (a) a browser app (Angular), (b) a server WebApi (ASP.NET CORE), and (c) and an identity/access control service (Google, Facebook, etc.) you certainly do not need any additional applications that run ASP.NET Identity or IdentityServer4. Seems like it would be easier without them.
If your Angular app is actually in an ASP.NET MVC, then the same is true.
If your Angular app and your WebApi are all part on one ASP.NET project then the same is true and all you need is an identity provider to return an id_token.

IdentityServer 4 - How to logout of all MVC apps?

I'm using IdentityServer 4. I have a setup very similar to the Identity quickstart as on the IdentityServer documentation here .
I want to be able enable a single logout from the IdentityServer web application, so that when I call this POST method, it logs out from all of the connected applications.
I have an IdentityServer web application, and an MVC web application which uses identity mediated by the IdentityServer application.
What's happening with the default setup (as per the quickstart) is that when you logout from within the IdentityServer app, if you've already logged in on the MVC web application, you will remain logged in on the MVC web application until the MVC cookie has expired.
Is there a way of adapting the quickstart so that you have a centralized sign-out method within the IdentityServer application that you can call from anywhere?
For HTTP based logout add a logoutUri to each of your clients and http://localhost:5000/account/logout should do that. You'll see an iframe with the endsession url which contains an iframe for each logoutUri that you've logged into for that session (stored in the cookie)
Make sure your account controller and logged out view match the quickstart samples.

Where is Login on App using Identity Server 4?

On an ASP.NET Core project with EF Core and ASP Identity I have 3 applications:
It will be accessed by the Angular 2 application.
In the future it will also be accessed by mobile applications.
ASP.NET MVC as a container for an Angular 2 application.
ASP.NET Core Auth with Identity Server 4.
I have a few questions about using Identity Server 4:
The Auth application should be Console or ASP.NET MVC?
Where is the Login page?
Centralized in Auth application so Auth would be ASP.NET MVC / Angular 2?
Or a login in the Web Application and one in the Mobile Application?
In case the login page is centralized in Auth application as MVC/Angular2:
3.1. In the login page I might need to display a phrase from the database.
So the Auth application can call the API in that case?
3.2. How does the Auth application verify the username and password?
Does it access the API to verify it or access directly the database?
1) Not sure what you mean by "Auth application" but IdentityServer4 is middleware for ASPNET Core. So it will be your central authority for issuing tokens for authorization.
2) The login page would be hosted within The IdentityServer4 ASPNET Core application as a normal web page powered by MVC and Razor. There is a repository with examples here.
You can do a database call and hydrate the view model with this message when a user gets directed to the login page and access that view model using normal MVC/razor patterns.
This is up to you, you may inject a repository or store that verifies users and their passwords in the controller or some other service.
If you follow the sample many things will become much clearer. If anything is still confusing let me know.
