Could you please help me with next question.
I'm trying to make registration and place call with Linphone thru C API (Windows).
I can separately successfully register with local SIP server using this tutorial
Basic registration , but I don't know how to place a call after registration using this tutorial Basic call.
The problem is that Basic registration code contains eternal loop executing while application is running:
while (running){
linphone_core_iterate(lc); /* first iterate initiates registration */
and Basic call code also contains eternal loop executing while application is running:
If to place Basic call code into first loop, program will try to place call again and again. How to make registration, and then place a call? Could you help me with that? Thanks.
My unworking code:
#include "linphonecore.h"
#include "linphone/linphonecore.h"
#include <signal.h>
static bool_t running = TRUE;
static void stop(int signum){
running = FALSE;
* Call state notification callback
static void call_state_changed(LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneCall *call, LinphoneCallState cstate, const char *msg){
switch (cstate){
case LinphoneCallOutgoingRinging:
printf("It is now ringing remotely !\n");
case LinphoneCallOutgoingEarlyMedia:
printf("Receiving some early media\n");
case LinphoneCallConnected:
printf("We are connected !\n");
case LinphoneCallStreamsRunning:
printf("Media streams established !\n");
case LinphoneCallEnd:
printf("Call is terminated.\n");
case LinphoneCallError:
printf("Call failure !");
printf("Unhandled notification %i\n", cstate);
static void registration_state_changed(struct _LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneProxyConfig *cfg, LinphoneRegistrationState cstate, const char *message){
printf("New registration state %s for user id [%s] at proxy [%s]\n"
, linphone_registration_state_to_string(cstate)
, linphone_proxy_config_get_identity(cfg)
, linphone_proxy_config_get_addr(cfg));
LinphoneCore *lc;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
LinphoneCoreVTable vtable = { 0 };
LinphoneCore *lc;
LinphoneCall *call = NULL;
const char *dest = "sip:sip2#officesip.local";
LinphoneProxyConfig* proxy_cfg;
LinphoneAddress *from;
LinphoneAuthInfo *info;
char* identity = "sip:sip#officesip.local";
char* password = "sip";
const char* server_addr;
/* takes sip uri identity from the command line arguments */
/*if (argc>1){
identity = argv[1];
/* takes password from the command line arguments */
/*if (argc>2){
password = argv[2];
//signal(SIGINT, stop);
#ifdef DEBUG
linphone_core_enable_logs(NULL); /*enable liblinphone logs.*/
Fill the LinphoneCoreVTable with application callbacks.
All are optional. Here we only use the registration_state_changed callbacks
in order to get notifications about the progress of the registration.
vtable.registration_state_changed = registration_state_changed;
vtable.call_state_changed = call_state_changed;
Instanciate a LinphoneCore object given the LinphoneCoreVTable
lc = linphone_core_new(&vtable, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/*create proxy config*/
proxy_cfg = linphone_proxy_config_new();
/*parse identity*/
from = linphone_address_new(identity);
if (from == NULL){
printf("%s not a valid sip uri, must be like \n", identity);
goto end;
if (password != NULL){
info = linphone_auth_info_new(linphone_address_get_username(from), NULL, password, NULL, NULL, NULL); /*create authentication structure from identity*/
linphone_core_add_auth_info(lc, info); /*add authentication info to LinphoneCore*/
// configure proxy entries
linphone_proxy_config_set_identity(proxy_cfg, identity); /*set identity with user name and domain*/
server_addr = linphone_address_get_domain(from); /*extract domain address from identity*/
//linphone_proxy_config_set_server_addr(proxy_cfg, server_addr); /* we assume domain = proxy server address*/
linphone_proxy_config_set_server_addr(proxy_cfg, "localhost");
linphone_proxy_config_enable_register(proxy_cfg, TRUE); /*activate registration for this proxy config*/
linphone_address_destroy(from); /*release resource*/
linphone_core_add_proxy_config(lc, proxy_cfg); /*add proxy config to linphone core*/
linphone_core_set_default_proxy(lc, proxy_cfg); /*set to default proxy*/
/* main loop for receiving notifications and doing background linphonecore work: */
while (running){
linphone_core_iterate(lc); /* first iterate initiates registration */
if (dest){
Place an outgoing call
call = linphone_core_invite(lc, dest);
if (call == NULL){
printf("Could not place call to %s\n", dest);
goto end;
else printf("Call to %s is in progress...", dest);
linphone_core_get_default_proxy(lc, &proxy_cfg); /* get default proxy config*/
linphone_proxy_config_edit(proxy_cfg); /*start editing proxy configuration*/
linphone_proxy_config_enable_register(proxy_cfg, FALSE); /*de-activate registration for this proxy config*/
linphone_proxy_config_done(proxy_cfg); /*initiate REGISTER with expire = 0*/
while (linphone_proxy_config_get_state(proxy_cfg) != LinphoneRegistrationCleared){
linphone_core_iterate(lc); /*to make sure we receive call backs before shutting down*/
printf("Shutting down...\n");
return 0;
Here is the solution from this example, use:
/* Loop until registration is OK */
do {
linphone_core_iterate(lc); /* first iterate initiates registration */
} while (running && linphone_proxy_config_get_state(proxy_cfg) == LinphoneRegistrationProgress);
instead of:
while (running){
linphone_core_iterate(lc); /* first iterate initiates registration */
After that I can call and send\receive text messages.
I am trying to work with an API of one device, but it is using a WS interface with enforced Origin header, which is giving me troubles.
In Chrome, I can open the Console while a page with the correct Origin is loaded, create the WS connection, and send/receive messages without difficulties:
Note that sent messages (in green) are always acknowledged by the server.
For reference, this is what happens if I create the connection on a different page, which results in an Origin header mismatch, reported as 404:
To sidestep this problem, I turned to C, because the rest of my program is written in that anyway. This is the code I have right now, based mostly on this answer:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <libwebsockets.h>
#define KGRN "\033[0;32;32m"
#define KCYN "\033[0;36m"
#define KRED "\033[0;32;31m"
#define KYEL "\033[1;33m"
#define KBLU "\033[0;32;34m"
#define KCYN_L "\033[1;36m"
#define KBRN "\033[0;33m"
#define RESET "\033[0m"
static int destroy_flag = 0;
static int connection_flag = 0;
static int writeable_flag = 0;
static void INT_HANDLER(int signo) {
destroy_flag = 1;
struct session_data {
int fd;
struct pthread_routine_tool {
struct lws_context *context;
struct lws *wsi;
static int websocket_write_back(struct lws *wsi_in, char *str, int str_size_in)
if (str == NULL || wsi_in == NULL)
return -1;
int n;
int len;
char *out = NULL;
if (str_size_in < 1)
len = strlen(str);
len = str_size_in;
out = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + len + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING));
//* setup the buffer*/
memcpy (out + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING, str, len );
//* write out*/
n = lws_write(wsi_in, out + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING, len, LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
printf(KBLU"[websocket_write_back] %s\n"RESET, str);
//* free the buffer*/
return n;
static int ws_service_callback(
struct lws *wsi,
enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user,
void *in, size_t len)
switch (reason) {
printf(KYEL"[Main Service] Connect with server success.\n"RESET);
connection_flag = 1;
printf(KRED"[Main Service] Connect with server error.\n"RESET);
destroy_flag = 1;
connection_flag = 0;
printf(KYEL"[Main Service] LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED\n"RESET);
destroy_flag = 1;
connection_flag = 0;
printf(KCYN_L"[Main Service] Client recvived:%s\n"RESET, (char *)in);
if (writeable_flag)
destroy_flag = 1;
printf(KYEL"[Main Service] On writeable is called. send byebye message\n"RESET);
websocket_write_back(wsi, "{\"command\":\"subscribe\",\"identifier\":\"{\\\"channel\\\":\\\"DevicesChannel\\\",\\\"share_token\\\":\\\"D0E91\\\"}\"}", -1);
websocket_write_back(wsi, "{\"command\":\"message\",\"identifier\":\"{\\\"channel\\\":\\\"DevicesChannel\\\",\\\"share_token\\\":\\\"D0E91\\\"}\",\"data\":\"{\\\"value\\\":100,\\\"action\\\":\\\"set_buzz\\\"}\"}", -1);
writeable_flag = 1;
return 0;
static void *pthread_routine(void *tool_in)
struct pthread_routine_tool *tool = tool_in;
printf(KBRN"[pthread_routine] Good day. This is pthread_routine.\n"RESET);
//* waiting for connection with server done.*/
//*Send greeting to server*/
int main(void)
//* register the signal SIGINT handler */
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_handler = INT_HANDLER;
act.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction( SIGINT, &act, 0);
struct lws_context *context = NULL;
struct lws_context_creation_info info;
struct lws *wsi = NULL;
struct lws_protocols protocol;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof info);
info.iface = NULL;
info.protocols = &protocol;
info.ssl_cert_filepath = NULL;
info.ssl_private_key_filepath = NULL;
info.extensions = lws_get_internal_extensions();
info.gid = -1;
info.uid = -1;
info.options = 0; = "websockets";
protocol.callback = &ws_service_callback;
protocol.per_session_data_size = sizeof(struct session_data);
protocol.rx_buffer_size = 0; = 0;
protocol.user = NULL;
context = lws_create_context(&info);
printf(KRED"[Main] context created.\n"RESET);
if (context == NULL) {
printf(KRED"[Main] context is NULL.\n"RESET);
return -1;
wsi = lws_client_connect(context, "", 443, 1,
"/cable", "", "",
if (wsi == NULL) {
printf(KRED"[Main] wsi create error.\n"RESET);
return -1;
printf(KGRN"[Main] wsi create success.\n"RESET);
struct pthread_routine_tool tool;
tool.wsi = wsi;
tool.context = context;
pthread_t pid;
pthread_create(&pid, NULL, pthread_routine, &tool);
lws_service(context, 50);
return 0;
The result of running the above program is this:
As you can see, the periodic pings from server to my client are being picked up, but the lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); seems to have no effect as the LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE callback never gets called. Additionally, if I call websocket_write_back() directly anywhere else, it doesn't seem to be sending anything to the server, and no acknowledgement is present either.
Is there something obvious I am doing wrong?
I found this neat wscat, where I can replicate the results from Chrome:
Now the question is, how can I interface this with my C program in a way that it can wait for the Welcome message from the server, and then send two messages?
And better yet, how to stay connected, so that my program can send multiple commands at different points of time without having to do the handshake all the time?
The reason why the LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE callback never got called was because this particular server uses non-standard handshake. So, to bypass this, I forked a fork of libwsclient and modified the handshake checking function to not fail on mismatch. I also added an optional Origin header.
Now, all I need to do in my original program is
wsclient *client;
char sync_str[6];
void mb_send(int power, char* type)
char cmd[2048];
sprintf (cmd, "{\"command\":\"message\",\"identifier\":\"{\\\"channel\\\":\\\"DevicesChannel\\\",\\\"share_token\\\":\\\"%s\\\"}\",\"data\":\"{\\\"value\\\":%d,\\\"action\\\":\\\"set_%s\\\"}\"}",sync_str,power,type);
void mb_connect()
char cmd[2048];
sprintf (cmd, "{\"command\":\"subscribe\",\"identifier\":\"{\\\"channel\\\":\\\"DevicesChannel\\\",\\\"share_token\\\":\\\"%s\\\"}\"}",sync_str);
int nop()
return 0;
int main()
client = libwsclient_new_extra("wss://","");
if(!client) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize new WS client.\n");
libwsclient_onopen(client, &nop);
libwsclient_onmessage(client, &nop);
libwsclient_onerror(client, &nop);
libwsclient_onclose(client, &nop);
I found an ugly hack to make my C program send WebSocket messages to a server via the wsta program.
It requires a text file, into which my program will append whenever it wants to send a message to the server. The new lines are then picked up in the background by tail -f, and are piped to wsta which maintains the connection. Output can be redirected to /dev/null so that the wsta output doesn't pollute the output of my program, or sent to a file if responses from the server need to be parsed.
The whole script to make this work would look like this (or you could use FIFO pipe with cat instead of a file with tail):
touch commands.txt
tail commands.txt -f -n 0 | wsta --header "Origin:" "wss://" &> /dev/null &
In the C program, I just need to write to the commands.txt file:
FILE* cmd;
char sync_str[6];
void mb_connect()
fprintf (cmd, "{\"command\":\"subscribe\",\"identifier\":\"{\\\"channel\\\":\\\"DevicesChannel\\\",\\\"share_token\\\":\\\"%s\\\"}\"}\n",sync_str);
void mb_send(int power, char* type)
fprintf (cmd, "{\"command\":\"message\",\"identifier\":\"{\\\"channel\\\":\\\"DevicesChannel\\\",\\\"share_token\\\":\\\"%s\\\"}\",\"data\":\"{\\\"value\\\":%d,\\\"action\\\":\\\"set_%s\\\"}\"}\n",sync_str,power,type);
int main()
cmd = fopen ("commands.txt","w");
I am working on a client/server program that is supposed to take user input (two integers) and allow the user to calculate those to receive an answer.
When I run my program there seems to be an issue with either connecting to the client or opening the directory and I'm not sure what it could be. I'm entirely new to setting up servers and utilizing directories to read and write .txt files to.
Here are the parts of code that I think might be wrong and causing the issues I am facing, which is the program asks for a port number to connect to (2000 is what is recommended to use) so I enter that and then nothing happens.
// PURPOSE: To run the server by 'accept()'-ing client requests from
// 'listenFd' and doing them.
void doServer (int listenFd)
/* Application validity check: */
/* Server clients: */
pthread_t threadId;
pthread_attr_t threadAttr;
int threadCount = 0;
int *iPtr;
/* Accept connection to client: */
int connfd = accept(listenFd, NULL, NULL); //if I change this to getServerFileDescriptor (another function within the code, it will continuously loop through threadNumbers and do nothing as well).
/* Malloc memory for two integers: */
iPtr = (int *)calloc(2, sizeof(int));
/*Put file descriptor in the first space: */
iPtr[0] = listenFd; // or just listenFd not sure
/* put threadCount into the second space and increment: */
iPtr[1] = threadCount++;
/* Creates detached thread for handleClient and passes the address of iPtr */
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&threadAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
pthread_create(&threadId, &threadAttr, handleClient, (void*)iPtr);
pthread_join(threadId, NULL);
void* handleClient(void* vPtr)
/* Read command: */
char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
char command;
int fileNum;
char text[BUFFER_LEN];
int shouldContinue = 1;
int threadNum;
int fd;
/* Cast void* vPtr back to an int */
int *iPtr = (int *)vPtr;
/* Assign file descriptor to a local value named 'fd'*/
fd = iPtr[0];
/* Assign thread number to local value named 'threadNum'*/
threadNum = iPtr[1];
while (shouldContinue)
memset(text ,'\0',BUFFER_LEN);
printf("Thread %d received: %s\n",threadNum,buffer);
sscanf(buffer,"%c %d \"%[^\"]\"",&command,&fileNum,text);
if(command == DIR_CMD_CHAR)
/* 1. Open the current directory (named "."). If an error occurs then just send STD_ERROR_MSG back to the client: */
DIR* dirPtr = opendir(".");
struct dirent* entryPtr;
/* If error occurs send STD_ERROR_MSG to client: */
if ((dirPtr = opendir (".")) == NULL) {
write(fd, STD_ERROR_MSG, sizeof(STD_ERROR_MSG));
/* Read as many entries that will fit into BUFFER_LEN
put as many entries into the buffer and send the buffer to client
d_name=entryPtr into the bufffer using strcat_s,
make sure buffer starts empty
add new line char using stringcat "\n"
make sure do not go over buffer lengh */
if (dirPtr)
while ((entryPtr = readdir(dirPtr)) != NULL)
int i;
int sizebuf = sizeof(buffer);
for (i = 0; i < sizebuf; i++)
/* 3. Close directory */
Here's how the correct output should look.
$ ./mathClient Machine name [localhost.localdomain]? (I just pressed enter)
Port number? 2000
What would you like to do:
(1) List files
(2) Read a math file
(3) Write a math file
(4) Calculate a math file
(5) Delete a math file
(0) Quit
Your choice? 1
Sending "l"
Here are the instructions for the code that I am having trouble with.
Implementing doServer(int listenFd) (10 Points):
doServer() should have a loop in which it waits for a client to connect to listenFd. When a client does, it should:
malloc() enough memory for 2 integers
put the file descriptor from accept() in one of those spaces
put the value of threadCount in the other space, and increment threadCount
Make a detached thread to handle this new client. I called my function handleClient(), but you may call yours whatever. Pass the address of your malloc()-ed array.
The loop should then go back for another accept().
void* handleClient(void* vPtr) (10 Points):
(Or whatever you call your function that runs a thread for the client.)
The thread id and the file descriptor are passed, but they come in as a void* pointer.
Use another pointer to cast back to int*
Save the file descriptor and thread number in local vars
free() the memory
Print the thread number and do a loop like this:
// II.B. Read command:
char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
char command;
int fileNum;
char text[BUFFER_LEN];
int shouldContinue = 1;
while (shouldContinue)
text[0] = '\0';
printf("Thread %d received: %s\n",threadNum,buffer);
sscanf(buffer,"%c %d \"%[^\"]\"",&command,&fileNum,text);
It read()s a line of text from the client into buffer[], and parses the line into a command character, fileNum integer, and quote-delineated text[] string. (The fileNum and text[] may or may not be given, depending upon the value of command.)
Then do the following operations based upon the value of command. Except for QUIT_CMD_CHAR I strongly recommend using a different function for each!
When the function ends just have it do:
printf("Thread %d quitting.\n",threadNum);
command == DIR_CMD_CHAR (15 Points):
Open the current directory (named "."). If an error occurs then just send STD_ERROR_MSG back to the client.
Copy as many entries that will fit into a buffer of length BUFFER_LEN. Be sure to put a separating '\n' after each entry.
Close the directory.
Any help would be appreciated, if you need the full code I could send that to you if that would help.
EDIT: Here are two additional functions, one called getPortNum() and another called getServerFileDescriptor() which address receiving a port number and setting up sockets for the connection. Additionally I included the main() which utilizes these.
// PURPOSE: To decide a port number, either from the command line arguments
// 'argc' and 'argv[]', or by asking the user. Returns port number.
int getPortNum (int argc,
char* argv[]
// I. Application validity check:
// II. Get listening socket:
int portNum;
if (argc >= 2)
portNum = strtol(argv[1],NULL,0);
char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
printf("Port number to monopolize? ");
portNum = strtol(buffer,NULL,0);
// III. Finished:
// PURPOSE: To attempt to create and return a file-descriptor for listening
// to the OS telling this server when a client process has connect()-ed
// to 'port'. Returns that file-descriptor, or 'ERROR_FD' on failure.
int getServerFileDescriptor
(int port
// I. Application validity check:
// II. Attempt to get socket file descriptor and bind it to 'port':
// II.A. Create a socket
int socketDescriptor = socket(AF_INET, // AF_INET domain
SOCK_STREAM, // Reliable TCP
if (socketDescriptor < 0)
// II.B. Attempt to bind 'socketDescriptor' to 'port':
// II.B.1. We'll fill in this datastruct
struct sockaddr_in socketInfo;
// II.B.2. Fill socketInfo with 0's
// II.B.3. Use TCP/IP:
socketInfo.sin_family = AF_INET;
// II.B.4. Tell port in network endian with htons()
socketInfo.sin_port = htons(port);
// II.B.5. Allow machine to connect to this service
socketInfo.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// II.B.6. Try to bind socket with port and other specifications
int status = bind(socketDescriptor, // from socket()
(struct sockaddr*)&socketInfo,
if (status < 0)
// II.B.6. Set OS queue length:
// III. Finished:
int main (int argc,
char* argv[]
// I. Application validity check:
// II. Do server:
int port = getPortNum(argc,argv);
int listenFd = getServerFileDescriptor(port);
int status = EXIT_FAILURE;
if (listenFd >= 0)
status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
// III. Finished:
So I'm trying to code a multi-threading server. I've spent an enormous time on the internet figuring out the correct way to do this and the answer as always seems to be it depends. Whenever I execute my code, the client successfully connects, and executes but when the thread terminates and returns to the while loop the whole program segfaults.
I probably could use a good spanking on a few other things as well such as my usage of global variables. The entirety of code is below, sorry for the inconsistent space/tabbing.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a basic whiteboard server. You can query it, append to it and
clear in it. It understands both encrypted and unencrypted data.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct whiteboard {
int line;
char type;
int bytes;
char string[1024];
} *Server;
int serverSize, threadcount, id[5];
bool debug = true;
struct whiteboard *Server;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_t thread[5];
/* -------------------------------------------
function: sigint_handler
Opens a file "whiteboard.all" in writemode
and writes all white board information in
command mode.
------------------------------------------- */
void sigint_handler(int sig)
if (debug) printf("\nInduced SIGINT.\n");
FILE *fp;
int x=0;
for (x;x<serverSize;x++) // Loop Responsible for iterating all the whiteboard entries.
if (debug) printf("#%d%c%d\n%s\n",Server[x].line,Server[x].type,Server[x].bytes,Server[x].string);
if (debug) printf("All values stored.\n");
free(Server); // Free dynamically allocated memory
/* -------------------------------------------
function: processMessage
Parses '!' messages into their parts -
returns struct in response.
------------------------------------------- */
struct whiteboard processMessage(char * message)
int lineNumber, numBytes;
char stringType, entry[1028];
if (debug) printf("Update Statement!\n");
// Read line sent by Socket
if (debug) printf("Processed: Line: %d, Text: %s\n",lineNumber,entry);
// Parse information into local Struct
struct whiteboard Server;
Server.line = lineNumber;
Server.type = stringType;
Server.bytes = numBytes;
// If there is no bytes, give nothing
if (numBytes == 0)
return Server;
/* -------------------------------------------
function: handleEverything
Determines type of message recieved and
process and parses accordingly.
------------------------------------------- */
char * handleEverything(char* message, struct whiteboard *Server, char* newMessage)
bool updateFlag = false, queryFlag = false;
// If message is an Entry
if (message[0] == '#')
if (debug) printf("Triggered Entry!\n");
// Create Temporary Struct
struct whiteboard messageReturn;
messageReturn = processMessage(message);
// Store Temporary Struct in Correct Heap Struct
Server[messageReturn.line] = messageReturn;
sprintf(newMessage,"!%d%c%d\n%s\n",messageReturn.line, messageReturn.type, messageReturn.bytes, messageReturn.string);
return newMessage;
// If message is a query
if (message[0] == '?')
if (debug) printf("Triggered Query!\n");
int x;
queryFlag = true;
sscanf(message,"%*c%d",&x); // Parse Query
if (x > serverSize) // Check if Query out of Range
strcpy(newMessage,"ERROR: Query out of Range.\n");
return newMessage;
if (debug) printf("newMessage as of handleEverything:%s\n",newMessage);
return newMessage;
/* -------------------------------------------
function: readFile
If argument -f given, read file
process and parse into heap memory.
------------------------------------------- */
void readFile(char * filename)
FILE *fp;
int line, bytes, count = 0, totalSize = 0;
char type, check, string[1028], individualLine[1028];
// Loop to determine size of file. **I know this is sloppy.
while (fgets(individualLine, sizeof(individualLine), fp))
// Each line shoud have totalSize - 2 (to account for 0)
// (answer) / 2 to account for string line and instruction.
totalSize = (totalSize - 2) / 2;
serverSize = totalSize+1;
if (debug) printf("Total Size is: %d\n",serverSize);
// Open and Allocate Memory
if (debug) printf("File Mode Calloc Initialize\n");
Server = calloc(serverSize+2, sizeof(*Server));
// Write to Heap Loop
while (fgets(individualLine, sizeof(individualLine), fp)) {
if (individualLine[0] == '#') // Case of Header Line
if (debug) printf("Count: %d, Check:%c, Line:%d, Type: %c, Bytes:%d \n",count,check,line,type,bytes);
Server[count].line = line;
Server[count].type = type;
Server[count].bytes = bytes;
// For case of no data
if (individualLine[0] == '\n')
// Then scan data line
if (debug) printf("String: %s\n",string);
void *threadFunction(int snew)
char tempmessage[1024], message[2048];
// Compile and Send Server Message
strcpy(tempmessage, "CMPUT379 Whiteboard Server v0\n");
send(snew, tempmessage, sizeof(tempmessage), 0);
// Recieve Message
char n = recv(snew, message, sizeof(message), 0);
if (debug) printf("Attempt to Malloc for newMessage\n");
char * newMessage = malloc(1024 * sizeof(char));
if (debug) printf("goto: handleEverything\n");
newMessage = handleEverything(message, Server, newMessage);
if (debug) printf("returnMessage:%s\n",newMessage);
if (debug) printf("message = %s\n", message);
send(snew, message, sizeof(message), 0);
printf("End of threadFunction\n");
/* -------------------------------------------
function: main
Function Body of Server
------------------------------------------- */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int sock, fromlength, outnum, i, socketNumber, snew;
bool cleanMode;
// Initialize Signal Handling
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_handler = sigint_handler;
act.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGINT, &act, 0);
// For correct number of arguments.
if (argc == 4)
// If "-n" parameter (cleanMode)
if (strcmp(argv[2], "-n") == 0)
// Get size + 1
cleanMode = true;
serverSize += 1;
if (debug) printf("== Clean Mode Properly Initiated == \n");
if (debug) printf("serverSize: %d\n",serverSize);
if (debug) printf("Clean Mode Calloc\n");
Server = calloc(serverSize, sizeof(*Server));
int i = 0;
for (i; i < serverSize; i++) // Initialize allocated Memory
Server[i].line = i;
Server[i].type = 'p';
Server[i].bytes = 0;
// If "-f" parameter (filemode)
else if (strcmp(argv[2], "-f") == 0)
// Read File
cleanMode = false;
if (debug) printf("== Statefile Mode Properly Initiated == \n");
if (debug) printf("serverSize: %d\n",serverSize);
// Otherwise incorrect parameter.
printf("Incorrect Argument. \n");
printf("Usage: wbs279 pornumber {-n number | -f statefile}\n");
// Send Error for Incorrect Number of Arguments
if (argc != 4)
printf("Error: Incorrect Number of Input Arguments.\n");
printf("Usage: wbs279 portnumber {-n number | -f statefile}\n");
// == Do socket stuff ==
char tempmessage[1024], message[2048];
struct sockaddr_in master, from;
if (debug) printf("Assrt Socket\n");
sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0)
perror ("Server: cannot open master socket");
exit (1);
master.sin_family = AF_INET;
master.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
master.sin_port = htons (socketNumber);
if (bind (sock, (struct sockaddr*) &master, sizeof (master)))
perror ("Server: cannot bind master socket");
exit (1);
// == Done socket stuff ==
listen (sock, 5);
int threadNumber = 0;
printf("But what about now.\n");
if (debug) printf("-- Wait for Input --\n");
printf("Enie, ");
fromlength = sizeof (from);
printf("Meanie, ");
snew = accept (sock, (struct sockaddr*) & from, & fromlength);
printf("Miney, ");
if (snew < 0)
perror ("Server: accept failed");
exit (1);
pthread_create(&thread[threadNumber],NULL,threadFunction(snew), &id[threadNumber]);
//printf("Can I join?!\n");
close (snew);
I'm also curious as to how exactly to let multiple clients use the server at once. Is how I've allocated the whiteboard structure data appropriate for this process?
I'm very sorry if these don't make any sense.
You seem to somehow expect this:
pthread_create(&thread[threadNumber],NULL,threadFunction(snew), &id[threadNumber]);
/* ... */
close (snew);
To make sense, while it clearly doesn't.
Instead of starting a thread that runs threadFunction, passing it snew, you call the thread function and pass the return value to pthread_create(), which will interpret it as a function pointer. This will break, especially considering that the thread function incorrectly ends with:
This shouldn't compile, since it's declared to return void *.
Also assuming you managed to start the thread, passing it snew to use as its socket: then you immediately close that socket, causing any reference to it from the thread to be invalid!
Please note that pthread_create() does not block and wait for the thread to exit, that would be kind of ... pointless. It starts off the new thread to run in parallel with the main thread, so of course you can't yank the carpet away from under it.
This signal handler is completely unsafe:
void sigint_handler(int sig)
if (debug) printf("\nInduced SIGINT.\n");
FILE *fp;
int x=0;
for (x;x<serverSize;x++) // Loop Responsible for iterating all the whiteboard entries.
if (debug) printf("#%d%c%d\n%s\n",Server[x].line,Server[x].type,Server[x].bytes,Server[x].string);
if (debug) printf("All values stored.\n");
free(Server); // Free dynamically allocated memory
Per 2.4.3 Signal Actions of the POSIX standard (emphasis added):
The following table defines a set of functions that shall be
async-signal-safe. Therefore, applications can call them, without
restriction, from signal-catching functions. ...
[list of async-signal-safe functions]
Any function not in the above table may be unsafe with respect to signals. Implementations may make other interfaces
async-signal-safe. In the presence of signals, all functions defined
by this volume of POSIX.1-2008 shall behave as defined when called
from or interrupted by a signal-catching function, with the exception
that when a signal interrupts an unsafe function or equivalent
(such as the processing equivalent to exit() performed after a return
from the initial call to main()) and the signal-catching function
calls an unsafe function, the behavior is undefined. Additional
exceptions are specified in the descriptions of individual functions
such as longjmp().
Your signal handler invokes undefined behavior.
My goal: Is to monitor the state of my network interface (mainly wireless) from my firmware (in C) by monitoring the wpa_supplicant through the D-Bus interfaces. I would like to stick with C and low-level API of D-bus.
What I have so far
I've written a small program in C, copied most of the code as is from this SO user.
I've gone through all possible tutorials on D-Bus and wpa_supplicant
My program compiles and works properly. However it does not produce the expected output.
Here's my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#define WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
#define WPAS_DBUS_PATH "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant"
#define WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicantAAA"
#define WPAS_DBUS_NETWORKS_PART "Networks"
int ret;
char signalDesc[1024]; // Signal description as string
// Signal handling
signal(SIGKILL, stopLoop);
signal(SIGTERM, stopLoop);
void loop(DBusConnection* conn)
DBusMessage* msg;
DBusMessageIter args;
DBusMessageIter subArgs;
int argType;
int i;
int buffSize = 1024;
char strValue[buffSize];
const char* member = 0;
while (1)
// non blocking read of the next available message
dbus_connection_read_write(conn, 0);
msg = dbus_connection_pop_message(conn);
// loop again if we haven't read a message
if (!msg)
printf("No message received, waiting a little ...\n");
else printf("Got a message, will analyze it ...\n");
// Print the message member
printf("Got message for interface %s\n",
member = dbus_message_get_member(msg);
if(member) printf("Got message member %s\n", member);
// Check has argument
if (!dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &args))
printf("Message has no argument\n");
// Go through arguments
argType = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&args);
if (argType == DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
printf("Got string argument, extracting ...\n");
char* str = NULL;
dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&args, &str);
printf("Received string: \n %s \n",str);
printf("Arg type not implemented yet !\n");
else break;
printf("No more arguments!\n");
// free the message
int main()
DBusConnection *connection;
DBusError error;
char *name = "org.share.linux";
connection = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error);
if ( dbus_error_is_set(&error) )
printf("Error connecting to the daemon bus: %s",error.message);
return 1;
// request a name on the bus
ret = dbus_bus_request_name(connection, WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE, 0, &error);
if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
printf(stderr, "Name Error (%s)\n", error.message);
/* Connect to signal */
// Interface signal ..
printf(signalDesc, "type='signal',interface='%s'",WPAS_DBUS_IFACE_INTERFACE);
dbus_bus_add_match(connection, signalDesc, &error);
if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
fprintf(stderr, "Match Error (%s)\n", error.message);
return 1;
// Do main loop
return 0;
List of D-bus services on my BBB
Some pointers
I would like to catch the signals as shown in the D-Bus API of wpa_supplicant.
Some things I would like to do -- see when a wireless interface say wlan0 is enabled, connects to access point etc. Also capability to set AP and stuff.
Its catching signal from other interfaces for which no match has been added.
I run this program and change the state of the networking interfaces but I dont get any signals. Also, I dont know if requesting name on the bus is necessary as I'm just listening.
What's the possible issue here? Any pointers will be really helpful.
In my program I call the function fork() and then I want the child process that fork creates to open a new terminal window.
This is the code I have right now:
* Shows user info from local pwfile.
* Usage: userinfo username
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pwdblib.h" /* include header declarations for pwdblib.c */
#include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
#include <unistd.h>
/* Define some constants. */
#define USERNAME_SIZE (32)
#define NOUSER (-1)
int print_info(const char *username)
struct pwdb_passwd *p = pwdb_getpwnam(username);
if (p != NULL) {
printf("Name: %s\n", p->pw_name);
printf("Passwd: %s\n", p->pw_passwd);
printf("Uid: %u\n", p->pw_uid);
printf("Gid: %u\n", p->pw_gid);
printf("Real name: %s\n", p->pw_gecos);
printf("Home dir: %s\n",p->pw_dir);
printf("Shell: %s\n", p->pw_shell);
return 0;
} else {
return NOUSER;
int user_authentication(const char *username , const char *password){
struct pwdb_passwd *pw_entry;
char *salt = malloc(2); // Allocate 2 bytes of memory for the salt variable
int pwdcmp; // return value after comparison
char *pwdcrypt; //the hashed password
pw_entry = pwdb_getpwnam(username); // get struct line for username in pwfile
if(pw_entry != NULL){ //If the structure exist
memcpy(salt, pw_entry->pw_passwd, 2); // Take the 2 first bits of password will be in salt
pwdcrypt = crypt(password, salt); // Hashed value
pwdcmp = strcmp(pwdcrypt , pw_entry->pw_passwd); // Compare the passwords
if(pwdcmp == 0){ // if passwords are correct return 1
return 1;
} else{
return -1; // passwords are incorrect
void read_username(char *username)
printf("login: ");
fgets(username, USERNAME_SIZE, stdin);
/* remove the newline included by getline() */
username[strlen(username) - 1] = '\0';
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char username[USERNAME_SIZE];
char *inputpwd;
int login = 0;
int pwd_failed; // Failed login counter
int pwd_age; // age of password counter
struct pwdb_passwd *pw_entry;
/*/ Until successful login, run this loop */
while(login == 0){
signal(2, SIG_IGN);
* Write "login: " and read user input. Copies the username to the
* username variable.
/* Displays a propt to password, reads in the password */
inputpwd = getpass("Password: ");
/*/ Gets the structure of specifik username */
pw_entry = pwdb_getpwnam(username);
/*/ Return the age & failed passwords counter*/
pwd_age = pw_entry->pw_age;
pwd_failed = pw_entry->pw_failed;
/* Check authentication, successful terminates program by login = 1 else
* run the program again
if(user_authentication(username , inputpwd) == 1 && pwd_failed > -1){
printf("User authenticated successfully\n");
if(pwd_age > 2){
printf("Time to change password\n");
pwd_failed = 0; // successful login resets failed atempts
pw_entry->pw_age = pwd_age; //Update age in file
login = 1;
pid_t pid;
int status;
pid = fork();
if (pid==0) {
/* This is the child process. Run an xterm window */
execl("/usr/bin/xterm", "xterm", "-e", "yourprogram", NULL);
/* if child returns we must inform parent.
* Always exit a child process with _exit() and not return() or exit().
} else if (pid < 0) { /* Fork failed */
printf("Fork faild\n");
status = -1;
} else {
/* This is parent process. Wait for child to complete */
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid) {
status = -1;
else if(user_authentication(username, inputpwd) == -1){
pwd_failed++; //increase counter by 1 of failedlogins
pw_entry->pw_failed = pwd_failed; //update failed counter in file
if(pwd_failed > 1){
pwd_failed = -1;
printf("\nWrong password: %s\n", username);
return 0;
printf("Unknown user or incorrect password\n");
return 0;
//pw_entry->pw_age = pwd_age; //Update age in file
//pw_entry->pw_failed = pwd_failed; //update failed counter in file
pwdb_update_user(pw_entry); //Update actual file
/* Show user info from our local pwfile. */
if (print_info(username) == NOUSER) {
/* if there are no user with that usename... */
printf("\nFound no user with name: %s\n", username);
return 0;
What I want to happen is for the new terminal window to run a function, which I've implemented myself. I'm not very sure on how to go about this, anyone got some ideas or directions to help?
I have edited the question now so that the entire program is visible. Below is what the program should be able to do. I have no idea how to go any further...
After a successful authentication of a user, your program should fork and start a terminal
window with the user’s preferred shell. The parent process should just wait until the child
exits and then show the "login:" prompt again.
Before starting the terminal window, the child process should set the right real and effective
user of the process, and the right real and effective group.
execl("/usr/bin/xterm", "xterm", "-e", "yourprogram", NULL);