Raspberry PI, GPIO Pull UP/DOWN resistors with SYSFS - c

Just off the bat I'd like to state that I'm aware of Python and other high level implementations for manipulating GPIO on the Raspberry PI. I've also been using the WiringPI C API and am experiencing problems with it on Raspbian Jessie that I was not having on Raspbian Wheezy even though I have not changed a single line of code. Also the WiringPI C API developer says he has no immediate plans to support Raspbian Jessie so I'm kind of up a creek without a paddle.
For this reason I've been reading the following tutorial (among others) on accessing Raspberry PI GPIOs using sysfs since this seems to be one way of addressing GPIO without using WiringPI and without writing my own GPIO library:
According to this tutorial, to set GPIO17 as an input, you write the string 'in' to the file handle:
...and then I can read GPIO input values from:
This is all well and good but I do not have the option of retro fitting pull-up resistors to my production boards. Is it possible to set the Raspberry PI's built in pull-up and pull-down resistors using sysfs?
Also, if setting the pull-up and pull-down resistors via sysfs is not possible am I correct in assuming that even in the latest Raspbian Jessie the only other way to do this is write directly to GPIO registers? i.e. even in Raspbian Jessie there is no official C API for GPIO programming?

You can use a device-tree overlay to activate the pull-ups and port direction at boot up.
You will have to modify and compile the dts (source), place it in /boot/overlays, and enable it in config.txt. The instructions are in the source header. (Thanks to PhillE for his help!)
* Overlay for enabling gpio's to pull at boot time
* this overlay uses pincctrl to initialize the pull-up register for the the listed gpios
* the compatible="gpio-leds" forces a module probe so the pinctrl does something
* To use this dts:
* copy this to a file named gpio_pull-overlay.dts
* modify the brcm,pins, brcm,function, and brcm,pull values
* apt-get install device-tree-compiler
* dtc -# -I dts -O dtb -o gpio_pull-overlay.dtb gpio_pull-overlay.dts
* sudo cp gpio_pull-overlay.dtb /boot/overlays
* add this line to the end config.txt: dtoverlay=gpio_pull
* reboot
/ {
compatible = "brcm,bcm2835", "brcm,bcm2708";
fragment#0 {
target = <&gpio>;
__overlay__ {
gpio_pins: gpio_pins {
brcm,pins = <30 31 32 33>; /* list of gpio(n) pins to pull */
brcm,function = <0 1 0 1>; /* boot up direction:in=0 out=1 */
brcm,pull = <2 0 1 0>; /* pull direction: none=0, 1 = down, 2 = up */
fragment#1 {
target-path = "/soc";
__overlay__ {
gpiopull:gpiopull {
compatible = "gpio-leds";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&gpio_pins>;
status = "okay";
__overrides__ {
gpio_pull = <&gpiopull>,"status";

user1967890's solution worked fine for me until about May 28 or 29 of 2020, then I did an apt update/upgrade and I believe there was a Raspberry Pi kernel upgrade, after which this stopped working. In any case I had to resort to using a Python solution. So I now use the following at bootup to set the pullup resistors on GPIO pins 17 and 18, and to make sure that neither the pullup nor pulldown resistors are set on GPIO 22 through 25. And yes I realize this code could be shortened by using a loop to set GPIO_PIN_NUMBER, but it only runs once at bootup, so I am not too worried about it.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
Obviously if I had wanted to pull a GPIO pin down I could have used GPIO.PUD_DOWN rather than GPIO.PUD_UP. I did not have to install anything that wasn't already present on my Raspberry Pi, although it's possible that something might have been installed during a previous software setup that would not be present on a brand new install of Raspbian.


ESP8266 RTOS SDK pin 16 declaration not found

I am working on a firmware project using ESP-WROOM-02 and a modified custom board with an ESP-WROOM-02 on it. On the custom board, I have pin IO16 connected to a hardware ON/OFF subcircuit and therefore I have to set pin IO16 in GPIO/OUTPUT mode.
However, I cannot find a declaration for pin IO16 in ESP8266 RTOS SDKS's pin_mux_register.h and I cannot set up this pin. Why is pin IO16 excluded from the ESP8266 RTOS SDK? Here is a partial schematic with pin IO16 labeled as FAN:
The pin is badly commented in ESP8266 RTOS SDK and other documentation, however, I've managed to set it up via:
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR gpio16_output_conf(void)
(READ_PERI_REG(PAD_XPD_DCDC_CONF) & 0xffffffbc) | (uint32)0x1); // mux configuration for XPD_DCDC to output rtc_gpio0
(READ_PERI_REG(RTC_GPIO_CONF) & (uint32)0xfffffffe) | (uint32)0x0); // mux configuration for out enable
(READ_PERI_REG(RTC_GPIO_ENABLE) & (uint32)0xfffffffe) | (uint32)0x1); //out enable
taken from IoT Demo GPIO16.c implementation file.

GNU ARM Eclipse: how to simulate pin input?

I want to pass sine wave data onto a pin (any possible one), so that my program would be able to read it when being run in an emulator.
How how can I pass data in the form of (time:value) or just pass a function float generatorForPinX(int time); to act as signal generator into the GNU ARM Eclipse (I use QEMU but if any other emulator is required I am willing to migrate) board emulator?
These instructions are for emulating an Olimex STM32 P103 Development Kit.
Download and build
First download and build Qemu STM32, which includes patches for emulating the ADC peripheral on the STM32:
wget https://github.com/beckus/qemu_stm32/archive/stm32.tar.gz
tar xf stm32.tar.gz
cd qemu_stm32-stm32
./configure --target-list="arm-softmmu"
cd ..
If the configure step fails, then install the missing requirements. See the README for more information.
Then download the Olimex STM32 P103 Development Kit Demos:
wget https://github.com/beckus/stm32_p103_demos/archive/master.tar.gz
tar xf master.tar.gz
Look in stm32_p103_demos-master/demos/adc_single/main.c for an example program which uses the ADC.
Run the demo application
To build and run the adc_single demo:
cd stm32_p103_demos-master
QEMU_ARM_DIR=../qemu_stm32-stm32/arm-softmmu/ make adc_single_QEMURUN_TEL
(from another terminal) telnet localhost 7777
UART2 is attached to the telnet server on port 7777, which you should see output from. See the README for more information on how to build and run the demo applications.
Looking at the source for the adc_single demo application, it has 3 different modes:
Mode 1 (the default) will read from the temperature sensor on ADC channel 16
Mode 2 will read the Vdd value from ADC channel 16
Mode 3 will read from ADC channel 8.
The modes can be selected by using a button, but since we are emulating the hardware with QEMU, the button is not available. I switched between the modes by changing the int mode = 1; value and recompiling the program.
ADC emulation
The method that QEMU uses to emulate each ADC channel is viewable in the stm32_adc_start_conv function in hw/arm/stm32_adc.c:
static void stm32_adc_start_conv(Stm32Adc *s)
uint64_t curr_time = qemu_clock_get_ns(QEMU_CLOCK_VIRTUAL);
int channel_number=stm32_ADC_get_channel_number(s,1);
// Write result of conversion
s->Vdda=rand()%(1200+1) + 2400; //Vdda belongs to the interval [2400 3600] mv
s->Vref=rand()%(s->Vdda-2400+1) + 2400; //Vref belongs to the interval [2400 Vdda] mv
s->ADC_DR= s->Vdda - s->Vref;
else if(channel_number==17){
s->ADC_DR= (s->Vref=rand()%(s->Vdda-2400+1) + 2400); //Vref [2400 Vdda] mv
s->ADC_SR&=~ADC_SR_EOC; // jmf : indicates ongoing conversion
// calls conv_complete when expires
timer_mod(s->conv_timer, curr_time + stm32_ADC_get_nbr_cycle_per_sample(s,channel_number));
As you can see, ADC channel 16 will emulate a random Vdd input, ADC channel 17 will emulate a random temperature input, and all other channels will follow a sine wave from 0 to 2048. Here is a graph of the ADC values returned from all 3 modes:
If you want to have an ADC channel use a different emulation pattern, you can modify stm32_adc_start_conv and rebuild QEMU following the steps above.

I've added a MAX7320 i2c output chip. How can I get the kernel to load the driver for it?

I've added a MAX7320 i2c expander chip to i2c bus 0 on my ARM Linux board.
The chip works correctly from userspace with commands such as /usr/sbin/i2cset -y 0 0x5d 0x02 and /usr/sbin/i2cget -y 0 0x5d.
There is a drivers/gpio/gpio-max732x.c file in the kernel source, which is compiled into the kernel that I'm running. (I've built it from source.)
How do I tell the kernel that it should instantiate the gpio-max732x driver on "i2c bus 0, chip id 0x5d"?
Do I need to modify the device tree .dts file and put a new .dtb file in /boot/dtbs/?
What would the clause for instantiating a gpio-max732x module look like?
P.S. I've seen https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/1/13/305 but I can't figure out how to get the patch files.
Device Tree
There must be appropriate Device Tree definition for your chip, in order for driver to instantiate. There are 2 ways to do so:
Modify .dts Device Tree file for your board (look in arch/arm/boot/dts/), then recompile it and re-flash it to your device.
This way is preferred in case when you have access you kernel sources for your board and you are able to re-flash .dtb file to your device.
Create Device Tree Overlay file, compile it and load it on your device.
This way is preferred when you don't have access to kernel sources for your board, or you are unable to flash new device tree blob to your device.
Your device definition in Device Tree should look like (according to Documentation/devicetree/bindings/gpio/gpio-max732x.txt):
&i2c0 {
expander: max7320#5d {
compatible = "maxim,max7320";
reg = <0x5d>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
Kernel configuration
As your expander chip (MAX7320) has no input GPIOs, you don't need IRQ support for MAX732x. So you can disable CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X_IRQ in your kernel configuration.
Matching device with driver
Once you have your Device Tree loaded (with definition for MAX7320), MAX732x driver will be matched with device definition, and instantiated. Below is explained how matching happens.
In Device Tree file you have compatible property:
compatible = "maxim,max7320";
In MAX732x driver you can see this table:
static const struct of_device_id max732x_of_table[] = {
{ .compatible = "maxim,max7320" },
When driver is being loaded, and when Device Tree blob is being loaded, kernel tries to find the match for each driver and Device Tree definition. Just by comparing strings above. If strings are matched -- kernel instantiates driver, passing corresponding device parameters to it. Look at i2c_device_match() function for details.
Obtaining patches
The best way is to use kernel sources that already have Device Tree support of MAX732x (v4.0+). But if it's not the case, then...
You can cherry-pick patches from upstream kernel to your kernel:
$ git remote add upstream git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
$ git fetch --all
$ git cherry-pick 43c4bcf9425e
$ git cherry-pick 479f8a5744d8
$ git cherry-pick 09afa276d52e
$ git cherry-pick 996bd13f28e6
And if you still want to apply patches manually (worst option, actually), here you can find direct links to patches. Click (patch) link to get a raw patch.
Also check later patches for gpio-max732x.c here.
Hardware concerns
To be sure that your chip has 0x5d I2C address, check that configuration pins are tied to next lines (as per datasheet):
Pin Line
AD2 V+
AD0 V+

SAM4S initialization in baby steps

This question may be so obvious it is stupid but I am failing to come up with an answer for it.
I am trying to make a simple makefile project for the sam4s xplained board from Atmel.
I am new to ARM and am feeling a bit lost in how to get stuff to work. Here is what I do trying to get the LEDs to work:
/* Enable clock for PIOC. */
PMC->PMC_PCER0 = PMC_PCER0_PID13; /* PIOC clock enable. */
/* Enable output for LED. */
PIOC->PIO_WPMR = PIO_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD; /* Enable writing to registers. */
PIOC->PIO_PER = PIO_PER_P10 | PIO_PER_P17; /* Enable pio 10, 17. */
PIOC->PIO_OER = PIO_OER_P10 | PIO_OER_P17; /* Set pio10 and 17 as output. */
PIOC->PIO_SODR = PIO_SODR_P10; /* Set pio10. */
PIOC->PIO_CODR = PIO_CODR_P17; /* Clear pio17 . */
But absolutely nothing happens. Am I missing something?
There should be user LEDs at PIOC 10 and 17.
Board schematics:
The problem was not in the code but in Atmel's tools used to program the board. I had been using SAM-BA In-system Programmer to program the board but for some reason it failed to change the contents of the flash. Even setting a single manually in the memory view fails.
I instead tried Seggers JLink software and did the following steps:
Update the JLink driver on the board using Atmel Studio 6 (this step requires windows).
Downloaded the J-Link software package for Linux from Segger: https://www.segger.com/jlink-software.html.
Using JLinkExe to program the board, like so:
Make sure JP25 is disconnected - only needed for sam-ba.
Connect via usb with the jtag connector.
Start JLinkExe
In the JLink terminal do:
JLink> device at91sam4s16c
JLink> loadbin <target.bin>, 0x400000
Sometimes I need to reset the board before it works after programming it. Using the Segger tools debugging also works now. Start gdb server with JLinkGDBServer and connect with arm-none-eabi-gdb using:
(gdb) target remote :2331
(gdb) file <target.elf>

STM32F2 removal of readout protection

The STM32F2 micro-controller has build in capabilities to prevent readout of application code using a debug interface. It works fine and is accomplished pretty easily by configuring the read protection(RDP) level to '1' (!0xAA || !0xCC) or '2' (0xCC which is irreversible). Except trying to turn it off is where i run in to issues.
The expected behavior when the RDP level is lowered back to 0:
The chip will perform a mass flash erase.
Followed by clearing the protection flag.
System reset
Except after a power cycle the flash has been successfully erased but the protection flag remains on level '1' (0x55) keeping the debug interface disabled. And thus preventing me from writing any new application code. It is possible to fiddle around with the debugger and force the flag to level 0 (0xAA) manually though..
Is there anyone who have had the same or similar issues with the STM32F2xx series that can help me out? I'm using the STM32 standard peripheral drivers for programming the flash.
// Enable read out protection
// Restart platform
// Disable read out protection
// Restart platform
This is because before the clearing the protection flag, and in the middle of mass flash erase, you restart the chip.
The only way to recover the chip is to use the system bootloader.
Force boot0 pin to be 1 and force boot1 pin to be 0 at power up, start bootloader then connect USB and program the chip with DFU programmer.
You can download the DFU programmer here.
I used the library as follows (it was not working without FLASH_Unlock();):
// Flash Readout Protection Level 1
if (FLASH_OB_GetRDP() != SET) {
FLASH_Unlock(); // this line is critical!
FLASH_OB_Launch(); // Option Bytes programming
No need for NVIC_SystemReset();.
Checking functionality worked best with STM32 ST-LINK utility CLI for me:
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK_CLI.exe" -c SWD -rOB
STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.0.0.0
STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface
ST-LINK SN : 51FF6D064989525019422287
ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J27S0
Connected via SWD.
SWD Frequency = 4000K.
Target voltage = 2.9 V.
Connection mode : Normal.
Device ID:0x422
Device flash Size : 256 Kbytes
Device family :STM32F302xB-xC/F303xB-xC/F358xx
Option bytes:
RDP : Level 1
nBoot1 : 1
VDDA : 1
Data0 : 0xFF
Data1 : 0xFF
nSRAM_Parity: 1
Not really a solution, but I hope this saves someone some time.
