binding ng-model to ionic popover - angularjs

Need help on this.I created the following code
When the user click on the search button after typing in some text,if the text is present in 'myArray' then it should be displayed in the popover otherwise nothing

Implemented example whenever text field contains more than 4 characters, it shows popup and hides popup when it is empty.
Following is the link


ExtJS - RadioGroup shows two selected items except one

I have implemented a pop-up window to be shown by clicking a trigger-button of a textbox, and it has a radioGroup in it. in some cases I have to check the radio based on user input.
The problem is that if I try to invoke radioGroup.setValue() before opening the popup once, I face with two selected items in radioGroup. The issue doesn't occur if open-close the popup before trying to set the checked radio.
Is it a rendering issue or something like that?!

ui.bootstrap.dropdown keeps focus when other controls are clicked

I am trying to use Angular UI's ui.bootstrap.dropdown directive where I am facing a problem. After I cilck on the caret of the dropdown and then click on anywhere in the body, then if I try to click on a text field the text field immediately looses focus and the focus goes back to the caret of the dropdown button. I am however unable to produce this behavior in a plunker. But this behavior can be produced in the Angular UI demo page. To produce this behavior -
click on one of the caret button to bring up the menu
click anywhere on the body to dismiss the menu
scroll up to datepicker popup demo section
try to place cursor in one of the text field
the text field will immediately loose focus and the page will scroll down to the dropdown button caret which was initially clicked.
I am unsure on how to stop this from happening. Any help would be highly appreciated.
It seems this behavior only exists in version 2.3.1. If I use 2.3.0 this doesn't happen. Here is a plunker which produces the same behavior -
This is a bug in version 2.3.1 and has been raised in AngularUI Github.
Links to the issues given for reference -
This bug has been fixed in version 2.3.2

highlight text in autocomplete text box

I'm trying to create a auto complete text box where when I search certain content that particular content should get highlighted for the display.
I'm getting the dropdown menu with the typed content but I couldn't get it highlighted. Can anyone suggest me a way?
try angular Typeahead directive

button click issue in Ext js

i have small query i created four text fields and one button,in text fields i gave property allowblank:true if user enter shows error message,it's working perfect.If the click the button the inserted perfect,after that the textboxes becomes empty it's showing blank errormessage.If iam using Allowblank:false it's working fine.but i require if user not enter in that textbox i need to show error message.
how can i resolve this issue.Any one can share any idea to me.
There are two solutions to do that :
1st : use a Ext.form.Panel with all your textfield and your button inside. The allowBlank : false property will check if your texfields are empty and if they are the button will stay disabled if it's got the property formBind : true. Fiddle :
2nd : use a normal Ext.panel.Panel the same way than with Form.Panel, but you will have to handle the click event on button to check that all your texfields are not empty, and display a Error Message. Fiddle :

Change view of form on click of button or checkbox

I have to make a form codename-one in which i have a check box. if check box is checked then bellow it i want to display 2 combo box and if check box is unchecked then i want to display 2 text field.
How can i do it.
I have tried setVisible(true/false) but in it space consumed by label or text field is never covered up.
Please help.
You need to remove/add the components and then invoke either revalidate() or animateLayout(int) to refresh the UI.
