How to install glibc on top of a bare Linux kernel? - c

For some reason, I'm trying to make a minimal Linux system which only has essential components to run. I succeeded in installing BusyBox on my system, but I am having trouble installing glibc on top of it.
I just followed the instructions on this site:
As per the instructions, all the libraries produced by glibc were put in the '/lib' directory. But when I tried to execute a dummy C program as follows
#include <stdio.h>
int main { printf ("hello\n"); }
the system printed a "not found" message. Presumably this message means the system cannot find the glibc libraries.
How can I make the system find the libraries in the '/lib' directory by default? If the Linux kernel already finds libraries from there by default, what could have been wrong?
The above program was put in the '/scratch' directory with the name 'a.out'. I tried to execute it inside the directory by typing './a.out'. Here is the result of 'ls' in the root directory
bin dev etc include lib linuxrc proc root sbin scratch sys usr
As I mentioned, all the glibc libraries are in the '/lib' directory.

The not found message is certainly not due to lack of libc (what exact commands did you type to get that?). Perhaps you have some PATH issue, and your shell (probably BusyBox) gave you that? Try typing the entire path of your executable....
If ldd(1) or strace(1) are available, you might want to use them.
You apparently want to undertake something very similar to Linux From Scratch.
You might be interested in musl-libc (it is an alternative to GNU glibc, perhaps slightly easier to build)
Stricto sensu, you cannot have a running system with just a bare Linux kernel, it needs at least some initial program (e.g. /sbin/init, or /bin/sh, or whatever you give thru init= thru GRUB or some other loader to your kernel)
BTW, your issue is certainly not a kernel issue, it could be some dynamic linking one (e.g. related to or whatever "interpreter" is mentioned in your ELF executable, see elf(5)). When the kernel fails to execve(2) some file, it won't output on stderr, is is giving error notice thru errno(3) (as specified by the ABI)
Use objdump(1) & readelf(1) (perhaps the cross-build variants of them) on your executable to understand what is inside it.
I recommend to read more about Linux programming before undertaking such a route.


How to make linked readline library relocatable in Cmake

Firstly, I am not sure if the title exactly words my question well but after three days of searching the web and SO for no working answer, please bear with me.
So the problem is that I have a C application where CMake is the build system. This application relies on libreadline and I can correctly find and link with it using the snippet below:
find_library(READLINE_LIBRARY readline REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(myExe PRIVATE "${READLINE_LIBRARY}")
The problem is that when I build the application on a system with say for example which is the version 8 and move the application to another system that only has or none available, I'll have to install the missing library before I can run the application. This make for a very bad user experience.
I have tried setting the #rpath before the add_executable and add_library with:
The problem is that while that correctly sets the #rpath for a shared library which forms part of the project, it doesn't do the same for libreadline. Also even if for any reason I am able to get it to work, I don't know how to get call to find_library return a relocatable library (meaning I can't bet that the was build with -fPIC or not).
Whatever I do, I can't get a local copy of libreadline in my build output directory.
Also note that this problem exists on OSX as well just using the Linux example for simplicity.
On OSX when I inspected the executable with tool -l myExe, I noticed that only the Load Command section for the shared executable which is part of my project correctly uses #rpath while the editline (OSX deadline seems to just be an editline) looks like this:
Load command 14
cmdsize 56
name /usr/lib/libedit.3.dylib (offset 24)
Any help will be appreciated. I'm quite stuck. But one thing I'm certain of it that I have seen applications that does this which means it's very possible.

Haskell: Missing C library on Arch Linux works on Ubuntu

I recently switched my PC at work from Ubuntu to Arch Linux.
And I am now getting the following error (I am using stack to build my project):
setup-Simple-Cabal- Missing dependency on a
* Missing C library: HSrts-ghc7.10.2
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
As far as I understand it, the difference in Linux Distribution should not cause any issue.
Things I have tried:
-add the path where the library is with --extra-lib-dirs
-make sure that the version of stack/ghc are the same acrose both systems
-tried unsucesfully to find a relevant difference between the 2 systems
(gcc version was different but didn't change anything)
I have a docker container based on ubutu where it builds without an issue.
The only thing I can think of is that this library gets handled differently from some random C-library since it contains the Haskell-Runtime. But I have no idea what this difference would be. Or how a differnent handling would cause an issue on my Arch System.
Here my .cabal file (the folder also contains the whole project):
Okay i figured out a workaround, instead of specifiyc the library in the .cabal file:
extra-libraries: HSrts-ghc7.10.2
you add it to your stack.yaml file:
package-name: -lHSrts-ghc7.10.2
If you also have a exectuable defined in your .cabal file this will break the executable, since the library is not only included in the library. And including the runtime library in an executable results in an instant segementation fault.

Elegant way to search for installed DEB packages in C code

My CompSci Prof gave me the task to create a simplistic C installation program. I have to search for specified DEB packages in Ubuntu and if the package not found, inform user about this and abort the program. I have implemented two ways 1)parsing popen's output for the apt-get install, and then 2) using grep to parse dpkg -l. Both ways work perfectly well, but my Prof calls them ugly approaches. Is there any non-ugly way, e.g. some specific non-Posix UBUNTU API function?
To access the Debian Package Management functionallity there is this library:
However be warned about the following from its README.api file (as per version 1.16.15 of the Debian package libdpkg-dev):
What: libdpkg.a (C static library)
Status: volatile
The API provided by this library is highly volatile, still in the process
of being cleaned up. It's only supposed to be used internally by dpkg for
now. Header files, functions, variables and types might get renamed,
removed or change semantics. If you still have a need to use it, which
you'd be doing anyway, say by locally building dpkg to get the library,
then define the C preprocessor macro LIBDPKG_VOLATILE_API in your build
to acknowledge that fact.

Overcome DLL Hell with Code::Blocks

I'm using Code::Blocks for a project. I have not used an IDE on Linux in years, so I'm a bit out of touch with Linux IDEs.
I'm working with an OpenSSL project that uses FIPS validated library. I duplicated the GCC compiler toolchain and modified it to use OpenSSL's fipsld (and set it as default).
When the project's code executes under Code::Blocks via F8, FIPS_mode_set fails with error 252104805 (0xF06D065). 0xF06D065 is:
$ openssl errstr 0xF06D065
error:0F06D065:common libcrypto routines:FIPS_mode_set:fips mode not supported
which tells me Code::Blocks is not using the OpenSSL I specified in /usr/local/ssl/lib. Rather, the program is using the non-FIPS library provided by Debian in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/.
An image of the link library settings is below. Note that the libraries are fully specified, and nothing is left to chance.
CodeBlocks is clearly doing things with LD_LIBRARY_PATH (shown below).
I've also verified the project is using the correct search directories - /usr/local/ssl/include for headers and /usr/local/ssl/lib for the linker.
With compiler logging set to "Full Command Line" set, here's what I get from the build log:
-------------- Build: Debug in ac ---------------
Compiling: main.cpp
/home/jwalton/Desktop/ac/main.cpp:8:5: warning: unused parameter ‘argc’ [-Wunused-parameter]
/home/jwalton/Desktop/ac/main.cpp:8:5: warning: unused parameter ‘argv’ [-Wunused-parameter]
Linking console executable: bin/Debug/ac
Output size is 569.67 KB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 2 warnings
I'm aware of Basile Starynkevitch's suggestions on rpath's and LD_PRELOAD tricks, but this seems like one of those things the IDE should be handling for me (Visual Studio will handle it properly, and even gives us an input box to set Working Directories to find additional libraries).
Any ideas how to make Code::Blocks use the shared objects in /usr/local/ssl/lib when executing the program under the debugger?
Your IDE instructs the compiler to link against the specified libraries, but not to load them at run time. For this latter thing to happen, you need to pass another option to the linker, namely
or, if the linker is invoked by the compiler,
Code::Blocks don't use shared objects (DLL are a Windows thing). Because Code::Blocks is simply an IDE. IDEs are glorified source code editors with the ability to run external software development tools. You could (and sometimes you should, at least to learn how things happen) edit your code with a plain good editor like emacs, and build it with commands. Your IDE is just running commands, notably a compiler and a linker, probably using gcc
So what is using shared objects in /usr/local/ssl/lib/ is the compiler and linker (and the runtime dynamic linker). BTW, /usr/local/ssl/lib/ is a very strange name for a directory containing shared objects; you should have configured OpenSSL to be installed in /usr/local/lib/ !
First, I really believe you should reconfigure and recompile and rebuild and reinstall your SSL to get it installed under /usr/local/ (or perhaps /opt/) prefix (i.e. shared libraries in /usr/local/lib).
Then you could add appropriate options for the ld linker (from binutils). You probably want -L/usr/local/ssl/lib (to the gcc command which is running ld), and you may want to pass -Wl,-rpath (see this).
I would suggest to reinstall your SSL in /usr/local/, add /usr/local/lib/ into /etc/ (or at least into your LD_LIBRARY_PATH...) and run ldconfig
Otherwise, add at least /usr/local/ssl/lib/ in front of your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and also -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ to your linking command).
Read Program Library HowTo, the answers to this, and Drepper's How To Write Shared libraries paper.
Just open the terminal and type
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/your/libraries
sudo ldconfig

Dealing with static libraries when porting C code from one operating system to another

I have been working on some C code on a windows machine and now I am in the process of transferring it to a Linux computer where I do not have full privileges. In my code I link to several static libraries.
Is it correct that these libraries need to be re-made for a Linux computer?
The library in question is GSL-1.13 scientific library
Side question, does anyone have a pre-compiled version of the above for Linux?
I have tried using automake to compile the source on the Linux machine, but no makefile seems to be created and no error is output.
Yes, you do need to compile any library again when you switch from Windows to GNU/Linux.
As for how to do that, you don't need automake to build GSL. You should read the file INSTALL that comes inside the tarball (the file gsl-1.16.tar.gz) very carefully. In a nutshell, you run the commands
$ ./configure
$ make
inside the directory that you unpacked from the tarball.
