Getting issue when implementing angular grid in mvc - angularjs

I have one MVC project where previously i used kendo controller all the things are fine there.
Now when i added angularjs ui grid in my new and used kendo datepicker so angular js was not working because of i added those angular.js script in _layout.cshtml page just after kendo.all.min.js. but did not find angularjs worked. so i removed the script from there and added those script in newly created view so angular grid is working now but the new issue i got that is Jquery function not defined for kendo datepicker. i know this issue becasue jquery.min.js it is used now in two places first in layout.cshtml and second in new view. if i remove this jquery.min.js script from new view gettting issue like angularjs injecterr. if i am using this view my kendo datepicker is not working.
If anyone who have idea to set all the angularjs script in _layout.cshtml only then it would be good.
Need help.

One more layout used in application name as MyLayout.cshtml i added those script there and removed the same from Layout.cshtml page and now angular and kendo controls both are working fine without any issue.


jsfiddle angularjs binding not working

I create a jsfiddle page:
jquery datatable with Angularjs - individual column searching
all the angularjs binding not work, it shows
which should show the actual binding content.
the external resource angularjs, cdn URL seems does not working.
the external resource angularjs cdn url does not work,
you must click javascipt setting, then choose framework & extensions, as angularjs
see screen shot

Angular material form input box styling not displaying properly

I came accross a form wizard by Afrad on github material-wizard and will like to implement it because of its angular-material properties. The downside is that the text-boxes turn out totally different from the angular styling. Is there a way to fix this? what causes this and how do you go about the fix. I have tried using ngWizard as well and face the same issue. the forms display okay without being encapsulated in the wizard directive.
A link to a plunker showing the demo is on the github page. Attached below is a snapshot of the plunker.

Angular material conflict with dirPagination

I am using the dirPagination(angular plugin) and the angular material library in one of my projects.
Description of issue: Including the angular material library cases the pagination directive to pause while switching the records from one page to another
Steps to reproduce: create a simple page and include the angular material library and the module in you app using the dirPagination,now switch across the pages
Expected result: There should not be any delay in displaying the records.
Actual result: It shows all the records at once an then hide the records not required to be shown.
Link for plunker

Angularjs - Loading a form from a template without using ng-view

I have a crud application, The situation I want is when you click in the list, the edit form will be opened up in a modal dialog or toggling from the side.
the form is a template (/templates/form.html).
If I use ng-view, everything is simple, I set the templateUrl in the router and I get the form recompiled in the view.
But since I want to still see the grid, I want to open the form above it. so ng-view is not going to work.
how can I do the following from the controller:
load the template form maybe via ngInclude remember Im in the JS controller.
Bind the model
append the form with the binded model to the html
Have you tried ?
Hope it suits your case =)

Can we rediect from Django view to some Angular View

I have been trying to google it out for quiet sometime but no luck. Can I redirect from Django view to angular view?
I mean normally when we return some some template file (like homepage.html), django looks into template or whatever dir we define and then opens up that html file. For Angular JS , we keep the homepage.html same and add ng-view in it, so that the html file stays the same ,only view inside it changes. The browser URL changes from
Before clicking on Angular View:
After clicking on some button which changes angular view:
I have posted below question but no answer or solution has been posted :
How to redirect from Django views to a specific view of angular JS
